Monday, March 29, 2010

Amphipod Hopcroft: She accepts and you tell her a little about what will happen in the Watsu, After virtual floating

Harbin ethnography:

She accepts and you tell her a little about what will happen in the Watsu using the voice option in Second Life. You encourage her to relax completely in the warm water, and that with your support, she'll be able to float freely and easily. You explain how you'll draw her through the water first from her head and shoulders, exploring ease of movement in a kind of watery dance, first supporting her whole body from her neck, head and shoulders, in the crook of your arm. She says she's seen a little Watsu. You ask her to please say something, if she ever feels uncomfortable or if she knows what will feel better, or more freeing. You mention how you'll focus on her breath, and that when, after some sessions, you begin to explore more elaborate movement (for example, water spirals and somersaults), you'll synchronous your movement with her breathing. Facing one another and holding each others' hands and looking into one anothers' eyes, you begin to explore breathing movement together, virtually, where with each exhale, both of you descend in the water naturally and on the inhale, you both rise at the same time. You both smile, as you both explore how this simple movement together in virtual warm water is. You tell her you'll first just float her avatar. You draw her toward you, cradling her head in the crook of your arm. As you begin to draw her through the water, you observe how relaxed she is in the warm water, and how beautiful, and where she's might be holding, and not quite comfortable. She's smiling and at ease, with her eye's shut, happy like a baby.

After just a few minutes of virtual floating ...

( - March 29, 2010)

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