Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Chagres National Park (Panama): WUaS's edX Online Campus Inquiry ~ World Univ & Sch can begin this autumn to offer online (CC-4 MIT OCW-centric too) WUaS PhD degrees (with an estimated 7 year completion time at first) via the edX course platform initially * * * [Medianthro] thoughts provoked by discussion on effects * * * Oregon 'hippy communities' in early 1980s, Reed friends & Brooklyn St house, w Betsy next door!, People's Food Coop - pics


1st PhDs this autumn! 


 can offer free to students' online (re CC-4 #WUaSPhDs (with estimated 7 year completion time at first), via the edX course platform initially ~ ~ & in partnering with edX anew-in addition to Bachelor degrees :)

WUaS's edX Online Campus Inquiry ~ World Univ & Sch can begin this autumn to offer online (CC-4 MIT OCW-centric too) WUaS PhD degrees (with an estimated 7 year completion time at first) via the edX course platform initially


Matthew, (& Larry),

Thanks so much, and what an amazing collection of edX courses. 

I'm glad to learn from your edX perspective that World Univ & Sch can begin this autumn to offer online (CC-4 MIT OCW-centric too) WUaS PhD degrees (with an estimated 7 year completion time at first) via the edX course platform initially - in addition to WUaS Bachelor degrees. This is great and the spreadsheet of edX you shared is a great place to start, and WUaS will seek to explore beginning our PhD programs perhaps with edX 'Advanced' undergraduate courses, if such might become part of the first year of a PhD program for our WUaS prospective students (all of whom will be learning with English as a second language, and newly on the edX platform too - big learning curves, both). 

In preparing personally for an upcoming Harvard Philosophy online colloquium (on Hegel's view of world history) with Boston University's Sally Sedgwick (your University) - - I came across this HarvardX video taught by Harvard Architecture Prof. Michael Hayes, 

Hegel's history - HarvardX Prof Michael Hayes 

and see now that it's part of this HarvardX course - "The Architectural Imagination" ... (line 260 in the current edX spreadsheet you shared). It's very idea-rich, and philosophical even, as a talk on architectural creativity in part. This single 5 minute video makes me wonder how, not only to offer idea-rich thinking courses with professors and teachers, but especially how to 'Google-ize' all of edX further for our WUaS students, and in ways that WUaS might eventually offer for courses toward Bachelor and PhD programs. So I was glad recently to learn in an email from you that edX is planning to develop some in the Google platform re I think WUaS G Suite for Education, and re the edX-WUaS Dashboard developments for WUaS matriculating students and more (possibly ~200 countries, possibly matriculating WUaS students from 7,117 known living languages, - and even brainstorming-wise, for all 7.8 billion people on planet as wiki teachers and learners - which is what WUaS is planning on our wiki side, some of whom could take edX courses too. Perhaps such "Google-ization" of edX courses will further happen as edX develops in part in WUaS G Suite for Education re edX dashboard questions - and even as a form of "regulated oversight," thanks to AI and Google's information technologies (in addition to WUaS planning for licensing and accrediting with BPPE and WASC in CA).

In talking with Larry yesterday evening about your great email with WUaS PhD possibilities anew, and this edX course spreadsheet, we initially wondered how our prospective PhD students could SELECT the courses that might INTEREST THEM (from the beginning even of their studies - to get them planning their own learning paths, and facilitating their own development of their own agency) for initially at least the first two years of their PhD program, and given one student in India's expressed interest in majoring in cognitive science, I wondered to Larry in what ways Prasanth, for example, could select from both of the following - 

But WUaS would need to hire graduate student instructors in the autumn of 2021 to teach the MIT OCW cognitive science courses ( eg from, for example, since there don't seem to be many in edX presently, and MIT OCW also doesn't seem to translate readily or easily onto the edX platform.

In fact, I've already invited our 4 prospective graduate students, and undergraduates too, to begin to search through these 2 catalogs to find and choose - agency-wise again - courses they might be interested in learning:  

"If you might be interested in free-to-students' online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric degrees, and as the beginning of the potential process, please begin to explore these two catalogs - edX and MIT OCW - with regard to what courses you might be interested in, especially in the first 2 years." Larry and I will talk further about this in the next few days - regarding planning for our students matriculating May 1 and September 1, 2021, and choosing their courses for their studies. We'll also talk about core classes WUaS seeks to have students take, like an inspiring Reed College Hum 110 class (re the Greeks, Classics, writing, the emergence of so much creativity in cultures of learning) and newly possibly on something like the edX platform (in addition to WUaS distribution requirements). And I also have a Reed College undergraduate education with the conference method (think seminar, but in remarkable ways) in mind, as WUaS develops - and toward a flourishing culture of learning.

