Thursday, September 26, 2024

Wrangel island, Russia, & wooly mammoth fossils: Yogini Angela & Yogi Victor {Yogis, all} ~ some Yoga philosophy questions - * ... AND HOW could MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch turn this Shropshire, England, Igloo vision ""How to view Google Street View in a smart meeting room" ... into WUaS Aging Reversal and De-extinction Hospital Rooms (and WUaS Multimedia Barns in the shop in Canyon 94516 even, and into #WUaSMultimediaRooms and #WUaSMultimediaHouses (for language learning too even)) ... and for many many university hospitals + in many countries to build out WUaS Aging Reversal and De-extinction Hospital Rooms in innovative ways (and could we even de-extinct my father GKM MD?


Yogini Angela & Yogi Victor {Yogis, all} ~ some Yoga philosophy questions -

Scott Yoga Mac Flower MacLeod

Sep 26, 2024, 7:15 PM (17 hours ago)
to VictorJoepangeladaphnefarmerAngelaByronByronDonnaGeorgeEdJaniePinDickPeterJoanLynn
Dear Victor and Angela, Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church in the HMS, Peter Norvig (Google AI Director), all, 

Dear Victor and Angela, Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church in the HMS, Peter Norvig (Google AI Director), all, 

Warm Yoga greetings!

Yoginis Angela & Yogi Victor {Yogis, all} ~ some Yoga philosophy  questions, here: (If Yoga is an inner releasing action meditation for we language-using human primates, 

Yoga is the inner releasing action, meditation {relaxation response}, of the bodymind/brain for we language-using human primates

Yoga is the inner releasing action, meditation {relaxation response}, of the bodymind/brain for we language-using human primates

- and these Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations RIFF with both Patanjali's Yoga sutras, and your wonderful Yoga explorations, Angela and Victor ... all this leads to further questions, and here again re these Yoga Notations - - as questions :) Also ~ ... 

In Yoga meditation daily upon rising (often in Ardha Padmasana into Yoga mudrasana (closing or sealing pose bending forward from seated half lotus)), I've been exploring not only Nataraja inside (with his/her 3 arms, in the ring of fire, dancing on one foot on the dwarf of ignorance or heedlessness or forgetfulness- - and this Nataraja/Shiva sculpture has the 3 arms too -

See, too - 

and - 

... and not just Nataraja dancing in my inner belly (envisioning-wise, and experiencing this with consciousness in my inner body) ... but in heart chakra area as well ... and Garudasana (standing eagle pose) - which is Google searchable - opens one way to dance this dance inside for me exploratorily ... 

... and have also been exploring 'internet ecology karma' = where karma for me means the sum total of all our good actions with all our bad actions playing out in the life of an individual (in the west) - newly with internet telecommunications or all kinds, including artificial intelligences and machine learning, and with evolutionary biology thinking as well (re 3.5 billion years of life, and 2-100 million species) ... re all that death - so many organisms have passed behind us ... and all that life ... so many organisms + have reproduced and passed on their genes (and in different cultural contexts like India, and America, and England, and the Netherlands, and through the 1960s and '70s re hippies as well)? How will all this unfold with aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drugs emerging, early ones possibly FDA approved by 2030 .. ? 

search - ?
'internet ecology karma' 
and search too ? - 
" access to emerging aging reversal AND extreme longevity genetic drug therapies (where Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church has predicted aging will be eradicated by 2030, and see item 4 c here, with an article about from the Life Extension organization -" ...
All in this "Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - Crested penguin (Eudyptes):"  blog post in my daily blog too - (and how is your neglected blog going, Angela - 
Dec 27, 2018 — I have neglected this Blog for too long but life has been very full, wonderful and challenging.

