Monday, August 6, 2012

Scalefin anathial: What's the deployment plan for languages 10 through 285 (number of Wikipedia languages) through 7,358 (per "The Ethnologue"), particularly in terms of developing community email lists (graduate students?), WUaS Universal Translator

Wikitechians and Wikidatans {Wikimedians},

It's exciting that the Hungarian Wikipedia folks will be first to deploy in Wikidata, and the Italian Wikipedia people may be the second!

What's the deployment plan, for languages 10 through 285 (number of Wikipedia languages) through 7,358 (per "The Ethnologue"), particularly in terms of developing community email lists (graduate students?)

Is there a Meta Wiki deployment page for all languages, paralleling this -

What's the current state of email lists / wiki pages for all of Wikipedia's 285 language communities? (Wikipedia is now in 285 languages, as of August 2012 -

In this deployment process, would a 7,358 language-deep, universal translator, or security questions, in TOR, for example, as part of Wikipedia, influence deployment in any heretofore unforeseen ways?

World University and School is planning for all 3000-8000 languages, each as a wiki page to begin: WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, with free, online degrees planned.

World University and School also plans to deploy in Wikidata, and in all 3,000-8,000 languages, each a wiki, subject page / school, to begin. WUaS bases this range on "The Ethnologue" - - which now says they have 6,909 languages, whereas Wikipedia says they have 7,358 languages - also plans to facilitate the development of an universal translator - - building on Google Translate and others.

So many languages, and as wikis, is wondrous ... :)

Hungarian and Italian Wikipedia rock!

Scott / Aphilo


2012/8/5 Scott MacLeod :
> What's the deployment plan, for languages 10 through 285 (number of
> Wikipedia languages) through 7,358 (per "The Ethnologue"), particularly in
> terms of developing community email lists (graduate students?)

Beyond the first few Wikipedias we plan to allow deployment on all
other Wikipedias more or less simultaneously. There is no reason not
to do so, so once it works on the first few Wikipedias it should work
on all. We know that this is wishful thinking and will monitor closely
once we do that.

For now, we do not intent any impact of Wikidata on the creation of
Wikipedias in further languages, a process which firmly rests with the
language committee.


> Is there a meta wiki deployment page for this?


> What's the current state of email lists / wiki pages for all of Wikipedia's
> 285 language communities?

You can find them here, as far as available:
You will see that many languages don't have their lists yet.

> World University and School is planning for all 3000-8000 languages, each as
> a wiki page to begin: .

I wish you all the best luck with your plans!



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