Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Leaf beetle (Lilioceris lilii): Yo-Yo Ma's playing of Bach's glorious Cello Suites, and my ongoing exploration of eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology when and as one wants this, and in a NtF way too * * * Thanks for your edifying Stanford talk - ""The Contemporary" Dr. Barbara von Bechtolsheim: Literary Couples - Transforming Trauma"

Thanks so much Barbara, Bill and Non-theist Friends, 

Feels somehow very Quakerly (to me) for Yo-Yo Ma to witness (in the manner of Friends in many ways) to a kind of social and political injustice by playing his cello at the US- Mexico border as a way to create unity, or reconciliation, or bring people together in a divisive / divided place (literally between nation states), - but this time via music and in a sense therefore non-theistically Friendly-wise (to me) since the idea of the divine, the inner light, the spirit, God/Goddess isn't in this F/friendly air, in this friendly witness with social justice in mind. How about you?

Re Yo-Yo Ma's playing of Bach's glorious Cello Suites, and my ongoing exploration of eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology when and as one wants this, and in a NtF way too - so not waiting on the Divine Light, or an idea of the spirit, or similar to move one, Quaker-wise, to the valley of love and delight re the old Shaker / Quaker hymn - it's these two Ma versions of the 6 Bach Cello Suites that get me 'there' again and again 

Yo-Yo Ma - Bach Suites #1, #4 & #5 (with the pink cover) and 

Cello Suites Yoyo Ma inspired by Bach cd1 (this PBS version) - to qualities of loving bliss neurochemistry, or neural cascades of pleasure, to describe this in different words, and experientially, Friendly-wise. What brings you to qualities of bliss - or getting in the zone of 'love and delight' brain chemistry-wise perhaps as one observes this too re meditation, and re questions of consciousness as well? A conversation about the variety of (meditative?) qualities of loving bliss neuro-chemistries can generate further explorations. (And sometimes it just bubbles up when I'm sitting in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool re meditation there - oh, how to understand this further to possibly help facilitate other people eliciting this?:)

Have recently created a Pinterest Board called "loving bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology)" - - and while I've explored some of these ideas and experiences somewhat in these 5 letters - - and related, it's in trying to add images re these neural experiences in ways that actually get me "there" (like music does) ... or could get you there (pick your music, or images, or media or mdma or ...), that I found myself seeking to explore loving bliss eliciting in new ways (re Pinterest Boards as a image-oriented catalog of ideas). So on the above Board, you'll see some A) Grateful Dead images, B) Nikhil Bannerjee Raga images (particularly when he was playing in the late 1960s / early '70s and in Berkeley and Amsterdam as I understand this), C) Yo-Yo Ma images, D) a model of the MDMA molecule, and lastly E) Matisse's 'Life of Joy,' or 'Joy of Life' (which?:) painting, which I've long had posted to my Friends' Dalton Letter - (near the bottom) - with many references to Quakers and NtFs as well. 
Guess I'm a bit of a bird of paradise re eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology, and am interested in exploring this further re conversation teaching and learning. (There's an editable wiki subject for this at World Univ & Sch - - so please edit away, and re the NtF wiki school(s in many languages eventually) as well - .

Am listening to Yo-Yo Ma play 1, 4, 5 presently - - and it's so lovely! :) Is it possible to 'heighten' or deepen this consciously, as if by meditating or sitting in Friends' Meeting or in the warm pool at Harbin (from home in a virtual Harbin from a bath tub?:) There's an aspect of letting go - inner bodymind releasing action - where loving bliss seems to bubble up / flow more intensely (for me) ... what is this consciousness re related meditation process (I ask myself)?  ... but further way opening ahead ... 

How about all of you and eliciting loving bliss and especially possibly re NtF meditation? And what do you think about Yo-Yo Ma's playing Cello at the border? (Thanks for sharing these with the list, Bill and Barbara).

NtF Friendly Cheers, Scott

* * *
Tuesday, April 16, 10:01

Dear Barbara, (and Emily),

Thanks for your edifying Stanford talk -

""The Contemporary" Dr. Barbara von Bechtolsheim: Literary Couples - Transforming Trauma" ... - and very nice to talk with you afterward. (I was reminded too of some of the Celan poetry I've read - IN DER LUFT, da bleibt deine Wurzel, da, in der Luft").  Am seeking here to open communication as well. (In your talk, I found myself re-visiting aspects of the academic milieu I experienced while studying in Munich for 13 months in 1981-82 at LMU/in a Reed College program - was irgendwie sehr angenehm war. Vielen Dank).

