Sunday, October 23, 2016

Canna: Thank you for the photos in my Harbin book!, Just held a little Quaker Meeting on my own at Stanford among the white and pink camelias :), Heading monentarily to the Founder's Day celebration in the museum, What hath the Stanfords wrought?, How can one explore trace the ethos/culture/milieu/discourse of Stanford University from the three Stanfords to the excellence and California laid-backness of today?, Finding two new Boards out of the faculty of Berkeley Law (not students), and then further engaging University of California 10 campus's infrastructure+, including pay scales

Jaima, S!

Just gave "Naked Harbin Ethnography" in book form - - for you to the kind person at the entrance to Sweet's Ballroom who said he'd give it to you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for permission to use the photos of you in my Harbin book!

Namaste and happy Yoga, Harbin and ecstatic dance!

Hi Donald and Mari,

How are you? Greetings from the little acoustic stone circle at the side of Stanford Memorial Church. Just held a little Quaker Meeting on my own here among the white and pink camelias. :)

Heading monentarily to the Founder's Day celebration in the museum.

Happy meetings of friends!,

Do you both sit everyday as if in Meeting? 

I'm a daily sitter as such, and meditator, at home, with much appreciation of the inner attunement, releasing and centering.

Great, Mari, and Donald,

Thanks for your email Mari.

As I sit tomorrow morning, I'll tune in further to humility and gratitude, but for me, like in Quaker Meeting, sitting in half lotus (both sides) in the morning involves a kind of inner releasing action, a centering down, an easing which leads to a harmonizing and sometimes a kind of inner "clearing."

Sometimes joy and even bliss bubble up in this process. I also, having taught yoga (Angela & Victor and Iyengar-informed) for a few decades, come into Yoga mudrasana (closing or sealing, involving bending forward fully) at the close of sitting on each side.

In my evolutionary biologically informed Nontheistic Quakerism, too, the inner soup of my inner body (sounding rather New Agey here:) opens. Friendly SPICES (simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship) come up for me as well at times in this sitting process (with parallels to sitting in Quaker Silent Meeting).

Thank you.

Friendly regards, Scott


How can one explore trace the ethos/culture/milieu/discourse of Stanford University from the three Stanfords to the excellence and California laid-backness of today?

Dear Bill, 

It occurred to me over night that finding two new Boards out of the faculty of Berkeley Law (not students), and then further engaging University of California 10 campus's infrastructure+, including pay scales (on both WUaS's non-profit and for-profit sides) to create new online CC universities in about ~200 countries' main languages would make a lot of sense - if this were at all possible and worth exploring. It would spread the work for you, - and Berkeley Law faculty and UC staff and faculty are already getting paid. And Berkeley and UC have the infrastructure, the knowledge and the public mission, and would benefit too in a variety of ways from such an arrangement. 

Open WUaS monthly business meeting could continue to meet for an hour, and could develop communications with the each Board's presidents (Berkeley Law faculty?) of both WUaS's non-profit and for-profit sides. 

What do you think about these ideas? 

Thank you again. 




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