Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Oriental stork: 8 new Chinese Languages, wiki added ... planned in these languages ~ 302 languages in China per #Ethnologue, Added these 8 #WUaSChineseLanguages as #WUaSWikiSchools > - planned in - Mandarin (普通话 Pǔtōnghuà) OR Guoyu 国语 (Guóyǔ) Min Chinese Wu Chinese Cantonese (Yue) Jin Chinese Gan Hakka (Kejia) Xiang @WorldUnivAndSch ~ * * * #ScottishSmallPiping & #RealRealTime #MusicMaking Online >Upcoming '#HoneyPiobaireachd' album * * Am beginning a list of favorite melodic Piobaireachds to my ear, from about 315 tunes, and even seeking to rank them, here - Piobaireachd most beautiful pieces of the extant ~ 315 pieces ... * * * New 'Expertise' wiki subject / school at World Univ & Sch is growing and with, 'The Future of Expertise: Event recording and whitepaper are now available' * * * Soaking at Buckeye hot springs, east of the Sierra mountains, on Sunday morning, July 10, 2022, after coming down from the Pacific Crest Trail PCT at Sonora pass California

8 Chinese Languages, wiki-added: 

302 languages in China per #Ethnologue, Added these 8 #WUaSChineseLanguages as #WUaSWikiSchools > - planned in - Mandarin (普通话 Pǔtōnghuà) OR Guoyu 国语 (Guóyǔ)
Min Chinese
Wu Chinese
Cantonese (Yue)
Jin Chinese
Hakka (Kejia)
Xiang @WorldUnivAndSch ~

Languages - WUaS 

8 Chinese Languages: 
Standard Mandarin, or Standard Chinese (普通话 Pǔtōnghuà) in mainland China & Guoyu 国语 (Guóyǔ) in Taiwan,
Min Chinese
Wu Chinese
Cantonese (Yue)
Jin Chinese
Gan Chinese
Hakka (Kejia)
Xiang #RealisticVirtualEarthForLanguages #WUaSRobotics @WorldUnivAndSch ~


What Languages are Spoken in China?

How many languages are there in China?

Officially, there are 302 living languages in China. Depending on your definition of “language” and “dialect,” this number can vary somewhat.

The number of speakers of many of China’s minority languages and dialects has decreased in recent years, and some of them are now considered endangered. That said, however, China remains a land of impressive linguistic diversity.

302 languages in China per Ethnologue, added these 8 as Wiki Schools to 


* * * 

#ScottishSmallPiping & #RealRealTime #MusicMaking Online >Upcoming '#HoneyPiobaireachd' album 

#ScottishSmallPiping & #RealRealTime #MusicMaking Online >Upcoming
'#HoneyPiobaireachd' album >Previous in #wuAsVR & #RealisticVirtualEarthForMusic in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSMultimediaRooms @WorldUnivAndSch @DianaHe23732776~

#ScottishSmallPiping & #RealRealTime #MusicMaking Online >Upcoming
'#HoneyPiobaireachd' album >Previous in #wuAsVR & #RealisticVirtualEarthForMusic in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSMultimediaRooms @WorldUnivAndSch @DianaHe23732776 ~

* * 

Congratulations, Stuart, to you and the 2022 European Champions: Inveraray & District pipe band!

Congratulations, Stuart!

June 25, 2022
2022 European Champions: Inveraray & District

Learned about this here -

Best wishes, Scott

'Honey in the Bag' Scottish Small Pipes' Light Music - 

Upcoming album with Scottish Small Pipes' Piobaireachd classical Scottish Bagpiping music beautifully, tentatively entitled 'Honey Piobaireachd' -

Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -

Sun, Jul 3, 12:26 PM (9 days ago)
to me

Cheers Scott, 

Hope all well. 



Cheers to you, Stuart, and Inveraray and District Pipe Band!

Some further 'brainstorming' regarding Piobaireachd and piping - 


As I find further tunes that are enjoyable to play melodically somehow (in contrast to the radical beauty of some 'out there' old Piobaireachd classical Scottish Bagpiping music in their somehow lack of musicality to my ear, but still radically beautiful nevertheless, and find good 'training wheels' (recordings) to play with, there's a 'flow' - absorbed mind - that comes... but some good recordings are less perfect than others... And I'm looking for this music too to somehow lead in uplifting life directions. Nevertheless, finding a few further enjoyably melodic Piobaireachd for the upcoming album has merit... Aiming for beauty too, navigating perfection and related technique goals in the process...

Thoughts on this - as one of the greatest pipers in the world, and for this leaner? 

Best regards, best wishes, 

Both albums' links 'Honey in the Bag' and upcoming 'Honey Piobaireachd' here - 

Am beginning a list of favorite melodic Piobaireachds to my ear, from about 315 tunes, and even seeking to rank them, here - 

Piobaireachd most beautiful pieces of the extant ~ 315 pieces ...

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? What would your list of 20 most melodic Piobaireachd be, Stuart? :)

Current favorites that I'm playing and potentially for my upcoming album for learning - 

His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie
William Morrison (1993)
John D Burgess Urlar
Donald MacLeod tutorial

The Desperate Battle of the Birds
John D. Burgess
Donald MacLeod Tutorial 
Piobaireachd Society Vol 7

Beloved Scotland, I Leave Thee Gloomy· 
Donald MacLeod Tutorial
Kilberry Book of Ceol Mor

Lament for the Old Sword
Stuart Liddell 
Donald MacLeod Tutorial
(Sheet music from Stuart Liddelll)

I got a kiss of the King's hand 
Roddy MacLeod
Donald MacLeod Tutorial
Piobaireachd Society Vol 7

The MacFarlanes' Gathering 
Willie McCallum
Donald MacLeod Tutorial 
Piobaireachd Society Vol 7

Corrienessan's Salute
Andrew Bonar 2010
Donald MacLeod Tutorial vol 9
Kilberry Book of Ceol Mor

Lament for Alasdair Dearg MacDonnell of Glengarry (Piobaireachd) - CoP V.4 Yellow Tutor
Major Gavin Stoddart Recital 2006: 4 of 4
"Lament for Alasdair Dearg MacDonnell of Glengarry"
Donald MacLeod Tutorial
College of Piping - Piobaireachd Vol 4. 

The Little Spree  (crunluath fosgailte)
Claus Reiss
Brent Tidswell
Donald MacLeod Tutorial
Piobaireachd Society Vol 7

The Lament for Mary Macleod - Piobaireachd
John Burgess
Donald MacLeod Tutorial
Kilberry Book of Ceol Mor


-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

* * * 

New 'Expertise' wiki subject / school at World Univ & Sch is growing and with, 

'The Future of Expertise: Event recording and whitepaper are now available'

Thanks for registering for "The Future of Expertise" an ISSIP Discovery Summit event held on June 29th, 2022. 

The event recording and event whitepaper are now posted to ISSIP YouTube and ISSIP Publications respectively.

To stay in touch with the ISSIP community and future activities, simply join the LinkedIn Group, follow ISSIP on YouTube and Twitter, be sure to check the monthly ISSIP newsletter, and ISSIP upcoming events.  Send email to if you have additional questions about ISSIP.  Also, let your colleagues know that individual membership in ISSIP is free, if they have an interest in the future of human-centered, data-intensive innovations that benefit business and society.

Special thanks to all those who completed the survey, which allowed us to rank-order the ten predictions based on the percentage who agreed.

