Friday, September 3, 2021

Acer rubrum: Syren Johnstone, Stanford Law CodeX, 9/1/21 ~ And Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency questions


CodeX Stanford

@CodeXStanford Sep 1 

Join us 9/2 for our CodeX group meeting @ 1:30PST, via Zoom. Subscribe for access. Guests: Syren Johnstone, Executive Director, LLM (Compliance & Regulation) Programme, University of Hong Kong. @JohnTredennick, CEO/Founder, Merlin Search Technologies.


Dear Roland, and Syren, 

Bravo, collaborators! And hearty congratulations on the publication of your new book - - this month, September 2021, Syren. Would you like to open a conversation with Hester Peirce, SEC commissioner as well, if you haven't already? Her email address is here - (if you haven't already), from Hong Kong. She's working on the cryptocurrency space, and she's been on the MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch emailings for some time now, which is a project I'm developing, potentially in collaboration with Stanford Law - and to create ~200 online law schools in all ~200 countries (per Olympics), as part of major online Universities, and wiki schools for open teaching and learning, planned in all 7,139 known living languages. Brainstorming- and collaboration-wwise, check out the UBI label - and - and regarding WUaS planning to code for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Pin #.

While I think I'd have to see you multifaceted talk again to make further germane inquiries, how would you as a hypothetical European (eg European Central Bank) regulator regulate "Stanford Mine Pi" (taking into consideration the scaling developments at the MIT Digital Currency Initiative whose Director is Neha Narula - - and in communication with the Boston Federal Reserve)?

My questions are below again (and I can't copy and paste your replies - thank you - due to Zoom settings, to be able to respond better). 

Brainstorming-wise, further, how best in terms of CCTech could "Stanford Mine Pi" work with Stanford Law, and Wiki World Univ & Sch, with plans to code for all 7.8 billion people on the planet - (conceptually here) - to further develop a single cryptocurrency regulated or accepted by most of ~200 countries' central banks, and distributed via UBI experiments to end poverty worldwide to all 7.8 billion people on the planet, with time. Thank you.

I teach a course on "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University ~" - - and think a Castellian network society in the information age - - would further contextualize your thinking, but also think that Stanford is an amazing university for you to already be collaborating with in a sense. Thank you, Syren.

Thanks and Fascinating, Syren, in your technological determinism thesis,
 why not 'distributed' rather than ‘decentralization’ (re your Determined by Architecture arguments) ? The SEC and the other 200 countries’ central banks might have more challenges ‘regulating’ the distributed internet rather than decentralization (one def - transfer (authority) from central to local government), leading to new DBA … and in all 200 countries, including USA and Hong Kong? (Will email you further about collaborating, and even brainstorming-wise re Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency to all 7.8 billion people on planet to end poverty, each a Wikidata Q-item #). Thanks, Scott (

Thanks so much, Syren, further. Replying to 2nd point to Thabo -What are these enabling concepts for you (in your timely book)? The building out of cryptocurrencies - so possibly CCtech,  programmers and platforms (and related organizations), or new developments in distributed Database Architecture, or ... and which could be also "Stanford Mine Pi" for 7.8 billion people for example? (More in email). Thanks and brilliant, Syren, for defining the regulation conversation! Best, Scott

Syren in direct messaging "cryptography, consensus  mechanism, decentralization"


My notes - 
Markets in crypto assets
SEC is focusing on - financial stability and monetary payout? systems

why this is the wrong path 

rather than using blockchain, he uses terms - 
cryptographic consensus technology

standard narrative
wild wild west of ICO 
which is tamed by standard narrative

familiar capital raising structure
retain divisions betw capital manager etc

Determined by Architecture DBA
Cryptograpnic design

Is the internet decentralized or distributed?
The best example of a vast, distributed system is the internet itself. The distributed system enables users to share ownership of the data. Hardware and software resources are also allocated between users, which in some cases may improve the performance of the system

[codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (9/2 @1.30p PT): Financial Regulation & Crypto; Merlin Search Technologies (via Zoom)


Roland Vogl

Thu, Sep 2, 9:15 AM (1 day ago)
to codex_group_meetings
Hi Everyone,

Our next CodeX group meeting is today (Sept 2), from 1:30p to 2:30p PT, via Zoom - *please note new meeting access info below.* Our meetings continue to be held remotely.  

