Happy Thanksgiving! 200 online world class #UniversityResearchLibraries in 200 countries' main languages @ CC4 https://t.co/X0MmdnNkLB -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries #StreetView w #TimeSlider #TensorFlowAI https://t.co/T23uLCwPpa ~ https://t.co/OMGRLK2iJc
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 25, 2022
These ~200 online libraries would be wiki and potentially collaborate with many of ~200 countries national libraries, and best largest libraries otherwise.
See too: F, March 22, 2024
"Thunder Ridge Wilderness, VA blog post - https://scott-macleod.
Thanks, Scott GK MacLeod
The Academic Press at WUaS would also seek to use these ~200 countries' libraries in main languages as data sources for Large Language Models
See, too, Peter Norvig's INCREDIBLE ToolifyAI article about WUaS in these regards - ToolifyAI. 2024. [https://www.toolify.ai/ai-
Library Futures: 'Pitch us your project!' email to WUaS on Tue April 23, 2024
We’re looking for project proposals! | |
We are soliciting proposals from library workers, advocates, and researchers who want to explore their boldest questions and ideas in libraries. The format can range from a podcast to a blog post to a longer research paper to a model template you've used for institutional and community buy in—we're open! See a list of topic ideas on the application form. We want to encourage experimentation and creativity and will promote your project using our networks and channels. We encourage all to apply and will be prioritizing proposals from public librarians, library advocates, and diverse candidates. Please don't let your title or organization stop you from proposing an idea! We want to hear from a wide variety of people. We will provide each proposal research funding/honorarium based on the length of the project, the output, and the amount of labor required to complete it. Learn more and apply today! | |
| |
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Contact Email for Sewickley Public Library
| Apr 19, 2024, 5:56 PM (4 days ago) | |||
Hi Richelle, Stephanie, and Sewickley librarians, further,
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2024 6:25 PM
To: Sewickley <sewickley@sewickleylibrary.
Subject: Re: Contact Email for Sewickley Public Library
Dear Richelle, Sewickley librarians, all,
Found -
Enter a location in the Search field. Click on View > Historical Imagery or select the Clock icon on the toolbar. Use the Time slider to go back in time and view the historical imagery. Zoom in and out of the view to see how a place has changed over time.Nov 10, 2022
(born October 14, 1644, London, England—died July 30, 1718)
writer, religious thinker, and influential Quaker
William Penn, English Quaker leader and advocate of religious freedom, who oversaw the founding of the American Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Founded Pennsylvania in 1680-1681
* *
The Nobel Peace Prize for 1947
Speech by Gunnar Jahn* , Chairman of the Nobel Committee
The Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament has awarded this year's Peace Prize to the Quakers,
From -
Scott MacLeod's "Friends' Dalton Letter" (2004)
Warmly & Affectionately, Scott
P.S. I find inspiring this Nobel Peace Prize Address (1947) on behalf of Quakers in general … :)
5. John Woolman (1720-1772), American Quaker preacher and abolitionist.
The Nobel Peace Prize for 1947 Speech by Gunnar Jahn
The Nobel Peace Prize for 1947
Speech by Gunnar Jahn* , Chairman of the Nobel Committee
The Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament has awarded this year's Peace Prize to the Quakers, represented by their two great relief organizations, the Friends Service Council in London and the American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia.
It is now three hundred years since George Fox1 established the Society of Friends. It was during the time of civil war in England, a period full of the religious and political strife which led to the Protectorate under Cromwell2 - today we would no doubt call it a dictatorship. What then happened was what so often happens when a political or religious movement is successful; it lost sight of its original concern: the right to freedom. For, having achieved power, the movement then refuses to grant to others the things for which it has itself fought. Such was the case with the Presbyterians and after them with the Independents. It was not the spirit of tolerance and humanity that emerged victorious.
George Fox and many of his followers were to experience this during the ensuing years, but they did not take up the fight by arming, as men customarily do. They went their way quietly because they were opposed to all forms of violence. They believed that spiritual weapons would prevail in the long run - a belief born of inward experience. They emphasized life itself rather than its forms because forms, theories, and dogmas have never been of importance to them. They have therefore from the very beginning been a community without fixed organization. This has given them an inner strength and a freer view of mankind, a greater tolerance toward others than is found in most organized religious communities.
