Friday, December 10, 2021

Barberton Daisy: How will the #NontheisticQuaker wiki @WorldUnivAndSch Schools & their libraries will grow, & in which 7,139 #WUaSLanguages initially? * #NontheistFriends' wiki school library:,_Archives,_Collections,_Repositories,_etc. Quaker wiki school at #WUaS > ~


Dear Nontheist Friends, Trevor, Nontheist Quakers, 

Thanks, Trevor, for - re Jamaican Patois language, I think, and Scottish Gaelic ... 

Hoping to add such great resources to Nontheist Friends' wiki school easily in the future - - and WUaS may build upon this - 

The Automatic Citation Tool

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Select the "Cite" button.

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That's it. You've added a citation.

Mar 28, 2021

Wikipedia-edit-a-thon: Adding citations - Research Guides

Not that much about 'evil' either here, but some new related Nontheistic Friends' Nontheist Quakers Tweets - 

How will the #NontheisticQuaker wiki @WorldUnivAndSch Schools & their libraries will grow, & in which 7,139 #WUaSLanguages initially?

#NontheistFriends' wiki school library:,_Archives,_Collections,_Repositories,_etc. Quaker wiki school at #WUaS > ~

Cheers, Scott

Jamaican patois and other Jamaican languages are not yet on this beginning Languages' wiki page, and planning all 7139 known living languages 


- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


to nontheist-friends
Going back to you in 2003-4 Scott, you might find this Gaelic blog by a friend of mine interesting.

Trevor Bending
Sent from my iPhone


Scott MacLeod

Fri, Dec 10, 10:17 AM (2 days ago)
to PlanningWUaSnontheist-friends@googlegroups.comEdBillAnitaTimTrevorJamesOsClaireEd
Nontheist Friends - 

There's another "evil all the time blues songs youtube" I'm thinking of, and can't find presently, but this "Howlin' Wolf - Evil" song isn't bad (and can you get Yuotube videos in the British Isles? I recall in 2003-2004 that it was difficult to get streaming music in Scotland, when I was studying at the University there in the School of Celtic and Scottish Studies, at the University of Edinburgh, and wrote a M.Sc. paper on virtual St. Kilda as nascent sense of place)

Howlin' Wolf - Evil

What are your favorite Blues' songs with the word 'evil' in them? :) Please share (if only the title and musician) :)

Nontheistic-ally Friendly cheers, 

Seeking to create my 2nd Scottish Small Piping album soon - - this one of Piobaireachd classical bagpiping music, and perhaps beginning to explore a new genre I'm calling "Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments" which I hope will be danceable-in-the-light-able :) 



- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Hello David, and NtFriends,

Thanks for your email. Am curious how the Nontheistic Quaker wiki World University and School School and their libraries will grow, and in which Languages initially. Maybe we can add the title of this to these schools.

I think it's the sharing aspects of wiki schools that parallels Friends' sharing, and with CC-4 LICENSED MIT OCW-CENTRIC degrees which will be free-to-students, as WUaS seeks to facilitate further wiki teaching and learning as a good (and even in all 7,139 languages, and for free universal education, people-to-people, as wiki). (The Creative CommonS 4 license allows for 1) sharing freely of (MIT OCW Courses), 2) adapting it (with AI AND MACHINE LEARNING, for example), but 3) non-commercially (so WUaS will seek reimbursement from county department of Education for matriculating students, which is ok with MIT per communication; and it looks there are 27 administrative or 48 ceremonial counties in the British Isles). Thank you for your Quakerly focus on law-abiding re your book's and chapter's copyright, - and Work World University and School seeks too to be law-abiding re new CC-4 MIT OCW Courses' licenses, for example.

While I think WUaS will have and generate plenty of books from authors to publish, translate and sell eventually in our Actual-Virtual bookstores / cafes / Lego Robotics' kits' stores, for WUaS outreach too, in a GDocs GTranslate Wikidata WUaS in 7,139 languages informed Academic Press @WUaSPress, this Press & WUaS will further help shape the Copyright-Creative CommonS conversation emerging (and some Creative CommonS license allow for commercial use).