How are you doing after the SARS CoV 2 pandemic and lockdown as well from about 3/2020 - mid 2022 in the SF Bay Area ? Here are some questions - - and regarding how the Harbin Hot Springs' residents were coping through this too ...  (so sorry Sunheart Sunheart Sunheart, my friend and main informant there at Harbin, since ~1980 - passed away ... in possibly November of 2019 or 2020, I think ... Did you know Colin Sunheart Sunheart, Angela and Victor?  - You, Peter (Norvig?) :)

How are you doing, Angela and Victor? How could we explore Revolutionizing Education with Angela and Victor's Yoga, A & V - and Peter, and George, All? How is life in Eftalou, Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece - and with the Hammam warm pool under the double igloo - for you and all the Yogis who come to you and to explore your A&V Yoga courses - Is your October 7th 2 week course in Eftalou full ... such that people could only take it virtually from anywhere in the world? :) 

Seeking to grow your Yoga Angela and Victor here - - and in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs for soaking from home in our bathtubs - And search on 
"Exploring Bliss in a Virtual Harbin Hot Springs" in Peter Norvig's INCREDIBLE article about MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School titled: "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI": World University IN School - and see and inhale the #ToolifyAIWUaS #hashtag on Twitter too ...:)

And could we begin to explore teaching Angela and Victor's Yoga in the shop, with a raised barn roof, and to become a WUaS Multimedia Barn, in a newly safe 670 Ridgecrest Road, WUaS PO Box 442 Canyon 94516 as I seek to move forward the MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School Academic Medical Center with virtual Harbin warm water cure with the Physical-Digital WUaS Longevity Genetics' institute beginning in 2024 - and you as hologram Yoga teachers from Greece via the internet streaming interactively into Canyon 94516, or similar ?

Warm greetings, Yogically, love, Fond Friendly Quaker regards,


#YogaMeditation? Love it first thing upon rising~ How best to explore #AngelaAndVictorsYoga #AngelaAndVictorInspired #YogaExplorations? #meditationOnBack? from home (#Desiderata too - Resources: @WordUnivAndSch ~

Some pics of you Angela and Victor from 2006-2008 in Molyvos, before you got your new Yoga Hall in Eftalou I think :) - 

Virtual? Angela & Victor's Yoga in Eftalou Lesvos Greece 2007? Growing a @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSAbolition movement to protect people as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on Planet & w #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords #WUaSMachineLearning ~

No pic 


Victor van Kooten <>, 

Joep & Maaike Hamelink Veeger <>

(And how is Suzette from the Netherlands as well, Joep?:)


San Francisco Bay Area - East Bay Hills & Online

415 480 4577

World University and School's wiki, 'Yoga,' subject page - :) - with an invitation to 'edit this page' to learn or teach and explore yoga. 

Yoga ideas
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss 
~#YogaWUaS @
#FriendlyQuakerWUaS 🥰
#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~

with pic of partner child pose - supported backbend 

Please reply with unsubscribe in the subject line if you do not want to receive these yoga emails. Namaste.

Scott Yoga Mac Flower MacLeod

10:05 AM (2 hours ago)
to LindaPatriciaAndrewbill.gatesVictorJoepangeladaphnefarmerAngelaByronByronDonnaGeorgeEdJaniePinDickPeterJoanLynn
Dear Victor, Angela and Maaike, All, 

Dear Victor, Angela and Maaike, All, 

So sorry that our friend (my acquaintance from Greece) Joep (Veeger) passed away at age 90 in April of 2021 (I read here - - Maaike (regarding both of your 'City Yoga Amsterdam' Yoga Center), and regarding your Yoga student, Joep, Victor, and all.

Dear Victor and Angela, Bill Gates, All, 

How are you all? 

Thanks for your blog post, Bill (Gates), that came into this my Yoga Mac Flower @gmail .com email address - and after emailing all of you in this thread (see the PS). 

Bill (Gates) - what's your thinking about genetic drug therapies and for extreme longevity, aging reversal ... and even regarding "'higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS?'" - and especially vaccines for this - 

For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work?

For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work?

Appreciating your thinking, Bill in this first paragraph - 

So, when I am deciding how to spend my time these days, I usually ask myself three questions: Will I have fun? Will I make a difference? And will I learn something?

(In seeking to grow MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - and regarding the Yoga wiki subject, and inspired by Angela and Victor's Yoga and art and creativity, am doing so as a Friendly Quaker leading or calling or inspiration ... and in WUaS seeking to facilitating a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal and other genetic drug therapies or similar).


Warmly, Yogically, Friendly regards, 

Dear Bill, - thanks -  

Behind the scenes of my new Netflix series

Bill Gates
Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
September 26, 2024

I've always thought of myself as a student trying to get to the bottom of things. A good day for me is one where I go to sleep with just a little bit more knowledge than I had when I woke up in the morning. So, when I am deciding how to spend my time these days, I usually ask myself three questions: Will I have fun? Will I make a difference? And will I learn something?

