Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Mauritius day geckos: Deutschtalk: Hangout Thema: Diskussion - Arbeitsalltag (German language Hangout Discussion - Everyday Work), Does Narendra Modi (India's PM) @narendramodi wear Khadi?, Are computers & programming languages the new spinning wheel & Khadi?, Thinking about how this sense of creative envisioning which vision is enjoyable might work neurophysiologically (re questions of consciousness even), MD psychoanalysis is a thinking person's profession, Here's Volcano Alert (in Lego WeDo2 robotics) in the front left, Re online psychiatry at WUaS, and even psychoanalysis in all 200 countries' official languages - here's Harvard's George Eman Vaillant MD ... Stanford's Phil Zimbardo's thinking seems particularly relevant here, too


Deutschtalk: Hangout Thema: Diskussion - Arbeitsalltag
(German language Hangout Discussion - Everyday Work)


Peter, thanks for this! ... is the text-chat on the side saved by any chance and in a post-able way, for future reference - and for people who might even be teaching classes where having a record of such text-chat would be invaluable for learning? - Scott





1:00 - Peter - Was koennte man vielleicht an einem Arbeitsalltag verändern?

1:20 - Doro - Hallo Peter, und Alle.

1:40 - Scott - Hallo Alle, World University und Schule wird auch Deutsch unterrichten.

Stanford University's Law Professors - Barbara van Schewick und Roland Vogl

Uebung - Vorlesung

(Text we read in this "Diskussion - Arbeitsalltag" discussion (in German) -


6:00 - Peter - Ich fühle mich bei der Arbeit gestresst - ja, natürlich.

7:10 - Scott - Ich finde es grossartig dass du fragst ueber stress -

10:10 - Peter - Ich arbeite 30 Stunden pro Woche - um Freizeit ...

12:00 - Peter - Universelles Grundeinkommen

12:30 - Scott - Ja, es wird diskutiert - heute Abend gab es ein Stanford Law Vorlesung, aber es war cancelliert (cancelled).

13:10 - Scott - Stockton Experiment

14:30 - Angestellten (employees)

14:50 - Scott - World University and School ist noch ein Startup. Wir haben noch nie Angestellte

15:10 - Scott - Gehen wir in der Richtung von Stanford und Google für Stress Denkweisen.

16:00 - Scott - Vielleicht arbeite ich für World University und Schule fünfzig Stunden pro Woche. ... Bis jetzt, kriege ich kein Geld davon. Stress?

16:35 - Peter - Scott hat Stress ...

17:00 - Scott - neue Ideen kommen ... schreiben

18:50 - Doro - Leistungsfähigkeit - Höchstens in der Nacht (als Sie jung war), aber jetzt ...

19:20 - Peter - kreative Ideen

21:00 - Scott - California General Election am sechste (6) November 2018.

26:00 - Scott - den Chef oder die Chefferin

ein Buch von John Hennessy geben, und das heisst "Leading Matters"


Stanford employees koennte von zu Hause arbeiten

aber der boss ist John Hennessy in diesem Sinn ...

27:10 - Doro - hast meine Buch gelesen

27:30 - Scott - von zu Hause arbeiten

28:10 - Scott - in der neue Firma - sind Roboten (I show a Lego WeDo2 Volcano Alert robot I made) - billiger als in Fabrik.

28:55 - Peter - dein Robote besser zu Hause bauen - Heizen

31:20 - Scott - Blockchain mit Universelle Grundeinkommen ?

33:45 - Scott - Gibt es Google und Stanford in Bremen? ... Der Pavel Richter von Wikimedia Deutschland in Berlin ...

37:35 - Scott - Peter, wenn du den Chef von World University and School oder the WUaS Corporation waere ...

38:55 - Peter - Aktien besitzer (stock owners)

41:30 - Peter - ein Arbeitsstellung bei Google ist sehr beliebt

43:50 - Scott - Wenn du Peter mit Eric Schmidt reden koennte ... Ich trage jetzt Khadi, und dass war sehr wichtig für Gandhi ...

44:50 - Sundar Pichai

46:20 - Scott - WUaS ... von Google heraus ... ?

47:00 - Peter - Google stehen in Konkurrenz mit FB ...

48:45 - Peter - Konkurrenz ist competition

51:00 - Peter - Google tot?

* * *

Does Narendra Modi (India's PM) @narendramodi wear Khadi? https://twitter.com/narendramodi/status/1052211684889096192 Yes, "he always wear Khadi kurtas & Khadi..." https://www.quora.com/PM-Modi-promotes-Khadi-but-do-he-ever-wear-clothes-made-of-khadi Indian PM stresses importance of Khadi http://in.china-embassy.org/eng/zywl/t1340394.htm Are computers & programming languages the new spinning wheel & Khadi?

... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khadi




* * *

Good morning, M,

Hope you slept better with your furnace working again, now that you have heat. How did you sleep?

Had a vision of making lovely food this morning, a lovely dish (not sure what - just a making a lovely cooking creation for a meal) ... it's was a moment of creative envisioning - thinking about how this sense of creative envisioning which vision is enjoyable might work neurophysiologically (re questions of consciousness even). Could one cultivate such a creative envisioning process and apply it to other creative expressions in life, like practicing a musical instrument I wonder.

