Very nice photo ... looks fun ... would be difficult to translate in any universal translator (Thanks, P. Norvig)
Some of the challenges & opportunities ahead with a WUaS universal translator include IMAGES and OPERA, INTERACTIVELY, and other culturally and symbolically rich, polysemic song and dance.
World University & School plans to be in ALL 3,000-8,000 languages, and develop an universal translator (with a focus on artificial intelligence) ... ... and
In planning for developing an universal translator, building on Google Translate and Sugar Labs' Translator and using Artificial Intelligence programming, in voice, text, video, etc., how to bring together, for example, Scots' language, as a specific example of a language/dialect, with Scottish Gaelic (and Hindi and Bengali and the other 20 official languages in India, etc.), is a fascinating question? (
In what ways can upcoming virtual Harbin (in ScienceSim, or in OpenSim?) be designed to help develop translation of both IMAGES and OPERA, INTERACTIVELY, for WUaS's universal translator (in 3,000-8,000 languages)? (Google Translate is in 58 languages, for example).
Murong neve versare lacrime guardando fuori dalla finestra, pensò la madre, non ha mai lasciato sua madre: "Mamma, hai da trasportare, si prenderà cura di tuo cugino!" Murong neve gridò.