Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Noctiluca scintillans: Realistic, virtual earth, STEM field site anticipating scientists and researchers in all 8k languages adding their STEM modeling, film and photographs and computational linguistic research, etc., for example, as well as a realistic virtual earth "classroom" - think again Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with TIME SLIDER (for modeling various hurricanes over the past centuries, for example, for emergency planning) - as well as one which is WIKI designable and build-able, with avatars (think OpenSimulator/Second Life) but not cartoon-esque, rather realistic, Realistically model every commercial organization - and for commerce - and even historically. For example, in this virtual earth, anyone as realistic/virtual avatar could go into a virtual realistic bookstore in all ~200 countries (in their languages) and buy a virtual book (and bring it home - where you are - and read it), or film makers could create their historical film sets in this realistic virtual earth too - or, vis-a-vis your IBM CSIG presentation air flight and ship schedulers could also plan their commercial routes, World with flying vehicles operating all the time in all flight spaces is a fascinating potential (think the Jetsons), WUaS For-profit and Non-profit wings

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your email. And thanks again for your fascinating IBM CSIG presentation - “IT Technology Trends in 2017… and Beyond”. A world with flying vehicles operating all the time in all flight spaces is a fascinating potential (think the Jetsons).

26 JanWilliam Chamberlin “IT Technology Trends in 2017… and Beyond”IBM Market Development & InsightsSlidesRecording

World University and School would like to create a STEM field site anticipating scientists and researchers in all 8k languages adding their STEM modeling, film and photographs and computational linguistic research, etc., for example, as well as a realistic virtual earth "classroom" - think again Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with TIME SLIDER - see, for example, the Harbin gatehouse in Google Streetview here ... https://www.google.com/maps/@38.785948,-122.6518103,3a,75y,3.07h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skXZe6uuplnYW7LbqZZcawQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 and accessible from here ... https://twitter.com/HarbinBook - (for modeling various hurricanes over the past centuries, for example, for emergency planning) - as well as one which is WIKI designable and build-able, with avatars (think OpenSimulator/Second Life) but not cartoon-esque, rather realistic. (WUaS would also like to plan such a realistic virtual earth at the cellular and atomic levels for scientific research - all on our 501 c 3, non-profit, Creative Commons' licensed wing - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html - and perhaps in conjunction with IBM and Harvard. 

On our planned upcoming for-profit wing (see above 10 planned revenue streams), WUaS is also planning a realistic virtual earth - possibly to realistically model every commercial organization - and for commerce - and even historically. For example, in this virtual earth, anyone as realistic/virtual avatar could go into a virtual realistic bookstore in all ~200 countries (in their languages) and buy a virtual book (and bring it home - where you are - and read it) - or film makers could create their historical film sets in this realistic virtual earth too - or, vis-a-vis your IBM CSIG presentation air flight and ship schedulers could also plan their commercial routes, and develop their business models within this realistic virtual earth. 

Regards, Scott



Hi Bill, (William and Dianne), 

Thanks very much for your email again, Bill! Re your talk and this vision, here's a recent blog entry of mine - 

How best to actually build out from Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with TIME SLIDER to create the basis for an all air-spaces' traffic control system is a fascinating, huge question - and in all countries' main and official languages, in which WUaS seeks to create major online MIT OCW-centric universities (and indeed wiki schools in all ~8k languages). (I just read that Amazon is going to build a new airport in Kentucky - https://twitter.com/amazonnews/status/826538197601677312 - and I wonder if we could explore becoming the air, land and sea transportation control system in Google Streetview/Maps/Earth for all of this?) Would you all like to explore this further?

I'm seeking too to build a realistic virtual earth as STEM field site and "classroom" re World University and School, also for all 7,097 known living languages, including sign languages +.

Thanks for your email.




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