Monday, April 1, 2019

Petunia 37: Musical-Aphilo (Scott MacLeod) G+ posts

The Highland Sessions  ... BBC... stellar ... ... like the women's singing here especially ... To Scotland World University - - and - Celtic Music - ? Planned in many languages, especially ...
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A Toast to "Doinna" McSherry ... ... To Uilleann pipes: ? Planned in many languages ...
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Namaste, Friends ... have you participated in language hangouts for learning English much? Creative Commons' licensed (so free) World University and School would like to organize these (and for Spanish too, but we haven't yet) ... seeking to hold Hangouts around 8:30 am Pacific Time (California) on Saturdays around the world (AND MUSICAL HANGOUTS TOO eventually)  ... Best wishes, Scott

Namaste, Friends ... have you participated in language hangouts for learning English much? Creative Commons' licensed (so free) World University and School would like to organize these (and for Spanish too, but we haven't yet) ... seeking to hold Hangouts around 8:30 am Pacific Time (California) on Saturdays around the world (AND MUSICAL HANGOUTS TOO eventually)  ... Best wishes, Scott
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To Finding_/_creating_a_job_you_really_love ... Planned in many languages ...
"You have to look for the things in your everyday work life that give you joy, and find ways to bring more of those into your job.” +Harvard Business Review 
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Thank you for this informative video, especially! To the "Mozart" wiki subject for open teaching and learning at CC World University - ? Planned in many languages ...
When we think about what music sounded like in the past, we often talk about the differences in the instruments, or the differences in composition style. But one thing we rarely think about is how technique itself has changed. Christina Kobb (of the Baratt Due Institute of Music in Oslo) has been researching 19th-century piano technique books, and learning how to play in the 19th-century style. It's quite different: the performer sits straight upright, with the elbows touching the body, rather than bent over the keyboard with the elbows wide as we do today. This creates a different effect: rapid cross-keyboard jumps are easier (because your elbows help you navigate), but dynamic range is lessened. (Because you don't have your full body weight, only fingers)

To study this further, she's teaming up with motion capture experts, and soon we'll have a fully 3D image of all the aspects of how 19th and 20th century piano technique differ – and from there we'll be able to understand which aspects affect both difficulty and the quality of the performance.

Those who want to learn significantly more can watch this half-hour video of Kobb's, in which she discusses the technique in depth, for an audience of pianists.

h/t +Russ Abbott 
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Frank Zappa is so creative and this is great ... RIP Theodore Bikel ... to Singing at WUaS - or ? Singing is planned in many, any languages (out of 7,929+)
Thank you so much for posting this! RIP Theodore aka Rance......
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To Black_Studies ... ... at WUaS? Planned in many Languages
On this day, 24 July 1990 #NelsonMandela agreed with Joe Slovo’s argument to suspend the armed struggle 
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Quite nice this - ... and it gets "there" ... to that space of freedom and bliss even ... novelly and musically ... skillfully too :) He's played a lot in his life, Tim Edey that is ...
Quite nice this - ... and it gets "there" ... to that space of freedom and bliss even ... novelly and musically ... skillfully too :) He's played a lot in his life, Tim Edey that is ...
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Kathryn Tickell with Northumbrian Voices

To Northumbrian language World University and School ...?

 .... better dialect ... ...
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The Great Kathryn Tickell ...

Kathryn Tickell Band på Kristinehallen Falun Folkmusik Festival 1992

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I hope World University and School's submission will help a lot of SF Bay Area High Schoolers with free (since CC) best STEM-centric college degrees which are enjoyable and excellent ... ... (See, too - Thank you, Google Impact Challenge | Bay Area!
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Think I might go busk with my Scottish Small Pipes in San Francisco ... Fisherman's wharf?
Northumbrian pipes played in Cumbria

Such a beautiful sound. =)
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Kathryn Tickell - 'Air Moving' +