The Quaker movement originated in England, but soon afterwards in 1656, the Quakers found their way to America where they were not at first welcomed. In spite of persecution, however, they stood fast and became firmly established during the last quarter of the century. Everyone has heard of the Quaker, William Penn3, who founded Philadelphia and the colony of Pennsylvania. Around 1700 there were already fifty to sixty thousand Quakers in America and about the same number in England.
Since then the Quakers have lived their own lives, many of them having to suffer for their beliefs. Much has changed during these three hundred years. Outward customs, such as the dress adopted by the early Quakers, have been discarded, and the Friends themselves now live in a society which is outwardly quite different from that of the seventeenth century. But the people around them are the same, and what has to be conquered within man himself is no less formidable.
The Society of Friends has never had many members, scarcely more than 200,000 in the entire world, the majority living in the United States and in England. But it is not the number that matters. What counts more is their inner strength and their deeds.
If we study the history of the Quakers, we cannot but admire the strength they have acquired through their faith and through their efforts to live up to that faith in their daily life. They have always been opposed to violence in any form, and many considered their refusal to take part in wars the most important tenet of their religion. But it is not quite so simple. It is certainly true that the Declaration of 1660 states: «We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fightings with outward weapons, for any end and under any pretence whatsoever. And this is our testimony to the whole world.» But that goes much further than a refusal to take part in war. It leads to this: it is better to suffer injustice than to commit injustice. It is from within man himself that victory must in the end be gained.
It may be said, without doing injustice to anyone, that the Quakers have at times been more interested in themselves and in their inner life than in the community in which they lived. There was, as one of their own historians has said, something passive about their work: they preferred to be counted among the silent in the land. But no one can fulfill his mission in this life by wanting to belong only to the silent ones and to live his own life isolated from others.
Nor was this attitude true of the Quakers. They too went out among men, not to convert them, but to take an active part with them in the life of the community and, even more, to offer their help to those who needed it and to let their good deeds speak for themselves in appealing for mutual understanding.
Here I can only mention some scattered examples which illustrate such activity. The Quakers took part in creating the first peace organization in 1810 and since then have participated in all active peace movements. I would mention Elizabeth Fry 4, John Woolman5, and other Quakers active in the fight against slavery and in the struggle for social justice. I would mention the liberal idealist John Bright6, his forty-year fight against the principles of war and for the principles of peace, his opposition to the Crimean War7, and his struggle against Palmerston's8 policies. Many other examples could be mentioned to show how their active participation in community work, in politics if you prefer, increased during the nineteenth century.
Yet it is not this side of their activities - the active political side - which places the Quakers in a unique position. It is through silent assistance from the nameless to the nameless that they have worked to promote the fraternity between nations cited in the will of Alfred Nobel. Their work began in the prisons. We heard about them from our seamen who spent long years in prison during the Napoleonic Wars9. We met them once again during the Irish famine of 1846-1847. When English naval units bombarded the Finnish coast during the Crimean War10, the Quakers hurried there to heal the wounds of war, and we found them again in France after the ravages of the 1870-1871 war11.
When the First World War broke out, the Quakers were once more to learn what it was to suffer for their faith. They refused to carry arms, and many of them were thrown into prison, where they were often treated worse than criminals. But it is not this that we shall remember longest. We who have closely observed the events of the First World War and of the inter-war period will probably remember most vividly the accounts of the work they did to relieve the distress caused by the war. As early as 1914, the English Quakers started preparation for relief action. They began their work in the Marne district in France and, whenever they could, they went to the very places where the war had raged. They worked in this way all through the war and when it ended were confronted by still greater tasks. For then, as now, hunger and sickness followed in the wake of the war. Who does not recall the years of famine in Russia in 1920-1921 and Nansen's appeal to mankind for help? Who does not recall the misery among the children in Vienna which lasted for years on end? In the midst of the work everywhere were the Quakers. It was the Friends Service Committee which, at Hoover's12 request, took on the mighty task of obtaining food for sick and undernourished children in Germany. Their relief corps worked in Poland and Serbia, continued to work in France, and later during the civil war in Spain13 rendered aid on both sides of the front.
