Saturday, March 30, 2019

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (China rose): Seeking to get virtual TRAVELING experience down - like an actual trip to Harbin with movement - in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin for the freedom, physicality, refreshment of journeying, wandering, & from home in bath tub, on incline walking machines, or walking outside in #VR mask? * * * Stanford - Institutional Genes: A Comparative Analysis of Origins of China's Institutions * * * Stanford - 'Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds: Youth Mental Health: Innovations in Access to Care' * * * Stanford performance of 'Ostap Manulyak: sounds from behind the (absent) walls' - Signing in physically initially at central locations in Ukraine (and Romania) for free-to-students' WUaS university and high school degrees would be a brilliant way to get students to register en masse - and with media cameras ...

Seeking to get virtual TRAVELING experience down - like an actual trip to Harbin with movement - in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin for the freedom, physicality, refreshment of journeying, wandering, (dancing too) & from home in bath tub, on incline walking machines, or walking outside in #VR mask?


Seeking to get virtual TRAVELING experience down - like an actual trip to @HarbinBook with movement - in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin physicality, regeneration of journeying, #TourismStudies #Tour & from home in bath tub, on incline walking machines, or walking outside in #VR mask?


Seeking to get VIRTUAL Traveling experience down - like an actual trip to Harbin with movement - in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin for the freedom, physicality, refreshment of journeying, wandering, & from home in bath tub, on incline walking machines, or walking outside in #AR mask?

* * *

Hi M,

A bit of a 'bender' - and we met in the Stanford Libraries' Bender room, I think I heard and met two key China Central Bank decision-makers, one of whom is a Stanford economics' professor, and asked about a single cryptocurrency backed by many countries' central banks. See the second item here - ...

I think posting to my blog, Twitter, YouTube and other social media in innovative ways continues to be the www way forwArd (and per "Communication Power" per Castells theoretically I just read too). This hasn't always been so clear in terms of a reason, but I've been doing it anyway for more than a decade - with blog). Go figure.


All is well here.

Happy upcoming BIRTHDAY! :))


Stanford - Institutional Genes: A Comparative Analysis of Origins of China's Institutions

Stanford - and a de facto head (Hongbin Li?) of the Central Bank of China?

Dear Chenggang and Hongbin,

Thanks for your far-reaching Stanford talk yesterday "Institutional Genes: A Comparative Analysis of Origins of China's Institutions" - - and introduction. I continue to be interested in when (institutional) genes interact and create new genes per my question, and the economic sociology history you so richly shared. 

Am curious too about how CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric (in its 5 languages including Mandarin) World University and School might help code for a single cryptocurrency with blockchain ledger backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (think the Euro), where central banks are institutional genes too. (See, too:

Have blogged about some of this here - - and under the "economics' label too. See too, the "Mandarin" and "Asia" labels. 

Let's stay in touch about all of this as well. And thank you again.

All the Best, Scott

China MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch - - planned in Mandarin for free-to-students' online degrees (Bachelor, Ph.D. Law, MD. and I.B. high school)

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Dear Chenggang and Hongbin, 

As a followup to your Stanford talk "Institutional Genes: A Comparative Analysis of Origins of China's Institutions" -
- I wanted to ask further the following. 

Re my questions about the Chinese Internet, as well as how the central bank of China and re the Stanford Law China Guiding Project, as institutional genes both, might code (I.T.-wise and legally) for a single cryptocurrency with blockchain ledger backed by some percentage of ~200 countries' central banks, CC-4 MIT OCW wiki World University and School is very Stanford- and Google-centric. How would the decision be made at this point? Could your new AI institute help to code for such a single international cryptocurrency? (I follow the MIT Digital Currency Initiative re some of these questions too). Hongbin, are you an adviser to the head of the China Central Bank or its decision making committee?
I was also impressed by how much sociology there was in your presentation, Chenggang, and also find it fascinating that MIT itself doesn't have a sociology department (possibly due to the 'culture wars," not cultural revolution, of recent preceding decades) although MIT does have a Science, Technology & Society department, as well as many other excellent and deeply analytical social science departments - e.g. I was also impressed how your thinking and talk could provide the intellectual basis for China to develop new 'institutional genes' in the future. Thank you.

Sincerely, Scott
- Languages-World Univ:

* * * 

Stanford - 'Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds: Youth Mental Health: Innovations in Access to Care'

Psychoanalytic psychiatry?

Dear Ian,

Thanks for your impressive Frayme talk with its integrated youth mental health services model in Canada at Stanford recently - Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds: Youth Mental Health: Innovations in Access to Care ...

Not wanting to 'fray you' further, I'm still interested within your frame work how, for example, a 17 year indigenous woman in northern British Columbia might get access, if she would benefit from this (e.g. if she personally requested this), to psychoanalytic MD psychiatry via Skype - so get access to highest quality youth mental health services as an individual? The Web seems to make this possible ... and a focus on psychotherapeutic excellence online seems to be something that Frayme could also facilitate remarkably - (and even with regards to planning for youth careers via education) - and for research about this as well. And this could create many new careers in, for example MD psychoanalytic psychiatry, for example. 

