Monday, November 23, 2020

Wood avens (Geum urbanum): World Univ & Sch, Miraheze MediaWiki, and Wikidata / Wikibase installation, Planning for ONE major, a computer science major


Dear Universitians, Houcemeddine, 

The open WUaS News and Q & A will meet in this Google Meet in about 40 minutes -

WUaS News and Q&A M 11/23/20 10a PT i) Majors for FREE-to-students' Bachelor's degrees in Jan '20 ii) Developing with WUaS Wikidata / Wikibase installation iii) MINUTES from 11/21 MBM Agenda & News, To join talk email: info@ @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~

Thanks so much to Houcemeddine for proposing to install Wikibase for WUaS and develop our WUaS website anew, so that WUaS can start to reach out to prospective undergraduate students in early December, potentially with a professional website, in combination with Wikidata. 

Sincerely, Scott

* * 

The open WUaS News and Q & A will meet in this Google Meet in about 40 minutes at 10a Pacific Time - 'WUaS News and Q&A' M 11/23/20 i) Majors for FREE-to-students' Bachelor's degrees in Jan '20 Qs? info@ @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch~

WUaS News and Q&A M 11/23/20 10a PT i) Majors for FREE-to-students' Bachelor's degrees in Jan '20 ii) Developing with WUaS Wikidata / Wikibase installation iii) MINUTES from 11/21 MBM Agenda & News, To join talk email: info@ @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~

* * * 

Dear Lydia, Markus, Denny, Houcemeddine, All, 

Thanks for attending the WUaS News and Q&A on Monday, Houcemeddine, and for talking for about 1.25 hours. I'm writing to offer to share with you the hosting information for our computer server for - - per our conversation, and if that would be helpful. Thanks too for saying you think you might be able to have the beginnings of a new WUaS web site with a Wikidata / Wikibase installation in about 2 weeks from last Monday, I think - so Monday November 30th. And thanks also for showing me the University of London website as a kind of template from which to build the new WUaS website, beginning with this updated information -- - and our wiki, here - - for example, and potentially for our new 29 majors. Please remember that WUaS is seeking to plan for our matriculating students in all ~200 countries, wiki Universitians in all 7,117 known living languages, and, brainstorming-wise, wiki teachers and learners among all 7.8 billion people on the planet with time. And WUaS is seeking to retain our students' names, contact information, registrations and similar, even as we partner with edX, and potentially each a Wikidata Q-item # or related forked Wikidata Pin #, and for accreditation and licensing purposes in the state of California, among the 5 reasons I've already shared with you - - to begin. WUaS is seeking to matriculate 50-400 students for free-to-students' Bachelor (licensing and accrediting) degrees beginning in January 2021, so we'd love to get this new WUaS web site development up soon, so we can reach out to the 8 or so heads of WUaS is a variety of countries, in seeking about 50 students from each of their countries who speak English then. 

Is there any other information I can provide you potentially? Thank you so so much!

All the best, Scott


Dear Houcemeddine, 

Thanks so much, - and your coding plans look good as a starting point, since these 'variables' could be adjusted with time, and I think also that HarvardX and MITx courses will increase in number, and in possible academic majors, with time as well.  

I had thought to reply to you with thank you, and include a small group of Peter Norvig, Denny Vrandecic, Lydia Pintscher, Markus Kroetzsch, Matthew Gusching (of edX) and Larry Viehland (chair of the board World University and School) who might be of service or help to you in different ways, but will explore doing so in the future (ie in planning for machine learning, or even in fixing "your data now for when quantum computing is fully ready" - - - where Robert Zembowicz is the Chief Technology Officer of the great and large Philadelphia-based Vanguard Mutual Fund group, and even for Universal Basic Income (UBI) experiments to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed  by most central banks, albeit with WUaS starting very small, as you suggest). As WUaS proceeds with planning, brainstorming-wise, for coding for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, each living person not a Wikidata Q-item #, but a related forked Wikidata Pin # or similar, WUaS is also seeking to interoperate with WikiTree, as you may have read in item 4 here - - (eg with its plans for a SINGLE family tree, presumably of 7.8 billion people, and regarding genetic and avatar bot electronic medical records, information too.  