Would it be possible please to see again that slide you said you could share?

In addition to the World Univ & Sch card I gave you, I also left my actual-virtual Harbin ethnographic book card on the podium at the close. Harbin Hot Springs itself is very transformative of trauma, and it occurs to me that some literary couples may have explored this there, but none come to mind at this moment. Arthur Miller too probably had some Esalen Institute contacts (see Jeffrey Kripal's book), although I couldn't find anything about this with Marilyn Monroe. (Harbin Hot Springs' founder since ~1972 can 'look to' Esalen, too). How a place can be healing re "transforming trauma" - and potentially now via virtual place (a research focus of mine) - are fascinating questions (for me).

Re my question in the Q&A, I'd be interested in exploring with you finding examples of transforming trauma into bliss or great happiness "Seligkeit" in poetic literary communication (what I could also call now 'riffing') between literary couples (e.g. among the 24 literary couples you've studied) which you may have touched on in mentioning Ingeborg Bachmann's euphoria and similar) - and consciously, in the way poetry and literature can create a kind of 'consciousness' in words. And how could one best further explore (literary) couples engaging writing poetry together as conversation explicitly toward loving bliss elicitation (a little akin to musicians playing a duet, or jazz musicians improvising together ... and getting to 'space' or to a kind of 'loving freedom' in music making) - and like (somehow) exchanging information technologies (i.e. or loosely like playing from similar musical scores) too?

I'd like to mention too CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric Germany World University and School - - and the German language wiki subject page - - both planned in German and to become a major online university offering free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D. and I.B. high school degrees. WUaS is seeking to become the Stanford / MIT / Harvard of the internet in each of all ~200 countries' official / main languages, and to create wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,111 living languages.

How best to communicate further about some of this? Thank you for your very interesting talk.

Freundliche Grüße,


~ ~ ~ ~

- -

Just retweeted two Tweets mentioning you here (and am active on Twitter too - are you?) -
Languages-World Univ: (Berkeley)

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.

Dr. Barbara von Bechtolsheim
Tue, Apr 16, 11:17 AM (1 day ago)
to me, Emily

Dear Scott,

many thanks for your kind response to and interest in my talk and also for sharing some information about your fascinating project - which I don’t quite understand yet, but I will try.

I am going to send you the two summaries tonight or ASAP, at the moment I am on my way to Berkeley. But I am tempted to at least answer part of your intriguing questions:
When I say „transforming trauma“ I am referring first and foremost to finding a livable way to remember, to integrate, to go beyond personal or historical disaster. As much as I love the idea of Seligkeit (what an amazing word!) and of happiness in relationships here is the trick: generally speaking poets write letters and/or poems to their beloved in their absence which tends to cause feelings of loss, sadness, unhappiness. Whereas when they are ultimately happy with each other there is no need or no space to distract them from that happiness. However, I recommend that you have a look at the Bachmann-Celan correspondence „Herzzeit“, there are passages, and I quoted from some of them, which seem to deepen the relationship.

From all the writings and paintings I have studied I would conclude that this exchange is much more complex than „happiness“, it is about opening your deepest self, it is about loving awareness for the other, and it is about sharing the most important issues, values, feelings. And in that regard transforming trauma is moving on with life, maturing, personal growth and growing as a couple.
In my seminars I encourage participants to write brief letters, poems, prose pieces, but of course, there are other ways to communicate through the arts: discussing a poem or a work of art, comparing works of art, exploring a short story. I have done all of this in previous seminars - which proves to me that poetry, art, literature are relevant with respect to cultivating a happy relationship.

What are your thoughts on this?

More when I get back to my computer.

All best,

Scott MacLeod
Tue, Apr 16, 1:38 PM (1 day ago)
to Barbara, Emily

Dear Barbara,

Many thanks too for your prompt email. And thanks. Computer just died, so I'll be brief and write more later.