Our guests will be:  

Syren Johnstone, Executive Director, LLM (Compliance & Regulation) Programme, The University of Hong Kong. Our guest discusses his research, which questions application of a financial regulation narrative to crypto assets, and its underlying assumptions and effect on the evolution of a polymorphic ecosystem, proposing a new framework.
John Tredennick, CEO and Founder, Merlin Search Technologies. Merlin Search Technologies is a cloud technology company, developing AI-powered software for search, analytics and review. Its product, Sherlock, aims to introduce new technology that fetches relevant documents faster, more easily, and at lower cost than traditional keyword search.
See you then!



Meeting ID: 964 0118 1927
Password: 873326


[codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (9/2 @1.30p PT): Financial Regulation & Crypto; Merlin Search Technologies (via Zoom)

Roland Vogl
Thu, Sep 2, 9:15 AM (1 day ago)
to codex_group_meetings

Hi Everyone,

Our next CodeX group meeting is today (Sept 2), from 1:30p to 2:30p PT, via Zoom - *please note new meeting access info below.* Our meetings continue to be held remotely.  

Our guests will be:  

Syren Johnstone, Executive Director, LLM (Compliance & Regulation) Programme, The University of Hong Kong. Our guest discusses his research, which questions application of a financial regulation narrative to crypto assets, and its underlying assumptions and effect on the evolution of a polymorphic ecosystem, proposing a new framework.
John Tredennick, CEO and Founder, Merlin Search Technologies. Merlin Search Technologies is a cloud technology company, developing AI-powered software for search, analytics and review. Its product, Sherlock, aims to introduce new technology that fetches relevant documents faster, more easily, and at lower cost than traditional keyword search.
See you then!



Meeting ID: 964 0118 1927
Password: 873326

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: 

* *

syren johnstone

Sep 2, 2021, 11:44 PM (11 hours ago)
to meRoland
hi scott

thanks and thanks also for the further info on what you’re involved in.

re hester peirce, i will indeed be sending her a copy of the book once published, though for the changes that are needed one needs to look outside of the financial regulators - as i mentioned in my talk, they are bound by their statutory origins and design so can only do/think so much.

its hard for anyone to give a concrete answer on the Pi network re whether it might fall under securities laws. as you will know, US law uses a facts and circumstances test that is often conducted on an ex post basis. labels like “social cryptocurrency” don't really mean to much in this context but if Pi is so decentralized nobody remains in charge (like bitcoin) then that should take it out of US securities laws. in the EU, while MiCa (still working its way through parliament) seeks to provide some certainty via a taxonomy of cryptoassets, the robustness of its taxonomy is one of its acknowledged weak points. however, while i;m not all that familiar with Pi it could alternatively fall within EU's electronic money directive.

re the marketing around Pi i’d be a little concerned about the language being used about “getting in on the ground floor” and the potential pyramid elements built in to the element of how to get more mining power. presumably the founders have had this all legally reviewed, but then so too did ripple inc.!

and this really gets to the point: what someone may come up with tmr as a new idea is going to be put/squeezed/pushed into some silo that works within the construct of the regulators, but doesn't necessarily work for the community … either to properly protect consumers or to facilitate industry development for the benefit of consumers/society. there’s no sensible guardrails in place. hence why i am exploring for new tools to use in the cryptoasset context!



- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Thanks, Syren, and Roland, 

for your great presentation, and your email, Syren! Some further related questions and thinking here follows. 

Glad for you to be coming into conversation / collaboration with not only Stanford (Roland +), but the SEC, and Hester. Am wondering if you could even become a word oriented spokesperson, legal especially, for regulation in Hong Kong, and in China, and the whole of Asia in some ways, and in some of these regards. 

