Thursday, June 14, 2018

John Day Fossil Beds: What is cabin fever, and how can the internet help alleviate this?, Some further ideas re questions of psycho-analytic theorizing, and emergences from this e.g. re John Money's "Concepts of Determinism," (evolutionary biology and humans as human primates, and re World University and School ...

What is cabin fever, and how can the internet help alleviate this?

I asked my cousin this in Oregon, observing that I recall my aunt and uncle sometimes having this in winter there, and that I sometimes get something like this in Canyon.

I also wondered out loud whether, since her many wonderful animals on their ranch don't seem to get cabin fever, whether this is related too to language use among humans, and even questions of lack of troopbondage (per John Money -

(My cousin had mentioned too earlier in my visit that people are going into emergency rooms in hospitals for sociality).

Since I spend much time on the internet and at times (an hour or two a week) in group video conferencing from Canyon CA, where I like in the SF Bay Area, and still sometimes experience what I'll call "cabin fever" (but possibly less than otherwise), I wonder how one could build on internet sociality in group video conferencing for reducing "cabin fever" - and even for creating far-reaching and wondrous connections and community in life in other ways. How?

It's the language aspect vis-a-vis other (non-human) animals, who don't seem to get cabin fever, that I find particularly potentially fruitful to explore.

Some further web sites about cabin fever (not particularly salient, I'd say):

As I think further about this, in some ways cabin fever re troopbondage and language use - per the internet too - could be fruitfully explored in terms of an "ecology of attention" ...

Dancing Animals: The 'ecology of attention' in families is relatively unexplored, in my readings, in many or most psychological traditions ... and 'me' meme-ism ('me' as replicating, cultural unit, as a first definition only) gets mediated by different churches / religious traditions / cultures / places, and even music, in very different ways, The Grateful Dead generated great 'ecologies of attention' to my way of listening ... :)

... and even re other species (Alpine goats' head butting comes to mind, having just seen this, but so many species re evolutionary biology seem potentially relevant here).


Some further ideas re questions of psycho-analytic theorizing, and emergences from this e.g. re John Money's "Concepts of Determinism," (evolutionary biology and humans as human primates, and re WUaS and online ... (in all countries' main and official languages) ...

Freud -

ego - id - superego

Lacan -

imaginary - real - symbolic

Money -

adhibition - inhibition - explication



id - ego - superego

real - imaginary - symbolic

adhibition - inhibition - explication


(see, too - & & )



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