Thanks, -Jim


Jim Spohrer
Member ISSIP
International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (
Regular mail: Jim Spohrer, ISSIP #431, 3561 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95051,  408-829-3112  LI 

Service is the application of resources (e.g., knowledge) for the benefit of another - what people do at work, with family, and in communities.  Improving the daily give and get of service is a priority for people, businesses, universities, governments, and all responsible actors capable of investing resources in positive change.  Service innovations improve win-win interaction and change in business and society.  Professional association platforms, like, support our community members with recognition and awards for growing and sharing knowledge at events, in publications, via innovative offerings.  ISSIP encourages the development of "T-shaped adaptive innovators" who demonstrate broad communication and deep problem-solving skills across six areas of expertise/practice and six types of service innovations.  ISSIP promotes responsible actors learning to invest more systematically and wisely in people-centered, data-intensive, work systems innovations that enhance resilient quality of life, environmental wellbeing, meaningful, equitable, inclusive future of work,  UN Sustainable Development Goals, and regenerative socio-technical-ecological-economic-political (STEEP) systems - AKA service systems.


Scott MacLeod

11:33 AM (2 hours ago)
to Jim 
Dear Jim, 

Thanks so much for this further information. 

In summary, at the new WUaS 'Expertise' wiki page - - 

'Added the ISSIP Future of Expertise conference URL, video URL, and White Paper URL'

So this resource in the wiki 'edit mode' now reads - 

The Future of Expertise. 2022. [ The Future of Expertise]. June 29. Future of Expertise White Paper: Accessed online. International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP):

Am curious in what ways WUaS can begin to hire people with expertise to grow with. Here's where I blogged about the 'Future of Expertise' initially - - right after the video conference, and I'm particularly interested in the potentially upcoming new WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute, potentially on the ridge in Canyon California 94516, how WUaS might hire Physical-Digital AI genetics' experts in 10 model organisms - and who might be interested in service science as well. Thoughts? 

Thank you

Best wishes, Scott


-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

* * * 

Soaking at Buckeye hot springs, east of the Sierra mountains, on Sunday morning, July 10, 2022, after coming down from the 

Pacific Crest Trail PCT at Sonora pass California

Dear Ma, David, Richard, Ed, Pin, All,

Greetings from the unsafe house north of Berkeley and having written this on the back of the federal government renewal form for the WUaS Corporation and Work World University and School's PO BOX 442 RENEWAL in Canyon 94516 for the second year in a row in April. How are you doing today ? Well I hope! 

Just want to share a little further (here too - about our morning soak on Sunday, July 10, 2022, in Buckeye Hot Springs, east of the Sierra mountains and Sonora pass, which reminded me, in its initial long silence, of a Quaker Meeting, but in warm water in a natural free hot springs and next to a beautiful river. When we eventually started talking (which isn't possible really in the Harbin warm pool, or in Quaker Silent Meetings) - so sharing thoughts and ideas in words in a friendly way - I was also reminded of Quaker Silent Friends' Meeting, but here people were sharing ideas from their own experiences and lives (eg see too the QUAKER book "Let this life speak" by Margaret Hope Bacon) - and with the warm water soaking inner releasing actions (like in the hour-long silence of Quaker Meeting which I think of as a de facto relaxation response biological effect meditation) seeming to inform expressing a kind of openness by these people (their 'natural selves'?) who had never met before, and after a kind of long soaking natural quiet meditation, being drawn to hot springs for our own reasons ... out of our own inner releasing leadings in warm water??? (as individuals even, and Regarding California culture & thinking too :). 

Here's the text message I shared with a wonderful friend soon after finishing soaking for about 3 hours, and in response to his timely text message inquiry, right after a very long soak -

Nameless - 

"Looks beautiful!  Any signs of fire damage out that way?" 

Scott -

It's beautiful here too and just after a long soak in silence with 3-4 guys starting at about 5:50am in BuckeyeHotSprings then some interesting insights and sharing, trippy and visionary, the guy who was there from the beginning, last name Fraser (a retired firefighter from Long Beach, and who bore a slight resemblance to friend from Cuttyhunk since the late 1960s or early 1970s David Thurston) was talking with a beautiful woman from Texas via Nevada and working in the ~Student Conservation Association Corps on trails in the high Sierra this summer (could this be the group - ? which is a national or federal Agency It seems)... And they were also talking about some RIDGECREST place (in the Owens' Valley, Fraser later said... and I lived on Ridgecrest Rd in beautiful Canyon 94516 for ~13 years, I also said at the end... Coincidence? Could be a sign of damage... Long 3 hour soak ... Wild .... May explore 'Sheep Dip' hot springs, or 'Crab Cooker hot springs next before hiking to Lake Latopie possibly, at 10000 feet 5 miles in south from the Sonora pass and back (or part thereof) ... Very little smoke in the air from fire damage... Thanks to David Thurston??? :) ... No life partner on the horizon but quite a few beautiful women in the pools ... which also gives me insight into who and how to talk further with the woman I meet to connect with:) Love and big hugs, and hope you have a great weekend!

A little smoke in the evening and almost none this morning and I'm curious if you could confirm please that you're getting the 'Big Hugs ' emails and thread I've sent to both your .gov email re government legal processes working together with state of California, and your Yahoo email ADDRESS regarding the possibility of miscommunication with information technology and electronic communication. 🙏 Thank you Biggest hugs to you, Scott 

Hi T,  There was a lot of smoke on Sonora pass surprisingly and compared to none yesterday at 9600 feet, so I didn't hike south toward Lake Latopie .... Maybe in a few weeks.. how are you doing And thanks again for your texts ❤️ Scott 

(And from the evening before -

Hi! About 5 miles on a dirt road to Buckeye hot springs on the east side of the Sierra mountains, I feel so lucky that no one is around to speak of, whatsoever, and am in a vast open landscape of mountain and ranch lands over a VAST PLAIN on a promontory just before darkness and it feels kind of undiscovered, about 5 hours drive the SF Bay Area... So much beautiful east-of-the-Sierra-mountains' openness. Wow! Let's visit this together sometime soon... Soon to soak in the hot springs and then car camp. How are you doing today? Fond regards, Scott {with picture of desert scrub open land in direction of the hot springs but not the vast plain}

A vast plain below, - in an ancient world of Britain, armies could be massing on this ready to do battle, - but your adventurous slightly hippy minded & Yogic Universitian friend, instead, is camping out in the back of his too small vehicle, with back hatch open to see the plain and the mountains in the morning esp, and to dangle the feet, and then to soak in the morning esp (a meditation in the quiet early hours), having passed the hot springs, checking them out about 45 minutes ago:) (Might I meet my friend and life partner to be, for 3 kids, in the morning? T,:) How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. Happy weekend! Scott 

Scott, continuing -

So what else?

Concluded, out of the pool, around 9 talking with Fraser (from Long Beach fire department) and Don Anderson (retired from the fire department east of San Diego) and my asking "Meet here in 1000 years, on July 9 or 10th, maybe?" .... And Don saying "Maybe" since we had been talking a lot about the genetic engineering revolution regarding longevity genetics, aging reversal genetics, in the Buckeye hot springs pool, and in other different ways about genetics ...

So in the year 3022 on July 10 ... barring earthquake reshape of hot springs' water, etc  ... Wow ... mind expanding! 

A bit of a riff below, and which may find new form with time here, too - - :)

I first saw Fraser on the other side of the river with his black dog with white chest, Loki, and then crossing the river with ski poles and sandals, fording it by facing upstream as he traversed sideways the somewhat rapidly flowing water,  Loki remaining on the far side for about the next 2 1/2 hours. 

In the pool, Fraser first lay down head on a rock, feet under the little cave of the springs, facing the substantial ~4 foot deep 4 foot high rounded grotto undercut potentially by the hot water trickling down from the rock formations above. Early on Fraser put his head under this hot trickle that possibly extended 2-3 feet wide as it descended the rock formation above. Another man, possibly of Hawaiian background came in the pool, with many great tattoos widespread all over his body. (Later I wondered if he could be a firefighter from Southern California too, after learning that Fraser and Don Anderson were retired firefighters from southern California).  