As you probably know, the internet is a distributed networking information technology, and therein is its/a DBA strength, and also a challenge for banking regulators in all ~200 countries. In asking about the distinction between the distributed or (your) decentralized words, I ask too perhaps with these possible use case scenarios in mind. How would you address a possible universe-wide cryptocurrency and related CCTech (beyond blockchain ledgers), for example here, in this "Asteroid robotic mining pic and Stanford Mine Pi" Harbin Book (my actual-virtual ethnographic field site) Tweet - " ... 

HarbinBook @HarbinBook · May 2
1 #DigitalCurrency in <200 countries w 1 #RealisticVirtualUniverse > like #StanfordMinePi #PiCryptocurrency w #WUaSBlockchainLedger >mining space re heavy industries wi #WUaSRobotics >1 #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego for ALL (and ... and re the value of an infinitely extending distributed networking internet system, for say, tele-robotic mining of asteroids. The word 'decentralized,' for me, here, could characterize a cryptocurrencies' CCTech where governments in all ~200 countries could play a role in regulating cryptocurrencies - with network neutrality - where the word distributed changes approaches to this significantly.

In another brainstorming example: in a realistic virtual universe at the cellular and atomic levels too - think Google Street View, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow AI, Translate with realistic avatar bots who are all 7.8 billion people on the planet, regarding the asteroid picture above - and with the creation of digital objects for sale (post Google Poly, a library of virtual objects), such as the digital nanostructure or cell structure of a part of one's brain medically for remoted surgery, how would cryptocurrencies' Determined by Architecture work? Would the word distributed for DBA facilitate new cryptocurrency approaches to the internet as a distributed system enables users to share ownership of the data"?

Do I have it correct that many cryptocurrencies could trade on CCTech? 

While I often return to the question of what comes after the Euro in 19 out of 28 countries, and after the dollar, a de facto international currency, regarding both the ECB, and the SEC / Federal Reserve - and if Stanford Mine Pi, for example, could become a single cryptocurrency, backed by most of ~200 countries' central banks - and significantly distributed via UBI experiments to all 7.8 billion people on the planet - to end poverty - each a Wikidata Pin # at wiki MIT OCW-centric ( and World Univ & Sch here - - I also wonder how regulators will keep all the vibrancy of cryptocurrency innovations - - - going, and DBA or regulation-wise. CryptoConsensusTech? 

FYI< WUaS donated ourselves to Wikidata in 2015 for co-development, and received the WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017, and the interoperating WUaS Wikibase WBstacks Opencura platform in 2020 (with 'individuals' as a key item, as well as courses, and languages etc.), but these 3 platforms are not interoperable yet. Could EU / SEC regulation partly focus on Wikidata for 7.8 billion people and emerging CCTech relating to this? (FYI too, WUaS is exploring brainstorming-wise for coding for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, and up to 11 billion, for example, by 2100, for these 5 reasons -

So, regulatory scenario, re European Euro Univision - they would regulate a scaled up version of Wikidata for 7.8 billion people to end poverty and DISTRIBUTE a single cryptocurrency backed by most of ~200 countries' central banks. 

If you'd like to explore Stanford Mine Pi, you can get Free Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency money daily here - ... about 3-10 free Pi coin daily (but I don't think you can buy anything with it, and it's not possible either to buy Stanford Mine Pi stock that I know of; glad that Stanford CS professors probably played a significant role in its initial coding).

Further brainstorming-wise, our third legal entity, the  
WUaS Corporation (a for profit general stock company in CA) - would seek to list in the new 
Silicon Valley Long Term Stock Exchange (planning for Stanford Mine Pi for all 7.8 people on the planet, 
where Nation States, mutual funds too, for ex., would all be able to invest in their countries' Stanford Mine Pi via the WUaS Corp, potentially. (World Univ & Sch created the WUaS Corp legal entity via chatbot AI software from an in-person presentation in Stanford Law CodeX - LawDroid, thanks to lawyer and CodeX presenter Tom Martin).