Am also interested in staying in touch re MIT OCW-centric World University and School (of which I'm the founder and head), and re teaching online psychiatry - (see the related WUaS links on this page, below too) - in each of all ~200 countries' official / main languages. 

(Am seeking too to create a realistic virtual earth / realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs as STEM field sites, and as classrooms - and re my actual/virtual Harbin ethnographic project. (Have you visited Harbin when you were living in the SF Bay Area, by any chance?) ) 

Re psychiatry and brain and cognitive science questions too (e.g., I'm excited about the potential of brain headsets re people in studies viewing physical images and then scientists seeing the physical physical images viewed in pictures of neural processing, for example, and re research. Am interested in transmitting this - these images' data - into this realistic virtual earth - (think again of Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER  Maps / Earth / TensorFlow / Brain / Translate with avatar bots of individuals and species, and brains, - and eventually for Stanford tele-robotic surgery, for example). More under the 'brain' label in my blog - . Am curious further how we might explore this with brain wave headsets even such as - and - and newly with smartphones, and re the 6 billion + people who may have access to smartphones in some years re research. 

Ian, how can we best stay in communication about this? Thank you again.

Best wishes, 

I blog some about psychotherapy here - and Lacan here - ... with more in my blog about online Medical Schools + 

Re this realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs' project - I'm also developing a new set of digital methods I'm calling 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy' which is briefly characterized here - and I'd think that psychiatry could inform such a co-building of a realistic virtual earth in remarkable and rigorous STEM ways.

With regard to this beginning Google-centric realistic virtual earth, for example: visit the Harbin gate in Google Street View here ~ ~ ~ where you can "walk" down the road "4 miles" to Middletown, California, and "amble" around the streets there, if inclined. And add some photos or videos if you have them - re this new social science method I'm developing (again - - think ethnography as interpretive social science practices, wiki (think fast adding / curating of Wikipedia) and co-building of a virtual world (like in Sansar / Second Life /Open Simulator with avatar bots, but not cartoon-esque, rather realistically)).

See related WUaS wiki subjects, with some related MIT OCW: 

From a Google search on "psychoanalytic psychiatry," but having a language focus psychotherapeutically, one could substitute any number of modalities:
Psychoanalytic psychiatry


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* *

Signing in physically initially at central locations in Ukraine (and Romania) for free-to-students' WUaS university and high school degrees would be a brilliant way to get students to register en masse - and with media cameras ...


Please give my best to some of the musicians (and your wife) at the Stanford performance of 'Ostap Manulyak: sounds from behind the (absent) walls' - .

Ukraine World Univ & Sch will emerge here in the Ukrainian language (for CC-4 MIT OCW-centric free-to-students' higher education degrees) ... And the WUaS Music School is here ... - planned in all ~200 countries' main languages for all instruments, each a wiki subject page to begin, plus much more . And the Computer Music wiki subject is here - - but as wiki anyone can create new subjects, and potentially in Ukrainian or Romanian languages, for example. Check out the MIT OCW courses on some of these pages. 

Signing in like that is a bit too formal for me, and also a bit strange ... but it occurred to me that re World University and School in Ukraine and in Romania, for example, that:
Signing in physically initially at central locations in Ukraine (and Romania) for free-to-students' WUaS university and high school degrees would be a brilliant way to get students to register en masse - and with media cameras - the first few years, before WUaS became known in that part of the world, and people would then access it and sign up / register / matriculate online. 

I'd like to introduce you here to Romanians, Julian Dumitrescu, the named CEO of the WUaS Press / Corp (another wing of World Univ & Sch), as well as Nicolai Gaspar, whom I know through Romanian language online Google group video Hangouts. Since it can be a small world, do you happen to know each other. 

- Languages-World Univ:

Hi Scott,

Thanks for coming to Ostap’s concert.

Îmi pare bine de cunoștință, Iulian și Nicolai! :)

Interesting links, thanks for sharing.

All the best,

Hi Constantin, and All,

Great to hear from you. The question of how to get Romanian World University and School up and running online - with free-to-students' degrees re Stanford / CC-4 MIT OCW courses and seek reimbursement per year per student from the Romanian and Ukrainian ministries of education is timely and topical. This could occur as World Univ & Sch proceeds with CA BPPE licensing and accreditation, first in California - And how to offer highest achieving best Romanian students (building toward this) a Stanford-like undergraduate program is also timely and topical - The more CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS Romanian student graduates, the better off Romania will become, I'd suggest.

And getting Romania WUaS in Romanian up and running would lead to academic careers for many years for many many people.

Please include your wife's email in this conversation - as it grows. (Larry is the chair of the Board at World Univ & Sch, and acting chair of the Board for the WUaS Corp as well).

All the best, Scott


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.



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