Sunday, August 18, 2019

Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens): Reed College Weekend FAR (Forum for Advancing Reed) & Quaker friends in Oregon! *** FAR CollaborationS with WORLD UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL - re Ph.D.s, Medical Degrees, and Law Degrees? Interns and Graduate Students? + + +

Wow, Carl and Trudy!

Thanks! Will tell you more about the Reed FAR gathering while in Portland! Sofa or Thermarest on floor sounds great! Hello Trudy! Very nice to e-meet you here! Looking forward to meeting you in person soon!

I recall your thinking re Friends' World College and in many other ways in contributing to World University and School as a Board member, Carl! Thank you again so much.

Actual real-world grounding

Actual real-world grounding presently is taking the form of focusing on 1) state of California's Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education licensing - for online MIT OCW-centric free-to-students' Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in English - for prospective matriculating students from all around the world in all ~200 nation states.

World Univ & Sch's donated ourselves to Wikidata in 2015 for co-development, and got Miraheze Mediawiki as a new wiki in 2017 as a consequence, and importantly will get 2) Wikipedia/Wikidata's ~300 languages working with MIT OCW in its 5 languages. After BPPE licensing, languages are our 2nd real world grounding.

I suspect you've been glancing occasionally at the monthly 3) financial reports / budgets in the WUaS News and Agendas; and if I recall correctly you attended 1 or 2 online monthly business meetings. (Trudy - do you have roots in the Society of Friends?) This is our 3rd real world grounding, and with Larry Viehland as CFO, but there's not enough money to do any budgetary planning, or to hire staff.

WUaS will build on this real world grounding of a 4) core curriculum from MIT OCW - accessible . And this may look much like an edX platform eventually within the Google ecosystem / Wikidata platform (eventually in 300 languages).

And as you may have read re actual real world grounding, WUaS is 5) seeking our 2nd undergraduate matriculating class for free-to-students' online Bachelor degrees in 2020, as we begin the licensing process.

This hasn't been a wiki-wiki (fast in Hawaiian process), but Wikidata / Wikipedia also is developing 6) communities of PEOPLE in about ~200 of these ~300 languages, a significant real world grounding, which WUaS seeks to build on. The real world is diverse with languages, and the web translates these remarkably!

I think the last real world WUaS grounding I'll mention is TWO legal entities we've now created, circling back to the realities of the law / licensing - A) 501 c 3 World University and School, and B) a for profit general stock company, the WUaS Corporation (or Press), both legal entities in the state of California, and the 501 c 3 being a federal US designation.

-1 & -2
What's failing the real world grounding for WUaS is  -1) actual revenue streams - to be able to reach out to students! And  -2) lack of high achieving matriculating students. Hoping to build in a Quaker way both with increasing numbers of matriculating students and with increasing revenues to educate these students, not necessarily one by one or brick by brick, but certainly in f/Friendly ways at World University. So on the one hand, WUaS has 1-7 positive real world groundings, and, on the other hand, WUaS has -1--2 negative real world groundings.

Infrastructure-wise, this translates to

A) Google platform (think edX with MIT OCW),

B) CA's BPPE licensing (and eventually with WASC senior accreditation probably), and

C) revenue streams hopefully from government reimbursement from all ~200 countries around the world, and all 50 states in the US +! And I think with revenue, World Univ & Sch will be able to do Friendly outreach to students! Ah, real world grounding!

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you, Carl, and meeting you Trudy! Hoping to arrive on Thursday September 12th, and depart on Sunday the 15th, if that time frame works for you! Thank you for your kind offer of Quaker hospitality!

Friendly regards, Scott

PS Here are 4 blog entries with you in them, Carl!

Cattleya aclandiae: New 6 panel Tri-fold brochure for World University, and printable here -


Silky sifaka: Re: MINUTES for World Universities' monthly business meeting on July 14, 2018 - C & AA, Am hoping to hear back positively from a National Science Foundation grant ... which could become the seed monies we've been needing for about 11 years now - and to hire graduate student instructors to teach to MIT OCW faculty in video online to WUaS undergraduates this autumn, Glad WUaS got this new wiki "front end" last year, and will be glad when it's connected with our Wikidata/Wikibase "back end," in 301 languages (and WUaS donated ourselves to Wikidata in 2015 for co-development), It's all very discouraging ... no monies, no Ph.D., no partner, no kids, and World University and School has an eleven year history, and hasn't been able to pay me as a professor, or pay anyone else as faculty, or pay anyone for that matter, WUaS outreach video to Friends General Conference


Wild columbine: July 11, 2015 Minutes (and Agenda) for Monthly Business Meeting for World University and School


Eos (genus): Historical reenactments in video game form with avatar bots from thousands of years ago, Carl Thatcher - "How can we active visionaries in this current time save our society from these goons, the folks out to destroy cultures, peoples, ecosystems, even the earth itself and any semblance of peace upon it?," Haverford, Swarthmore and Earlham alumni haven't yet either!, Catalog for the "Friends World Institute," later FW College, from 1965 arrived in the post, I think the way (for WUaS scholars too) to digitize this great Friends World College catalog, or any text around the world, easily is to smartphone photograph and then save it to an unlimited ... CC-4 licensing (share, adapt, but non-commercially) and CC-0 licensing (which has a "commercial" attribute) and this FWC publication


* * 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hi Carl,

Greetings from the SF Bay Area! Thank you so much for being on the World University and School Board a few years' ago (see, too, "World University and School's Board Emeriti" here - How are you?