" generally speaking poets write letters and/or poems to their beloved in their absence which tends to cause feelings of loss, sadness, unhappiness"
... Happiness too due to receiving (or writing) a loving letter ... and the related (symbolic) connecting? :) Connecting warmly (wondrously as well) is (has been) important for me (re past mutual loves) ... (Not too many poems on connecting as a couple in my recent book - 'Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss' (which wonderfully revisits the traveling to the Rainbow Gathering in national parks ... and the visiting and soaking in Harbin Hot Springs, and the poetry of Canyon, California 94516) but will explore further ...

Looking forward to meeting again.

Sincerely, Scott

Scott MacLeod
Tue, Apr 16, 1:45 PM (1 day ago)
to Barbara, Emily

Es freut mich auch dass du ueber die Liebe schreibt und denkt ... und mit Ehe ('couples') darueber zusammen redest :)

Es waere interessant mehr zusammen darueber zu schreiben. Fuer Seligkeit als 'loving bliss' habe ich ein blog label -

Alles Gute,

Dr. Barbara von Bechtolsheim
Tue, Apr 16, 8:42 PM (19 hours ago)
to me, Emily

Scott, ultimately, it is all about love - as life energy and as erotic energy. More tomorrow, I am crushed, it´s been a long day.
But yes, definitely loving bliss! Why else should people commit to each other?

Scott MacLeod
10:14 AM (5 hours ago)
to Barbara, Emily

Liebe Barbara, (auf Englisch "Loving Barbara" klingt nicht total richtig und ist nicht oft geschrieben, aber wäre literarisch interessant zu verwenden),

Die Liebe 'as life energy and as erotic energy' - als Lebensenergie und als erotische Energie - strömt vom Beginn des Lebens durch die Welt. Ich hoffe auch, dass du gut geschlafen hast und dass du ausgeruht bin, auch wenn es zu einem Jetlag kommt - und leider bald abreisen. Liebevolle Glückseligkeit kann, wenn sie dazu beiträgt, eine Beziehung zu entfachen, im Zusammensein wachsen und sich entfalten sowie Gedichte und Literatur gemeinsam schreiben. Aber wie kann man dies am besten im Duett des Kommunikationsprozesses (von literarischen Paaren) und mit dem (musikalischen) Ensemble von Lebensfreunden, Kollegen und der ganzen Welt fördern?

Emily, ich schätze es sehr, dass Sie in dieser Hinsicht eine gute Ehe haben (und deutsch-englischsprachig, siehe oben). Auf der Suche nach einem Partner (Freundin, Freundin, Partnerin, möglicherweise Ehefrau und werdende Mutter), Barbara, erwarte ich den Funken, sich natürlich mit einem Freund zu verbinden, der offen ist, Kinder zu haben - und möglicherweise Glückseligkeit zu lieben 2 vorherige gegenseitige Lieben, aber manchmal auch wundersame Beziehungen), aber nicht nur. Lebensenergie hat in einem engagierten Paar viele Ströme (Stränge in einem Zopf). All dies sind auch Fragen, die sich an zwei Menschen richten, die sich untereinander und mit der liebevollen Glückseligkeit in der Luft und in unserem Körpergeist (erotisch und lebensenergisch) für mich engagieren. (Wo frage ich mich? - eine 28-jährige MD in Stanford, ein Postdoc auf Deutsch?, oder jemand mit strahlendem innerem Licht oder innerer Schönheit).

Und wie kreativ man mit der Zeit liebevolle Glückseligkeit entwickeln kann, die ein Paar zu Beginn gut zusammenbringen könnte (frage ich mich)? Literarische Kommunikation kann helfen.

(Einige zusätzliche Absätze unten :)

Ich wünsche Ihnen eine großartige Heimreise, sehr nett, Sie kennengelernt zu haben, und vielen Dank für Ihr weitreichendes Gespräch über Stanford, Barbara.

Herzliche Grüße, Scott

Loving Barbara,

Love 'as life energy and as erotic energy' flows from the beginning of life through the world. I also hope that you have slept well and that you are rested, even with possible jet lag - and am sad too that you have to leave soon. Loving bliss, when it helps ignite a relationship, can grow and unfold in being together as well as writing poetry and literature together. But how best to nurture this in the duet of the communication process (of literary couple) and with the (musical) ensemble of life friends, colleagues and all around?

Emily, I appreciate greatly that you have a good marriage in these regards (and German-English language-wise, re above). In seeking myself a partner (friend, girl friend, partner, potentially wife and mom-to-be), Barbara, I await the spark of connecting naturally with a friend who is open to having kids - and re loving bliss potentially (especially re 2 previous mutual loves, but in other past sometimes wondrous relationships), but not only. Life energy has many many streams (strands in a braid) in a committed couple.

