Friday, May 10, 2024

Nelumbo (Lotus): And if #ExtremeLongevityGeneticDrugs emerge with an #AgingReversalMachine (with or from AlphaFold3), what kind of #WUaSsociety do we educate for (eg in America w Democracy in the year 2458 so ~434 years from now) & what kinds of neurophysiologies or consciousness too? * * * Desiderata in 2024 & the year ~8342 & beyond ? - (What kind of inner bodymind neurophysiologies might we want to have or to elicit even (consciousness-es too) Loving bliss neurophysiology with biomolecular genetic drug therapies for aging reversal and extreme longevity too?

And if #ExtremeLongevityGeneticDrugs emerge with an #AgingReversalMachine (with or from AlphaFold3), what kind of #WUaSsociety do we educate for (eg in America w Democracy in the year 2458 so ~434 years from now) & what kinds of neurophysiologies or consciousness too? 

And if #ExtremeLongevityGeneticDrugs emerge with an #AgingReversalMachine, what kind of #WUaSsociety do we educate for (eg in America w Democracy in the year 2458 so ~434 years from now) & what kinds of too?

* *  

Saturday, April 13, 2024


MANY > #AgingReversalMachine s SO #AgingReversalMachineWUaS in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthWUaS emerging w 'Generative AI for Protein Design' @geochurch @UWproteindesign in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider & w #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords in #GStreetViewRoom ? 

* * *  

Desiderata in 2024 & the year ~8342 & beyond ? - (What kind of inner bodymind neurophysiologies might we want to have or to elicit even (consciousness-es too) Loving bliss neurophysiology with biomolecular genetic drug therapies for aging reversal and extreme longevity too?

Scott MacLeod

8:53 AM (1 hour ago)
to JanieEdPinJohn

Dear Ma, Ed, Pin, John,  

A little bit of Yoga ... daily sitting first thing upon rising, in half lotus (for me), meditation, and here are some helpful initial steps with which to explore - and was good this morning ...  A Friendly leading into the restorative inverted positions Viparita Karani and Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana) was an especially good exploration regarding "keep peace in your soul" which sentence begins ... {"And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life ... }" - - and unexpectedly somehow (almost as a Yoga dance) ... 

... and into a coffee email with you 4, a kind of social gathering, not yet in video chat (if ever) :) ... writing is helpful ... 

Posted a post-it 

Please!, again, 
No Smoking
or smoke
in the house
Th May 9, 2024

yesterday afternoon this time on door 5 ... and worried further, but appreciated the "Write "Speak your truth quietly and clearly; ... " aspect ... and this morning I heard some steps come up ... and it's after 8:30 am and I still don't smell cigarette smoke, ... which I have for the past 4 days or so ... writing and language and speaking are potentially helpful ... (an issue - language use - in my family in the past, possibly too ... and thanks George Alexander MD for the Desiderata) ... 

And what many things could "Nurture strength of spirit ... " mean ??? Hmmm ... 

"Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness."

And if aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drugs ( emerge with an aging reversal machine WUaS even ... what kind of society do we want to live in or create or will emerge (eg in America with Democracy in the year 2458 so 434 years from now when some of us might be about 500 years old even ... What kind of sociality or community do we want to be living in even)? (What kind of inner bodymind neurophysiologies might we want to have or to elicit even ... loving bliss neurophysiology ?? ... ... ) ... 

Writing about different 'society' questions in my upcoming "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" book ... and how to get into the "flow" of this in a question ...

Sitting in Yoga meditation and inverted poses were good this morning ... How do you "Desiderata" or "Yoga" (to turn these into verbs) if I might ask? :) 

Fond regards, abolitionally, Yogically, 
Neurophysiologies ? ... ... explored here in 2017 blog post too and with Yoga further -  

AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules

WOW: "#AlphaFold3 takes us beyond proteins to a broad spectrum of biomolecules. This leap could unlock more transformative science" - to accelerate #WUaSDrugDesign & #WUaSgenomics research"-Steps to #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #ForProteins #ForPharmaceuticals #AgingReversalMachine?

Retweeting - 

1.8M+ researchers have used @GoogleDeepMind’s AlphaFold protein predictions in their work on vaccine development, cancer treatment + more. AlphaFold 3 is the latest breakthrough, predicting the structures + interactions of all of life’s molecules with unprecedented accuracy. We’re sharing access to these capabilities through AlphaFold Server to enable other scientific discoveries.…


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