Through their work, the Quakers won the confidence of all, for both governments and people knew that their only purpose was to help. They did not thrust themselves upon people to win them to their faith. They drew no distinction between friend and foe. One expression of this confidence was the donation of considerable funds to the Quakers by others. The funds which the Quakers could have raised among themselves would not have amounted to much since most of them are people of modest means.
During the period between the wars their social work also increased in scope. Although, in one sense, nothing new emerged, the work assumed a form different from that of the wartime activity because of the nature of the problems themselves. Constructive work received more emphasis, education and teaching played a greater part, and there were now more opportunities of making personal contact with people than there had been during a time when the one necessity seemed to be to supply food and clothing. The success achieved among the coal miners in West Virginia provides an impressive example of this work. The Quakers solved the housing problems, provided new work for the unemployed, created a new little community. In the words of one of their members, they succeeded in restoring self-respect and confidence in life to men for whom existence had become devoid of hope. This is but one example among many.
The Second World War did not strike the Quakers personally in the same way as did that of 1914. Both in England and in the U.S.A. the conscription laws allowed the Quakers to undertake relief work instead of performing military service; so they were neither cast into prison nor persecuted because of their unwillingness to go to war. In this war there were, moreover, Quakers who did not refuse to take an active part in the war, although they were few compared with those who chose to help the victims of war. When war came, the first task which confronted them was to help the refugees. But the difficulties were great because the frontiers of many countries were soon closed. The greater part of Europe was rapidly occupied by the Germans, and the United States remained neutral for only a short time. Most of the countries occupied by the Germans were closed to the Quakers. In Poland, it is true, they were given permission to help, but only on condition that the Germans themselves should choose who was to be helped, a condition which the Quakers could not accept. Nevertheless, they worked where they could, first undertaking welfare work in England and after that, behind the front in many countries of Europe and Asia, and even in America. For when America joined the war, the whole Japanese-American population, numbering 112,000 in all, of whom 80,000 were American citizens, was evacuated from the West Coast. The Quakers went to their assistance, as well as opposed the prevailing anti-Japanese feeling from which these people suffered.
Now, with the war over, the need for help is greater than ever. This is true not only in Europe, but also and to the same degree in large areas of Asia. The problems are becoming more and more overwhelming - the prisoners who were released from concentration camps in 1945, all those who had to be repatriated from forced labor or POW camps in enemy countries, all the displaced persons who have no country to which they can return, all the homeless in their own countries, all the orphans, the hungry, the starving! The problem is not merely one of providing food and clothing, it is one of bringing people back to life and work, of restoring their self-respect and their faith and confidence in the future. Once again, the Quakers are active everywhere. As soon as a country has been reopened they have been on the spot, in Europe and in Asia, among countrymen and friends as well as among former enemies, in France and in Germany, in India and in Japan. It is not easy to assess the extent of their contribution. It is not something that can be measured in terms of money alone, but perhaps some indication of it may be given by the fact that the American Committee's budget for last year was forty-six million Norwegian kroner. And this is only the sum which the American Committee has had at its disposal. Quakers in all countries have also taken a personal and active part in the work of other relief organizations. They have, for instance, assisted in the work of UNRRA14 in a number of places such as Vienna and Greece.