(Can't access this from you now - - but regarding, I think, regulating cryptocurrencies for even crime (in this weblink?), Neha Narula posted a sort-of interesting 'Soduku-puzzle-solutions' Bob and Alice' Tweet some months' ago - - where the other writer was Patrick Murck of the Berkman Klein Center for the internet at Harvard Law School). And see too the following from Neha at MIT DCI - 

Neha Narula @neha Jan 4, 2021
Patrick Murck
 and I submitted this comment on FinCEN's latest proposed rule. We explain this might limit policy choices for a future digital dollar, reduce market competition, and most importantly, that's not how addresses actually work.

Neha Narula @neha Our post on the collaboration between @MITDCI and @BostonFed to design and build a hypothetical digital currency
Neha Narula Retweeted
BostonFed @BostonFed
The #BostonFed today announced a multiyear collaboration with @MIT researchers to research central bank digital currency. The project will explore the use of existing and new technologies to build and test a hypothetical digital currency platform. Rightwards arrow )

'Technological determinism' takes on whole new contours in Castells' work (and he comes out of the 1968 French student movement as a sociologist of the internet), especially when we're all coding for this. Would Castells' "The Internet Galaxy (Oxford University Press: 2012) be of interest to you here? 

WUaS is taking not only a 'build it out' thinking approach here to some of the above, but also in such a way to potentially create, growth story-wise for the internet, one big internet universe, for cryptocurrencies, and re regulation brainstorming  too.

Do you address the  question of the distributed internet regarding your use of the word decentralized in your forthcoming book?

Thanks again so much for your excellent talk, Syren. Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions about the above further - and regarding your seeking collaborators? (A different academic press for the next edition of your book - - planned with machine translation, and into actual-virtual bookstores / computer stores / robotics' stores/ hospital distribution centers in all ~200 countries and in their main languages? Am thinking here Google Translate into GDocs for the press and the bookstore etc. too, in some ways). 

Best regards, 

Some related realistic virtual universe and single cryptocurrency blog posts here - 

Seeking to collaborate with Stanford Law CodeX for these upcoming online law schools, and in seeking highest achieving students ('Olympic students' in a sense, but different) from all 200 countries;
so here are some beginning Law Schools at WUaS and where WUaS is planning major online universities in ~200 countries and in their main languages

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS:

Brazil Law School at WUaS:

China Law School at WUaS:

Egypt Law School at WUaS:

India Law School at WUaS:

Jamaica Law School at WUaS:

Mexico Law School at WUaS:

World University Law School:

And here's the Banking_and_Money wiki subject at WUaS - ( - and check out the CC-4 MIT OCW courses, and others, which will eventually be for credit in many languages.

Syren Johnstone - 

World Univ and Sch Twitter -
WUaS Press -

Scott MacLeod -
Languages - World Univ -

“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -
OpenBand (Berkeley) -

* * 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

hi scott

i see you have lots of interesting things in circulation.

my aspirations at present are somewhat more modest. 

first, i’m merely hoping to help policymakers see why applying financial regulation, such as the howey test, is not sustainable. 

second, to develop the line of thinking in my book that the financial regulatory approach has failed to achieve key regulatory objectives (such as de-risking, consumer protection, and providing a legal enviromment that facilitates business).

our teaching semester started this week, which will keep me somewhat occupied running my LLMCR programme and teaching a couple of courses. here in HK we are now back to face-to-face teaching, which is really refreshing after more than a year of online classes.


On 5 Sep 2021, at 4:24 AM, Scott MacLeod <> wrote:

Thanks, Syren, and Roland, 

for your great presentation, and your email, Syren! Some further related questions and thinking here follows. 

Glad for you to be coming into conversation / collaboration with not only Stanford (Roland +), but the SEC, and Hester. Am wondering if you could even become a word oriented spokesperson, legal especially, for regulation in Hong Kong, and in China, and the whole of Asia in some ways, and in some of these regards. 