My new Netflix Series, What’s Next? The Future with Bill Gates, is out. And when I think back on the process of working on it over the last two years, the answer to all three questions is a resounding “yes.”

I had an amazing time working with the super talented director, Morgan Neville. Morgan directed one my favorite documentaries, Best of Enemies, which is about Gore Vidal’s and William Buckley’s debates during the 1968 U.S. presidential election. Morgan also won an Oscar for his terrific film 20 Feet from Stardom.

As you might guess from the title, What’s Next? is a show about the future. I’m very fortunate to get to work on a number of interesting problems. Between fighting to reduce inequities through the Gates Foundation, leading Breakthrough Energy’s work on the climate crisis, and my continued engagement with Microsoft, I have a front seat to some of the biggest challenges facing us today.

I feel extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to work with and learn from some truly incredible people during the making of this show. (I’m hesitant to even use the word “work” because the process was so much fun!) My hope is that people watch What’s Next? and feel like they’re joining me on my learning journey.

Each episode focuses on a different challenge: artificial intelligence, climate change, misinformation, disease eradication, and income inequality. I sat down with some of the big thinkers and innovators who are pushing for progress. Some of them have different ideas than I do about how to tackle these challenges, and I loved getting to hear their perspectives. It was an eye-opening experience.

I got to have conversations on camera with familiar faces like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Open A.I. co-founder Greg Brockman, and the groundbreaking director James Cameron. And I made a lot of new friends as well—including an ingenious malaria researcher from Burkina Faso named Abdoulaye Diabaté, young climate activists who impressed me with their intelligence and passion, and an amazing group of people from across the Bay Area who overcame tremendous adversity in their path from poverty to stability.

There also were dozens of people who participated in the series with standalone interviews, like my friend Bono and the brilliant Mark Cuban—each of whom brings an inspiring and grounded view of the challenges we’re facing. My hope is that, together, we can combat the doomsday narratives that so often surround these issues.

It’s hard to pick which discussion I learned the most from. But three conversations will always stand out in my memory: the ones with Lady Gaga, Senator Bernie Sanders, and my younger daughter, Phoebe.

Going Gaga

I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

I was in Palm Desert, CA, preparing to have a filmed conversation with Lady Gaga for our episode about misinformation. Being around famous people doesn’t normally affect me. But I’m a big fan of A Star is Born—especially its music—and I was aware of her reputation as an outsized personality. I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say.

Luckily, I had nothing to worry about. I was blown away by how thoughtful Gaga was. She made me laugh with the outrageous stories of how she’s been the subject of misinformation in the past—and inspired me with some of the ways she thinks about the topic.

In the early years of her career, one of the most persistent internet rumors about Gaga was that she was actually a man. It became so mainstream that reporters would ask about it during interviews. She refused to confirm or deny it. Instead, Gaga turned it back on the interviewer and asked, “Would it matter if I was?”

On the day of our Netflix conversation, I had been filming earlier with my two sisters, Kristi and Libby. So I asked them to come and watch the conversation between Lady Gaga and me.

We all hoped this picture would make us cooler in the eyes of our kids!

Lady Gaga had a great perspective on the intersection of information and entertainment, and on the need to bring humanity back into personal interactions in the internet age. Our conversation was valuable in helping me think through what is (and might not be) possible when it comes to preventing misinformation.

Our conversation started even before the cameras were rolling.

I’ve always enjoyed Gaga’s music (including her new song!), but I came to appreciate her thoughtfulness as an artist. She has such interesting and insightful things to say about her art, her audience, and the ways she can make a difference. I’m grateful I was able to spend time with her.

Unexpected bedfellows

When I emailed Senator Bernie Sanders to ask if he would sit down with me for the episode on income inequality, I didn’t expect to hear back for a while. So, I was surprised and delighted to get a note back from him right away:

Bill – This sounds fun. Let’s do it.

– Bernie

Sent from my iPad

Several of my friends raised an eyebrow when I told them I was going to meet with him. After all, Sen. Sanders is the first U.S. Senator in history to go on record saying that billionaires shouldn’t exist. How would this discussion go?

This wasn’t my first time meeting the Senator. In the past, I found him quite approachable. I knew that, on lots of issues, we see things the same way. We had talked briefly about the climate crisis, but we had never had a lengthy conversation—and certainly not about income inequality.