Today the Quakers are engaged in work that will continue for many years to come. But to examine in closer detail the individual relief schemes would not give us any deeper insight into its significance. For it is not in the extent of their work or in its practical form that the Quakers have given most to the people they have met. It is in the spirit in which this work is performed. «We weren't sent out to make converts», a young Quaker says: «we've come out for a definite purpose, to build up in a spirit of love what has been destroyed in a spirit of hatred. We're not missionaries. We can't tell if even one person will be converted to Quakerism. Things like that don't happen in a hurry. When our work is finished it doesn't mean that our influence dies with it. We have not come out to show the world how wonderful we are. No, the thing that seems most important is the fact that while the world is waging a war in the name of Christ, we can bind up the wounds of war in the name of Christ. Religion means very little until it is translated into positive action.»15
This is the message of good deeds, the message that men can find each other in spite of war, in spite of differences in race. Is it not here that we have the hope of laying foundations for peace among nations, of building it up in man himself so that the settling of disputes by force becomes impossible? All of us know that we have not yet traveled far along this road. And yet - when we witness today the great willingness to help those who have suffered, a generosity unknown before the war and often greatest among those who have least, can we not hope that there is something in the heart of man on which we can build, that we can one day reach our goal if only it be possible to make contact with people in all lands?
The Quakers have shown us that it is possible to translate into action what lies deep in the hearts of many: compassion for others and the desire to help them - that rich expression of the sympathy between all men, regardless of nationality or race, which, transformed into deeds, must form the basis for lasting peace. For this reason alone the Quakers deserve to receive the Nobel Peace Prize today.
But they have given us something more: they have shown us the strength to be derived from faith in the victory of the spirit over force. And this brings to mind two verses from one of Arnulf Ă–verland's16 poems which helped so many of us during the war. I know of no better salute:
The unarmed only can draw on sources eternal. The spirit alone gives victory. |
From Nobel Lectures,Peace 1926-1950.
* Mr. Jahn, also at this time director of the Bank of Norway, delivered this speech on December 10, 1947, in the Auditorium of the University of Oslo. At its conclusion he gave the Nobel diplomas and medals to Miss Margaret A. Backhouse, representing the Friends service Council, and Prof. Henry J. Cadbury, representing the American Friends Service Committee. Both representatives of these two Society of Friends organizations, which shared the prize, responded with brief speeches of acceptance. The translation of Mr. Jahn's speech is based on the Norwegian text in Les Prix Nobel en 1947, which also carries a French translation.
1. George Fox (1624-1691), English religious leader and preacher.
2. Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), lord protector of England (1653-1658).
3. William Penn (1644-1718), English Quaker preacher and writer who applied his liberal ideas of government first to West Jersey's charter, then to the colony of Pennsylvania.
4. Elizabeth Gurney Fry (1780-1845), English Quaker philanthropist and minister interested in prison reform.
5. John Woolman (1720-1772), American Quaker preacher and abolitionist.
6. John Bright (1811-1889), English statesman and orator; of Quaker stock; member of Parliament (almost continuously 1843-1889).
7. The Crimean War (1853-1856): Russia vs. Turkey, England, France, and Sardinia.
8. Henry John Temple Palmerston (1784-1865), English statesman; in office almost continuously from 1809 to 1865 as secretary of war, foreign secretary, home secretary, or prime minister.
9. Napoleonic Wars: 1803-1815.
10. Finland was a Russian grand duchy at the time of the Crimean War.
11. The Franco-Prussian war (July 19, 1870-January 28, 1871).
12. Herbert Hoover (1874-1964), president of the U. S. (1929-1933); during and after World War I headed U. S. food administration and war relief commissions.
13. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
14. The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) was established in 1943 to aid areas freed from the Axis powers; it was discontinued in Europe in 1947 and its work taken over by the FAO and the IRO.
15. The translation of this passage is taken from The Friends' Quarterly (April, 1948) 75.
16. Arnulf Ă–verland (1889-1968).
Copyright© 1997 The Nobel Foundation
* * *
Th April 25, 2024
Realistic Virtual Earth for History at WUaS - How for ex. to create & #WikiAdd to #
How for ex. to create & #WikiAdd to #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory @WorldUnivAndSch (think #GStreetView w #TimeSlider)https://t.co/GVi7fX1Oxn eg "Quakers in #SewickleyPA & #QuakerValleyPA" -
— the Open Band (Berkeley) (@TheOpenBand) April 25, 2024
to bring 1800s' history alive & talk w #Quaker #AvatarBots https://t.co/bPTe4GNd3J?