It was a comment Fraser made about rooster or cock fighting still possibly going on in Hawaii after I had mentioned this awful sport -: pitting rooster against rooster, now illegal - in US states that may have used a form of genetic selection over the centuries. Anderson had mentioned a Russian science experiment with foxes where over 3 generations only friendly pups were selected for - as a way to explain why Labs (Labrador retrievers) and Anderson had a Chocolate Lab named Charlie are so friendly. I had asked if the Russians had continued this experiment over 10 or 50 generations and Don said they didn't need to (presumably because they thought they had proven something scientifically - as. a fireman for 32 years, not having read that much science). I said that science is fascinating in how it differs in all 200 countries and regions too. (And this would make fascinating anthropology science Studies' papers And books and even in a realistic virtual earth for history and STEM). Russian science seems to explore a lot and take 'fliers' experimenting... Whereas good American science seems to prove things and explain how and why the experiment proves something.

I mentioned BF Skinner, a Harvard professor - 'schedules of reinforcement' - animal behaviorism, and George Church, a professor at Harvard Medical School and at MIT, whose thinking about aging reversal I talked some about, and Kevin Esvelt a MIT Professor focusing on SCULPTING evolution in his laboratory and research 

(Was our 3 hours in the Buckeye hot springs' warm pool, by the river, recorded somehow - in multiple ways even (e.g. with my smartphone in my jean's pocket, and in other ways)?)

What else?

Giving Loki a genetic drug therapy so as to improve Fraser's dog's vision, and for testing on dogs too

Genes, re chimps, aggressiveness and vis a vis culture 

extracting Chocolate Labrador retriever genes for good temperament (like Charlie, Don Anderson's lab) and injecting into humans

city and rural differences blurred further with autonomous vehicles

I mentioned 
Toyota Proace Autonomous vehicle electric vans and how the Toyota Prius Prime car gets 133 mpg equivalent and 50 mpg with gas ... Set course from the Bay Area for Buckeye hot springs and wake up for the last hour over Sonora pass... 

I also mentioned upcoming 
Humanoid Robots  

And Fraser had mentioned 
Truck drivers a couple of times ...

Re both Autonomous Vehicles, and humanoid robots, - and CA FIREFIGHTING - in what ways could both truck drivers and firefighters test out these emergent technology systems, and even regarding abolition-ally justice and abolishing the wrongful buying and selling of people and the illegal drug and sex industries internationally and their latent networks of violence.

Fraser in the pool with regards to his dog Loki, and possibly others in the Buckeye hot springs' area, said, curiously, "I am God" - again bout Loki, his dog (and significantly perhaps, not the "Master" word ...) ... and I mentioned with regards to Loki that Fraser was also his 'alpha male' ... all in the pool, and with Loki still over on the other bank on the far side of river ... but also regarding the S.C.A. - Student Conservation Association Corps -  woman, in an emerging CA management and organizations' system??? ... and could Fraser (and Anderson) be becoming the 'Ishvara' - (a minor divinity in the Hindu pantheon of divinities meaning something like supreme commander, or Self or husband, etc. -  (like Ishvara - Bob Hartley, Harvard Alum, and founder of Harbin Hot Springs' since 1972, - and very very experienced in Hot Springs' cultures, right out of the 1960s) of Buckeye hot springs this summer - and also be head honcho or alpha male with regards to all the women who visit in all their variety and transience, for example? ... but I wonder too if Fraser were to spend the whole summer at Buckeye, if he would also, as a possible retired firefighter, and possibly in becoming head honcho too, get to sleep with a lot of beautiful women, in the freedom of the culture of this hot spring, with many many areas to sleep in, on the roads all around (quite extensive, and lived in I newly saw) ... I was reminded too by what I saw of the whole area around and behind Buckeye hot springs, of the lead chiropractor of 4 chiropractors there a few weeks ago who also said, like Fraser, that Buckeye hot springs was his favorite in the area, and how he liked to camp on the other side of creek up high, ... could that chiropractor also have been in the fire departments.

When I said that I had written a large ethnography about Harbin Hot Springs - "Naked Harbin Ethnography," but that it had burned down, and that it was very beautiful, but that now are the major fire, didn't have any trees, Fraser said that he had been there, - and that it's still beautiful. 

Fraser also mentioned something about 'hens'  - and this further somehow lead to an association with childhood friend David Thurston, and could David have also joined the Marines, inferred from a meal we had in Virginia near DC a few years ago, and a somewhat military-like hat he wore meeting in an Xmas Zoom call on December 25th, ... as well as being a tutor, and MIT Professor of Anthropology, Stanford PhD and Quaker, Heather Paxson, and I think her observation of it being difficult to separate the hens from the chicks (and regarding laws for protecting kids especially, and re the illegal sex industry internationally, and see too my texts to my mother this morning, including regarding about Sidwell Friends' school of which David Thurston is a Alum ... and how they might be dealing too with issues of protecting kids - could they have even called in the Marines :)??? ... )

... with his US Marine Corps' father, and the culture of the southern California fire department in Long Beach CA over decades ?

Was the first attractive woman who came in the pool, topless, an USGS field worker scientist (with a PhD?) studying at 10000-11000 feet amphibious creatures and meadows (with long fingers, possibly of some Latina background, possibly with co- field worker, and male partner, fellow backpacking colleague at high elevation and from Nevada city, California near Grass valley - 1week on 1 week off (getting paid for 80 hours of work a week in some USGS MaxiLevel?? pay system ... - which could be great too for WUaS Recruitment) taking field notes, ... the old fashioned way - and I asking what IT they use in the USGS AND she says 'paper,' and I observed that for USGS science that still makes much sense  since digital Data is so fungible or changeable... Not great for long term scientific data collection regarding the USGS esp ...

I mentioned the companion Apps' 'Seek by iNaturalist' for plant identification, and iNaturalist, a community for also asking questions about identification of Geological forms and Birds I think ... Both require Internet Access (which at 10000 feet in some places in National Forest she might not have ...but where I did have an Emergency calls signal on the PCT at Sonora pass about a month ago)... No she didn't know of 5hese (made by the California Academy of Sciences and National Geographic organizations) ... 

I asked her in the USGS, with  her focus on 1000-11000 feet natural areas, if she works with the very long lived Bristlecone pines (1200-1400 years? 3000 years? 4850 years? ... and how I could Access data that she might even collect . Go to a web site and find an email address and email the USgs to get data on paper transposed for the Internet? She said that she didn't know anyone in the USGS who works with such data or with Bristlecone pines or aging of longevity genetics questions). 

And how to find out the facts of Bristlecone pines age with developing science and genetics too?

As she was leaving the pool around 8am or 830, and she had dressed, I looked over, behind me, at her and noticed her slightly hippy pants, in blues and greens and white, and said to her "Your pants look like Genetic sequencing interestingly" ... She didn't smile... But I do Wonder if AND how the USGS might be getting into genetics and science wise, and to what degree they already are, and whether even this woman whose name I don't know - could help focus this.

Lots of agencies, as state employers, both federal and state of California, were represented by the people here, curiously, - and regarding hot Springs' culture and the culture of their organizations and employers,  as I think about it afterwards, in these hot springs ... (And besides why?? ) ... With people in the state of California fire department, in its pension plan now, in the SCA (federal), in the USGS (federal), and Regarding the US Marine Corps' father too, and the sizable US MARINE CORPS (federal) base nearby ..  and how could Work World University and School and the WUaS Corporation collaborate?

What else? 

