Friday, September 10, 2021

Acer palmatum (Japanese maple): bagpiping in Scotland, society and information technology, Harbin ethnography, ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, Wiki, genes, MIT, global university, You at WUaS, UBI, economics, Law, Stanford, WUaSPress, translation, machine learning, Quakers, virtual Harbin * * * Sunday, December 12, 2021 Dear Andréa, Giovanna, Roland, Syren, Hester (Commissioner Peirce), and Larry, As a follow up to our conversation: brainstorming-wise, would the WUaS Corporation listing as a stock on the Silicon Valley Long-term stock exchange, for 7.8 billion people, to end poverty via UBI Experiments, and to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed, or regulated, by most central banks, such as 'Stanford Mine Pi,' offset the microsecond and nanosecond trading innovations that investors are developing? My browser stopped right at this idea here -

Regarding - 

Friday, September 3, 2021 ~

Scott MacLeod <>

Thu, Sep 9, 3:00 PM (1 day ago)

to syren

Hi Syren, 

Thanks again for your reply (above), and I hope this email finds you well. How are you? How much are you communicating with other Asian countries, like China, and Singapore, and Malaysia, and possibly India, in your financial regulation teaching and talks?

Am seeking to reply to some of your points here -

The "Howey Act"? Seeing, hearing, and thinking about you and your talk reminded me a bit of both Fettes College, Edinburgh, Scotland, where I as an American, studied in 1st year sixth form in 1977-78 (and I just received a Fettes Community email this morning, maybe un-coincidentally), and lived in Kimmerghame House there (and played in the Fettes Pipe Band), with George Preston as housemaster, and later keeper of the Old Fettesian records. With a last name like Johnstone, might you be a Scot, or have Scottish ancestry? (I wrote a little ZIS Stipendium paper in 1981-1982 on Bagpiping in Scotland, having taken a workshop with the very great and merry piper, Duncan Johnstone in Glasgow).

Seeing, hearing, and thinking about you and your talk reminded me also of Quaker circles I've moved through; there was a 'Howie' (I don't recall his last name, but who had lived through the 1960s and '70s I think too, and identified as a Quaker, with an interest in community too, for ex.) at Pendle Hill, Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation, SW of Philadelphia, near Swarthmore College, as a co-student, when I was a student there for a year, in 1987-1990/91 (following that, I worked in its Pendle Hill bookstore / Publishing House for about 2.5 years). Seems highly unlikely there's a connection regarding the Howey Act, since it was written around 1933, but one never knows. And does Roland have any Quaker background? When I lived in Munich, Germany, and in Garching too, in 1981-1982 ... (at the end of my year studying there in a Reed College program which met both in Olympiazentrum, and at LMU), I was quite involved with Friends, and lived with the Eckhart Krueger family toward the end of my 13 months there. Munich Quakers I think would know Austrian Quakers since they're probably in the same Quarterly / Yearly Meeting, and proximate too. As a philosopher too, any relatedness in these regards?  

Glad your person-to-person face-to-face teaching is starting up again, and that it's "really refreshing after more than a year of online classes." In what ways is it refreshing for you, given a person-to-person face-to-face vs just face-to-face (in video-conferencing) distinction? I find refreshing the possibility of two-three channels of communication in video conferencing (group video/voice and group text chat) re the seminar idea in universities (in contrast to the lecture idea), and also very refreshing the access to great talks like yours, and other engaging brilliant professors and teachers, from halfway around the world. And I was hearing you from the SF East Bay, not Stanford. Am curious a bit ethnographically to learn of your thinking in these regards. But I also feel somewhat isolated after the self-quarantine of the past 18 months, and wonder about this too, even regarding how to generate connectedness online. I teach a bit about these questions of alienation (is one word) in my "Society, Information Technology and Global University" course - - and wonder further and profoundly, how might one in creating a single realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs, and with a single realistic virtual earth, facilitate 'connectedness' and similar in new creative ways. What do you think?