* * * 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Dear Andréa, Giovanna, Roland, (and Syren), 

Thanks so much for your really fascinating talks -

Thanks so much for your email, Andréa, just now. And thanks too for your great recent CodeX talks (and Syren recently from Hong Kong too)! I was just able to find your talks, Andréa and Giovanna, here online, which I'm listening to again -

CodeX Weekly Meeting | August 26, 2021
from -
CodeX: The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics

While I blogged about your stellar talks at the time - - I will add your video here now, with related questions. 

Appreciating this developing conversation about potentially developing Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money to all speakers of 7,139 known living languages, and in their ~200 countries (and brainstorming-wise coding for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Q-item #), via UBI Experiments, to end poverty - and to DISTRIBUTE a single cryptocurrency backed by most of `200 countries' central banks ... and again, to all 7.8 billion people on the planet. Regarding Syren's talk, I minuted recently at CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch how with related CryptoConsensusTechnologies (CCTech, post Blockchain ledgers) here - - in Minutes C & D. WUaS Corporation might seek to build out Stanford Mine Pi and even list this on the new Silicon Valley Long-term stock market. In doing so, World Univ & Sch (WUaS) seeks to collaborate further with Stanford Law in developing ~200 online law schools, in these countries' main languages, foWUaS r faculty to teach about some of these cryptocurrency, legal tech, CCTech and regulation questions, for example too. Thank you.

All the best, 

Syren and All, while I also found your talk fascinating - and regarding these questions - 
Acer rubrum: Syren Johnstone, Stanford Law CodeX, 9/1/21 ~ And Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency questions
... I still haven't been able to find your CodeX talk online again. What do you think, Syren, of Giovanna's conclusion in partcular at about 15:15?

Cheers, Scott

Join us tomorrow (August 26th) at 1:30PM PT for a CodeX meeting, featuring: - 
@G_Massarotto (@pennlawctic & @uclcbt)
- @andreanaccache (@usponline & The Great Unlock)

Join us 9/2 for our CodeX group meeting @ 1:30PST, via Zoom. Subscribe for access. Guests: Syren Johnstone, Executive Director, LLM (Compliance & Regulation) Programme, University of Hong Kong. @JohnTredennick, CEO/Founder, Merlin Search Technologies.


Hi Andréa, Giovanna, Roland, Syren, 

As further references to these ideas: 

CodeX Weekly Meeting | August 26, 2021
from -
CodeX: The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics

Acer rubrum: Syren Johnstone, Stanford Law CodeX, 9/1/21 ~ And Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency questions -

Greater rhea (Rhea americana): [Stanford codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (8/26 @1.30p): Antitrust, AI & blockchain; Justice, Algorithmic Randomness and Innovation -

Join us tomorrow (August 26th) at 1:30PM PT for a CodeX meeting, featuring: -
@G_Massarotto (@pennlawctic & @uclcbt)
- @andreanaccache (@usponline & The Great Unlock)

Join us 9/2 for our CodeX group meeting @ 1:30PST, via Zoom. Subscribe for access. Guests: Syren Johnstone, Executive Director, LLM (Compliance & Regulation) Programme, University of Hong Kong. @JohnTredennick, CEO/Founder, Merlin Search Technologies.

Thanks again so so much!

Best regards, Scott

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS:

Brazil Law School at WUaS:

China Law School at WUaS:

Egypt Law School at WUaS:

India Law School at WUaS:

Jamaica Law School at WUaS:

Mexico Law School at WUaS:

World University Law School:

Nation States - - planned as major online universities, MIT OCW-centric, for free-to-students' online Law, MD, Bachelor, PhD, IB high school or similar degrees, online

Languages - - planned in all 7,139 known living languages, first in Wikipedia / Wikidata's 300 languages, Google Translate's ~100 languages, and MIT OCW translated courses' 4 languages -



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