Sunday, March 28, 2021

Vatnajökull National Park (Iceland): blog post by Harvard Professor of Economics, Greg Mankiw - - about Google Trends' ranking of top economists of all time (I haven't looked into why the philosophers Aristotle and Plato top one of these lists yet) * Your mentioning a cryptocurrency wallet yesterday (which was "broken" into - and thus lead to a NYT's article) lead me to look up crypto wallets, and there are many with "wallet" in the name - and regarding WUaS's exploring UBI experiments to alleviate poverty and distribute a single cryptocurrency (Stanford Mine Pi Coin???) in most of 200 countries to many of all 7.8 billion people * "In what ways would a #SingleCryptocurrency backed by most of ~200 countries' central banks & to alleviate poverty via #WUaSUBIexperiments for 7.8 billion people <> with universal free highest quality wiki education #WUaSwikiSchools for speakers of 7139 languages change economics?" * regarding the idea that a Fidelity Mutual Funds, if they came to back a single cryptocurrency emerging from academic paper writing by the Boston Federal Reserve (as a part of the US's central banks' system of regional offices) in collaboration with the MIT DCI Digital Currency Initiative - what the implications would there be legally - in US federal LAW - for a privately backed, even investor based, national currency, compared with the current state managed currency called the US dollar$?

Dear Larry (and Ed), 

Your mentioning a cryptocurrency wallet yesterday (which was "broken" into - and thus lead to a NYT's article) lead me to look up crypto wallets, and there are many with "wallet" in the name  - - and regarding WUaS's exploring UBI experiments to alleviate poverty and distribute a single cryptocurrency (Stanford Mine Pi Coin???) in most of 200 countries to many of all 7.8 billion people. Was it one of these Investopedia 'wallets' that was broken into? (On my now old-ish Google Pixel 3a phone, I have G Pay Send as money transfer mechanism which I've never used; it's openable with the very first press of a button - and when I just spoke to my phone saying "OK Google - open wallet," Google Voice said, "Opening: Google Pay"). I also tweeted and blogged about this a few days' ago -

"Which #singleCryptocurrency ? might gain backing of #Fed US central bank re - Decrypt: Fidelity Wants to Launch Its Own Bitcoin ETF. ? #ECB & BY most of all ~200 countries' banks RE #WUaSblockchain #StanfordMinePi? 200 Law Schs @ ~"

I wondered too after our talk, and regarding the idea that a Fidelity Mutual Funds, if they came to back a single cryptocurrency emerging from academic paper writing by the Boston Federal Reserve (as a part of the US's central banks' system of regional offices) in collaboration with the MIT DCI Digital Currency Initiative ( > - - what the implications would there be legally - in US federal LAW - for a privately backed, even investor based, national currency, compared with the current state managed currency called the US dollar$? How would this change the USA's orientation for example to the US dollar, - and even as a de facto international currency? How much new law will get written, and what would the societal implications of such a state-based national US currency to an investor based national US currency be? 

Then I noticed this recent blog post by Harvard Professor of Economics, Greg Mankiw - - about Google Trends' ranking of top economists of all time (I haven't looked into why the philosophers Aristotle and Plato top one of these lists yet), which partly inspired this Tweet this morning (and which I'll probably blog about today, in conjunction with some non-theistically Friendly / Quaker, Unitarian Universalist, and even Heart Consciousness Church/ Harbin Hot Springs' Tweets) - 

"In what ways would a #SingleCryptocurrency backed by most of ~200 countries' central banks & to alleviate poverty via #WUaSUBIexperiments for 7.8 billion people <> with universal free highest quality wiki education #WUaSwikiSchools for speakers of 7139 languages change economics?"

So in what way at this key moment for WUaS of edX integrating its edX Dashboard into WUaS G-Suite for Education - and WUaS planning to code for all 7.8 billion people on planet, speakers of all 7139 living languages - as wiki teachers and learners - in 200 countries, could WUaS plan further for some of the implications of possible changes in the economic systems of all 200 countries even? Am not an economist (academically trained that is, in this social science discipline), rather a sociologist, and teach a little macroeconomics in my (Manuel Castells' informed) "Network Society, Information Technology and the Global University" course ...  ... but consult with Harvard's Greg Mankiw for one? 

WUaS Minutes still to come ... and re WUaS as a kind of ongoing Friendly 'leading' ... and WUaS's open Monthly Business Meeting (conducted loosely in the manner of Quakers / non-theist Friends ... ), 2 ways in which WUaS is Friendly-oriented :) ... And could WUaS help to alleviate poverty world wide, each person on planet a Wikidata Q-item # ... and via even this WUaS Corporation in CA ... (and even exploring listing as some kind of IPO on the emerging Silicon Valley long term stock exchange)? Would a hypothetical Fidelity Mutual Funds, and other Mutual Funds / companies too all invest in a new US currency (conceptually like "Stanford Mine Pi Coin Dollar") ... and by extension possibly in WUaS Corp on the emerging Silicon Valley long term stock exchange even? Some things to think about ... :) ... Lots of computing and computer science questions here ... and in all 200 countries! 




The relationship between World Univ & Sch's 501 c 3 federal status and this WUaS Corp in CA's status, is something I'll (I think WUaS would best) let the federal and state of CA governments work out legally, and in a well thought out way :) What do you think in these regards?

Professor Scott MacLeod

- Scott GK MacLeod  

Founder, President, CEO & Professor

1) non-profit World University and School -  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

 * *

Ma (in a text message a few evenings ago)

Just leaving the Unitarian Universalist church of Kensington, Berkeley (which is still very closed!), Ma, 1.8 miles into walk - not Heart Consciousness Church (ie Harbin) since that's about 91 miles away from this UU church, with not nearly so much of a walk to the pool area at Harbin as 1.8 miles, - and Harbin is apparently open while California still has a stay at home self quarantine directive in place I think  :) ... How was your day, And how are you? :) Love, Scott

 How was the weather today by you? Kinda a spectacular evening brightness-wise here, and nice that the days are getting longer and warmer but not too hot yet ... Didn't make it into HCC virtually (a realistic virtual Harbin Heart Consciousness Church in a digital mask, and then in bathtub for warm water releasing meditation) when I got back from walking - for a nice soak and hanging out with Harbin friends virtually - because this HCC virtual church isn't made yet, and I don't have a waterproof, or any, digital mask yet :) 

* * * 

Please read these 2 blog posts together (and since they were originally posted as one :) -



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