Monday, February 5, 2024

Hibiscus tiliaceus (TV - National flower of Tuvalu): Recording of M 2/05/24 open @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress WUaSNewsAndQA at 10 AM ET #WUaSBusinessPlan

M 2/5/24 Recording - - of open #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSBusinessPlan #WUaSBookstore #WUaSAgingReversalGenetics #WUaSHomeRobotics #wuAsVR #WUaSNewsAndQA
- - ~

Recording of M 2/05/24 open World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET

Dear Universitians, 
Greetings! The next open #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA meets M 2/5/24 Zoom URL here 
- at 7 AM PT, 10 AM ET (US, Can.), 7:30 PM India Time (see time conv)

All the best, Scott

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

Further, and with a possible agenda - 

Dear Universitians, All, 

Greetings! The next WUaS News and Q&A meets in about 12 hours in a video call here: 

Topic: M 2/5/24 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET
Time: Feb 5, 2024 07:00 AM Pacific Time, 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada), 7:30 PM India Time (but please check your time converter for your time zone)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 739 9599 3278
Passcode: 38z7eK


Possible Agenda Items, depending on who joins the call - 

Agenda item 1
WUaS Bookstore and NEW WUaS Business Plan (for Middle States Commission on Higher Education MSCHE accreditation too?)

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Chaconia Wild Poinsettia (TT - National flower of Trinidad and Tobago): MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics + Business Plan for a Startup Business - Jan 2024

Comments, questions and thoughts, welcome!

Other possible agenda items - 

Agenda item 2

Stanford Law CodeX

Dear Roland Vogl (Stanford Law CodeX Executive Director), All, 

Thanks for your great Stanford Law CodeX presentations on Th 1/25/24  -

Some questions and connections from the chat:

Adrian and all - 

Thanks and interesting! How would you quantify legal “thinking” or “strategy” or conversations as distinct from document work (if editing work, and writing work, are the examples your software bills for), for example, please? How could this be billable? Or are you primarily creating software for legal work on documents? Planning for brainwave headsets?


Thanks @Adrian Parlow - The Dragon Naturally Speaking idea of yesteryear, or even Google Voice development? Stanford Law Prof Hank Greely has been retweeting Nita Farahany much and re her “Battle for Your Brain” book and Brain technologies’ focus - ( - How could a realistic virtual earth for brain science (think Google Street View with time slider) help, which MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is seeking to develop? Thanks, Scott

Thanks, James ... let's keep in touch as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch begins to matriculate our online Law students from all 200 countries and see:
Next steps ahead for #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp & re #WUaSArtificialIntelligence #LegalTech & #LLMs in a 'Stanford Law CodeX Stanford Fellowship Application - @sgkmacleod' with ~200 online planned law schools and in countries' main languages 1/8/24 & ~200 s #wuAsVR ~
See Agenda item 0

Aron - 

You mentioned the cost of Chat GPT dropping significantly recently … why ChatGPT vs. Bing Chat vs. Google Bard:

And since ChatGPT is corporate (per Wikidata’s product manager Lydia Pintscher’s retweet a few months ago), how might that affect Relativity's relationship with clients?

And why not focus on Wikidata Wikipedia's structured knowledge database in 300 languages for AI Data where

"Wikipedia contains trustworthy, reliably sourced knowledge because it is created, debated, and curated by people. It's also grounded in an open, noncommercial model, which means that Wikipedia is free to access and for sharing and it always will be" … and regarding the reliability of Wikidata’s knowledge ontology (and the possibilities for ~200 countries main languages even?)

Best, thanks, 



Regarding MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch law schools (and see these beginning law schools and also related wiki subjects or schools below in the PPPS), and as large language models, in 200 countries, and in their main languages, and potentially as a Stanford Law CodeX fellow - 

WUaS Univs in each of ~200 Olympics'  countries ... outreach through these newspapers 

#WUaSUnivs in each of ~200 countries w outreach via complete list of newspapers #WUaSNews -Find '#WUaSOlympicStudents' fr all ~200 countries through #NOCs?




@WorldUnivAndSch in each


WUaS Univs in ~200 countries ... outreach through these newspapers ...