I asked this too at Buckeye hot springs on Sunday east of the Sierra, regarding creating and virtually soaking in hot springs (eg Buckeye, Harbin Hot Springs, a Harbin hot springs' simulacra on East Bay MUD lands, etc) from home bathtubs (re the de facto biological inner releasing action meditation regarding religion too:), and where our avatar bots could talk with each other too, and our avatar bots would represent us as we spoke for the benefits of interesting conversation - but from a distance 🙂 New virtual world creative possibilities, newly opening after the 2 years of the coronavirus pandemic as you may have read in other ways 🙂. ... for sociality, conversation, soaking and in hot springs re connecting ... 

Don Anderson had also mentioned how the LA Fire department (he had also been a house painter professionally) had gone back 

across the country to support 9 /11 in 2001 staying in the Jawitz (so?) center hotel in NYC. Interesting to learn re preparedness scenarios and Regarding the media too (which I think about). Was the 9/11 event socially constructed in ways fundamentally different from the media accounts - and for military preparedness too - despite the killing of people possibly by people in the US ?

In talking about genetics I had also mentioned the Coronavirus Meme Pandemic and Genetics possible bioterrorism preparation FROM March 2020 2 years forward .... And how I had read of a release of SARS COV 2 in Wuhan China in Nov 2019, and another release of genetics' material in the Veneto Lombardy Area of Italy - east and west ? - 

I also mentioned the January 6, 2021 attack on the capital of the UNITED STATES ... And how the National Guards from most of the states east of the Mississippi seemed to have converged on Washington DC - about 15 days before Biden's inauguration... and possibly to ensure Trump leaving ... but which could have been all wag the dog scenarios ... And could have also spun badly out of control... 'Atrocity politics somehow even?

So World University and School's  Longevity Genetics' Institute ahead - on the ridge in Canyon 94516 - and living to 244 years of age or 3000 years of age, if we can figure it out - AND in the BODIES of 25 year olds George Church 's Aging reversal genetic engineering revolution drug therapies emerging thinking - would indeed put some of the above questions - if craziness is involved - in perspective.

Could all of these agencies help thanks to this Buckeye hot springs soaking and California dreaming and state of California and federal government legal processes working together? 

So am very glad to be in communication with T.. L, and possibly David Thurston, long time friends, from Reed College and Cuttyhunk Island, and where one for sure is employed by the federal government by the state department, and the other could possibly be in the US Marine Corp, a bit surprisingly, but also a tutor of high school kids, mostly, in private schools in the DC area. 

Might World Univ & Sch be getting off the ground and with agencies' support, and even for recruiting, while addressing potentially questions of abolition (like abolishing slavery in 1833 and 182 with the Emancipation Proclamation, law-wise the wrongful buying and selling of people), in protecting people, and emerging from California's culture and practices too over the past some decades? 

On with preparing the 7/16/22 Agenda and News for World Univ & Sch - and possibly with this new US Marine Corp with US Geological Survey Services' collaboration idea:

Fondly, very warm water informed, meditatively, Scott 

Texts to my mother this morning - 

Hi Ma, 

at the UU Church of Kensington Berkeley yesterday evening, some new non-developments, with 2 or 3 trailers of unused kayaks and some van buses seemingly unused too for UU outings even? - there was a lot more trash than before around the little bench up on the hill behind some trees, above the church, and while I'm walking there less than before, perhaps I'll bring a little bag to pick up the trash next time I walk in that direction. Also the black car parked sideways in front of the grand view over Oakland, pulled up again while I was there - is it seeking to be a symbol of deterrence even somehow - for people like me who when we drive to the parking lot, to have a brief look out, and sit in quiet Quaker Silent Meeting too perhaps? Who might be seeking to shape social patterns at this UU church, if I could be a whistle-blower, for example, if I stumbled upon wrong-doing, here too? And as I walked down the wide little spillway below the church, and between its property and some houses, for the first time ever an older woman was walking up it, and stopped at the bottom for a long time, to put on a mask, before further proceeding to walk up, as I pulled my tie dye bandana mask up too, upon seeing her ... what might she represent, and what might she be doing - re ethical and illegal wrong doing as well? And when I reached the road below, and turned to walk back to my unsafe house, there was a man mask-less walking his dog, a possible acquaintance even? Named possibly Old John even? ... Could this UU Church be rudderless, have lost its moral or ethical compass and could the interim minister Michelle Collins, be mostly an administrator for the time she's here ... Many of the Sunday morning talks seem non-Christian interestingly or not ... SO, could there be an opening somehow for teaching even in this UU Church somehow ... if and when and AFTER my kids come along in a few years? ... possibly even if the US Marine Corps and the US Geological Survey Services and people therefrom help start developing a World Univ & Sch Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure with WUAS Longevity Genetics' Institute up on the ridge in Canyon, and thus to help make it safe, in a major change, transformationally? Interesting when our institutions (and I'm a sociologist anthropologist) lose their mission and focus possibly ... but also in creating the opportunity to create other schools, universities and institutions that may have ethical focuses that are even sustainable through the decades and centuries ahead! (And who knows, but that the UU Church of Kensington, could regain its focus with a different Board and Ministers and UU Christian caring-even vision, and language, .... Quakers too here in California ... or perhaps George Alexander MD is right, that there are no redeemable qualities of religion, any of them, whatsoever - and as a brilliant psychiatrist ... but I also don't see religion, like UUs or Friends / Quakers disappearing ... how to navigate questions of sexuality in the aftermath of the 1960s and 1970s in particular, in some of these regards ... could come down to 2 Tweets I saw this morning ... from Sidwell Friends, which WUaS didn't reTweet - - and MIT Blossoms on Informers in School Settings from the Boston Globe, which I did retweet - 🙂 Hmm ... with potential further implications for the UU Church of Kensington Berkeley even, as well as my whistle-blowing about the SF Quaker Meeting, and Quakers more broadly, and UC Berkeley Law, and Stanford etc., as well as for developing an ethical ONLINE CC-4 -centric, wiki World Univ & Sch 🙂 ... Please stay tuned my Unitarian from home mother 🙂 Sending love, Scott

Thursday July 14, 2022

Hi Ma, Hoping you enjoy the Chekhov play this evening with Quantum! Am curious in an ongoing way how to make such physical events such as good theater differently great from home, and especially socially ... asked this too at Buckeye hot springs on Sunday east of the Sierra, regarding creating and virtually soaking in hot springs (eg Buckeye, Harbin Hot Springs, a Harbin hot springs' simulacra on East Bay MUD lands, etc) from home bathtubs (re the de facto biological inner releasing action meditation regarding religion too:), and where our avatar bots could talk with each other too, and our avatar bots would represent us as we spoke for the benefits of interesting conversation - but from a distance 🙂 New virtual world creative possibilities, newly opening after the 2 years of the coronavirus pandemic as you may have read in other ways 🙂. ... Have fun this evening! Sending love, Scott (will add this thinking here - Glad to have heard from David, and maybe circulating this summer will lead to meeting and connecting with a life partner who is a MD 🙂

-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable federal or state laws.  If the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by email or telephone.

World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you. 

On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 12:05 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Ma, Larry, Ed, Pin, All,

Nice again to talk briefly with you, Ma, last night. Hoping you have a good week, All. In my uncertainty about where I am going to be on August 1, some further thoughts regarding the 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon house with its 3 dwellings, and who might live there too, - if I come into ownership of it, to whom might I rent the other 2 dwellings too also?

