Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Seven Lakes: Near the Harbin warm pool in the pool area, which is so central to Harbin life, are 6 other pools

Harbin ethnography:

... but you'll head to the Heart/Warm Pool/Pool Area soon because Rose hasn't been there yet.

You both take off your clothes and put them under the Arbor on a bench, and you begin to show Rose the pools. Near the Harbin warm pool in the pool area, which is so central to Harbin life, are 6 other pools (Figure 1.2 and SLURL). Above the warm pool is the amazingly just-right-too-hot and beautiful hot pool, where, under its roof, the hot water which warms the warm pool, emerges from a beautiful whale sculpture in metal, which the actual Bubblemeister made. Above it, and very close by with forest all around, is the cold pool, which always has fresh flowers, like both the warm and hot pools, too. Together, these three pools, as I see it, are a kind of natural perfection, set in a tiny side valley, in forest, from which the geothermal activity of hot water which shapes all of life at Harbin bubbles up out of the ground. In actual life, I sometimes explore eliciting bliss naturally, after easing deeply for some time into a kind of natural relaxation response in the body-temperature, beautiful, warm pool, often with many couples cuddling naked. I then proceed into the hot pool, and which sometimes almost of the shock of the heat, makes me smile, and experience and explore that bliss-related neurophysiology. After usually no more than 2 or 3 minutes – the water is that manageably hot, I walk very slowly, while cultivating the yogic relaxation pose, out of the hot pool house's door, up the stairs to the right, releasing all the while – sometimes making the chimes that are hanging from the tree sound, and then walk down the steps into the cold pool. This almost-too-cold experience also can elicit what I experience as, and call, the neurophysiology of natural, bliss neurochemistry in my own bodymind. I'll then sometimes go back and forth between these two pools, walking and releasing all the while, as I welcome wave-like what I experience as this bliss neurochemistry, - on and on. This developing bliss-experience is a little like changing, elated 'moods' of weather, during this to-and-fro movement between the two pools. I don't 'peak' all the time, but my inner weather can get remarkably sunny and radiant for some time. The process, as I experience it and have learned, involves both actively releasing myself, as if into the relaxation response, as well as welcoming this chemistry on, as and when it comes. This process is very enjoyable, and the hot and cold waters, the cleanliness, the other quiet people, also naked, the forest, the naturalness, all contribute remarkably to the milieu in which I explore this wonderful aspect of being human, – this natural, neurophysiological bliss. In this book, with its virtual Harbin focus, I want to explore ways in which people can elicit this pool neurophysiology, in virtual Harbin and in conjunction with digital technologies, without the Harbin pools. Rose finds the pools and this possibility wonderful, and says so.

The Heart-shaped pool has two kids playing in it with their Mom nearby ...

(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/04/seven-lakes-near-harbin-warm-pool-in.html - April 20 2010)

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