Sunday, November 3, 2019

Gray parrot: Consciousness * * * The actual-virtual and physical-digital co-constituting distinctions above could be used to 'tag' with machine learning both subjectively reported actual experiences of consciousness and similar (sentience), and also tag physical brain observations of related activity (brain activity) ... where modeling these in simulations (both virtually and digitally) could also help the further subjective and scientific naming of the actual experiences of consciousness and sentience, and physicality of this in the brain ... (correlatively at first?)

In seeking to understand intractable question of #consciousness re reconciling 1st person-3rd person accounts & subjective-objective in one #RealisticVirtualEarth, inquiries re co-constitutionality of A: #ActualVirtual B: #PhysicalDigital will lead to A: ACTUAL experience Qs & B: BRAIN physical experiences with #ML machine learning ~

See, too:

The gist of the above idea is here:

In seeking to understand intractable question of #consciousness re reconciling 1st person-3rd person accounts & subjective-objective in one #RealisticVirtualEarth, inquiries re co-constitutionality of A: #ActualVirtual B: #PhysicalDigital will lead to A: ACTUAL experience Qs & B: BRAIN physical experiences with #ML machine learning ~


See, too, especially - (re ... as well as David Chalmer's 2017 Stanford philosophy talk on the Actual and Virtual ...

Epistemologically, the #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM will never be 1-1 correspondence exactly but is endlessly generative science & philosophy inquiry. How to grow NEW #ActualPhysical > ~ #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?

Epistemologically, the #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM will never be 1-1 correspondence exactly but is endlessly generative science & philosophy inquiry. How to grow NEW #ActualPhysical > ~ #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?

NewProgramAlert! "ROBOATS" >… > CELL / ATOM levels & SPECIES (EG Queen & Worker BEES) & wi #BrickStreetView & #LegoRobotics in #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics #RealisticVirtualLego #RealisticVirtualEarth … … ~

In seeking to understand intractable question of #consciousness re reconciling 1st person-3rd person accounts & subjective-objective in one #RealisticVirtualEarth, inquiries re co-constitutionality of A: #ActualVirtual B: #PhysicalDigital will lead to A: ACTUAL experience Qs & B: BRAIN physical experiences with #ML machine learning ~

In seeking to understand intractable question of #consciousness re reconciling 1st person-3rd person & subjective-objective in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth, inquiries re co-constitutionality of A: #ActualVirtual B: #PhysicalDigital > A: ACTUAL experience Qs & B: BRAIN exper wi #ML~


Language in these machine learning boxes could correspond to cells and atoms and clusters thereof!

book review is mildly hilarious like "Hullabaloo In The Guava Orchard"
Making headway on questions of #consciousness, philosophically & scientifically - - ~

is mildly hilarious to say the least ( ) & with echoes of very comic novel "Hullabaloo In The Guava Orchard" by Kiran Desai
Making headway on questions of #consciousness, philosophically & scientifically, - -

Nordic AI Artificial Intelligence Institute
The Guardian @guardian: Get a tinge of digital in your soul. #aistrategy #ArtificialIntelligence #dataresponsible

* * *
What this adds to seeking to understand awareness or sentience or feeling re perceiving is both a machine learning as well as a language approach - and - and to using language at the cellular and atomic levels - re what machine learning can 'see' ... and potentially within a realistic virtual earth ...

Feeling perceiving in the virtual Harbin warm pool with a brain wave headset at the cellular and atomic levels re 'mapping' meditation or the relaxation response as conscious aware enjoyment ... in clusters of the brain per Tononi's Integrated Information Theory ITT - ( and see, too: - and Phi measure of consciousness, more explicitly identified?

"Relationship to the "hard problem of consciousness"


David Chalmers has argued that any attempt to explain consciousness in purely physical terms (i.e. to start with the laws of physics as they are currently formulated and derive the necessary and inevitable existence of consciousness) eventually runs into the so-called "hard problem". Rather than try to start from physical principles and arrive at consciousness, IIT "starts with consciousness" (accepts the existence of consciousness as certain) and reasons about the properties that a postulated physical substrate would have to have in order to account for it. The ability to perform this jump from phenomenology to mechanism rests on IIT's assumption that if the formal properties of a conscious experience can be fully accounted for by an underlying physical system, then the properties of the physical system must be constrained by the properties of the experience."

The actual-virtual and physical-digital co-constituting distinctions above could be used to 'tag' with machine learning both subjectively reported actual experiences of consciousness and similar (sentience), and also tag physical brain observations of related activity (brain activity) ... where modeling these in simulations (both virtually and digitally) could also help the further subjective and scientific naming of the actual experiences of consciousness and sentience, and physicality of this in the brain ... (correlatively at first?)


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