One thing I find great about great Quaker Colleges (eg Haverford and Swarthmore and Earlham) for example is their unique Quaker collections in their libraries (and Quaker-centric faculty and students), and these cultures too (as an anthropologist), - and sorry "Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives" is not findable in the Quaker Tri-College's online libraries. Libraries themselves are an interesting way for authors to share their ideas, and for readers to get the books for free, albeit for a while only. WUaS seeks to grow this - and in a Friendly Quaker way, as a kind of Friendly Leading too 

Am curious too to invent a new form of digital book - published from Text in the Sidebar of Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic Avatar Bots Electronic Medical Records even (and at the cell & molecular levels). My first book, which is copyright too - may be a good title to try this out from, and I just updated its web page - And I hope to write my 2nd Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnographic book in Google Street View with a time slider, text in the sidebar, and published on paper, and in a wuAsVR Virtual Reality new book form. This would allow peop;le to actually enter into the narrative, as a reader might enter into the narrative of your NtF chapter, David, in "Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives" newly in an immersive way ~ and you visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gate house here, and walk down the road toward Middletown a spell ~ ~ ~ and even for entering into a kind of Silent Quaker Meeting in the Harbin warm pool from home in one's bathtub, for the further relaxation response meditation effects of warm pool water temperature and milieu. 

Just letting you and NtFs know about these new wiki NtFriendly QuakerQuaker schools and colleges and libraries and digital opportunities to share the word with.

Friendly greetings from the SF Bay Area,

Search on Quaker or Friend here in the 11/20/21 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Minutes (and on abolition too!) -

... and you'll also find the 5 books I've written since 2016, and which may be translated into many languages in the Academic Press at WUaS (here - and - 4 of which are poetry, all touching on Harbin Hot Springs, and also with some Friendly focus too), as well as how Naked Harbin Ethnography finds its ways into physical on-the-ground libraries - 

Naked Harbin Ethnography:                  
Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin
by Scott MacLeod
Foreword by Nelson H.H. Graburn

After adding my zip code, I find that my first book is in at least 6 libraries in paper, with one in Canada, here - 

LibraryHeld formatsDistance

UC Berkeley Libraries 

Berkeley, CA 94720 United States

Book Book4 milesLibrary infoAdd to favorites

San Francisco Public Library 
Main Library

San Francisco, CA 94102 United States

Book Book12 milesLibrary infoAdd to favorites

University of Alberta 

Edmonton, AB T6G 2J8 Canada

Book Book1100 milesLibrary infoAsk a librarianAdd to favorites

University of Chicago Library 

Chicago, IL 60637 United States

Book Book1800 milesLibrary infoAsk a librarianAdd to favorites

University of Michigan 

Ann Arbor, MI 48109 United States

Book Book2000 milesLibrary infoAsk a librarianAdd to favorites

Princeton University Library 

Princeton, NJ 08544 United States

I was also able to find "Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives" in World Catalog, and in a newly published edition in 2021 - 
and it looks like it's in 20 or 30 US libraries already, physically, but not in any Quaker college libraries that I can find here in World Cat. (Why are there next to no Quaker Colleges that are also universities too - and which offer PhD, Law or MD degrees, in English, or in any of the other ~200 countries and in their main languages?). Glad World Catalog allows one to find where a library has a book one is interested in physically, and regarding the distance to travel to the library place! 

Friendly informed WUaS seeks to create as many as 2.3 million jobs in ~200 countries and in 7,139 known living languages, and authors and the academic press at WUaS will be part of this, but perhaps first by WUaS connecting with counties for reimbursement for free-to-students' CC-4 degrees, Bachelor, PhD, Law, and MD and IB, and from home. 

Might Nontheist Friends be interested in some of these career opportunities, or part time work opportunities, and from home - and on high quality information technology platforms, and they develop remarkably ahead in the information technology revolution :)? And even for exploring Friendly Quaker Silent Meeting from home, if one might be so lead?  

(One can begin earning free money a different "Magic Penny" way here - - by mining daily for about 5 second with algorithms!) ... Friendly work for the people in Friends' Meetings you might be associated with who also might be having trouble making ends meet? 

How best to begin to grow the NtF wiki school at World Univ & Sch, and with books that inspire too? 

NtFriendly Cheers, Scott 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO, Professor, & Presiding Clerk
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


'David Boulton' via Nontheist Friends (Planning)

Fri, Dec 10, 4:03 AM (2 days ago)
to TrevorWUaSnontheist-friendsEdBillAnitaTimJamesOsClaireEdPlanning

Hello Scott and Friends


I have retained copyright in most of the stuff I’ve written over the past fifty years and have always been delighted when I hear of someone who wants to reprint or quote it. But my chapter for Good and Evil is one of 20 contributions in this book published by Ashgate. Ashgate have the rights, and ‘no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher’.