All of these are also questions re 2 people committing to one another and with loving bliss in the air and in our body minds (erotically and life energy-wise), for me. (Where is she I ask myself? - a 28 year old MD at Stanford, a post doc in German? or someone with radiant inner light or inner beauty).

And how creatively to grow loving bliss over time, which could well bring a couple together in the beginning (I ask myself)? Literary communication can help.

Have a great trip home, very nice to have met you, and thanks for your far-reaching Stanford talk, Barbara. Looking forward to staying in touch in many ways (and not only re World Univ & Sch online - would you like to head Germany WUaS initially from Germany? -  but also re World Univ & Sch's Academic Press too, planned in each of all 7,111 living languages with machine translation for STEM and poetry; Think Google Translate for this conceptually with people, but also re WUaS think CC-4 MIT OCW in 5 languages, Wikipedia in 300 languages, and the Google ecosystem for a realistic virtual earth/Harbin and much else: Google Street View with Time Slider / Maps / Earth / Tensor Flow for machine learning / Google Education / Google Hangouts / Google's Youtube; thinking too the group build-able Second Life / Open Sim; see Bernhard Drax re SL - - with avatar bots, and for individuals and species; but realistic, and at the cellular and atomic levels. Re the Humanities and WUaS, see this recent blog post to Professor John Hennessy - ). I find much creativity meaning-wise going between German and English re the above. Thank you in so many ways for these communications.

Warm regards, Scott

(Laptop is in the shop, and am able to use an old laptop as back up).

I meant Henry Miller re Esalen, not Arthur Miller, and found this in these regards (and re Harbin and literary couples too):
Henry Miller
The Lodge | Esalen
In the 1950s, the Lodge was a restaurant and gathering place for the Big Sur community including Henry Miller, who lived on Partington Ridge. He'd soak in the ...

Not sure about Arthur Miller, Marilyn Monroe and Esalen ...

PPPS Does Ted Hughes at all explore some of these questions, or other literary couples among the 24 you have studied? Will check out "Herzzeit."

PPPPS In what ways could a couple traveling together to actual Harbin Hot Springs both open possibilities in the above regards (but also possibly put cultivating loving bliss between a committed couple at risk, I also ask myself) .. and further generate remarkable literary creations by literary couples? :)

Dr. Barbara von Bechtolsheim
10:50 AM (5 hours ago)
to me

Scott, before I have to run:
Yes, of course, it was Henry Miller - I did not want to correct you on that. I don´t think it would have been Arthur Miller´s kind of experience. But a lot of good people used to go there.
I recall a job interview years ago when the person in charge later told me: Barbara, you sound like you have been to Esalen for too long - which disqualified my for the US Embassy. Two years later they hired me.

I honestly appreciate your offer to head your World Wide University from Germany. I will definitely mull over it for the next 11 hours on the plane. And look into it in more detail when I get back.

It breaks my heart to leave, to me honest.
Warm regards,

Dr. Barbara von Bechtolsheim
Pestalozzistraße 88
10625 Berlin

Scott MacLeod
12:30 PM (3 hours ago)
to Barbara

Dear Barbara,

Parting is such sweet sorrow. How did Schlegel translate this? (... Amother interesting literary couple). As head of Deutschland Welt Universitaet und Schule, how could you bring a Stanford ethos / Kultur into a virtual space (in Google group video Hangouts, Youtube, a realsistic virtual earth for STEM+, usw.), and differently from a MIT ethos in Cambridge, MA, or a TUM ethos, z.B. - I ask myself, und auf Deutsch? Please pardon my DEnglish.  If you were to do this, would you not be at Stanford / the SF Bay Area virtually from Berlin? This is kind of the idea of a realistic Harbin and earth - and in ways which might inform literary couples' love even - and a very creative opportunity in WUaS seeking to create an online Stanford / Harvard in each of all 200 countries' official languages (and in 7000 Sprachen). Bitte grüße an die Wikidata/Wikipedia (in 300 languages) Menschen in Berlin. (Google Translate by the way is in about 100 languages, so there about 6900 living languages to go ... and for so many academic careers as well).

Komm gut nach Hause, Barbara, und vielen Dank.

Herzliche Grüße, Scott

* *



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