Our meeting for the series took place in a nondescript Washington, DC rowhouse on a sunny afternoon last September. Arriving first, I reviewed my notes considering what the Senator might say to me.

Minutes later, I heard the front door of the house open and a deep voice bellowing my name. The Senator quickly ascended the stairs to give me a hearty handshake.

Sen. Sanders put me immediately at ease. He gave me a signed copy of his latest book. And I appreciated his efficiency as he turned to the director right away and said, “Well, shall we continue this on camera?”

I admire Bernie’s clear point of view on the issues.

Bernie asked me some hard questions about how much wealth I thought would be enough. We agreed that wealthy people should be taxed more. I asked him if he had any legislation ready to go to help make that a reality. It was a great discussion.

After the filming ended, we both had other meetings in Washington, so we walked downstairs together and out to our waiting cars.

On the sidewalk, a passing jogger saw Sen. Sanders and shouted, “Bernie!” Then, noticing me, he did a double take and yelled, “Holy shit, Bill Gates!”  Which made both of us laugh. I guess we were an unexpected duo.

Proud papa

As much fun as it was to film with Lady Gaga and Sen. Sanders, my favorite conversation for the series took place last fall in New York City with my daughter Phoebe Gates.

I was a little worried about asking her to be in the series for a number of reasons.

First, I have two other amazing children, and I wanted to see if either of them wanted to be a part of the show. They were happy to let Phoebe take the spotlight.

Second, we needed to film during Phoebe’s senior year of college. She was very busy not only finishing up school but starting her own business and speaking at the foundation’s Goalkeepers event later that same week.

I’m glad we made it work, though, because our conversation—for the episode on misinformation—turned out to be a series highlight.

Along with running her own company, Phoebe is also an incredible advocate for women’s rights and women’s health. She regularly meets with other activists, many of whom have been harassed online in some awful way. She shared with me specific examples of how bad actors use misinformation and disinformation to disrupt progress.

Phoebe helped me better understand how women online—particularly women who stick up for other women—often face threats to their safety that are intended to make them think twice before they speak out. I’m not exactly a stranger to people being mean to you online, but I have the luxury of (mostly) ignoring what gets said about me. Phoebe explained how these threats can have a chilling effect on women’s rights activism and shared some thoughtful ideas for how to make the internet a safer place for everyone.

I’m so proud of how Phoebe uses her voice to advocate for women and girls.

Few people in your life can be as direct with you as your own children. Phoebe and I talked about growing up with social media, how to become sophisticated about its use, how not to feed the trolls, how to seek out different viewpoints, and the important lesson (for me, at least) that no one uses Facebook or email anymore.

One of my favorite moments was when she told me never to email her. When I asked her why not, she said, “No one uses e-mail for personal communications anymore. Just text me.”

I ended up meeting her halfway. These days, I text her to say that I’m sending her an email. And we’ve actually ended up talking more on the phone. I can’t wait to see how her advocacy work will make a difference in the world—and hear what she thinks of What’s Next? now that it’s out.

My goal for the show is for it to inspire more people to have conversations about these important topics. The human condition has improved dramatically over the last few hundred years. There is no doubt that there are scary things going on, and it feels like change is coming rapidly. But we shouldn’t underestimate what happens when people work together and focus on a problem. I’m confident that brilliant people—especially young people—will step up with great solutions.

The key is to get engaged in the issues. They’re simply too important to just get pessimistic or put our heads in the sand. These are global problems, and we should talk to each other about them. It’s a critical time, but if we engage, there is a path to progress.

I hope you enjoy What’s Next?.


On Thu, Sep 26, 2024, 11:14 PM Bill Gates via LinkedIn <> wrote:

* * 

For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old- more supple bodies, how will #YogaEthics work?

Retweeting -


Yoga ideas
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss
~#YogaWUaS @
#FriendlyQuakerWUaS 🥰
#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~

no pic 

For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old- more supple bodies, how will #YogaEthics work?