Brainstorming, I am also curious about the 2 retired firefighters from southern California  whom I met in the Buckeye hot springs early on Sunday morning, (where the one from the city of Long Beach CA, last name Fraser. said his Dad had been in the Marines), and later about the 2 attractive women who came into the pools, - as well as the size-able US federal Marine Corp base I pass on the way down from the Sonora pass to east of the Sierra mountains, and even about Harvard Alum Jenny Lykken who may have joined the Marines now (speculatively) and be in Wyoming ... with respect to where I'm going to be moving on August 1. How to build out the WUaS Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute on the ridge in Canyon? Could these folks help even with budget lines too? 

So it seems like I could possibly be coming into a house at 670 Ridgecrest Rd possibly thanks partly to you, Ma, and possibly David Thurston in the DC area too ... if illegal enforcers involved with kids especially are brought to trial or justice or similar... But it isn't over until it's done... Stay safe... Asylum seeking again is still a backup plan for the first of August... 

On with seeking a life partner and friend and MD too ... So meeting and connecting with an attractive MD in the SF Bay Area continues to seem like a good idea...

Your 'bye bye' comment, Ma - were you on the phone with childhood friend smart Peg Parker at the Quaker Kendal Crosslands' place near Philadelphia long distance, when we talked briefly? - and could this also refer to 'buy buy' and even regarding WUaS somehow buying the services of the Marine Corp and the United States Geological Service (if Peg Parker could somehow be in communication with retired major general of the Southern Command in the Air Force Douglas Fraser, born in Colombia, I think), and could it even refer to the 2 attractive women, one in the USGS, the other younger one seeming a little 'wild,' - leads me, with the above, to speculatively wonder how I would manage a whole lot of US Marine Corp (different from the Army Corp of Engineers who put in the rock dykes and jetties on Cuttyhunk, brainstorming-wise) people on the ridge in Canyon. I think possibly renting the 2 other dwellings, B & C  one with 2 bedrooms, and the other with a loft bed, to US Marine Corp related folks could help make a transition to building out 670 Ridgecrest Canyon, and the whole top of the ridge's other properties, regarding Work World University and School, much safer than otherwise, and also per Tufts Medical Center's John Sargent MD's thinking.

If I were to head to Cuttyhunk for the last weeks of August could the Marine Corp and USGS people keep developing World University and School and on the ridge in Canyon, and keep an eye on the place too - and abolitionally, and excellently, especially, regarding Physical-Digital developments, and even building buildings, and installing a solar powered heating cooling system, and filtering the water, and setting up genetics laboratories for 10 species, and helping to set up the care of chickens, honey bees, and mice, and Drosophila flies, and C. elegans, and Zebrafish, and amphibians / frogs ? Not the WUaS Academic Medicine University staff I'd imagine initially, - but maybe even some Marine Corp and USGS Medical Doctors might play a role here with time. How to transition then beyond such a hypothetical situation - (and to a scaling Academic Medical Center connected to all ~200 countries via Google Street View, - beyond parlty a hippy commune farm-let in the 2020s too:) and set of developments to WUaS hiring our own faculty and staff in 6-12 months or so?

All kind of Hot Springs' dream-like California culture thinking, planning, and related questions above, but perhaps as a 'make the SF BAY AREA, AND the US safer' process is unfolding after the 2 years of the non SARS CoV 2 coronavirus pandemic self-quarantine possibly?

Fondly, Scott

On Sun, Jul 10, 2022, 1:28 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Ma, Ed, All,

Hill top hot springs was pleasant with a nice temperature and a beautiful stone bench under the water with grand views of the largest mountain ranges mostly to the west and north I think - but all of these hot springs are ultra rustic and fairly remote despite their beauty.

Just shared an inquiry text with T.L. - 

A little smoke in the evening and almost none this morning and I'm curious if you could confirm please that you're getting the 'Big Hugs ' emails and thread I've sent to both your .gov email re government legal processes working together with state of California, and your Yahoo email ADDRESS regarding the possibility of miscommunication with information technology and electronic communication. 🙏 Thank you, T.! Biggest hugs to you, Scott 

...regarding confirmation that he's getting emails and texts from me, personally, and it's not someone else or even machine learning. 

I've gotten recent bounce back emails from Lillian Thomas's AOL account which is some confirmation that these are going through.

I didn't remember the first name of the retired firefighter from Long Beach, Fraser was the last name, and after soaking in Hill Top Hot Springs I was reminded of a retired major general Douglas Fraser in the southern command who has a satellite company too (possibly for virtual field site generation) but who started following me on Twitter @sgkmacleod and some other Twitter and didn't respond when I texted or emailed him in response. (And I worry a bit that he could be a bent broken old retired major general - and somehow sick ... Could he even have called for the whacking of my father in Belize on December 30, 2004 without any international justice or trial or legal proceedings outside of the power of force or violence unjustly and unjustified in social justice legal systems) ... but am appreciating the Desiderata in some of these regards too.

Am also appreciating George Alexander MD's observation, Lacanian informed, something like that "the letter always reaches its mark" (eg T., or the machine learning, or ... ?)  ... So am glad to be communication with you and T.. and David Thurston... and regarding both Navinchandra Doshi and Ed Smyth MD above saying that the Canyon place is mine too in one way or another. Glad for WUAS to be calling for abolishing the illegal sex industry internationally and its latent networks of violence ( and are these all murderers - general douglas fraser, tragically, too, in addition to tom wylie, and dalit from a country near Jordan, and alice sowaal in some of these regards, and re legal processes, whether they be civil criminal international or martial law?) AND especially regarding abolition regarding protecting people, kids, women, and victims - and Regarding electronic medical records post coronavirus pandemic self-quarantine possibly (and re all 7.9 billion people on planet each a Wikidata WIKIBASE Wikimedia PIN # here - )  Perhaps the ~200 planned online WUaS Law Schools in countries main languages can help further with these things. 

Onto the Sonora pass :)

Hoping this finds you well and thanks again for your shared thinking:)

Fondly, Scott 

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS:

Brazil Law School at WUaS:

China Law School at WUaS:

Egypt Law School at WUaS:

India Law School at WUaS:

Jamaica Law School at WUaS:

Mexico Law School at WUaS:

World University Law School:

On Sun, Jul 10, 2022, 12:02 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Ma, All, 

Good day! :) How are you? Drove down from the glorious Sonora pass at the PCT and road yesterday evening and headed for Buckeye hot springs. Woke up a little after 5am, with vast plains of the east side of the Sierra mountains in this area below, back hatch of subcompact little Toyota Prius c open to the east, feet dangling out. Spectacular glowy sunrise... Headed for the pools.

As I got out of the Buckeye hot springs by the River after about a 3 hour soak and some interesting conversations with a USGS person, and 2 retired firefighters from southern California both with their dogs, a Douglas? Fraser (Long Beach) and a Don Anderson (east of San Diego, whose grandson a hockey player just graduated from high school and is studying online when traveling with his hockey team, in the Vermont NH Area), my friend T.L. texted me -

T.. -

"Looks beautiful!  Any signs of fire damage out that way?"

Scott - 

It's beautiful here too T.. and just after a long soak in silence with 3-4 guys starting at about 5:50am in BuckeyeHotSprings then some interesting insights and sharing, trippy and visionary, the guy who was there from the beginning, last name Fraser (a retired firefighter from Long Beach, and who bore a slight resemblance to David Thurston) was talking with a beautiful woman from Texas via Nevada and working in the Student Conservation Core on trails in the high Sierra this summer... And they were talking about RIDGECREST (in the Owen's Valley... And I lived on Ridgecrest Rd in beautiful Canyon... Coincidence? Could be a sign of damage... Long 3 hour soak ... Wild .... May explore sheep dip or crab cooker hot springs next before hiking to Lake Latopie possibly at 10000 feet 5 miles in south from the Sonora pass and back (,or part thereof) ... Very little smoke in the air from fire damage... Thanks for your texts ❤️ T.. ...(hi to David Thurston too:) ... No life partner on the horizon but quite a few beautiful women in the pools ... Gives me insight into who and how to talk further with the woman I meet to connect with:) Love and big hugs, and hope you have a great weekend, T..!