As I just wrote to some WUaS colleagues - 

"In Syren's email, he mentions his beginning to teach in person face-to-face in Hong Kong (will post this to yesterday's blog post), and I wonder if I could possibly get a teaching position this autumn at Stanford ... re my "Society, Information Technology and Global University" course - - (and later my Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' wiki Ethnography project  - - as a course +)? ... and then even at Harvard, remotely or/and in situ ??? ... " (this is in a new Neo.Life email thread, with much in it from Harvard / MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church - and have you seen this: ... George Church is heralding aging reversal genetic drug therapies and vaccines, beyond extending life past 122 years of age, and studying this genetically in many species, and WUaS is seeking, in planning to code for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Pin #,  to facilitate further a single wiki family tree with all of our genomes possible to add to this - like sending in saliva samples to Ancestry or 23 and Me etc. and for DNA analysis for genealogy - - - and again as I mention in my Season's Greetings' letter from 2019 - - and single realistic virtual earth for genetics and CRISPR ... to facilitate further tools in these aging reversal regards too.

I think your argument in your book is sound - and glad you're engaging this conversation so robustly, and sharing about it with Stanford Law CodeX for example too. I wish the WUaS Academic Press could help you translate it into some of the UN languages +, for example, in a timely fashion, to reach the people who might benefit from this thinking and analysis, but WUaS Press isn't 'there' yet.  

I added your emails again further here - 

Acer rubrum: Syren Johnstone, Stanford Law CodeX, 9/1/21 ~ And Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency questions

These are some of the things I have in the air. 

Wishing you all the best, and looking forward to learning further your thinking in some of these regards. (Do you also ever attend Cambridge Philosophy talks, for example -; I do occasionally).

Best regards, 


UBI label - in daily blog ~


syren johnstone

Thu, Sep 9, 10:09 AM (1 day ago)
to me
hi scott

i see you have lots of interesting things in circulation.

my aspirations at present are somewhat more modest. 

first, i’m merely hoping to help policymakers see why applying financial regulation, such as the howey test, is not sustainable. 

second, to develop the line of thinking in my book that the financial regulatory approach has failed to achieve key regulatory objectives (such as de-risking, consumer protection, and providing a legal enviromment that facilitates business).

our teaching semester started this week, which will keep me somewhat occupied running my LLMCR programme and teaching a couple of courses. here in HK we are now back to face-to-face teaching, which is really refreshing after more than a year of online classes.


 * * * 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Dear Andréa, Giovanna, Roland, Syren, Hester (Commissioner Peirce), and Larry, 

As a follow up to our conversation: brainstorming-wise, would the WUaS Corporation listing as a stock on the Silicon Valley Long-term stock exchange, for 7.8 billion people, to end poverty via UBI Experiments, and to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed, or regulated, by most central banks, such as 'Stanford Mine Pi,' offset the microsecond and nanosecond trading innovations that investors are developing?

My browser stopped right at this idea here - 

open #WUaSNewsandQA on M 9/6/21. Here's Pt 1 of today's recorded conversation - after which my browser stopped, just at interesting idea abt #WUaSUBIexperiments to #EndPoverty 7.8 billion peops #WikidataQitem via #SingleCryptocurrency like #StanfordMinePi~

All the best, 
- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World University and School (like MIT OCW in 4 languages with Wikipedia in 300 languages) -

World Univ and Sch Twitter -
WUaS Press -

Scott MacLeod -
Languages - World Univ -

Related blog entries to your great Stanford Law CodeX talks - 

Greater rhea (Rhea americana): [Stanford codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (8/26 @1.30p): Antitrust, AI & blockchain; Justice, Algorithmic Randomness and Innovation -

Acer rubrum: Syren Johnstone, Stanford Law CodeX, 9/1/21 ~ And Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency questions -

Syren, more about responding to, and networking about your 'regulatory' upcoming book "Rethinking the Regulation of Cryptoassets: Cryptographic Consensus Technology and the New Prospect" here - 

Acer palmatum (Japanese maple): bagpiping in Scotland, society and information technology, Harbin ethnography, ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, Wiki, genes, MIT, global university, You at WUaS, UBI, economics, Law, Stanford, WUaSPress, translation, machine learning, Quakers, virtual Harbin


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