Sunday, November 29, 2020

Hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus): 7.8 billion people, and identity verification too re World Univ & Sch, Miraheze MediaWiki, and Wikidata / Wikibase installation * * * Recent World University and School's successes - A) partnering with edX , B) sending in the 2017, 18, & 19 tax forms for WUaS Corp, C) installation of WUaS WikiBase database, D) joining the Stanford 'Mine Pi' cryptocurrency network * * Playing SSP bagpipes, writing book, writing blog * * * "Creating a realistic virtual earth for tourism and tourism studies with actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A case study" - upcoming UC Berkeley TSWG Tourism Studies' talk on 12/18/20


World Univ & Sch, Miraheze MediaWiki, and Wikidata / Wikibase installation


Dear Abdelwaheb (or Houcemeddine, or ? - which do you prefer?),

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. 

As I signed up for the Stanford 'Mine Pi' cryptocurrency yesterday successfully - - I found the information they asked for, including passport name, and the name one is called, ETC., very relevant for planning for WUaS's student registration, since these could be the early steps to IDENTITY VERIFICATION in a developing and legal way for all ~200 countries, and regarding Stanford thinking. And since Mine Pi is in 175 countries, I wonder how the sign up information they ask for differs from country to country for them, and as a model for WUaS.  I wonder too whether WUaS will be able to collaborate with MinePi digital currency, and regarding You at World University -, regarding these new items we created -

 for 7.8 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item # or a WUaS Q-item #, and with WikiTree too for genetics for a SINGLE Family Tree (eg - and I've communicated about this in the past with the founder and its lead code)r, and presumably and potentially for 7.8 billion people too. AND Mine Pi may become the currency that WUaS uses, and legally regarding Co-operative legal entities (in many countries) ICO (Initial Coin Offering) relative to the state authorized legal currency.  

Also I won't be holding the WUaS News and Q&A tomorrow morning at 10 am Pacific Time, since there's an Edinburgh Univ Medical School debate (a school I studied at in Scotland) at that time, with much possibly relevance for  WUaS Medical Schools - -  and our WUaS undergraduate medicine newly planned Bachelor's degree - - and Scotland World University and School (first in English) - - and re Scottish students studying at WUaS (regarding even reimbursement from the Scottish Parliament). If helpful I could meet at other times in the day. 

Would you be interested in studying toward the undergraduate Medicine degree at WUaS at some point, and combined with a Computer Science major, and if this would lead to a graduate Medical Degree at WUaS? 

In further developing the WUaS course catalog, first, in this new WUaS Wikibase installation, it seems like WUaS is taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back, returning to planning fo 6 majors, from 29 majors (which would include medicine), and as we wait too on the upcoming edX dashboard in part. 

Aiming to get a university professional web site working, and with the first year's courses of these 6 majors - 

Thoughts, questions, suggestions, further good ideas?

It also occurred to me to explore keeping the WUaS Wikibase installation separate from the WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki initially. At first the WUaS Wikibase installation would be for course catalog and student registration, with the WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki for open wiki schools in all 7117 living languages (and perhaps adding somehow Wikibase installation to the back end of WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki). What do you think? 

Thank you so so much, Abdelwaheb (or Houcemeddine)!


* * * 

Scott MacLeod

3:09 AM (8 hours ago)
to Jane

Played bagpipes, wrote book, wrote blog entry - (with somewhat interesting identity questions in email to Larry) - after walk, yesterday evening, am wondering about getting hair cut before UC Berkeley talk on F 12/18/20, but also liking my hair getting longer during Covid-19. Am wondering too about professionalism (and as WUaS president and professor) ... and yet am inspired by rock and roll long hair freedom.

Ed and I talked some about my big educational project's successes - A) partnering with edX , B) sending in the 2017, 18, & 19 tax forms for WUaS Corp, C) installation of WUaS WikiBase database, D) joining the Stanford 'Mine Pi' cryptocurrency network. 

We also talked a tiny bit about a possible genetic engineering development allowing us to reverse aging. I'm a tiny bit optimistic, and due to Covid-19 and new intense Genetics' foci, - while retaining realism. ...