Dear Richelle, Sewickley librarians, all,Thanks for the "Quakers in Sewickley and Quaker Valley, PA" newspaper article, and it's interesting. I'd reference it this way for scholarly citation purposes -Quaker Valley Joint Schools. 1955. Quaker Valley. Sewickley, PA: Sewickley Herald.2And again,"Am further interested initially about Friends/Quakers in the Sewickley and Quaker Valley area along these lines (from an email I shared with family and friends a few months ago) -November 11, 2023 -"Greetings! Was just exploring the Sewickley, Pennsylvania, area just west of Pgh, and particularly its Quaker Valley sites, which "Quaker Valley" was its name at one time I think, and found the following Quaker names: Quaker Valley Middle School, Quaker Valley High School, a Quaker Valley police pickup truck parked in the Quaker Valley high school parking lot, very visibly, "Camp Meeting road,' and similar. I talked with a man on the side of the road whom I had asked regarding the Quaker history in the area, and he said his wife was working on a film on African Americans in the Sewickley area, and I mentioned a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistor y to which they could potentially add this film in some years if interested, and regarding licensing questions too. I also mentioned Brown University library archives as a source for AI data for a realistic virtual earth for history (eg of Quakers from 1683 forward, and of the 1960s and 1970s a time I'm interested in), for example, as well as local historical societies, of which he mentioned there is one in Sewickley. As I also drove into the back woods of Sewickley, " ... Thank you for helping to focus this Quaker history in Sewickley search ... and let's even explore bringing it alive with time in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistor y :) Thanks so much, Friendly Quaker greetings, best wishes,Scott "3Is the Sewickley library chat, with email communications, with a reference librarian information technology, coded potentially to create, for example, a Quakers in Sewickley" file, by any chance - which is possible research libraries' information technology already coded for ? It would be great if it was so that the wheel wasn't reinvented every time a reference librarian at Sewickley library came into communication regarding a research question (with the potential to grow). Perhaps this email thread will be a starting place for this "Quakers in Sewickley and Quaker Valley, PA."(Such a repository is something MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch seeks to create, as wiki eg here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Quakers_-_Religious_ Society_of_Friends {which we can all wiki-add to} - and eventually further in a realistic virtual earth for history, and see item 4). 4While WUaS would like to facilitate wiki-adding to Google Street View with time slider to further create or write history, beyond what's already possible, Street View with time slider can already be used to do research into history -Searched on"using Google Street view with time slider for history"
Found -
Enter a location in the Search field. Click on View > Historical Imagery or select the Clock icon on the toolbar. Use the Time slider to go back in time and view the historical imagery. Zoom in and out of the view to see how a place has changed over time.Nov 10, 2022
https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/travel-back-time-google- street-view/#:~:text=Enter% 20a%20location%20in%20the, place%20has%20changed%20over% 20time. 5While my main focus is on creating a #Realistic Virtual Harbin Hot Springs (in northern California, re my first big book), and for physical-digital ethnographic and STEM research, these 'Quakers in Quaker Valley' questions could very much be part of WUaS further developing a #Realistic Virtual Earth For History ... and as a repository for example, for also to explore many lines of inquiry, and related narratives.5And check out a beginning Google 'time slider'at the Harbin Gate House in northern Californiain Google Street View with time slider to see how the time slider works with images -6With regard to"Quakers in Sewickley and Quaker Valley, PA" questions,it could be fascinating to see if any Quaker Meetings' MINUTES From Friends' Monthly Business Meeting from the 2nd half of the 1600s to possibly the early 1900s are in any Sewickley repository, and if one could also find all the properties that Quakers owned, and their names, etc in this time frame ... AND ADD ALL OF THIS TO GOOGLE STREET VIEW with images and also ecological history, say of forests and streams, survey history and road building too, etc., that might have digital modeling as part of this.7I'm basically curious about resources that might illustrate or document from a Quaker Meeting's 'pastoral' perspective the LIFE of Quakers in the area, say, from the 2nd half of the 1600s to possibly the early 1900s ... and possibly in their dialogue with Native Americans early on too ... since Quakers had good relations historically with Indians ...BUT THIS IS A LOW PRIORITY SCHOLARLY INQUIRY FOR ME PRESENTLY (and in developing many other aspects of MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch) ... and8My mother asked me in the car as we were visiting Sewickley on Sunday -You asked on Sunday in the car ~12 miles west along the Ohio river from Pittsburgh, what William Penn did for a career or similar ...William Penn
