Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Male Antennae: Harbin Notes, Warrior Energy, and Dreads, Bobs, Color, Antennae

It was first sunny day of spring for me visiting Harbin this year, when many people were sunbathing naked, and some doing yoga, on the sundeck for much of midday.


There were also a lot of people for a Wednesday in what is still winter.


I saw hints of 'warriors' in the pools. One man was wearing wrist bracelets - hinting of gauntlets and a kind of sign of strength, and a large, matching neck-amulet. This man's dark hair-style hinted, too, of a Mohawk. Another young, blond, curly-haired man energy hinted at a kind of young warrior, as well. In the Rainbow Gathering-tribe aspect of Harbin, 'warrior energy' of yore - of historical, human periods (e.g. Greeks) - isn't that far from the surface of people, or at Harbin, although most people, these days, seem a little more like they're spa visitors, than in the mid-1990s or possibly in the 60s and 70s. These differently, embodied time aspects at Harbin are fascinating to me. And all of this in modernity.


I also saw a lot of people with gray hair - a fair amount of it long-ish gray haird - contrasting, for me, with what I remember from the mid 1990s, when many people in the pools had very interesting, more youthful hair, - dreads, bobs, colors, antennae, ribbons in their hair - in colorful, hippy ways, often grouping together in group huddles and cuddles in the warm pool.


Nephrotoma alterna

Crane Fly

( - February 17, 2010)

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