Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Swimming tiger: What are your key CHALLENGES right now? MONIES ... And what sort of CONNECTIONS would be most helpful to you going forward? STUDENT DEVELOPERS and Instructors ... at World University and School

Hi, E,

Thanks for your recent message and inquiries. 

Key challenges: 

Besides, getting first monies to hire said undergraduate programmer matriculated at a great university, probably to work on developing WUaS anew on Creative Commons' licensed Wikidata / Wikibase, and monies to purchase the first book inventory in the WUaS online, bookstore / computer store ( - in U.N. languages plus Portuguese, a lingua franca for a significant part of Africa, for the bachelor and I.B. degrees), and monies to become financially operational, 

... gaining access/connections to a mass of student interns matriculated at great universities, such as Stanford, MIT, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cambridge, + with said monies. 

There's a creative opportunity at WUaS: how to start and develop a great online university in all 7, 413 languages and at least 205 countries, with free degrees ... for coders, faculty, heads of schools, managers, lawyers, doctors, artists, journalists, researchers, innovators and inventors. WUaS has a STEM focus and would like to colloborate significantly with MIT and Harvard, Stanford and Cambridge +, over the long run. 

So, further in terms of connections, how to get access, department by department, to offer job announcements at Stanford, MIT, H.Y.P., Cambridge +, for online bachelor, Ph.D., I.B. law and M.D. degree-related jobs, would be very helpful, and eventually in all languages and countries. :) 

Good luck with your upcoming MIT talk. 

(I'm working on giving a talk at UC Berkeley in two weeks without remuneration, as well, and also applying for a college teaching position and an editing job to pay the bills). 


Hi Scott,
Thank you. Sorry I'll have limited Internet access in the next few weeks because of my travels in Asia and preparation for my talk at MIT, but I'll be sure to check in whenever I got a chance.
Yes, I do know some very good coders at Google and Facebook. As you may know, however, the silicon valley mentality at this point is that the good coders won't take on anything short of a 1-billion customer potential, or a minimum of 200K in evaluation. So I might just go with a Stanford undergrad :)
What are your key challenges right now? And what sort of connections would be most helpful to you going forward?


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