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming) 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 


Dear Victor and Angela, Harvard Geneticists' George and Donna, Bill (Gates), All, 

How are you? How to de-extinct the wooly mammoth (a project Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church is heralding, and potentially, as I understand a facet of this enterprise, by taking very decayed genetic material from wooly mammoth bones and remains, from 4000 years ago when it went extinct, adding it to Asian elephants (eg from India and which evolved in warm climes) ... in Alaska ... and adding genetic information for traits, for example, that make this Asian elephant living pachyderm frost and freezing resistant ... all by 2026) and see some pictures here of extinct Wooly Mammoth remains, Wrangel Island in Russia, and where the last wooly mammoths around 4000 years ago may have gone extinct   - 

And how to build a de-extinction machine in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForDeextinction, #ForAgingReversal too, & #ForExtremeLongevity eg in Google Street View with TIME SLIDER (and how to build an #AgingReversalMachine as well +? ) ... 

AND HERE'S one beginning of this IDEA possibly in  

"How to view Google Street View in a smart meeting room."
(AND GOOGLE SEARCH ON something like 'how to view Google street view in a smart office igloo vision - Igloo vision - Shropshire England to find this again)

AND interestingly, this Shropshire, England 'Igloo vision' smart meeting room in Street View has received Microsoft funding 

... AND HOW could MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch turn this Shropshire, England, Igloo vision ""How to view Google Street View in a smart meeting room" ... into WUaS Aging Reversal and De-extinction Hospital Rooms (and WUaS Multimedia Barns in the shop in Canyon 94516 even, and into #WUaSMultimediaRooms and #WUaSMultimediaHouses (for language learning too even)) ... and for many many university hospitals + in many countries to build out WUaS Aging Reversal and De-extinction Hospital Rooms in innovative ways (and could we even de-extinct my father GKM MD, who came back from a Semester at Sea trip in Belize where he received a first subdural hematoma on 12/30/04 ... from which I think he died on 11/25/07 ... and from my and my brother Sandy's genes, as well as our cousins ?) ... and to connect potentially the time slider in Google Street View also to our individual artificial intelligence and ML-coded #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords ... and even, somehow to our molecules, genes and cells, computer science-wise ... and so we could time slide back our aging cells .... potentially by making adding vaccines with the right material in them part of this aging reversal genetic drug therapies' medical electronic health care records' process (where we might even be able to see the potential changes in avatars of us, compiled from all the medical imaging and photographs and videos etc that might inform such a new development in electronic health records, as avatar agent electronic health records) ... AND for medical aging reversal in hospitals to start (brainstorming-wise)? 


re #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords (on Twitter as #Hashtag for more)

Virtual? Angela & Victor's Yoga in Eftalou Lesvos Greece 2007? Growing a @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSAbolition movement to protect people as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on Planet & w #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords #WUaSMachineLearning ~

No pic 

#YogaMeditation? Love it first thing upon rising~ How best to explore #AngelaAndVictorsYoga #AngelaAndVictorInspired #YogaExplorations? #meditationOnBack? from home (#Desiderata too - Resources: @WordUnivAndSch ~

* * 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Dear Victor, and Angela, 

Thanks so so much for your email, and nice to hear from you. 

{So I won't ask or learn from or teach too: "Is Yoga " Yoga is the inner releasing action, meditation {relaxation response}, of the bodymind/brain for we language-using human primates) ?" - 

i ...
Yoga is the inner releasing action, meditation {relaxation response}, of the bodymind/brain for we language-using human primates


{And I also won't ask if you, dear Angela and Victor, might visit virtual Harbin Hot Springs, while soaking in the Hammam, or in your bathtubs, in Eftalou on Lesvos, in the back of your digital glasses,  
'ambling' up the way virtually from this the Harbin gate house 
... when you each are in 150 year old bodies but living as 25 year olds even thanks to aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drug therapies emerging, and potetnially FDA approved or similar, and in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal (eg with the machine learning predictions of ALL life's molecules of #AlphaFold3Server and see PPS) 
... if you couldn't be at the real and physical and natural hot springs of Harbin Heart Consciousness Church in northern California soaking-meditating in and connecting with or realizing consciously in new ways the real LIFE ENERGY of your inner bodies cuddling together there for a spell, perhaps dancing together a 'Nataraja tango' in the warm pool}. 

Writing about and symbolizing Yoga-wise is one thing - regarding the information technologies of phone and emails (per your email) - but being in your wonderful Yoga courses learning from you in Eftalou or around the world is another very different Yoga reality.