A complete list of all ~206 countries per Olympics, each to become a major #MITOCW-centric #WUaSUniv, & sought best newspapers in them - newspapers of record - in these ~200 nation states

-#WUaSoutreach through these newspapers: ?


How best to reach out and matriculate a new kind of law student at World Univ & Sch - the "Olympic student" I wonder? 


World University and School Links


Creative Commons Law:

Environmental Engineering:

Environmental Science:

Environmental Studies:


Human Rights:

Intellectual Property - IP Law:


Maritime Law:

Network Neutrality:

Open Access Resources:


Political Science:


Social Science:


Space Law:

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Nation States

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS:

Brazil Law School at WUaS:

China Law School at WUaS:

Egypt Law School at WUaS:

India Law School at WUaS:

Jamaica Law School at WUaS:

Mexico Law School at WUaS:

World University Law School:

US States

Iowa Law School at WUaS:

WUaS Navigation ...

Agenda item 3
WUaS aging reversal and how Aging Reversal may work, and new directions with Yoga, telomere biomarkers, and a realistic virtual earth for aging reversal -  

Alex Plesa
Can we reverse aging? 7 yrs ago, Ocampo et al. showed that partial reprogramming can ameliorate aging hallmarks. But, OSKM induction has safety limitations & no new factors have emerged since. Here, we used  screens to find new rejuvenation factors 1/8 ... 


Good morning! How are you? 

Ed, you've mentioned telomerase endings and aging reversal when we've talked about this (on a walk) ... (- and of about 10 approaches to aging reversal, per George Church).

Found an interesting NIH 2017 science paper from India - and about Yoga - in these regards: 

Impact of Yoga and Meditation on Cellular Aging in Apparently Healthy Individuals: A Prospective, Open-Label Single-Arm Exploratory Study

Madhuri Tolahunase, 1 Rajesh Sagar, 2 and  Rima Dada 1 , *

What do you think? Could Kaiser Permanente NorCal - WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' (Institute in Canyon 94516) be a possibility for further related research and with a realistic virtual earth for aging reversal at the cell, molecule and street view all with time sliders' levels? 

Some related sets of Tweets this morning below.

How to develop this research in a GCellView #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenomics (in Google Street View with time slider conceptually) environment - and what's an open-label study?  and what's a single-arm exploratory study?


This study was designed to explore the impact of Yoga and Meditation based lifestyle intervention (YMLI) on cellular aging in apparently healthy individuals. During this 12-week prospective, open-label, single arm exploratory study, 96 apparently healthy individuals were enrolled to receive YMLI. The primary endpoints were assessment of the change in levels of cardinal biomarkers of cellular aging in blood from baseline to week 12, which included DNA damage marker 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OH2dG), oxidative stress markers reactive oxygen species (ROS), and total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and telomere attrition markers telomere length and telomerase activity. The secondary endpoints were assessment of metabotrophic blood biomarkers associated with cellular aging, which included cortisol, β-endorphin, IL-6, BDNF, and sirtuin-1. After 12 weeks of YMLI, there were significant improvements in both the cardinal biomarkers of cellular aging and the metabotrophic biomarkers influencing cellular aging compared to baseline values. The mean levels of 8-OH2dG, ROS, cortisol, and IL-6 were significantly lower and mean levels of TAC, telomerase activity, β-endorphin, BDNF, and sirtuin-1 were significantly increased (all values p < 0.05) post-YMLI. The mean level of telomere length was increased but the finding was not significant (p = 0.069). YMLI significantly reduced the rate of cellular aging in apparently healthy population.

Take blood samples at the beginning of 12 weeks and at the end with an N of 100, with 50 people doing Yoga regularly, and 50 not - ... and look at the cardinal biomarkers mentioned in the article? 

What do you think?

