Friday, December 20, 2013

Crimson Sunbird: Traveling to India and Classical Indian Music online

Hi P and G,

Nice to talk with you in India last night, P. And thanks for this learning opportunity in terms of visiting you as family friends, either soon or by postponing my trip on December 26th, 2013, - and thinking also in terms of my upcoming trip to India business-wise vis-a-vis WUaS. (My India tourist visa is for 6 months, so traveling to India in July / August as you have also suggested would involve another cost in getting a new visa).

I appreciate how you, P (as Financial and Arts' adviser to WUaS since November 2011), continue to talk about the importance of WUaS asking 'Gurudakshana' (donations to the teacher) vis-a-vis WUaS - as a MUST (in the context of India, culturally, I take it, perhaps as part of the social understanding around learning musical instruments, etc., there), - and vis-a-vis Classical Indian Music lessons - see ... - as well as the WUaS Music School - Apart from the Creative Commons' licensed, MIT OCW-centric, university degrees which would be free and involve taking 32 courses online for a free, WUaS, undergraduate degree, for example, I've long considered, and wondered about, for live, online, music lessons in the WUaS Music School (in all languages and potentially all instruments, each a wiki, subject page, to begin), about asking for a kind of tuition, and here, with this trip, learning culturally-economically from India possibly (but perhaps differently from WUaS country to country - - and language to language - I could imagine that being able to tell people in India, friends of yours, for example, and others, on this WUaS networking trip that WUaS is going to ask a kind of 'Gurudakshana' for online, Skype/G+ Hangout, music lessons, etc., for example, could be important, even for eventual Indian (WUaS fundraising) contributors, because this would be a familiar, age-old, musical pattern, and would thus be something they understood, could agree with, and could then possibly donate toward WUaS for, in a fundraising way. And both also could become more actively part of WUaS's business planning process, and set up processes of generating WUaS income. Ah, language and cultural diversity around music learning.

As a post-script, I'm including a 'Thank You' note to B, a friend of WUaS who donated $100 via WUaS's Paypal account 3 days ago below, about one way this might work.

And you, G, work, in part, on strategic planning about high speed internet access (vis-a-vis real, real time music making eventually) at Cisco in the south bay of the San Francisco Bay Area!

And I appreciate, G, how in your email yesterday you implied that there are fundraising opportunities vis-a-vis WUaS in India.

So it sounds like you, P, could manage my coming to visit in a kind of extended family way on December 28th, but perhaps it would be better to postpone, so I'm inquiring, about the costs of postponing/canceling, as well as the costs of a one-way flight to Kolkata to visit the Ms on January 1st, 2014, and I'll call you, G, soon about this, and possibly you, P, as well.

With best wishes,


Dear B,

Thank you so, so much for your $100 donation to World University and School's

PayPal account - -  two days ago

(accessible from here -!

WUaS welcomes, appreciates and greatly needs such resources!

Looking forward to talking soon.

Happy holidays, and warm greetings to your family!


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