It is one thing for me to bend the rules a bit by sending out a few copies for private use, but quite another to send a PDF to the World University and School for the purposes you propose, such as translating it into 200 languages for distribution!  You would certainly have to seek prior permission for that from Ashgate. But apart from the legalities, I wouldn’t be happy to see it widely distributed without the context of the other 19 chapters, which offer a much wider and deeper perspective than I was able to provide.


I have sent the text of my chapter to those who have asked for it, but please note that this is for private use only. You’d honestly do much better with the whole book, if you can find a cheap second-hand copy from an on-line bookseller or Kindle.


Walk cheerfully.




WUaS - World University and School

Thu, Dec 9, 2:54 PM (3 days ago)
to nontheist-friendsEdDavidBillAnitaTimJamesOsClaireEdPlanning
Hi Trevor, David, NtFs,

That sounds good: "That's to possible ...", And I think I have asked David, but you raise some further questions regarding Creative CommonS like licensing or similar, -exploratorily - and also regarding a possible query about even translation, and as an experiment. If the WUaS Press in GDocs could automatically translate it and excellently, David, and print to paper, would you or the Ashgate Press, want this, ... but in some months or years? Would you then, David, Trevor, Tim, British NFN, be interested in testing translation yourself with Google Translate re making a Word document available in the WUaS Press, identifying the languages you would like it translated into, and then translating it? The WUaS bookstore might even be able to sell it too, in addition to wiki-adding a copy to the NtF school library. Am curious how a single cryptocurrency backed by most central banks in most countries could play a role here too.

NtF, Cheers, Scott
Academic Press at WUAS with Lego Robotics' kits for WUaS Home Robotics of which WUaS Corp is an authorized retailer - and for free to students' online Bachelor PhD Law MD IB degrees for  NtFriendly and Quaker students in Britain for example! 


Trevor Bending

Thu, Dec 9, 2:33 PM (3 days ago)
to WUaSnontheist-friendsEdDavidBillAnitaTimJamesOsClaireEdPlanning
Sorry Scott
That’s to possible - it’s a full book only available (originally) from the publishers or online second-hand (at the prices indicated on amazon previously).
David may be able to let you have a copy of his nontheist contribution to it if you email him.
Trevor Bending  (


WUaS - World University and School

Dec 9, 2021, 1:24 PM (3 days ago)
to nontheist-friendsEdDavidBillAnitaTimTrevorJamesOsClaireEdPlanning
Hi David B, Tim, Trevor, Nontheist Friends, NtFs, Quaker abolitionists, All, 

Could I possibly please have a look at your "Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives" in the form of a PDF, and also here at World Univ & Sch. And could  WUaS even begin to build out our Nontheist Friends' wiki school library -,_Archives,_Collections,_Repositories,_etc. - by adding a link to this here, please? Tim and Trevor, might you be able to help David create a link that is publicly accessible from all ~200 countries' in the world, if it's not already posted, and if you'd like help, David, such that any of us might be able to read this? Thanks so much! 

NtF regards, 

Just shared with my landlord, originally from Tanzania, Africa, but who has been in Berkeley since around 1973, and in possibly a related 'good' vein -

Thanks Navin too for your prompt response. Am seeking to stay safe and not become a victim, and maybe the state of California and the US federal government can help, legally, and re law enforcement too ... Abolition has been a big freer of people since 1833 and the Anti-Slavery Act of Britain, and the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 in various countries. Abolition-ally, Scott

Am curious about free-to-students' best STEM centric WUaS degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high school - for students in your home country of Tanzania, Navin, and Manish, and even how new forms of abolition law might emerge there, regarding freeing people from all kinds of slavery, re an online developing with free-to-students' law degrees, at Tanzania WUaS -,_United_Republic_of - as this emerges. At the state and federal levels too. Cheers, Scott (and see these other budding law schools too -

Anyone want to learn or teach in Tanzania World Univ & Sch (and possibly in Gujarati, my landlord's first language, or possibly in other main and offical languages there, and online) .. .and about Nontheist Friends :)? Or ... ?