I'm thinking about attending the Reed College FAR weekend on the weekend of Saturday, September 14, 2019 (formerly the Reed 'Volunteer' weekend), and I'm writing to inquire if I might possibly please stay with you?

I'm seeking to explore collaboration potentials with Reed FAR ( re World University and School as well especially. - and in planning for online free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric accrediting PhD, Law and Medical Schools, first in English - and as career opportunities (re the Reed Alumni Career Network too).

Am planning at this point to drive north from the SF Bay Area.

WUaS has come so far, but has generated no monies yet to speak of whatsoever, and no graduate students yet either as we begin BPPE licensing and WASC senior accrediting. So I think networking at Reed FAR could be good/great for this. It would also be great to fly to Portland one of these years for Reunions or FAR.

Am active a fair amount on the Non-theist Friends' email list these days, which also has a role at FGC (and Pacific Yearly Meeting is joining Friends' General Conference I've heard, and after not being a part of this organization or its predecessor since the 1940s or so! Big Friendly changes afoot!).

Hoping your summer is going well, Carl, and that it's coming to a close in a great way. It would be great to see you as well.

Friendly regards, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Carl Thatcher
9:07 AM
to trudynutter, me

Definitely, Scott!  For which nights are you planning on being here?  I would love to hear about the Reed convocation you're attending.  As you know, my sofa accommodations here are not luxurious, but they may fit your needs for just the weekend.  Trudy Nutter, my fiancee/partner is here also.  She's a former UofO alum and very needed addition to my life and this household. And she's a good cook too!  I think you'll like her also.

Perhaps you remember--address is 1407 SE 130th Ave., and we're just south of Stark St., north of Division.  On street parking ok.  We don't get around much anymore, being official homebodies!  But so far, being 70+, (just myself; Trudy's only 65) we remain healthy and active.

As you remember, I was quite excited and involved with the dream we both had of founding an actual institution for world-based post-secondary education.  I still share that dream.  But I felt forced to abandon your efforts then once I realized that you had no actual real-world grounding for them and seemed uninterested in creating any of that beyond wiki-this and that!  So perhaps you have moved beyond the wiki-wiki stuff and have greater interest in what it would take to have a real-world institution??  I'm thinking of definite outlines of a business plan, like staff, budget, core curriculum with means, physical location(s), recruitment, actual goals and timelines?  For me, these would be first and sine qua non priorities to establish in any realistic effort toward the dream.  So, let's talk!  But I can't be on board with the wiki-this and -that stuff with none of the real-world grounding I have mentioned.

I guess that I shouldn't be surprised--it seems like the whole world sometimes is "off-beam"--not connected with real-world necessities as I see them.  So why not just live in the fantasy "sandbox"?  But I am functionally unable to go there!  I still believe in a Quaker ideal of making a better real world, one brick at a time!  You?

Best, Carl


Thursday, August 22, 2019 

Hi Carl, 

See you soon!

Thanks for sharing your thinking. May need a communications' person ... So glad to get the beginnings of a 'campus' in online Google with WUaS newly in "Google My Business" - - and very importantly in Google for Nonprofits (re real world grounding). Am seeking for this - - to turn into a virtual world campus for WUaS eventually too in the wider Google ecosystem - and which will inform communications - and potentially engage volunteers and matriculated students. 

There's a Google "how to manage volunteers' online training" next on Sept 10th which I hope to attend ... from which volunteers WUaS may hire. Volunteers may seek to learn skills at WUAS when they volunteer - on the Google platform - and re the open Wiki planned in Wikidata's 300 languages - see the Minutes. Not sure you're getting some of what I'm writing sometimes -  Wiki's also very important because it allows people to make and create (it's like Friends speaking in Meeting, which is distiributed, - the voice of people) - but your directness generates dialogue ... Have long sought a Chief Operations Officer too ... Larry's great, sees where we're going, and is on board as chair of Board, and CFO of 1) World Univ & Sch - and acting hair of Board, and CFO of 2) the WUaS Corporation. Reed networking may help ... WUaS has come a long way with all the real world groundings I mentioned in my last email and in that blog post ... steps ahead continue to unfold as 'way opens' ... 'journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step' ...

But money for state of California BPPE licensing (annually) is the biggest obstacle presently .. .which will inform WUaS communications, and further platform developments re Google and hence getting students who want to matriculate to apply (from UC Berkeley's pool of applicants possibly? - with the state of BPPE licensing?) ... 

Will explore getting in touch with the Abbotts ... Have thought one of these years about exploring offering a Friendly-informed World University and School event at Multnomah Monthly Meeting - for ex. on this upcoming Thursday would be a possibility - but am not sure yet.

Thanks, and Friendly cheers, and see you soon! - Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.



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