Buckeye hot springs was wild and I hope to blog about it today further:)

Drove just now to Crab Cooker hot springs (great name) in this geothermal heaven of the eastern Sierra mountains - and it was DRY! An Asian family in 2 cars were there too - and they told me, but I walked in to see myself. The beautiful marshland just below - with bodies of water -  could be a great place to explore non summer when cooler, like in winter even, and possibly somehow warm from all the geothermal water in the area.

Maybe next to Hilltop hot springs nearby, or Sheep dip hot springs, in these hot springs adventures, both of which I have not been to... And would like to add them to a realistic virtual earth for history and genetics and travel so you could soak in them from your bathtub and in whatever year you might be interested in, and even have spontaneous interesting conversations with people there, as Avatar Bots too ... And see the 'DUI' Minute from Work World University and School Monthly Business Meeting on 6/18/22 just posted/ emailed yesterday 7/9/22 - :)

The silence is deafening about my moving back into Canyon again on August 1, newly safe, ...


May hike later today from the Sonora pass South a little farther than a few weekends ago, but not the whole 10 miles round trip to Lake Latopie this time at 10000 feet.

Hoping you can participate in such hikes from home in the back of your REI GLACIER GLASSES in the future in a realistic virtual earth for traveling (and thinking Google Street View with time slider) to which we can all add pictures, data, images, videos and much more re ground truthing and creating too!

Fondly, Scott 

Some related context -


Great to hear from you, and greets from Buckeye hot springs on the east side of the Sierra mountains, soon to soak on a quiet Sunday morning:) ...

Thanks again for your encouragement to please take wise next steps, and your text recently- 

"I loved our visit to Canyon and Harbin, and I understand the appeal, but I am wary of Canyon for you.  Please make wise decisions about next steps!"

The question I have, in some of these regards (and your visit to Canyon and Harbin in 2012), is when can I know that I can move back again into a newly safe Canyon? (To say this in a different way, if I decide to move back into the newly safe Canyon house on August 1 - and this is a wise step (and for developing World Univ & Sch further) - could I sign off on ownership papers in the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda next week?)

Hugs, Scott

Regarding making wise next decisions, T.., these are some further thoughts in an email to David Thurston, your fellow Wesleyan Alum,  just now -

Hi David! 

Greetings from Buckeye hot springs on the east side of the Sierra mountains. How are you? And how was Cuttyhunk? Have been a little bit in communication with Elliott (regarding Wimbledon tennis) and T.. and Gantt Galloway in Berkeley (whom you may or may not know - a friend of ours from Reed College). Have also been in communication with Anne Marie Helm, another Sidwell Friends' alumni, an Emory law school graduate, a UCSF Hastings' LAW instructor, and now raising a family I think in Nashville Tennessee while working at Vanderbilt university.

(Recently got off Paula Hatfield Dimare's and the Cuttyhunk Telegraph email lists, in developing CC-4 MIT OCW-CENTRIC wiki World University and School and calling for abolition of the illegal sex industry internationally and its latent networks of violence - and partly because of the recent tragedies regarding MIT itself and some of this (nietspe and the offender perpetrators niwel, whose MIT OCW lectures were taken down because of this) ... and some of the vibes I got on Cuttyhunk last July when there for the month (having driven across the country on what I called the Freedom Trail. In a last note to me, Paula said sending her Cuttyhunk emails was driving her crazy). 

Have inquired with T.. L. about moving into Canyon again, newly safe, and on August 1. He visited me there too, (in his role in the state department), and like you, we also went up to Harbin Hot Springs together. He may be able to help with my moving back into Canyon again, if state of California and federal government legal processes are working together newly, and regarding making it safe. (High school friend Sid Mazumdar also visited me in Canyon, perhaps in his role in HHS in the federal government too).

Both friend Ed Smyth MD and my current landlord Navinchandra Doshi (who may know Pin's parents) north of Berkeley have said that "the Canyon place is mine." Wow,  and how might this work out in the next few weeks? All good, and unfolding. While the 'silence is deafening' about this, I'm curious how best to begin too a Work World University and School Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute up on the ridge in Canyon valley possibly, but am seeking to move back into Canyon again first.  

Thought you might be interested. Thoughts about all of this from your perspective in DC area and Cuttyhunk?

Will you watch Wimbledon tennis final today? Who do you think will win? 


Just texted my mother -

Good morning Ma! Beautiful vast plain below, gloriously starry night above, camping out near Buckeye hot springs, it occurs to me to inquire with Elliott Thurston if he'd like to hit some tennis balls together, possibly like David Thurston and I hitting tennis balls together in the 1970s - to keep the ball going - for the Zen of it - or even with Elliott in a kind of coaching role since I haven't hit a tennis ball in decades and he's probably quasi professional. I'd probably have to ask to borrow an old racquet too :) Thoughts? Are you watching the Wimbledon final today? Love 💖, Scott (it COULD be great to be social with Elliott Thurston in some ways, possibly and even regarding Sidwell Friends' school, and this Tweet f
from a Professor of Religion at George Fox university near Portland Oregon to Sidwell Friends and me from June . and regarding Work World University and School ... and my Tweet yesterday in response -
In what ways could @SidwellFriends' alumni #Matriculate In on Th 9/1/22, or now, for #WUaSFreeToStudents' 4 years' #WUaSBachelorDegrees with the CC-4 LICENSED 'CS First with Google @WorldUnivAndSch' > per MBM ... :) Love you, 💕 Scott 

As a Wesleyan post 1960s' Alum, what role if any does Methodist Church 'philosophy' and thinking, play in your life of any? (A somewhat humorous hippy question:)

-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable federal or state laws.  If the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by email or telephone.

World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you. 

On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 8:53 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Ma, Ed, Richard, All, 

Homesteading - in Canyon, beginning 8/1/22 even :)? 

Am following up from last Sunday - a 7 day delay & time blip - after hiking the Pacific Crest Trail at Sonora pass heading north, last Sunday, blog post -

And I wrote the following on the Pacific Crest Trail just north of Sonora pass last Sunday, and here's a wee video from ~10,000 feet - - and some pictures from Bodie Gold Rush Ghost Town too - (and there were ghosts there - I felt them - as a sociocultural anthropologist, ghosts of violence, harming, or exploitation, and difficult historical energies and crazy-making culture). (To be able to give the folks in Bodie in the 1880s the ability to mine even not gold, but Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency and get free money daily would indeed be wildly great regarding the lacks or shortages they were living through -

Greetings from the Pacific Crest Trail at Sonora pass, having hiked this time about 30 minutes to the north, on top of the world, in a few ways. 

Yesterday I saw an old school bus painted kind of creamy and rose and with a little yellow and gold above the front windshield which said 'Galactic Crusader' on it. It was moving fast in the opposite direction from the way I was traveling but appreciated the virtual 'time travel' in my mind to the 1960s and '70s, idea-wise, or even Meme -wise (as '60s' cultural replicating units in some ways).

I was driving south from Travertine Hot Springs to eventually Wild Willy's Crowly's hot springs a little more than an hour south. Explored further at Wild Willy's Crowly's hot springs the idea of a realistic virtual earth for history (and genetics) with the Dad of a family from Alaska now living in Astoria Oregon, and regarding Bodie state historic park, which I then traveled back north to visit. How could we time travel in a Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic Avatar Bots' environment back to the 1880s when Bodie was the site of a Gold Rush. How could we add for example photos of a person from 1881 to this animate it transform it into an Avatar Bot and talk with him or her, and in Bodie in 1878 then 1882 then with different people in the 1920s or 1962 or 1974 as this all iterated and improved and in the location, houses, town of Bodie as it changed. Not only with a Google car coming in but also with our own Film to 3D Apps ? 

