Sunday, February 1, 2015

Green sea turtle: Friends Association for Higher Education Request for Proposals, Young Friends and World University and School, Western Friend magazine panel on climate change, and a Quaker college's ethos, "What Canst Thou Say about Climate Change?" panel and the "Ocean and Climate Management Plan" wiki subject/school at WUaS

Friends' Association for Higher Education (FAHE) Request for Proposals - 

Growing Young Friends and World University and School

*If you are affiliated with an institution, please indicate it here.

Member of San Francisco Friends Meeting
Founder, president and head clerk of startup Friendly-informed World University and School, like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare, and planned for large languages for C.C. Univ. degrees

*What is the title of your proposed presentation?

World University and School and Growing Young Friends in many languages, and with planned Ph.D.s & professional degrees

*Please provide a brief summary highlighting the content of your proposed session (up to 30 words)

Young Friends, Online University Education, OpenCourseWare, Wiki (editable web pages), Accreditation on Great Universities' OpenCourseWare, Building Face-to-Face Community on the Web

*Please tell us about your proposed topic in more detail (up to 2000 characters)

In this presentation, I plan to share ways in which World University and School will help grow the Religious Society of Friends in many languages and with planned accrediting university and high school degrees based on Creative Commons' licensed great universities' OpenCourseWare, such as Yale OYC and MIT OCW, the latter of which is now in at least 7 languages at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. My thesis is that online Creative Commons' licensed, and hence free, degrees for Young F/friends around the world and in many languages - and potentially in conjunction with Monthly Meetings and other Friends' organizations, also in many languages - will significantly help grow the Religious Society of Friends in the high school, college and university age ranges, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics-centric fields as well as in other thinking academic fields. It will also develop online with both the Semantic Web, as well as with artificial intelligence, and machine learning, thus benefitting students in numerous ways in the decades and centuries ahead. As a practical expression of caring in a Friendly way, WUaS will also help so many diverse peoples in the developing world with highest quality online education as a service, both on its degree side and on its wiki side, with open people-to-people and scholar-to-scholar wiki (editable web pages) schools, planned for all languages. Friendly-informed universal education is thus a service that will contribute to a Quaker-informed vision of the peaceable kingdom, and in all 7,870 languages.


"Western Friend" magazine panel on climate change

I was at Palo Alto Friends Meeting (Quakers) yesterday evening at a Western Friend magazine panel on climate change. Beforehand I was talking with a Friend who had graduated from Earlham College in Indiana a few years ago and who is now working at Ben Lomond Quaker Center near Santa Cruz, California. I mentioned that my mother had gone to Earlham for a year, and that my aunt and uncle had met there in the 1950s, loved it, and are still together after many decades. I also mentioned how I'd like to develop a Friendly ethos in the digital space of online education vis-a-vis Friendly-informed World University and School (and with its STEM centric and multi-lingual foci) - in Google + group video Hangouts, for example - and asked her why people (or she) enjoy Earlham so much. Relatively new to Friends when she matriculated, I understood her to say that she liked Earlham for (and its Quaker ethos emerges from) its silent Quaker Meetings, which she described as reflection, that she also liked it for Friends' integrity (as in S.P.I.C.E.S. - simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship/sustainability, which I mentioned in our conversation), and also that Professors there connect actively with students. (All of this rings true for me from what I know of and have heard about Earlham). 

So at Western Shore Meeting this morning in San Francisco, I shared further with Friends during Meeting about wondering how a Friendly ethos could emerge onto the web, with for example, Stanford and MIT graduate student instructors, for example, connecting with students in group video "interactive learning spaces," and teaching in conjunction with Yale and MIT faculty in Yale OYC and MIT OCW video courses to students online around the world, - and how F/friendly-informed WUaS could further generate such an ethos, or "sociocultural learning code," - including connectedness and even as connected-identity-affirmation - and far-reachingly, around STEM subjects and in all subjects, and in large languages and their countries for C.C. degrees. 


Hi Mary, 

Thanks for a good "What Canst Thou Say about Climate Change?" panel.
For the notes, here's the "Ocean and Climate Management Plan" wiki subject/school at WUaS - - with lots of great STEM courses, and planned for many large languages. 

Friendly greetings,



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