Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cat Ba langur (Vietnam): INCREDIBLE #SunheartSunheart main #EthnographicInformant of #NakedHarbinEthnography #RevolutionizingEducuation: ... -#ToolifyAIWUaS w ... & think #GstreetView w #TimeSlider #GAtomView * * A #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal emerges fr #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings' @HarbinBook & is big focus at #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSResearch re INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS #RevolutionizingEducation: w ~ * * * Yoga & experiment, chicken plumping chemicals in the food chain, in addition to flavor enhancing chemicals, causing cyst-like activity in feet?, UBI, Chase bank loans to WUaS, a Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency credit card even?


INCREDIBLE  #SunheartSunheart main #EthnographicInformant of #NakedHarbinEthnography #RevolutionizingEducuation: ... -#ToolifyAIWUaS w ... & think #GstreetView w #TimeSlider #GAtomView 

#SunheartSunheart main #EthnographicInformant of #NakedHarbinEthnography 

Misspelled education in #RevolutionizingEducuation: 


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A #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal emerges fr #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings' @HarbinBook & is big focus at #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSResearch re INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS #RevolutionizingEducation: w ~

A #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal emerges fr #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings' @HarbinBook & is big focus at #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSResearch re INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS #RevolutionizingEducation: w ~

A #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #ForAgingReversal emerges from #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs' thinking & is big focus at MIT OCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSResearch re WOW: -#ToolifyAIWUaS w think #GstreetView w #TimeSlider #GAtomView 

 the following emerges from #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs' thinking too ... and is a big focus at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - How best to interoperate "impact of modifying genes and proteins? " w a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenes #RealisticVirtualEarthForProteins @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSunivs -#ToolifyAIWUaS w think #GstreetView w #TimeSlider #GAtomView ? 

#SunheartSunheart main #EthnographicInformant of #NakedHarbinEthnography 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

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Yoga & experiment, chicken plumping chemicals in the food chain, in addition to flavor enhancing chemicals, causing cyst-like activity in feet?, UBI, Chase bank loans to WUaS, a Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency credit card even?  

..., Out of an abundance of caution and due to the "murder" word that  Chase bank Shadyside banker Shauna McNally mentioned the last time  I was in that bank in Pgh and in seeking Chase bank loans for WUaS ... And in WUaS growing a MIT OCW -centric wiki World University & School abolition movement worldwide  to protect people, potentially all 7.9 billion people on the planet, - - let's postpone hikes until the Potential Chase loan money to WUaS comes through. Scott (

Hi ...! ... Most recent progress in yesterday's blog post - - with a subpoena to Chase for 2 related Chase bank accounts' ~14 statements ... which paper statements arrived JUST AFTER the 4th Stanford LBAN-invited Chase Bank Curated Coaching to WUaS meeting I had on Thursday 5/30/24 ...  As I wrote to the CEO of Chase bank Jamie Dimon yesterday and US senator Elizabeth Warren & in my blog post above "Seeking to be patient too in getting my Chase credit card reactivated or reinstated (as Chase may be getting its Information Technologies in order in all 100 of ~200 countries where it has financial operations and abolition-wise, which could take some time). How please to get my Chase credit card reactivated, and how please to begin to grow the flagship WUaS bookstore on Walnut Street Pgh PA ... and with Chase bank loans, and regarding - " ... So yes some progress ... I think ... But WUaS is a ginormous undertaking re Chase possible loans to WUaS and even possible Chase initial financial Management of the WUaS Corp (w Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency esp) ... Waiting in the Light, Scott (More here: πŸ™‚ ... ... ... Welcome back, staying alive, abolitionally, see you anon, Hugs, Scott

Did you meet Sunheart at Harbin in 2012 (I recall you and Sajjad Mahmood Wynne met :)) ... 


#SunheartSunheart main #EthnographicInformant of #NakedHarbinEthnography 

- re #RevolutionizingEducuation: -#ToolifyAIWUaS w think #GstreetView w #TimeSlider #GAtomView 

- ~ - :)


I think part of the WUaS-Chase- my credit card reinstatement /sim process ... Is through Curated Coaching TAP  Jenny Ling & co consulting with Chase bank ... And PART AMAZINGLY IS VIA THIS EMAIL THREAD - ""Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23" (continuing) - with an unexpected subpoena to Chase bank " -  ... re developing negotiations ... and as companies' information technologies' AI and ML become more secure, coded legally to protect privacy ... and similar ... but US Senator and former Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren and Harvard networks like with Chase CEO Jamie Dimon with a HARVARD MBA may be able to help further with such a credit card reactivation issue ... ( & 7.9 billion people :)

...! As I just texted my mother: "Good to be in communication with you ... (and even re the murder word in Chase bank Shadyside some months' ago ... whatever this refers to ... and in staying alive) ... AND COULD A NEXT POSSIBLE CHASE CREDIT CARD ALSO ALLOW ME TO USE IT TO BUY THINGS with MY Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency of about 6345 Pi coins I've accumulated even, {or similar, and in conjunction with other accounts}?:) -Scott (

and and and and You at WUaS for 7.9 billion people in ~200 countries and in their main languages - and

* *  


Quite a nice Baroque concert -

Hugs, Scott :)

Hi Ma! Not heading for a hike after all with ... ... he's just coming back from another country, and a hike today was overambitious .. New additional hypothesis for cyst like activity in left foot ... "chicken plumping chemicals in their feed and grains etc and that get into their eggs' not regulated effectively by law ... and as an ovo lacto vegetarian who eats a daily+ egg for protein (in some beneficial ways) such chemicals may affect me with some cyst-like activity I'm calling it .. in addition to "extra flavorful' foods with possibly different 'flavor enhancing' chemicals added to them like Clancy's corn chips and most crackers from Aldi's and WM too ... in my Yogic self-study, experimentations on myself for great health with time ... Skipping the egg this morning, and trying Yoghurt and milk instead for protein, and observing, experimentally:  ... California may regulate is food chemicals differently from Pennsylvania ... Good to be in communication with ... (and even re the murder word in Chase bank Shadyside ... whatever this refers to ... and in staying alive) ... AND COULD A NEXT POSSIBLE CHASE CREDIT CARD ALSO ALLOW ME TO USE IT TO BUY THINGS FROM MY Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency of about 6400 Pi coins I've accumulated even?:) ! See you tomorrow for a late tea ... Love, abolition-ally, blog posts (and Tweets) continue to be fruitful and helpful communication processes, Scott ( - AND S WHICH ARE GREAT IN A SCIENTIFIC CULTURE LIKE IN THE US, AND newly with Yogic Yoga thinking too :) 

Ma, added to yesterday's F 5/31/24 blog title too - - ".. If we do live until we're 100 yo ... so around the year 2059 ... and with aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging FDA approved, and my mother too, for example, she'd be around 124 yo ... so, older than the oldest documented living person, Jeanne Calment ... Lots of potential eastern seaboard (where I'd say I'm still in asylum) hikes, and trips to Harbin Hot Springs too with longevity genetic drug therapies, FDA approved πŸ™‚ Cheers, Scott ("

It would be great, as I think about this, if we could both live beyond the oldest documented person of 122 years of age with extreme longevity genetic therapies for example πŸ™‚ ... If so, (the year I was born) 1960 + 123 years = 2103 the year we would both be living in (exploring in today's blog post too - :) ... how will you be doing in 2059 when you might be 123 years old, and possibly getting younger? ... Love, Scott (


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