I'm wondering if it makes sense to return back to our 6 planned undergraduate majors - EECS, General Science, General Engineering, English literature, History & Business - from the 29 majors that Larry outlined here anew - - based on the edX catalog some months ago, however. What do you think, as we begin to plan for edX building the edX-WUaS dashboard in WUaS G Suite for Education? I newly, on behalf of WUaS, have a Google Workspace workshop on March 23, which in itself is momentous (like this your PhD email). 

I'm thinking also that an edX registration link like - - but for WUaS might be part of this process, - and with transcripts, honor code, statement students will observe the laws of their countries and USA laws, and other aspects of a very easy get into a degree program at WUaS application because students are interested.

Thank you again for this great opportunity for WUaS PhD degrees in particular from edX's perspective. 

All the best, Scott

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
1) non-profit World University and School - -
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - - 

CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki WUaS is planned in all ~200 countries and in their official languages for free-to-students' Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high school degrees, accessible from here in due course - - ... for example (and see, too, the MIT OCW on some of the academic wiki subjects here - 

Matthew, some of the WUaS courses for credit in our WUaS building out in G Suite for Education - and as WUaS explores 'Google-ization' further will be listed on our WUaS WIKI Subjects' pages, for example, and articulate in new ways a flourishing learning opportunity, such as what Anant Agarwal writes about here - 

From the start
 envisioned a new reality where every learner can access the education they need to unlock their potential. Our team is honored at this inclusion from
@FastCompany, and to be recognized alongside other companies changing the world for good

I also think Anant knows the language of both prospective PhD students from India, Prasanth and Chinmay, much better than I do, since he came from India to do his PhD at Stanford, and he's a MIT Professor of EECS, and sees what's possible with edX especially. (Could he even somehow have suggested to Prasanth to choose a cognitive science PhD focus?)

Thank you, Matthew!

Matthew Gusching

AttachmentsTue, Mar 9, 4:26 PM (1 day ago)
to Larryme
Hello Scott,

If it's helpful for your questions of curriculum, I have included our must updated course catalog for your review. In column P, we have a listing of the difficulty of the program and column AB holds the values for the subject the course would be most applicable. For how WUaS recognizes credit for an edX course for bachelor or PhD programs would be naturally up to your criteria and regulated oversight. However, the catalog can be referenced to give an idea of courses in subject areas for different levels of students.


Matthew Gusching
Account Representative 
Phone: 617.253.2966


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * * 

[Medianthro] thoughts provoked by discussion on effects

Thanks, John, M.E., Debra, Medianthro, All, 

Seeking succinctness too re this interesting thread:

For John,
what is a (media) effect?
example -
"this very e-seminar we are in the process of collaboratively enacting via the internet" ... "this digital practice has had the long-term effect of co-constituting the Media Anthropology Network as we know it today"
Word-wise, effect seems in part to be a 'consequence,' or to be 'constitutional' ...

Appreciating the anthropological focus on the specificity here of (media) effects, which we might learn through field work in a field site even - re 
John's observation that this conversation is "about media practices and their effects only, not about media effects in general" 
And furthermore, that  “effects of media-related practices in people’s social worlds” arguing that “these come in three main varieties –mediatising effects, worlding effects and derivative effects.”

But what about further the role of specific pictures and videos and virtual world conversations? 
(I ask with regard to understanding further the effects of 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy' - a social theory and method I'm developing -

Found interesting M.E. - Mirjam's bringing Manuel Castells into this thread (re the discourse of "communication indeed as a vector of change" - and presumably as an effect as well), and regarding Castells' far-reaching focus on power in the information age, where John seems to focus little on questions of power. What is power for Manuel Castells?

"Power in the Network Society" Chapter 1 in #Castells' "Communication Power" 2009/2013:10) 
"Power is the relational capacity that enables a social actor to influence asymmetrically the decisions of other social actor(s) in ways that favor the empowered actor's will, interests & coercion"

and further ... "Power is exercised by means of coercion (or the possibility of it) and/or by the construction of meaning on the basis of the discourses through which social actors guide their actions. Power relationships are framed by domination, which is the power that is embedded in the institutions of society."