To Northumbrian_smallpipes at WUaS

planned in many languages. Check out the related piping wiki page links here.
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Beautiful sounding and harmonious Scottish Small Pipes - 
I've just added a new photo with my
Scottish Small Pipes to my piping web page - .
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PM Modi seems to be Gujarati - "Narendra Modi at Tribal Rights & Empowerment Program in Vansda" ... ... Gujarati language World University and School isn't yet begun, but you can see the link for the Gujurati language WUaS, and begin it, here - - in Gujarati, and it will also be accessible here - +
PM Modi seems to Gujrati too - "Narendra Modi at Tribal Rights & Empowerment Program in Vansda" ... ... Gujrati language World University and School isn't begun yet, but you can see the link for the Gujrati language WUaS and begin it here - - in Gujrati, and it would be also accessible here - +
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Gujarat Headline ... in Gujrati language in India ... it's a greeting ... Gujrati language World University and School isn't begun yet, but you can see the link for the Gujrati language WUaS and begin it here - - in Gujrati, and it would be also accessible here - +
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Playback of trills and other ornaments as well as glissandi and bends has arrived in MuseScore 2.0.2. Upgrade now!
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To Biology at WUaS?
HMS cell biologists are mapping protein networks in the human “interactome" to better understand how they function.

Image: Harper and Gygi labs

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To Black Studies at WUaS ?
Bobby Seale’s …..Constitutional democratic peoples’…
Community control of police. On the ballot in 1969, in Berkeley California.

I was the founding Chairman and National organizer of the Black Panther Party. I created an organization, my BPP, in October of 1966 and our first organizing tactic was to “legally” observe the police in our Oakland/Berkeley California black communities. We had law books, tape recorders, and very legal loaded arms as we recited the law to the police. When the police said to us, “You have no right to observe me!” …and we responded with : “No, California State Supreme Court ruling states that every citizen has a right to stand and observe police officers carrying out their duty as long as they stand a reasonable distance away. A reasonable distance in that particular ruling was constituted as eight to ten feet. We are standing approximately twenty feet from you. Therefore we will observe you weather you like it or NOT!”

Today one cannot carry law books, ten point programs and legal arms like we did because the laws have changed. Today, and as I have been pointing out, the cell phone video technology is the best documentary tool to record police brutality and murder of our black and brown and oppressed citizens.

During those hard core late 1960s racist/fascist times we took a big chance with our lives patrolling the police. It was a time of rampant vicious police brutality and murder of black people by police that was ten times worse than today... We had declared that the racist police occupy our community like a foreign troop occupy territory. That fact remains today especially with the militarized police forces in our communities all across America.

The concept of a greater peoples’ community control of their police department is a constitutional democratic necessity. It is the opposite of a racist fascist corporate control by city council politicians controlling and exploiting people with the police departments. Unarmed people of color are too many times being murdered.

The community control response concept is not about violence, i.e., NOT about murdering police. This concept of a peoples’ control of police had in the past, nor in the present, nothing to do with assassinating police, but more to solving all the problems we see presently, in Baltimore where the duly elected, very progressive, State's Attorney for Baltimore, Marilyn J. Mosby took action for the people, and specifically with how the Ferguson police department which Eric Holder’s report addressed.

The revelations that came out of the Justice Department’s investigation of the Ferguson Police Department may be shocking to some, but not to 67% of the African Americans who live in the community of Ferguson, Missouri. Their previous investigation in the shooting death of Michael Brown did not indict police officer Wilson, as it should have, but it most definitely indicted the police department, the city council, and court system in Ferguson for violating black peoples constitutional democratic civil-human rights.

What has come to light from the Justice Department’s investigation is far beyond the usual complaints of racial profiling. The report, as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. described, was laden with examples of racial bias, descriptions of discriminatory practices and allegations of police abuse. As Holder put it, it was “a highly toxic environment, defined by mistrust and resentment, stoked by years of bad feelings and spurred by illegal practices.” These practices were shaped by revenue rather than by public safety needs. When a police department has collected more than 1.3 million off the backs of the poorest people in their community and 3 million more projected for the current year putting pressure on police to deliver on these revenue increases, or when arrests from 2012-2014 account for 93% of the 67% of African Americans in the community and the disproportionate numbers of arrests, tickets and use of force which stemmed from “unlawful bias” rather than black people committing more crime, then maybe Holder’s comment that the Justice Department would do whatever is necessary to reform the Ferguson police force, even if that meant dismantling it, should be in order.