(born October 14, 1644, London, England—died July 30, 1718)
writer, religious thinker, and influential Quaker
William Penn, English Quaker leader and advocate of religious freedom, who oversaw the founding of the American Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
https://www.britannica.com/biography/William-Penn- English-Quaker-leader-and- colonist
Founded Pennsylvania in 1680-1681
https://www.dos.pa.gov/about-us/Pages/History.aspx#:~:text= It%20was%20in%201680%20that, to%20the%20Charter%20of% 20Pennsylvania. (George Fox 'founded' Quakerism in 1652, so Quakers were 'young' in the second half of the 1600s, mostly in Great Britain, and see again this text to you on Sunday -Ma, a bit of Quaker history re their beginnings in the Northwest of England in 1652 - https://pendlehill.org/product/the-cradle-of- quakerism-exploring-quaker- roots-in-north-west-england/ :) And I was at "Pendle Hill: Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation' southwest of Philadelphia for about 3.5 years from 1987-1990 or 1991)Fondly, Scott"9Again, where were the Quaker Meeting Houses in the Quaker Valley area ... and could we add not only images and documents about these to Google Street View with time slider (beyond this email thread) ... but possibly also to this wiki schools at MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Quakers_-_Religious_ Society_of_Friends ? 10And I also visited the Sewickley Heights History Center on Sunday (with my mother, who went to Earlham College for the first 2 years of university, an historically Quaker college), thanks to your mentioning it Richelle, with these 3 web sites as further potential avenues, brainstorming-wise, into documentation, for example, about "Quakers in Sewickley and Quaker Valley, PA" -Sewickley Valley Historical SocietySewickley Heights History CenterSewickley LibraryThank you!Thanks so so much, best,ScottSome related blog labels in daily blog -and regarding a new bibliographic, social science, and scientific too, theory and method I'm developing -PSHere's a fascinating Quaker related document, in some of these regards, i.e. I'm especially looking for fascinating documents of Quaker Friends in the area regarding the great 'spirit' of Friends (and on Twitter especially) -Read fascinating writings (as #DailyMeditation)?: MOST fascinating #QuakerWriting ? - "The #NobelPeacePrize for 1947: Speech by Gunnar Jahn, Chairman, The Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament has awarded this year's Peace Prize to the #Quakers https://web.archive.org/web/20100908053320/http://www2. gol.com/users/quakers/nobel_ prize_speech.htm ~
https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/ 1782078699317129295
https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1782080778744353171
https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/ 1782081691550368244
https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/ 1782081577586917585
https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/ 1782081632071004586
* *
The Nobel Peace Prize for 1947
Speech by Gunnar Jahn* , Chairman of the Nobel Committee
The Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament has awarded this year's Peace Prize to the Quakers,
https://web.archive.org/web/20100908053320/http://www2. gol.com/users/quakers/nobel_ prize_speech.htm ~
From -
Scott MacLeod's "Friends' Dalton Letter" (2004)
Warmly & Affectionately, Scott
P.S. I find inspiring this Nobel Peace Prize Address (1947) on behalf of Quakers in general … :)
https://web.archive.org/web/20100908053320/http://www2. gol.com/users/quakers/nobel_ prize_speech.htm
5. John Woolman (1720-1772), American Quaker preacher and abolitionist.
https://web.archive.org/web/20100908053320/http://www2. gol.com/users/quakers/nobel_ prize_speech.htm *
The Nobel Peace Prize for 1947 Speech by Gunnar Jahn
https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1hIz2OLFvxbM32CRWsC2siUw6ii40_ dkejN1AvrEUaVM/edit?usp= sharing. *The Nobel Peace Prize for 1947
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