Seeking also to get another (the 3rd I think) group of recordings of 'Honey in the Bag" SSP tunes recorded AND uploaded by next week, before Friday, website developed - .

Newly seeking a 'cool' sound (have explored many visions for my album in blog - - but playing daily, am also simply seeking to record tunes well, (leaving aside my 'perfectionism') ... Re rock and roll too (Allman Brothers, 'Blind Faith' album) ... And even re mistakes ... 


Could our family gathering over Thanksgiving, which I enjoyed a lot (for leading to a sense of feeling connected), even lead to connecting further with N...?

How are you doing, Ma? And how are you doing with your computers' usages? And how are you also doing with the Covid in your new home? And how is Jean Thomas, and how was your visit?  

If I had a conversant avatar bot ... here's the idea ... 

People? Re #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital you & I with #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth? #FilmTo3D into #GooglePoly for #WUaSAvatarBots #ArtificialHumans #SamsungNeons #RealisticVirtualEarthForAvatarBots for 1< >1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics ~

And it were a Richard Rorty, Stanford philosopher, whom I learned of from George, am curious how, in conversation, we could go way beyond the Desiderata ... 

Thoughts, questions, ... ? 

Sending love, Scott



Interesting video interview with Anders Tegnell from July re COVID-19 (RATHER THAN YOUR COVID) ... and the smart Swedish strategy, including keeping an open society, schools running, no masks, but with social distancing ...

Sweden's chief epidemiologist praises country's strategy
Sweden's State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell tells Amanpour that despite the country's high mortality rate, the no-lockdown strategy has "served us very well."Source: CNN

I appreciate this dissenting epidemiologist's thinking perspective (none of Chicken Little's "the sky is falling":) 

Stay relatively open ??? 

Love, Scott

* * * 

Dear Larry,

Thanks so much for your email, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and Karen (and your kids) too.

Am planning to give a TSWG talk on 12/18/20 and about the creation of a realistic virtual earth / Harbin. Just met this morning with Houcemeddine for the third time this week for more than an hour to install WUaS WikiBase, - and potentially the realistic virtual Harbin, (think Street View with Time Slider), will emerge from Wikidata/WikiBase databases (in Wikipedia's 300 languages) ... Perhaps to query, for ex., in new ways - This installation is a ginormous step for WUaS and hopefully will lead to free CA licensing and accrediting Bachelor degrees online with edX courses in January, first in English ... Who knows when SAS will begin sailing again?  

Happy Thanksgiving! :) 

- Scott MacLeod


Thanks, Nelson, Dean, Larry, 

I have 35 slides as an outline for my 12/18/20 TSWG talk - - but not yet an abstract. And per my email to Larry on Thanksgiving, and in momentously installing WUaS Wikibase/Wikidata database this week, I'm wondering how best to develop in this, and show 
(e.g. to display a Tweet in GDocs' slides, and show its video in ZOOM ... ), 
how to co-create a realistic virtual Harbin / and a realistic virtual earth, for tourists, and tourism studies' theory  - 

Dear Larry,

Thanks so much for your email, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and Karen (and your kids) too.

Am planning to give a TSWG talk on 12/18/20 and about the creation of a realistic virtual earth / Harbin. Just met this morning with Houcemeddine Turki in Tunisia for the third time this week for more than an hour to install WUaS WikiBase, - and potentially the realistic virtual Harbin, (think group-addable Street View with Time Slider, with text in the sidebar, not yet possible that I know of), will emerge from Wikidata/WikiBase databases (in Wikipedia's 300 languages) ... Perhaps to query Stanford's, for ex., in new ways - This installation is a ginormous step for WUaS and hopefully will lead to free CA licensing and accrediting Bachelor degrees online with edX courses in January, first in English ... Who knows when SAS will begin sailing again?  

Happy Thanksgiving! :) 

Dean, I may come into conversation with your TSWG paper the week before, too, and theoretically, if germane - in my 12/18 talk. Would love to sound out some of all of your thoughts further about my talk before giving my paper. Am deliberating too whether to write this a paper which I can submit to a journal (but not yet publish from text in the side bar, in Google Street View - as a new and even revolutionary approach to publishing).

Seeking to get you an abstract and new pic soon; title of talk remains the same. 


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 



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