Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Champaca: Could you possibly please take the (initial) lead and help me to develop this WUaS plan (and templates) in Wikidata (which CC WUaS donated to CC Wikidata for its third birthday) - and inter-lingually? [Wikidata] Template development in Wikidata re WUaS, Fascinating MIT - BitCoin conversation with Joi Ito, Gavin Andresen, Cory Fields and Wladimir wan der Laan yesterday, Can World University and School both pay in BitCoin in all nation states, but also do so in relation to their banks, each countries' tax code, and re WUaS Law Schools and countries legal systems?

Hi Dimitris and Wikidatans, 

Great to meet you recently at Stanford (DBpedia), Dimitris. 

Could you possibly please take the (initial) lead and help me to develop this World University and School (WUaS) plan (and templates)  - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n02XHzbTE8rY14p-ei6WSNtCQZ8AYscgwI6ncMXolpo/edit?usp=sharing (which Lydia suggested I write) - in Wikidata (which CC WUaS donated to CC Wikidata for its third birthday) - and inter-lingually? Thanks.

Best regards, 


Hi Scott, great to meet you as well!

Interesting, but this does not look related to my question. Better post it in a separate thread.
Actually my question too is not so related to this list but I was hoping someone could give me some feedback / point me to the right people.

(I know my script needs some tweaking for magic word templates, etc. but wanted to see if spending more time on this is worth the trouble)


Kontokostas Dimitris


"Discussion list for the Wikidata project." ,
Wikidata Discussion List,

Hi Wikidatans, Dimitris, Markus K, Magnus M, Denny V, Kingsley I, Daniel K, James Heald, Lydia and other friends here,

(Thanks, Dimitris, re: Great to meet you recently at Stanford (DBpedia) - and [Wikidata] Wrong template usage in Wikipedia (feedback)).

I'm emailing to inquire whether you, as a core developer group (and perhaps even developing a face-to-face monthly business meeting process amongst yourselves to reach consensus re WUaS's), could possibly please take the (initial) lead and help me to develop this World University and School (WUaS) plan (and templates)  - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n02XHzbTE8rY14p-ei6WSNtCQZ8AYscgwI6ncMXolpo/edit?usp=sharing (which Lydia suggested I write) - in Wikidata (which CC WUaS donated to CC Wikidata for its third birthday) - and inter-lingually? Thank you.

Best regards, 




with developers & starts at 2:30 today! Join us at the or watch the live webcast

Joi, how will/might favor poorest countries and the poorest individuals in them compared with other contemporary currencies eg $?



Joi, how will/might favor poorest countries and the poorest individuals in them compared with other currencies eg $, R?


WUaS can help, pay instructors & staff in ALL countries in thus favoring poorest countries & the poorest individuals in them re $



Can World University and School both pay in BitCoin in all nation states, but also do so in relation to their banks, each countries' tax code, and re WUaS Law Schools and countries' legal systems? 

According to Gavin in this talk, BitCoin recently became legal as a currency in Europe.


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 



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