Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Marine habitats: Stanford talk, Jeff Dean, on "Deep Learning for Text Understanding and Information Retrieval," In what ways could WUaS possibly co-develop parallel projects with Google Brain/AI/Search which would further support your interesting projects and help develop the WUaS Universal Translator, and in a realistic virtual earth as well?, In what ways could WUaS become a co-developer? WUaS is planning to facilitate each countries' main language creating their own major research university with free CC accrediting degrees (e.g. on http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/)

Hi Jeff (and Chris and Pandu), 

Thanks for your fascinating Stanford talk, Jeff, on "Deep Learning for Text Understanding and Information Retrieval" last week on Th, May 19th - http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs276/. In addition to posting below my recent email (on F, May 6) to Eric Schmidt and Peter Norvig, about which WUaS would like to inquire with you about please, I'd like to ask you about the following. 

Re the AI word focus in your recent Stanford talk, in addition to WUaS planning to work with all 7,943+ languages (re my recent IBM CSIG Universal Translator talk with slides here http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/05/12-initial-foci-of-wuas-universal.html), WUaS wants our wiki-informed Universal Translator to work with so-called "dead" and "invented" languages too, and so develop an etymological history approach to our Universal Translator. CC WUaS, which is like CC Wikipedia/Wikidata/Wikibase (in ~300 languages) with best STEM CC OCW (accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC, for planning purposes, in all countries' main languages) would like to develop this word/lexical-centricity potentially with Google Translate / CC Wiktionary / CC Wikimedia Foundation Content Translation, as well as potentially with phoneme-centricity (for voice) all of which will be central to the planned WUaS Universal Translator. Wikimedia's Creative Commons' licensing is also central to Creative Commons' licensed WUaS. And WUaS's Universal Translator in its lexicality focus will eventually further WUaS and other multi-lingual online brain-language research - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/brain-and-cognitive-sciences/ and via the Brain_and_Cognitive_Sciences wiki subject page  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Brain_and_Cognitive_Sciences - planned in many/all languages. 

WUaS would like also its universal translator to eventually be in a realistic virtual earth (i.e. film-realistic, interactive, 3D, wiki-build-able, with avatars (both realistic and fantastic - e..g Google Hangouts in Street View? - and in all 7,943 languages) such as in Google Street View/Maps/Earth with its time slider with a precise OpenSim/SecondLife build-ability, in which your Google AI word-focus eventually could be seen, for example, in classrooms therein (e.g. in rooms at the virtual Cambridge University in this planned realistic virtual earth with time slider), but also in a variety of other ways. 

WUaS eventually will be able to support your creative Google AI work faculty- and language-wise since World University and School is planning to hire first graduate student instructors (and eventually faculty members) in all languages on both WUaS's degree side in ~204 countries and on our open wiki school side, in all 7,943+ languages. 

In what ways could WUaS possibly co-develop parallel projects with Google Brain/AI/Search which would further support your interesting projects and help develop the WUaS Universal Translator, and in a realistic virtual earth as well? In what ways could WUaS become a co-developer? WUaS is planning to facilitate each countries' main language creating their own major research university with free CC accrediting degrees (e.g. on http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/). How might you, Jeff, see us collaborating further in generative ways? 

CC WUaS donated WUaS to Wikidata last autumn with its 3.5 year old inter-lingual database developing with A.I., machine learning and machine translation. Central to WUaS again is CC MIT OCW in 7 languages, which WUaS plans to add to Wikidata and develop further.

In what ways could we further engage the Stanford Computer Science students in Chris Manning's and Pandu Nayak's class in all of this (http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs276/)? 

Thank you.

Best, Scott

Dear Eric and Peter, 

Greetings, and how are you? Having just this spring been in a UC Berkeley Law "New Business Practicum" course as a client developing World University and School, which is like CC Wikipedia with best STEM CC OpenCourseWare (and accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC), I'm writing with a few questions about developing World University further in collaboration with Google. WUaS is planning to be in all ~204 countries' main languages as accrediting universities offering online Creative Commons' licensed BA/BS, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees (and also CC MIT OCW-centric I.B. high school diplomas), as well as facilitate wiki schools in all nearly 8,000 languages for open teaching and learning, and developing in interlingual Wikidata in 300 languages. WUaS is also in Google Classroom thanks last year to the very helpful (Evan) P.S. at Google and WUaS is therefore Google-verified.

This spring also, CC WUaS in a lengthy correspondence with MIT Assistant Dean of Online Learning Cecilia d'Oliveira (and former executive director of CC MIT OCW) clarified ways in which CC WUaS can both "share" and "adapt" CC MIT OCW in 7 languages (and ways in which we can't commercialize this on WUaS's CC Core non-profit side - since forking WUaS, again re this same Berkeley Law course, is further planning a commercial side).

WUaS is looking to improve our main web page - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - focusing it for ~17 year old students (we may matriculate possibly 2000 students in the autumn of 2017 for free CC BA/BS degrees) applying this autumn from all over the world for online CC MIT OCW-centric undergraduate degrees. WUaS is planning many other developments including a universal translator between all 7,943 languages, about which I just gave an online IBM CSIG talk yesterday morning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f48b0Z4VffQ .

I just talked on the phone with a Google representative at Google Sites - https://apps.google.com/intx/en/products/sites/ (which costs $5 per user per month, she confirmed) - who said they don't really do web sites (WUaS hasn't become financially operational to speak of yet, whatsoever). They only support very simple web sites as kinds of intranets for company team work - which I think WUaS could be interested in, but the Google person said supportively she didn't think it was what we want. 

And Google Business Site Builder seems to be closed - https://support.google.com/businesssitebuilder/?hl=en#topic=1660607). 

What suggestions please might you have for collaboration of all of this within the Google ecosystem? 

Since World University has Google Classroom and plans to build major online accrediting universities (the Harvards of the internet) in all countries' main languages, and using Classroom, would there be a possible way you could see please for World University and School to work with a Google team in developing WUaS further? 

And would it be possible please to talk in person with you or even in combination with Peter Norvig whom I know a little, and who has been on the WUaS monthly business meeting email list for years further about this as well? Thank you very much.




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