How many academic undergraduate majors might you envision, Houcemeddine, beginning with MITx and HarvardX courses, if not newly our 29 planned majors (based on the 2,550 courses in the edX courses' spreadsheet), or the previous 6 majors?

World Univ & Sch is seeking to matriculate our first undergraduate class beginning in early January 2021 - 50-400 students from all ~200 countries in English - 

- and since this is soon, WUaS would be interested in reaching out to large groups of prospective students with a professional online university website fairly soon after M November 30th (and public and private high schools in the USA and around the world could begin to share this website with their students during Covid-19 if it was heading in the direction of becoming WASC accredited and BPPE licensed in the state of California, as we've talked about). Do you think WUaS could begin to reach out to a large group of people about this in early December please?

And will the WUaS wiki Subject pages - - in WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki, with what you suggested updating on Mon. Nov. 16 2020 regarding WUaS Majors and the CC-4 MIT OCW on these pages - become integrated with Wikidata after the Wikibase installation, as OPEN WIKI SCHOOLS (a bit like Wikipedia) too? 

So may I share with you the hosting information for our computer server for - - per our conversation, and if that would be helpful?

And if you would like to talk further, I'll be in the WUaS News and Q&A tomorrow, Monday, Nov. 23, 2020 at 10 am PT like last week. 

Thank you for your incisive thinking, great ideas, and understanding in this next big development for World Univ & Sch (as well as potentially for Wikidata / Wikibase, since WUaS seeks to scale in all 200 countries and all 7117 known living languages, for wiki teachers and learners), and by starting small. Thank you, Houcemeddine!

Sincerely yours, Scott

Scott MacLeod -  
World Univ and Sch Twitter -  
Languages - World Univ -  
WUaS Press -  
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -  
OpenBand (Berkeley) -

Robert Zembowicz @rzembo
Don’t delay, fix your data now for when quantum computing is fully ready
#Security #CyberSecurity #QuantumComputing / video via @ZDNet


Dear Houcemeddine, and Larry, 

Thanks for your reply, Houcemeddine. I'd like to introduce you and Larry to one another; see your web pages below. Larry is the head of the Academic (Accreditation) Committee at World Univ & Sch (, and has been directly involved in all of the past WUaS course catalogs (with 6 majors, based on MIT OCW courses, and most recently 29 majors, based on the edX searchable catalog), and related course development approaches. Thank you, Houcemeddine for offering to install Wikidata / Wikibase for WUaS and potentially regarding academic majors. Thank you too Houcemeddine for suggesting that WUaS focus on MITx and HarvardX courses in our recent WUaS partnership with edX and regarding edX's catalog of ~2500 courses, per your: 

" ... I have several proposals concerning the entry requirements and the undergraduate curricula.

  • Entry Requirements: As WUaS will begin delivering courses in English, it should have a language requirement for the undergraduate students. I propose to have 61 out of 100 in the EF SET Certificate ( as an entry requirement.
  • Recognized courses: I think that we should put more emphasis on selecting courses delivered by the same institutions to prevent courses' overlapping. I propose that WUaS focus on HarvardX and MITx Courses.

When answering this email, please do not send it to many users." 

(I've rewritten 1 or 2 of your sentences for clarity, Houcemeddine, for Larry). And your ideas here Houcemeddine - to use HarvardX and MITx courses - may also help with selecting courses with a similar course length.

Thanks, too, Houcemeddine for focusing on ONE specific academic major in your email this morning, Computer Science, in your coding planning for the WUaS Wikidata / Wikibase installation, and using the University of London website ( as a kind of template for WUaS coding with Wikidata / Wikibase and for our WUAS upcoming majors. Since I think the HarvardX and MITx courses will change in upcoming years a lot, I'd like to focus on just the first years' worth of courses at WUaS at the introductory level. 

Larry, what are your thoughts, and what courses would you choose from edX's catalog, and in conversation with Houcemeddine's helpful 4 years' Computer Science program (attached), for our WUaS 1st year undergraduate courses for a CS major?  