Scott MacLeod

Thu, Dec 9, 12:25 PM (3 days ago)
to Ednontheist-friends@googlegroups.comEdDavidBillAnitaTimTrevorJamesOsClairePlanning
Nontheist Friends, 

I've just reached out to Peter Norvig, and Ed Smyth MD, a friend in the SF Bay Area about this (NtF) post being unpublished (below).

Will let you know what I find out, 

Hi Peter, (and Ed), 

How are you, Peter? I hope this email finds you well. Congratulations on becoming a Stanford Distinguished Education Fellow! I minuted this here recently - 

Minute 8
Congratulations to
Peter Norvig on his move from Google to Stanford University, from industry to academia. I hope this can be a model for Work World University and School, and with suitable remuneration for our faculty (who might move to WUaS from industry).

And also, thanks so much, if you've been communicating with Harvard / MIT's Prof of Genetics' George Church re this question in 
Minute 6 
"How could a conversation between Peter Norvig and George Church facilitate that?"

I just recently received this curious first notice ever from Google's Blogger, and regarding a Nontheist Friends' Quaker blog post, which has been unpublished, but am not sure exactly why. While I don't think many people read this blog at all, it can be helpful for communication with World University and School people, and others. Could you possibly please let me know why this was unpublished, and let me know how to republish it as well? Was it because I newly added some Nontheist Friends' emails about socially responsible mutual funds, which Quakers have been instrumental in sharing, thanks to their abolition of slavery contributions in the 1700s and 1800s? 

Thanks, and best regards, 

Here's the email to Nontheist Friends about this - 

Hi NtFs, NtF Planning Group, All, 

This is the blog post that was unpublished by Google's Blogspot - 

Glad this following post is still at the top of the NtF Friends' label -

"Red-shanked douc: Abolition ~ Regarding Quaker testimonies - SPICES - and abolitionism, I reTweeted - SPICE ~ 'Simplicity Peace Integrity Community Equality' ALL? re #unprogrammedQuakers #Quaker ... "

May explore beginning, or updating, my WordPress blog in these regards too ... 

Abolitionally, and NtF Friendly greetings, 
UBI experiments, and to end poverty - and even with Stanford Mine Pi, for all ~7.9 billion people on the planet? - 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Scott MacLeod

Thu, Dec 9, 11:07 AM (3 days ago)
to Planningnontheist-friends@googlegroups.comEdDavidBillAnitaTimTrevorJamesOsClaire
Hi NtFs, NtF Planning Group, All, 

This is the blog post that was unpublished by Google's Blogspot - 

Glad this following post is still at the top of the NtF Friends' label -

"Red-shanked douc: Abolition ~ Regarding Quaker testimonies - SPICES - and abolitionism, I reTweeted - SPICE ~ 'Simplicity Peace Integrity Community Equality' ALL? re #unprogrammedQuakers #Quaker ... "

May explore beginning, or updating, my WordPress blog in these regards too ... 

Abolitionally, and NtF Friendly greetings, 
UBI experiments, and to end poverty - and even with Stanford Mine Pi, for all ~7.9 billion people on the planet? - 


WUaS - World University and School

Dec 9, 2021, 11:02 AM (3 days ago)
to nontheist-friendsEdDavidBillAnitaTimTrevorJamesOsClaire
Hi Nontheist Friends, Ed, David B, Claire, All, 

For the first time ever, this NtF blog post - - has been unpublished, with its Quaker and NtF focus too ... so I'm posting it below. 

Sincerely, and abolitionally, Scott

Nontheist Friends-talk email list * How best to develop abolition-ally anew out of Quaker and now new Nontheist Friendly thinking ?

[NTF-talk] Evil


Scott MacLeod

9:23 PM (32 minutes ago)


Dear Claire, Bill, Trevor, NtFs, All, here it is again from this email address anew ... thanks for helping to grow an abolition movement, Claire!

Am wondering if some of 'our' forebears on this NtFriends' agnostic Quakers' email list, say Quakers in the 1700s and 1800s (re 'The Quiet Rebels' by Margaret Hope Bacon's history), addressed the issue of the problem of evil (speaking from  Friends' Quaker culture and language) in abolitionist movements - re the wrongful buying and selling of people, including of course innocents and kids and women and men as victims :((( - since NtFs may be a bit rebellious to new Construals of Quaker Worship even for example :(( ... and whether this abolition of slavery (resulting in the Anti-Slavery Act of 1833 in Britain, and even the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 in the USA ) is developing with regards to the abolition of the illegal sex industry internationally, and among Quakers of many persuasions ... which abolition thereof may offer some grounds for hope even !