Fond regards, best wishes, Yogic-ally, 
Scott (with gene aging reversal inquiries - re higher faster stronger Olympics' genetic drugs, brainstorming-wise)

Agenda item 4

China World University and School? Shulei Gao (CMU Master's degree student) and Zhimeng Luo (Pitt Ph.D. student) both in Information Science

Dear Shulei (CMU) and Zhimeng (Pitt PhD student), (friends, all),

Nice to meet you Sat 2/3/24 hiking on the Slippery Rock Gorge Trail near Pittsburgh -

Could you please reply all with each and everyone of your (students) gmail addresses or long term emails (for those who want to share this) and to develop a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch conversation?

Chinese philosophy sets of Tweets below ... 

Best regards, 


China WUaS not yet in Chinese



World Univ & Sch's ~200 planned online Medical Schools - and - would benefit and learn much from this conference. And these wiki schools would as well - 

... also planned in ~200 countries - - as part of major online MIT OCW-centric WUaS Medical Schools and in these countries' main languages -


Some recent "research" sets of Tweets about Chinese philosophers -

Why is Confucius so revered? * Why is Tao te Ching so revered?

Why is Confucius so revered? 

#WUaSConfucius is known as the first teacher in China who wanted to make education broadly available -establishing the art of teaching as a vocation -established ethical, moral, & social standards @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSChina ~


What is Confucianism ?

Confucianism, also known as Ruism or Ru classicism,[1] is a system of thought and behavior originating in ancient China, and is variously described as a tradition, philosophy, (humanistic or rationalisticreligion, theory of government, or way of life.[2]

Confucianism regards texts such as the Five Classics as examples that should be followed to increase the harmony of the family, social order as a whole, and the world.

Modern Confucianism 
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - 

Britannica text

Concepts in Taoism - 


Ziran is a concept in Daoism that literally means “self so; so of its own; so of itself” and thus “naturally; natural; spontaneously; freely; in the course of events; of course; doubtlessly” (Slingerland 2003, p. 97; Lai, p. 96). This Chinese word is a two-character compound of zi (自) “nose; self; oneself; from; since” and ran (然) “right; correct; so; yes”, which is used as a -ran suffix marking adjectives or adverbs (roughly corresponding to English -ly). It is worth mentioning that in Chinese culture, the nose (or zi) is a common metaphor for a person’s point of view (Callahan, 1989).

The word ‘ziran’ first occurs in the Daodejing (17, 23, 25, 51) and refers to the structure of Dao, which cannot be referred back to anything else.

D. T. Suzuki, in a brief article penned in 1959, makes the suggestion of ziran as an aesthetic of action: “Living is an act of creativity demonstrating itself. Creativity is objectively seen as necessity, but from the inner point of view of Emptiness it is ‘just-so-ness,’ (ziran). It literally means ‘by itself-so-ness,’ implying more inner meaning than ‘spontaneity’ or ‘naturalness’”

If you look this up in a contemporary Chinese dictionary, you’ll find ziran as meaning something like “at ease, natural, free from affectation”. Also, a slightly different pronunciation, but same characters, ziran, you’ll get nature or natural, or naturally, in the ordinary course of events; or “of course”. It has in any case, a fundamentalness, which is what we are trying to achieve (through wu wei, which can be described as “non-assertion.”). 

Why is Lao Tzu so revered?

Daodejing (Tao-te ching), commonly translated as the “Classic of the Way and Virtue.” Its influence on Chinese culture is pervasive, and it reaches beyond China. It is concerned with the Dao or “Way” and how it finds expression in “virtue” (de), especially through what the text calls “naturalness” (ziran) and “nonaction” (wuwei).


Why is Tao te Ching so revered?

The Tao-te Ching presented a way of life intended to restore harmony and tranquillity to a kingdom racked by widespread disorders.

In essence, it consists of “nonaction” (wuwei), understood as no unnatural action rather than complete passivity. It implies spontaneity, noninterference, letting things take their natural course: “Do nothing and everything is done.” Chaos ceases, quarrels end, and self-righteous feuding disappears because the Dao is allowed to flow unchallenged and unchallenging. Everything that is comes from the inexhaustible, effortless, invisible, and inaudible Way, which existed before heaven and earth. By instilling in the populace the principle of Dao, the ruler precludes all cause for complaint and presides over a kingdom of great tranquillity

All the best, abolitionaly, Friendly regards, see you soon, 


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 


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