But am aware too that the west coast is a haven for kinds of freedom too (in the 2010s still) ... so I'm still circulating with regard to finding a partner to begin a family, in a somewhat old-fashioned way. The poly stuff (which has a history at Harbin, as in annual polyamory workshops, for ex.) isn't the direction I want to head in in having a family.  As an anthropologist appreciating cultural and countercultural influences on life, and living post-1960s and in the SF Bay Area, am appreciating too a kind of Scottish as well as India old-fashioned-ness in terms of pair-bonding and families. And Dad and you had a fairly traditional marriage over many decades, as a model, for example (and I recall that childhood friends in New Haven thought of Dad as 'strict' I think - possibly in these regards above too). But tempus fugit, and am seeking to begin a family soon-ish.

MD psychoanalysis is a thinking person's profession ... analyzing the mind and in terms of therapeutic outcomes and re conceptions of the unconscious, and languages, as well ... if WUaS could facilitate a new school of psychoanalysis, it would be great to get Stanford students studying in this school, since they're high achieving smart and California/The Farm informed culturally as well (thinking Stanford's Phil Zimbardo's thinking here too).

On with 2nd poetry book writing here ... (just sent this email below to Barbara Salisbury, which you might enjoy)

Love, Scott


Hi Barbara,

Very nice to see you last night at music-making. Have fun learning Bach!

Here's Volcano Alert (in Lego WeDo2 robotics) in the front left -

https://youtu.be/mOwp-uhzLcA - but which doesn't run in this video, where the other two robots do run. (The robot I brought last night to SCD also had a part that had fallen off - the green top bit with 2-3 'lights':) ... as a FYI :)

And here -

https://youtu.be/jxZlERJ6QOY - this young Turkish kid shows Volcano Alert working around the 40 second mark. And you can get a sense of how the programming works and the other little 'bots' in the project work here -

https://youtu.be/1zTUEcCuPX8 - (in Greece!).

Perhaps we'll be able to make musician robots out of Lego robotics in a few years ... and with the help of the Scratch drag and drop programming language (I'll need to get an newer Operating System on some computer to play with Lego robotics and Scratch) :)

For something else, kind of out of the blue too, you might enjoy this Tweet::

Does Narendra Modi (India's PM) @narendramodi wear Khadi?

https://twitter.com/narendramodi/status/1052211684889096192 Yes, "he always wear Khadi kurtas & Khadi..." https://www.quora.com/PM-Modi-promotes-Khadi-but-do-he-ever-wear-clothes-made-of-khadi Indian PM stresses importance of Khadi http://in.china-embassy.org/eng/zywl/t1340394.htm Are computers & programming langs the new spinning wheel & Khadi?
- https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1052220675014848518
- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1052219467361468416
- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1052219640191938561

Am curious to explore connecting further with Leonie Kriett ... and possibly re beginning a family even ... but it's not clear how to.

Enjoy your new computer, and musical explorations - in a learning conversation!

Cheers, Scott

* *

I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/mOwp-uhzLcA?a  LEGO WeDo2.0 Volcano Alert


* * *

Hi Ed, and Dick, and All,

Re online psychiatry at WUaS, and even psychoanalysis in all 200 countries' official languages - here's Harvard's George Eman Vaillant MD ...
" ... where the avatar bots might even remember an individual's unique history and language, and learn from them in the listening process? ..."
"My job is not to tell you what I believe. My job is to help you understand what you believe."

Pollination: A new online California School of Psychoanalysis, Lacan (post Freud) and subsequent great psychoanalytic theorists don't take into account   https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/01/pollination-new-online-california.html

Stanford's Phil Zimbardo's thinking seems particularly relevant here, too - if WUaS emerges out of Stanford Medicine and OCW there (since MIT doesn't have a Medical School), and here is Phil in 3 office hours fascinatingly from 2009 - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2009/05/evolution-basin-anthropological-poetry.html

It's the way Lacanian George Alexander MD learned psychoanalytic theory, and learned as a good psychiatrist - re learning at Yale as an undergraduate (evolutionary biology, philosophy of mind, linguistics, poetry) - that is a fascinating opportunity re both an online California psychoanalytic school in all ~200 countries' official and main languages, and re avatar bots as emergent MD psychiatrists re machine learning and chat bots.

Cheers, Scott

* * *

I'm curious about what thoughts this group might have about the structuring of spiritual institutions, more specifically leadership models. Almost all Western religious groups have a professional clergy(who sometimes are seen as speaking for God)-except for Quakers. What do you see as the advantages of the non-professional model in general and in the evolvement of non-theistic ideas? 
- Stan H. 


Scott MacLeod worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com

9:39 AM (4 hours ago)
to nontheist-friends
From Quaker founder George Fox ... to unprogrammed liberal Quakerism (which engages the idea of 'professional Quakers' - i.e. employees on Cherry Street at Friends' Center in Philadelphia plus FGC employees & AFSC employees) ... to NtFs / ArQs online emerging re FGC and with the NtF planning email list, and those who have been most active in organizing NtFs at FGC for many years?

Here's the Haverford / Harvard Professor of Divinity, Henry Cadbury (who accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947 on behalf of American Friends Service Committee, and American Quakers, since British Quakers were a joint recipient) ... from the Encyclopedia Britannica ... https://www.britannica.com/biography/George-Fox ...

They {early Friends} offended religious leaders both religiously and politically by their contradiction of the ministers in the churches (based on Fox’s view that ministers “bred at Oxford or Cambridge” were not qualified to be spiritual leaders in the churches) and by their refusal to honour officials, to take oaths, or to pay tithes. 

I see an organizing process emerging organically for NtFs out of liberal un-programmed tradition of Quakers (which doesn't and still hasn't engaged the idea of 'clergy' - instead consistently eschewing the idea for centuries even).

Am curious what other NtFs think ... 

Thanks, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 



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