In asylum in PA from CA and as a whistleblower and having called the police in both Canyon 94516 (and regarding whistle blowing loudly about the sf quajer meeting in around 2017, and regarding a very very small country in the middle east too as renter from the AFSC upstairs, and the wrongful buying and selling of people and kds tragically too, re a modern slave industry atrocities-wise, and about other quaker organizations) - and now in Penn's Woods, western Pennsylvania, having called the police in both asylum houses in Pittsburgh PA, since fleeing for my life from the SF Bay Area in August of 2022 ... and in seeking US federal protection for my mother, my brother Sandy and his new baby Isla, and myself ... in seeking US federal law to work effectively in new ways with states' laws in the USA ... How do the Real and the Natural and the Nature of Yogic meditation affect "internet ecology karma" or "web evolutionary biology inner releasing action Yoga consciousness" ? ... WHERE rather the Real and the Natural and the Nature of A&V Yogic meditation affect "internet ecology karma" or "web evolutionary biology inner releasing action neurophysiology consciousness Hatha Oneness" as wonderful Yoga I would like to invite into (and creatively anew) ... 

I am also wondering about the reality of inviting D.... L... MD from SF to come to your Yoga course beginning M October 7, 2024 in Eftalou in just over a week  ... ... (and even how international law and nation states' uniformed armed services' law, for example, might interoperate with US federal law) ... and I think my US passport was stolen by my previous criminal? murderous?? landlord tom wylie in Canyon 94516 (where I lived for about 13 years) about 8.miles southeast of Berzerkeley ... and as CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch seeks to grow further a worldwide abolition movement to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs and violence etc industries internationally and their latent networks of violence ... and in each of all ~200 countries, per the Olympics (which began in Greece) ...

Yogic thoughts, ideas, questions?, - might it be possible for one, or both, geneticist and vaccine expert D.... (L... MD), and myself, to come to your 2 week Yoga course beginning on around October 7, 2024 - - but not flying into Istanbul and then traveling to Ayvalik Turkey seeking a boat to travel from there to Mytilini - rather flying into Athens? 

Yoga-ethically, abolitionally, fondly, Namaste, Scott


AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules 

In @WorldUnivAndSch dev. a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal w #AlphaFold3server "#AlphaFold3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules"

Languages WUaS - 

Retweeting -

The first stage of the Neurona Therapeutics clinical trial is supported by CIRM.

Investigational therapies that receive RMAT designation are eligible to receive expedited development review and planning guidance from the @US_FDA.


How to develop an #AgingReversalMachine in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal (& #ForExtremeLongevity) w #AlphaFold3Server for #MLprediction of ALL #LifesMolecules #GeneticDrugTherapies & re #GStreetView w #TimeSlider interoperable with #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords?  


Can we reverse aging? 
7 yrs ago, Ocampo et al. showed that partial reprogramming can ameliorate aging hallmarks. But, OSKM induction has safety limitations & no new factors have emerged since. Here,… we used 🧬 screens to find new rejuvenation factors🧵1/8

Harvard researcher Alex Plesa "Can we reverse aging?" in Twitter posts and pics further - 

I see you're Yogically on Twitter only a bit in the #Hashtags #AngelaAndVictorYoga and similar ... 

A #WUaSMultimediaHouse for #WUaSLanguageLearning - #ScotsGaelicLanguage #HindiLanguage 

A #WUaSMultimediaHouse for #WUaSLanguageLearning - #ScotsGaelicLanguage #HindiLanguage #FrenchLanguage #GermanLanguage from birth (my kids), in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForLanguageLearning - & w #PhysicalDigital #AvatarAgentMothers #WUaSCareGivers #LanguageTeachers #WUaSRobotics ~ 


A #WUaSMultimediaHouse for #WUaSLanguageLearning - #ScotsGaelicLanguage #HindiLanguage #FrenchLanguage #GermanLanguage from birth (my kids), in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForLanguageLearning - -& w #PhysicalDigital #AvatarAgentMothers #WUaSCareGivers #LanguageTeachers #WUaSRobotics ~ 

Would love to make your Angela and Victor Yoga accessible to my little baby niece Isla MacLeod, who is 3.5 months old presently ... and how ... but what if extreme longevity genetic drug therapies don't pan out, and we don't all live to 123 years and older, in 25 year old bodies ? :)  

Warm Yoga regards, Scotty 




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