Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pongo abelii: Planning for developing Harbin Bubble Glasses - A) Interactive real life video viewable from inside the lens of the glasses, B) Brainwave headset – planning for 20 years’ ahead, C) Video camera on glasses as datafeeds into realistic, interactive, virtual world, Wearable Electronics at WUaS, (See the Oculus Rift and this article with 6 videos about where Google Glass is heading), (WUaS Solar Car as Innovation, too?), Would like to dedicate the development of these Harbin Bubble Glasses to my friend with ALS

In thinking about/planning for developing Harbin Bubble Glasses, or a pair of Cyber-Glasses, as ethnographic field site, and for people with disabilities like a f/Friend of mine who has ALS / Lou Gehrig's disease, I’m curious to include the following:

Interactive real life video viewable from inside the lens of the glasses

- Ability to visit and view the Harbin warm pool/ pool area inside, for example, REI Glacier Glasses
- With realistic and fantastic avatars
- Partly scripted
- Partly in interactive real life video - think OpenSim and Second Life, for example, but not cartoonesque
- Speakers near the ears
- For relaxation response meditation in warm water in one's bathtub, for example, significantly
- Designed for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, if possible
- As developing virtual world 'classroom' or 'learning space' in digital glasses at World University and School

Brainwave headset – planning for 20 years’ ahead

- Sensors all around the glasses where they connect to the head
- Reads brainwave, minute eye movement, and electrical activity signals to interact with computer screen
- Also eventually send signals into the brain
- Design for fluid communications for people with ALS, for example, and without words or gestures
- For example, to interweave narratives, musical motifs, imagery, ideation with a friend
- Brain and Cognitive Sciences at WUaS -

Video camera on glasses as datafeeds into realistic, interactive, virtual world

- To provide data for a massive interactive real time real life virtual world, (but not at Harbin)
- so that data from around the world, on terra firma, in the atmosphere and under the oceans can be gathered and digitized with these glasses
-  and aggregated in a massive, interactive, real life, virtual world that WUaS also constructs, that also includes plans to model the universe + 
- scalable to 4 x 4 panels of 60 inch screens, such as in the MIT Media Lab, as well as in the glasses themselves and in other ways 

Design for people like my friend (A.S.) and Stephen Hawkings and others with ALS / Lou Gehrig's disease, for fluent brain-computer communications when one’s nervous system fails, for example, with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – also referred to as motor neurone disease. 

 Perhaps spin off a WUaS company for these, and keep a 20 year development horizon in mind. 

I see developing these Harbin Bubble Glasses as ethnographic field site for the second volume in my actual / virtual Harbin Hot Springs' book project (which I had planned for the first volume, but which was sadly stolen with a knapsack with a first virtual Harbin in OpenSim, as well as a first, very different manuscript in June 2009; I've recently completed the 9 draft chapters of my first volume in my Harbin book project).

Wearable Electronics at WUaS -

(See this article with 6 videos about where Google Glass is heading -


Similarly WUaS may eventually invite faculty at WUaS to develop a solar car ( and - (with Nissan, for example?)), with a 20 year horizon in mind. 

... would like to dedicate the development of these Harbin Bubble Glasses to my friend with ALS / Lou Gehrig's disease (, whom I just saw today in Lake County, California, at a Quaker Meeting. 


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