Thursday, October 24, 2013

Olduvai and geological rifts: 'Game Changers: Trip Hawkins with the New York Times' John Markoff' - and World University and School, WUaS is planning an interactive, virtual world, and realistic earth, with avatars in something like REI Glacier Glasses as classroom

Dear Trip, 

Thank you for a great and inspiring interview, "Game Changers: Trip Hawkins with the New York Times' John Markoff," last night at the Computer History Museum -

I've added some of your Stanford Entrepreneurship videos - - to WUaS's wiki 'Entrepreneurship' page - - and also to give you an idea of how WUaS works, with an invitation to click "edit this page," and/or teach or add something. 

Startup, online, World University and School, which is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, is planning, on the one hand, to offer free, online, MIT OCW-centric university degrees, with our first, matriculating, undergraduate class applying this autumn 2013, and matriculating next autumn 2014. 

Your interview inspired two, new-ish possibilities for WUaS: for planning purposes 

a) how to build on the 'majors' here at MIT OCW video - ? ... 

toward a 'design your own major,' which you did at Harvard College, graduating in the 1976? (where students at WUaS will take 32 MIT OCW courses over 4 years), and 

b) how to add an entertainment  and gaming component to these MIT OCW video courses (in WUaS's planning), as well as to the other, approximately 2,105 undergraduate and graduate courses at C.C. MIT OCW - - and C.C. Yale OYC courses, for example, upon which WUaS plans to accredit for free, Creative Commons' licensed, bachelor, Ph.D., law and MD degrees (and I.B. high  school diplomas), and eventually in many, many languages - WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed, as are MIT OCW and Wikipedia. 

WUaS has received the 'green light' from BPPE (state of California), for which WUaS is currently filling out the forms, as well as WASC senior (which accredits both Stanford and UC Berkeley +), both important, first, accrediting organizations. WUaS plans to accredit in many of the 242+ countries in the world, for the above degrees and diplomas.

On the other hand, WUaS is planning open, wiki schools in all 7,105+ languages, where you could teach to your web camera or add a new, wiki, Subject page - - about something you've loved or want to teach. Wikipedia is in 285 languages, by way of comparison, and they've just developed and deployed an inter-lingual Wikidata database. I hope WUaS can be part of their plans for its growth.

On Harvard's virtual island in Second Life, I've taught a course, "Information Technology and the Network Society" for about 8 semesters now, which is also my entree into thinking about interactive, group-buildable, open ended virtual worlds for open teaching and learning (e.g. see these 'Virtual Worlds' - - and 'Theories of Learning,' wiki, subject pages at WUaS -

On the question card at the CHM yesterday evening, I asked you something like "As a classroom, in what ways would you suggest designing a group-buildable (think OpenSim and SL) virtual Harbin Hot Springs / virtual earth, with avatars, for interactive movie realism in goggles (think Oculus Rift) and later in something like REI Glacier Glasses, planning for brain wave headsets as they develop?" (I built the beginnings of the first virtual Harbin Hot Springs, as ethnographic field site, and Watsu school, in OpenSim).

And World University and School is planning to become the MIT / Harvard of the Internet and in all 7,105+ languages and 242+ countries. 

WUaS's main, current limitation is lack of financial resources. 

WUaS is, again, seeking online, high school applicants this autumn to matriculate online for FREE, C.C., accredited, MIT OCW-centric bachelor's degrees in 2014 - see the MIT OCW in video and related information here - MIT-centric and free degrees online will be compelling to many prospective students, - and for which WUaS is seeking publicity. 

Would you be available, please, to talk further about structuring WUaS's senior management, and related questions?

Thanks again. 

Best regards, 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President 
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010.


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