Bodie is a ghost town -:and amazing with so much preserved from so many different times. And as a sociocultural anthropologist, I felt somehow a lot of negative 'energy' in this remarkably well preserved town. I also experienced a kind of wonder at how well preserved and how much history is alive here too. But it seems to have been so violent and chaotic, and was wrong to people in so many ways. What a history! Interesting that there were 2 churches by the mid 1880s, and the Methodist church was still standing ... as a sociologist of religion (my major at Reed College), interesting to see one set of 'religion technologies,' of America and Europe: the church building, the pews, an organ, a dais or altar, from which the minister would preach, and the area behind the raised floor for the ministry.. but no symbols of Christianity in this Church today. The 28 minutes' film I saw soon after had some words from some ministers in the 1880s. 

Where was the effective social justice system in Bodie in the 1880s (in place of the lynchings, for example), - and where the MD psychiatrists, to complement the churches, possibly????

It was particularly the 1991 film I saw in an air conditioned building there - "Bodie: Ghost Town Frozen in Time" - that helped give a glimpse into the written and visual record in some of these regards, and while this is not the film shown at the state park, there are parallels, and it is informative - 

A Ghost Town Frozen In Time: Bodie, CA (~1991)

(This was the film shown - 
Bodie - Ghost Town Frozen in Time : Peter Dallas, Hoyt Axton
Directed by Peter Dallas, Narrated by Hoyt Axton,
film trailer here -

 And I'd like to bring all of this record INTO a Realistic Virtual Earth TensorFlowAI Translate, and including into a Realistic Virtual Earth for Archaeology - - with WUaS Robotics - -
 (as I mentioned to the volunteer of the Bodie Foundation Norm Stump, and the ranger as cashier in the Bodie Museum). But at 8,400 feet, and in the 70s Fahrenheit in the summer, and with a remarkable gold strike found by accident when a mine shaft collapsed, in the late 1870s, it attracted a LOT of people in a very hot part of the world otherwise. 

Saw some very attractive mid 20s' yo women ... interestingly in my ongoing search for a life partner to begin a family. 

The Pacific Crest Trail is stellar and something to come back to:)

'Arrested decay' was an idea mentioned I think in the brochure or film - and it's an interesting social theory in tourism studies even too ... (and has speculatively, for example, uc berkeley's anthropology and tourism studies' prof nelson graburn been arrested even, and is he under a kind of house arrest, - and decaying away, I wonder?)

Rainbow Gathering in NW Colorado begins Friday July 1 ... Hippies in 1972 at the Rainbow Gather from around Boulder, CO and hippy alternative culture in 2020s. Some related Tweets:  

Hippies '72 and hippy alternative culture in the 2020s emerging ~ at the Rainbow Gather from around Boulder, CO and hippy alternative culture in the 2020s ... An opportunity for further Rainbow Gathering ethnographic field work, since some of those folks who went to the Rainbow Gathering in 1972 and the 1970s might all be at this 'HomeComing National Forest Rainbow Gathering' near Boulder, CO, this upcoming week.

#Hippies '72 & #Hippy #AlternativeCulture in the 2020s emerging @ #RainbowGathering2022 Opp (missed) for further #RainbowGathering #EthnographicFieldWork since some of those who went to the 1st #Rainbow Gathering in '72 & in 1970s might be at #MedicineBow~

Fondly, Scott 

2 Sunday, 6/26/22 Pacific Crest Trail Tweets, and more - 

Mono Lake Brine Shrimp (Artemia monica)  -


The #RainbowGathering2022 begins today 7/1/22

The #RainbowGathering2022 begins today in #NWColorado in Medicine Bow-Routt National Park, not far from Boulder CO, where the 1st #Rainbow Gathering was held in '72! (& the word 'rainbow' in title of my 3rd book refers to the #RainbowGathering @WUaSPress~

retweeting -

I Just Knew The National Rainbow Gathering Was Going To Happen In #Colorado This Year! July 1-7 2022 !!! #RainbowGathering #NationalRainbowGathering #Routt County #Colorado 2022 #ThisIsTomorrow

On Sat, Jun 25, 2022, 4:25 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Dear Ma, Dick, All,

Just drove east and down from the Pacific Crest Trail at Sonora pass at 9600 fton Saturday June 24 at 2:55 pm  And it was raining pretty hard. A little cooler than 56 F and it would be hailing, and in fact the precipitation looked snow look soon after leaving the pass ... Was going to hike out 5 miles without a pack to a lake Latopie and back but may head to a hot springs on the east side of the Sierra mountains and try to hike in the morning on my way west again to the Pacific ocean and the SF BAY AREA ... 

Greetings again from Travertine Hot Springs in the east side of the Sierras near Bridgeport ... No rain here, and may soak briefly and then head to a brand new Shepherd Hot Springs 1.25 hours south. Then visit the Bodie ghost town and state park in the morning... Or possibly head to Buckeye hot springs again a little north of here. 

MOMENTOUS 5am morning today, in joining a Google Educator Group in India - (today's Indian pipe blog post) .... And might Work World University and School and the WUaS Corporation even get matriculating students for free online College and Bachelor degrees that are CC-4 OCW MIT.EDU -centric from the Rosary School in Rajkot India and possibly others this September first, and in collaboration with Google further? :)

And Might I learn this week that I'm moving back into Canyon again on August 1,  now on my 5th lease agreement letter since October 1 2020, having called the Moraga police twice ABOUT illegal break INS and thefts too over the years and regards the criminal mentally ill former landlord in Canyon at 670 Ridgecrest (and the state of California and federal government legal processes working together newly)? Glad my current landlord Navin Doshi north of Berkeley and Ed Smyth MD above also have both said that the Canyon place is mine in one way or another. 

Fondly, Scott

A realistic virtual earth for history and genetics? Google Maps Earth TensorFlowAI is heading in the direction of developing Google Maps for history - 

Glad #StreetView with #TimeSlider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate has EXPLICIT history focus & re a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory @WorldUnivAndSch What about #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenealogy #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics as organizational information technologies too?

Rumor has it that you love traveling back in time on #StreetView. 👀

Find out what's new for Street View's 15th anniversary, including helping you see how places have changed over time with historical imagery on mobile →


Wrote this a week or 2 ago - 

Dear Ma, Dick, All,

Greetings and I wrote this while on the Pacific Crest Trail at about 10,000 get yesterday near Sonora pass ( 

Greetings from the PCT hiking south from Sonora pass. The sky started raining just before reaching the summit of the pass ... Which at the top led me to put on an old pair of waterproof Merrell jungle Mocs (moccasins) with no lift, instead of my Birkenstock sandals (with a half inch right leg lift, due to uneven leg lengths), and a waterproof jacket. A number of cars were parked right at the summit of the pass, right across the Pacific Crest Trail way, and I stopped a little below this summit and left the car. Added some other layers like a pullover since it was in the 50 degree temperature range, windy, and high, and started walking south. Inspired to be hiking on the actual PCT again, I wonder if this is partly due to the Pacific Crest Trail name itself, as well as to my hiking it in 1980 and 1982 for 1650-1800 miles of the 2650 miles from Mexico to Canada. 