NtFriendly regards, and abolitionally yours, Scott

NtF blog label in daily blog -

Quakers' too - (and see the Quaker label as well )


Blogged a bit about NtFs and John Hick's book "The Problem of Evil" re the Theodicy idea ... and which some people in the field of religion and philosophy have studied - ... in April 2019, partly from communications on this list, for any NtF historians among us (and perhaps in other places too , such as -


Appreciating these pictures of the freeing of slaves in Guyana in 1848 in some of these regards -


Seeking to head up to Actual Harbin Hot Springs' and its warm pools (for a soaking meditation akin to Silent Meeting among Quakers and NtFs, in the spring) ... and for 2nd Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book, this one both 1) printed from text-in-the-sidebar of Google Street View even .. with machine translation ... and also 2) in a new book form (for all you Friendly bibliophiles) ... in something like #wuAsVR ~ ~ ~

In what ways is soaking in the Harbin Hot Springs warm pool similar to, and different from, the de facto inner releasing action I think occurs in Quaker Silent Meeting as a meditation even (and measurable as the relaxation response, but in new ways even - re warm water ? ... and can we soak in our home bathtubs while visiting realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs, like sitting in Quaker NtF Silent Meeting even ... as researchers even in academic studies? ... and see too (Interesting Harvard medical school Smartphones, Wearables and Health conference on 11/5/21 which abstract was accepted, and here's the first draft of the 1 slide presentation - - which is Harbin and brainwave headset research focused:) )



- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  

- World University and School 

- 415 480 4577 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Scott MacLeod

Thu, Dec 9, 10:18 AM (3 days ago)
to nontheist-friends@googlegroups.comEdDavidBillAnitaTimTrevorJamesOsClaire
Nontheist Friends, agnostic Quakers, friends, All,  

And, of course, "caveat emptor" - buyer beware - as well! I appreciate Quaker thinking about abolition of slavery, and with regards to even investments and money, and, for example, socially responsible mutual funds for stocks and other financial assets. 

And while this Friends' Fiduciary Quaker Index mutual fund -
may be more expensive than other socially responsible (re 'good' money re the opposite of 'evil' money) stock mutual funds (ie, its investments have been screened by many socially responsible filters. Free Pi is a whole new asset class, and is yet to be screened in a similar way. But therein may lie an opportunity too, to begin mining now! (Apologies for the USA-centricity of these socially responsible mutual funds, but one of the 200 countries you may have may have socially responsible mutual funds, for your retirement living, for example, too).

NtF cheers, and abolitionally, 

Again, some of this Nontheist Friends-talk thread is here - 

Hypericum montanum: 11/20/21 WUaS Minutes - for A) N-p World University and School, and B) F-p WUaS Corporation WUaS Press


Scott MacLeod

Dec 9, 2021, 10:08 AM (3 days ago)
to nontheist-friends@googlegroups.comDavidBillAnitaTimTrevorJamesOsClaireEd
Hi Ed in Chapel Hill, David B, Nontheist Friends, All, 

Free money, and potentially to end the evils of poverty (for all 7.9 billion people), is indeed good, and at a 'good' price too. And Ed in Chapel Hill just wrote he successfully has begun to mine Pi - 

Ed InChapelHill

7:21 AM (2 hours ago)
to me
I put in the code you reference and that worked. Looks like I am mining Pi coin now.

... David B, I'm not sure when any NtFs might be able to buy your "Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives" book, David, with your chapter in it, - and with Pi Coin itself, whether from the upcoming WUaS Bookstore / Cafes (for WUaS outreach too), in all ~200 countries, or from Nazamon ... but one would need enough Pi Coin to be able to do so first.

Are you mining Pi daily, Nontheist Friends Quakers - Are you sharing it with Friends and Quakers you know who might need this currency eventually? Please invite your Meetings to explore and download the App, and Mine Pi daily. This might benefit NtFs and Quakers in many ways. 

NtF cheers, Scott
Some of this Nontheist Friends-talk thread is here - 

And here are the WUaS Minutes from last month's open 11/21/21 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting (on 3rd Saturdays, hour-long, and at 9am Pacific Time, if anyone would like to join this), conducted loosely in the manner of Friends, too ... 



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