The Justice Department issued precise orders aimed at wholly changing the way police and residents often wind up interacting, which seemed to me a weak Band-Aid approach. Instead we need to mold and restructure police departments that work to protect us rather than exploit us. We need a step by step process to go about doing this.

Back in 1964-1965, I worked with the Youth Jobs Program in Oakland. My mandate was one of touring and knowing city government and the police departments. I had my youth question the police about the brutality and racism at the time.

With the Black Panther Party I did what I could to organize people to use the ballot to change the police department. The Black Panther Party was so legal that the powers that be had to make a law to stop us from patrolling the police. And during that time I got to know certain policemen who gave me helpful information. I wanted to get the racists out of the police department and get progressive police leadership that would honestly serve the people of the community. I told the youth they had to understand what it meant to be responsible to your community and I detailed to them all the methodology on how to do this.

The Black Panther Party put together in its campaign for greater community control of police, which would work in Ferguson and other cities. The Party actually put a “Community Control of Police” referendum on the ballot in Berkeley, California. My people’s control of police concept was set up in four different cities in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area: San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond and Berkeley. The Black Panther Party, working with all different organizations and groups, crossing all racial and ethnic lines, was able to get enough signatures to place the referendum on the ballot in Berkeley, California only.

This was basically community control of the police.

Our referendum/measure first called for real community investigative powers. Rather than the standard appointment of a police chief our referendum called for a tri-level body of duly police commissioners to be duly elected by the people of the community. Most important referendum called for three community review boards with not less than five members duly elected to each of the three community board members. These review boards would have the investigative power to questionable police shootings, undue, unnecessary force and community complaints. If the board found in their investigation unnecessary force was used or complaints more than credible, then the people’s voice would be heard. With that method, we the people would rise above their internal police affairs, i.e., police “investigating” police. By having elected members as a people’s investigative body and from there recommend action to be taken against the police misconduct. Right after I was put in jail, but all the community organizers got all the necessary signatures and put this referendum on the ballot in Berkeley California. The referendum lost by only one (1%) percentage point.

“Black Lives Matter,” which has become a very large movement since the killing of Michael Brown, was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murder. “Black Lives Matter” is a call to action and a response to the virulent anti-black racism that permeates the American landscape. We have momentum with this movement and programs need to be put together. Revolution is not about any need of violence. It is a need to organize and then re-evolve greater community empowerment into the hands of the people: a greater more profound political, economic, ecological and socially justice empowerment.

Bobby Seale speaks, inspires, illuminates and details all the practical how-to’s for greater Constitutional democratic “Community Control” grassroots "electoral" empowerment organizing connected to two immediate social/economic goal objectives:

Ending rampant police brutality and murder …and

Developing environmental ecological youth jobs projects.

Mr. Seale’s REACH programs are in opposition to RIGHT WING Tea Party people attempting to stop him from speaking at universities with his inspirational lectures, enlightening Q & A workshops, and power point presentations on the very relevant sixties to present day protest movements. How youth must organize electorally and progressively in hundreds of local city communities like Ferguson, taking over many city council seats and county supervisor seats to make progressive new laws that curtail and stop militarized police and the murder of unarmed black youth in hundreds of local city communities like Ferguson and Baltimore. Also new laws ending exploitation, and brutality, and simultaneously developing multi-thousands of ECO-youth jobs. How and why we must do it in today’s overdeveloped high tech fast paced computerized scientific social order.

Mr. Bobby Seale advocates…how we have to R.E.A.C.H.
Reclaiming, Recycling and Re-evolving * Ecological Economic Enviro-Empowerment * Around All-Peoples Artistic & Active * Creative Cooperational * Humanism *

Contact Bobby Seale:


‪#‎BobbySeale‬ ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ ‪#‎blackpanthers‬ ‪#‎blackhistory‬ ‪#‎blackpantherparty‬

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Enjoying this by June too ...

... very British European ...
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Here's a Steeleye Span DOCUMENTARY - "Steeleye Span - Electric Folk (BBC Four) 1974" ... - which is already posted on the Folk_rock_music - - and is a party in a great house as well ...
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