How might we examine John's example of this MediaAnthro conversation's effects as potentially informing questions of change as a developing MediaAnthro network, and re power, and the information we share in conversation, as we analyze these questions further and anthropologically??

Appreciating too in this thread Debra's focus on discourse, I think, regarding that we "widen our understanding of culture + fields of meaning making/experience. This move allows us to also widen our inquiry into ‘effects’ and more robustly capture what is going on.  [supporting all that John, Mirjam are others are saying on this thread]."

Regarding effects of 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy' - into a single realistic virtual earth for Anthropology at the cellular and atomic levels too (think Google Street View with time slider with Maps and Earth with TensorFlow AI and Translate, conceptually, and realistic avatar bots, even for actual-virtual telerobotic surgery), 

... in what ways could we 'widen our understanding of culture,' per this MediaAnthro e-seminar on effects, with the use of emergent 'text-in-the-sidebar' in Google Street View regarding all the field sites we've mentioned from war in the Sahel in Africa to Harbin Hot Springs in northern California? ... to move beyond the consequences of text even - eg the word 'effects' in these email threads - and to encompass the whole around each of us in an emerging, we wiki-create it, virtual earth, with ethnographic interpretations via the group-making, heteroglossic, polysemic processes (Jim Clifford +) of postmodernity, into 'Internetity,' a word I'm coin-ing to characterize the information age - and to understand further specific effects? 

Thank you, Scott
Regarding 'Internetity' and more - 

5 UC Berkeley Anthropology talks touching on some of the above - 
and newly exploring the effects of ongoing creation of an actual-virtual #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs as ethnographic field site for comparison 

Thank you, John, for furthering this conversation about effects ... 

M.E. - 

 "May be this discussion is related to the discussion of Power. Communication Power is the title of the book of Manuel Castells (introduction hard to read) that in fact directs us to see communication indeed as a vector of change. This power dimension is not so present in the discussion so far. The other dimension is information, and information flows. Information is captured in discourse, and discourse in itself has power. Media practices are part of power constellations and at the same time transforming those, a.o. by the use of information that is caught in discourses (mediating information) who in themselves also have power and the power to change. Then the effect of media practices can indeed be very deep and in some cases scary, as it is difficult to grasp."

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * * 

Oregon 'hippy communities' in early 1980s, Reed friends & Brooklyn St house, w Betsy next door!, People's Food Coop - pics (continued)

Hi Craig, Susan, Reedies' extended friends' community, All, (and am trying Mike's email address since I've been getting bouncebacks from

I'm glad to have heard back from Reed College professor emeritus of sociology Bill Tudor positively (having removed him and a few other people's emails per their requests): He is a former professor of mine there too, and regarding CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School planned in 200 countries and 7117 living languages, for free university degrees, and as wiki schools for open teaching and learning :)

Thanks for a quick response, Scott, and for your informative letter as well. The project you describe sounds interesting and valuable. I've imagined related aspirations occasionally, and I appreciate your invitation to share any thoughts of possible interest. If something occurs to me along those lines, I'll remember to let you know. Here's hoping it works out well for all concerned. 

-Bill Tudor 

Amazing too that that WUaS will be able to begin offering free-to-students' online MIT OCW-centric and edX-centric (7 year PhDs) this autumn - per recent emails from our WUaS edX representative - in addition to online free-to-students' Bachelor degrees (as WUaS plans for licensing and accreditation with BPPE and WASC in CA)! Is this a new approach a new form of cooperative communities ? 

World Univ & Sch is also wiki ... and how best to create flourishing cultures of learning and conversation in all 7117 known living languages (thinking beyond Wikipedia), where people can become wiki-teachers and learners in fields they love and know and which may be very unique too?

Next new cooperative community opportunity is on Monday in 

the next OPEN WUaS News and Q&A on M, 3/15/21, at 10 am Pacific Time, and here's the Google Meet information -
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
+1 505-886-2284
PIN: 515 525 361#

Happy upcoming Pi day ~ ~ (Sunday March 14, 2021)

Wanna wiki-teach, learn or enter into a culture of learning for free MIT OCW-centric degrees? Stay tuned! :)

Friendly regards, :)
Some of this email thread conversation i here, and in subsequent days too - - 



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