Monday, May 7, 2018

Proteaceae: "Thoughts about WUaS re @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress," World University and School's Hangout on Air - May 8, 2018, Google has many languages, and their ecosystem is robust, so am also curious to work with Google in starting online university bookstores that are multi-lingual. May have to hand-code this emerging from Google Analytics

World Uni & Sch - Your Questions, Ideas & Thoughts about WUaS re @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress"

Dear Ajit, VJ, Peter, Nicolai and Mircea, 

Thank you for joining the WUaS Hangout on Air today. Its recording is already available here - (accessible from ).

I'm posting the text chat from the Hangout on Air with WUaS links below. 

Thank you,

Peter Bothe
10:08 AM
Hello Scott and Nicolai
Scott, can you please post the link to your YouTube page here in the chat. I would like to see if the YouTube chat works today.

VJ Mohan joined group chat.

Ajit Mishra joined group chat.

Ajit Mishra
10:33 AM
Thanks, i am on the hangout.

Peter Bothe
10:34 AM
Sorry, I have to go. My Hangout starts in about 20 minutes. Great to meet you all. See you next time.

Peter Bothe left group chat.

Nicolai Gaspar left group chat.

Nicolai Gaspar joined group chat.

Nicolai Gaspar
10:56 AM
I need to go out,sorry!Was a pleasure meeting you dear Scott,Agit, VJ and Peter

Nicolai Gaspar left group chat.

Mircea Sabau joined group chat.

Mircea Sabau
10:57 AM
there is an echo from Dj side

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

Thanks so very very much for your news, Prasanna, Mohan, and All!

And very nice to have visited and stayed with you in Srinagar Colony, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, a few years ago, Prasanna! Thank you again so much!

I was just in a Google group video with VJ Mohan who is originally from Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India, but who has lived in Silicon Valley - via Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA (in the 1970s) - for a long time. Ajit Mishra from Bangalore was also in this video Hangout, as you'll see if you watch it. The video offers a conversational overview of World University and School, and about our WUaS Co business wing too - the WUAS Corporation, which is planning to create online and on-the-ground stores in all ~22 official languages and their states in India - for university books / computers and robotics - for our matriculating students from India. These students will be studying for free MIT OpenCourseWare-centric Bachelors' degrees (and eventually PH.D., Law, MD and IB high school degrees) online, but first in English - from their homes, beginning this autumn. Please let World University and School know about any students who might be interested in these free MIT-centric World Univ & Sch online degree programs:

Dear Ajit, VJ, Peter, Nicolai and Mircea, 

Thank you for joining the WUaS Hangout on Air today. Its recording is already available here - (accessible from ).

I'm posting the text chat from the Hangout on Air with WUaS links below. 

With very best wishes, 

(See the Hangout text chat above ... )

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Hi Ajit, (and Peter and VJ),

Thanks for your email, and sounds good. Please invite your friends to the upcoming open World Univ & Sch group video Hangouts on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 am Pacific Time ( If they're interested and you introduce us by email, I'll invite them directly with emails from the Hangout itself.  

Google has many languages, and their ecosystem is robust, so am also curious to work with Google in starting online university bookstores that are multi-lingual. May have to hand-code this emerging from Google Analytics. 

Let me see what VJ says here re Tamil speakers, since he's a coder. VJ?

Just blogged about his Nagapattinam here today - ...

What are your main languages, Ajit, and where do you live in India? Am curious about a WUaS online / on-the-ground bookstores in main cities in each of all ~22 official languages in India.

Cheers, Scott

Hello Scott. I am living in a beautiful city and economical and export hub of eastern India. I am living in Bhagalpur, the main manufacturer and export hub of silk cloths and food products. This city is located at eastern part of northern India and second largest business city after Kolkata in the eastern part of northern India. My main language is Hindi. In India here is some languages are listed in eighth schedule as a working language, but Hindi in Devanagari script is only official language in India. People can work in any language but they have to provide its translation in Hindi if they are working in any office or industries. Hindi is primary language of 65% of Indians and secondary language of 35% of Indians. English is also common in India. lots of words are same in Hindi and English both. Grammar are also nearby same. So people of India are comfortable with English also. Many local language in India and Indian subcontinent are just locally modified language of Hindi. Language like Urdu, Nepali, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Assamese etc all are just localized form of Hindi.

Tamil and Sanskrit are the the ancient language language of India and Tamil is existing with its all beauty and power in today's India also. Tamil is our pride and we Indians have to protect Tamil to know our great ancient culture. Now today it is main language of Tamilnadu states of India. Many people outside from Tamilnadu states are trying to learn Tamil language and literature to know our ancient pride.

Sanskrit is a great ancient Indo- European language and main language of ancient India. But now today this language is only important in religious activities of Hindu, Buddhist and Jainism religion and as a part of family languages in Brahmans and Anglo- Indians families. 
Finally this is a short survey of languages in India.

Thanking you


Google has many languages, & their ecosystem is robust, Am also curious to work with Google in starting online university bookstores that are multi-lingual May have to hand-code this emerging from Google Analytics … -



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