A little ways up the trail and it looks like hiking both south and north from the Sonora pass involves going up, I met a couple returning from a backpacking trip to Latopie Lake ???  or similar ~5 miles away. Both man and woman had snow burnt cheeks, large backpacks and were using ski poles. I asked if there was much snow along the trail. And he said lots. I asked - having slipped down a chute on the PCT in 1980 on a shadow side of Mt Baden Powell in southern California one evening just before dusk, exhausted and looking for a level camping spot after something like a 20 mile day (initially on this 1980 hike on PCT) in May I think... and possibly aiming to reach Canada by September but WITH ICE AXE in hand having come prepared and actually used it to arrest by descent after some 20-30 yards of glissading down - if they had come to any shear parts on snow pack on the trail and wished they had ice axes in addition to their ski poles each. They said no but a buddy had slid down about 80 feet (and am not sure if this was intentional or not).

Latopie Lake ??? (

Poncho gifts from Ed I'm pocket

My Google Maps set for Sonora pass with digital Topo Maps which I was using had blacked out part way up the road toward the Sonora pass and as I was listening to a great deep Raga by Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan (both who may also have played at the Monterey Pop festival even, as Indians becoming Californians and superstar classical India music virtuosos) ... and who knows why - so I would watch the incredible world I was driving through? - but I rebooted the smartphone near the top, and when I reopened it, the Topo Maps were still there.

Now I sit on the PCT with some light sprinkles falling - and am able to write in this Gmail account... Phone says 'Emergency calling only: ... and a German couple just walked by ... Cool... After some chatting, they said they had been hiking since the Mexican border... Wow ... But initially the man before his partner arrived, when I asked him in English had he just hiked the John Muir Trail, and he said no .. so I'm thinking about this contradictory information... We began speaking 8n German some... Then I switched to English to ask them about their gear and the hike ... Which looked very light and even 'lightweight' as if it hadn't been used all the way from the Mexican border... As they hiked on ... I asked them too if they had been getting food boxes at Post Offices along the way ... Yes and at super markets... They said they had been underway - unterwegs - for 2 months too, but I didn't see this in their hiking gear and bodies ... As they parted,

They wished me a happy day ... Having heard some talk of 'Trail Angels' on this pass 3 times in the past month (traveling over it) ... And last time on a chalkboard at the Sonora pass... I wonder if they could have been travelers from a different country (Germany) with a different set of ethical standards - and even bringing some light to abolishing the illegal sex industry on the Pacific CREST TRAIL (ever so sadly) ... Re TRAIL ANGELS so called ... But glad they were hiking at least this part today and that we talked I'm English and in German (they were good folks) .. 

electric and all-wheel-drive in the upcoming Toytoa Highlander in USA ... snow into Buckeye hot springs ... and over the Carson pass road I drove on on Saturday ... coming into Nevada  before returning to California 

Toyota also hasn’t shared details on the powertrain but it could possibly have solid-state batteries—rather than the more-common lithium-ion variety—and a dual-motor, all-wheel-drive electric drivetrain.

* * 

Hi David (Thurston),

Greetings from the unsafe house north of Berkeley. How are you doing?

Regarding possibly the US Marine Corp, the USGS and southern California fire department related folks at Buckeye hot springs on Sunday morning, am curious if Work World University and School and the WUaS Corporation could collaborate with the first two groups and in building a World University and School Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics'Institute I Canyon again - and for safety questions too. More about this here -

As a historian, David, it's interesting that the 2 retired firefighters from southern California fire department at Buckeye hot springs had much hot springs' experience, and one Don Anderson retired from the fire department and as a house painter said that the wood for Gold Mine Rush town of nearby Bodie Ghost Town Frozen in Time came from the Buckeye hot springs valley, some of which I explore in my blog here - Could he or they have been reading my blog post even? The other firefighter, last name Fraser reminds me of you somehow:) I recall him saying something about "I eat this stuff up," too - and it sounded a bit like you, David (and could it refer also to my blog?)  ... Could you even be distant cousins?

Thought you might be interested and am interested in what you think about this too.

Hoping to head back to Cuttyhunk in mid August ... Might you be there too? 


* * 

Glad, T, to have heard back from Jim Spohrer retired IBMer this morning right after texting you ... And Regarding a writing project (his or mine ... CALIFORNIA philosophy-wise) that may also inform my moving back into Canyon (and even WUaS working with the US Marine Corps and the USGS AND in creating a WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute and Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure in Canyon), and I'll post these messages in today's blog post soon at bottom if interested (all rather indirect re my uncertainty about August 1, and thanks again for your texts) ... I hope you had a good visit with your Dad last night:) Hugs love 💞 Scott


The Future of Expertise: Event recording and whitepaper are now available (continued, with Jim Spohrer)

Jim Spohrer

6:31 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Thanks Scott for staying in touch and your note - and got your phone message as well - apologies for slow response.

Working on wrapping up some writing projects - and that is consuming a lot of time and effort.  

Hopefully I will get the work completed in the coming weeks. We will see.


On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 11:33 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:

Hi Jim, 

Thanks for your email reply just now. May seek to add your service science description in your signature to the new Expertise wiki schools (planned in 200 countries' main languages) at Work World University and School and the WUaS Corporation:
WUaS 'Expertise' wiki page - Friendly QuakerQuaker-informed World University and School's Monthly Business Meeting is on Saturday also with a service orientation, and am seeking to get the WUaS Agenda and News for 7/16/22 sent out today. May still be seeking Asylum on the east coast, possibly on Cuttyhunk or in Lexington MA this autumn, beginning driving cross country August 1 on a freedom trail a second year if way doesn't open for World University and School (with its first state taxes since 2010 of $65 paid to the CA FTB, check cashed on 6/27/22 with a 2019 199 tax form, - and with the WUaS Corporation taxes paid for 2018, '19 and '20 of $2930.98, my father's birthday in reverse?), to move back into Canyon again, newly safe, on August 1.  

Greetings from an "unsafe house" north of Berkeley, and having had a check mailed here to me gone missing, or was stolen, by the USPS even?, making this place further unsafe, and regarding proximity to Canyon 94516 and the potentially criminal (a murderer, since the 1970s?) mentally ill former landlords at the 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon place. Hoping the state of California and federal government legal processes working together will work out for me and WUaS to move back into Canyon, newly safe. 

Amazing that the CA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD seems to be getting it's databases working together, and Regarding the WUaS 2 wings, 1) a for profit general stock company in CA, and 2) a nonprofit tax exempt legal ENTITY in CA, with much synergy between them, - and where World University and School is 3) a nonprofit tax exempt legal ENTITY as a 501 c 3 federal tax exempt charity. All of this is coming together this summer - but maybe will be navigating these 3 legal entities from the east coast, or possibly even from Canyon again, newly safe. 

Could somehow and very speculatively the US Marine Corp and USGS help develop the World Univ and Sch Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute and with 6-10 species up on the ridge in Canyon valley possibly beginning August 1 (with your service science description here - - and more writing to follow re Buckeye hot springs' water on Sunday, 2 retired firefighters from southern California, the US Marine Corp and USGS people thinking +)?

Thanks again, Jim (Spohrer), so much - for staying in touch and your note.

Abolition-ally, staying safe, Yogic-ally, Friendly regards, Scott 

Developing -

pond heron (Chinese - Ardeola bacchus): Sat 7/16/22 Agenda and News for WUaS Monthly Business Meeting & WUaS Corp / Academic Press 

Just had texted this to my good friend T.. and in the state department before your email came through - 

Hi T, another question regarding smart Jim Spohrer, retired IBMer, like Canyon's Ellin Barret,  . . . 

Why does @JimSpohrer have this Tweet at the top of his feed now ? Jim is also fascinatingly SERVICE SCIENCE oriented. Thanks again for your texts T..! Hugs love and abolition-ally yours, Scott 


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