Similarly, Larry, what 10 courses or so (like MIT OCW courses) would you choose from edX / MITx / HarvardX for the FIRST YEAR for our other 5 majors (back to the initial 6 majors - in this coding planning for the WUaS Wikidata / Wikibase installation), namely, besides EECS, General Science, General Engineering, English literature, History, Business - so Houcemeddine can begin to develop our new WUaS website? Larry, this will allow you to VET the WUaS first year intro courses further as we talked about in the WUaS monthly business meeting on Saturday. 

In seeking for WUaS to become world class, I'm particularly looking for a kind of Stanford ethos in courses per former Stanford CS chair Nils Nillson's response to my question (below) at Stanford - and for our WUaS students in January 2021 - over a MIT ethos - and many of our WUaS first year students will be speaking English as a second language too. 

"African flower mantis: Romania WUaS A) @WorldUnivAndSch B) @WUaSPress, Online culture at WUaS? - ie. to become world class - I think one of former chair of Stanford CS Nils Nilsson's points is that Stanford CS ADAPTED to what students wanted/what kept their interest, whereas MIT, for example, might not have (see his transcribed text in my blog post), It's a kind of excellence, smart empathy and connecting academically

Houcemeddine, in your coding planning for the WUaS Wikibase installation, could you please come into conversation with Larry about WUaS's first year of a Computer Science major? I'm seeking too here to set up a communication process re Larry selecting WUaS edX courses, and you Houcemeddine coding the World Univ & Sch website for January 2021. I'll be in the WUaS News and Q&A in an hour to talk further about all of this, if you'd like to talk.  

And how is the installation of WUaS Wikibase coming along, Houcemeddine? And when would you need the first year of about 10 15-week long courses in each of the initial WUaS 6 majors for website development from Larry? Thank you so much.

Sincerely, Scott

Dear Houcemeddine and Larry,

Thanks for our conversation today.

Per your suggestion, and to begin a WUaS Wikibase installation, I just emailed the following request:

Hi, at Houcemeddine Turki's suggestion, and after video conferencing this morning, I'm writing to apply for an invite code to create a WBStack Instance for WUaS. (Houcemeddine Turki said he met you online at EMWCon Spring 2020 - . What's the best way, please, to proceed with this? Thank you. Best, Scott

Applying for an invite code to create a WBStack Instance
Houcemeddine Turki met you Adam online at EMWCon Spring 2020
Houcemeddine, the high school degree I mentioned is really the GED or general equivalency degree. But an AP Computer Science high school background is what WUaS would be looking for from US students, partially. (And a Baccalaureat as you were using it, I think, is a high achieving high school degree in most of Europe, and around the world). WUaS is also seeking to begin innovation online IB high schools - - in all ~200 countries and in their official languages with time too, FYI.
Larry, let's begin to put together a list - for coding purposes - of about 10 first year introductory HarvardX and MITx + courses in our old 6 majors, and include courses for distribution requirements for a WUaS Liberal Arts' Bachelor's degree (like Reed College's distribution requirements - . Any missing edX courses necessary for a WUaS degree, like a required first year 'Discrete Mathematics'' course per Houcemeddine, we can begin to get from here - - for CODING purposes.
Thank you.
On with beginning to install Wikidata's Wikibase, then developing info boxes (which read Wikidata) in our 725 WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki pages - and focusing on our 6 majors at first - in the The_College_at_World_University_and_School - .
Seeking to get a professional website up and running for student registration, and majors' selection, - with a database, by December 1 or so - to begin to reach out to prospective students. Thanks so much, Houcemeddine!

* * 

M, November 16, 2020

Dear Universitians, 

Join with Google Meet 11/16/20 in 5 minutes at 10 am Pacifice Time here - ~

Glad to have just found 2 robotics' courses in, by searching in its catalog - 

More will come, and are part of the WUaS Engineering major, and others - ~

The first one shows Lego robotics, and where WUaS Educational Services' Store is an authorised carrier - - 

Cheers, Scott

"What's your major? The WUaS News, Q&A begins in about 1.45 hours at 10am PT. Email sgkmacleod@ to join & please check out our updated WUaS website for our new 29 majors studying courses for free-to-students' Bachelor degrees in Jan 2021"



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