Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Southern bluefin tuna: Global, online, free degree movement, The 'market' of students, by offering free degrees, who want online degrees is potentially great - really great - such that WUaS may be able to educate a body of overachievers in an unique way, WUaS's C.C. MIT OCW focus, with a Reed College conference method in a Google + Hangouts, will potentially offer a highest quality degree, and will also develop as the web, educational technologies and the internet develops, MIT's motivation in creating C.C. MIT OCW

Hi G, and Universitians,

When I clicked on the Law subject at Australia's University of New England's UNEOpen, - - I didn't find much, but it's interesting to see that this university organization in Australia is building on the global, online, free degree movement, in a specific country.

And the 'market' of students, by offering free degrees, who want online degrees is potentially great - really great - such that WUaS may be able to educate a body of overachievers in an unique way.

I think WUaS's C.C. MIT OCW focus (, with a Reed College conference method in a Google + Hangouts (, will potentially offer a highest quality degree, and will also develop as the web, educational technologies and the internet develops.

One of WUaS's goals is both to attract overachieving high school students, and perhaps create them, by creating a very enjoyable, MIT OCW, interactive, learning experience, so that flourishing, enjoyable ('flow' experiences - 'absorbed mind - challenge at the right level') overachieving can be learned, and measured. How is a fascinating question and process.

And California BPPE approval and WASC senior accreditation will help WUaS to avoid a lot of pitfalls that universities have been through in the past.

When I looked up here - - MIT's  motivation in creating C.C. MIT OCW, especially in terms of business, it had to do with

- positioning  MIT in the distance learning market

- MIT's mission (to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century) and

- is true to MIT's values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.

I think WUaS can build on all of this, and not only in the U.S. but worldwide in all 7,105+ languages and 204+ countries, in WUaS's seeking to become the online MIT / Harvard of the Internet.



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