Friday, November 13, 2020

Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium): Libraries in 7,117 languages online for university research? @WorldUnivAndSch to facilitate & in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries (think wiki-addable #FilmTo3D #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider) Collaborate with #NationalLibraries #LoC in ~200 countries, #Harvard, #Smithsonian? * * * Twin Peaks' Sutro tower * * Marc, Dorota and I also enacted MacBeth Act 5 Scene 5 (with bagpipes around 1999) which is at the very bottom here - - but for which some digital archaeology may be in order * How are the coronavirus pandemic genes playing out in your part of the world (in this media frenzy of covid-19 memes (replicating cultural units) right out of the '60s (as a social change agent) that seem to be changing the world * * * Called the CA Franchise Tax Board, and got the physical address in Sacramento to send in the 3 years of WUaS Corp tax returns, so WUaS has the green light in proceeding!

Libraries in 7,117 languages online for university research? @WorldUnivAndSch to facilitate & partly in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries (think wiki-addable #FilmTo3D #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider) Collaborate w #NationalLibraries in ~200 countries, #Harvard, #Smithsonian?


Harbin Hot Springs' Library - 

Libraries in 7,117 langs online for university research? @WorldUnivAndSch to facilitate & in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries (think wiki-addable #FilmTo3D #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider) Collaborate with #NationalLibraries #LoC in ~200 countries, #HarbinLibrary, #Smithsonian?


Libraries in 7,117 languages online for university research? @WorldUnivAndSch to facilitate & in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries (think wiki-addable #FilmTo3D #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider) Collaborate with #NationalLibraries #LoC in ~200 countries, #Harvard, #Smithsonian?


* * * 

Have you seen a 280 character Twitter grant proposal yet, Nick? Succinctness is a virtue here: Please fund my idea to do #AnthropologicalFieldWork with #ParticipantObservation in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAnthropology, submitted creatively in the brief form of a Tweet < Thanks 


* * * 

Twin Peaks' Sutro tower

Hi Ma, Ed, Dorota, Marc, 

Again, greetings from my new (temp.? safe house?) domicile just north of Berkeley with magnificent views of Golden Gate Bridge - and the Sutro Tower in SF THIS morning under which I lived from 1994-2001 or so, in a little garden cottage on Market St (3632). 

Marc, Dorota and I also enacted MacBeth Act 5 Scene 5 (with bagpipes around 1999) which is at the very bottom here - -

but for which some digital archaeology may be in order (from outdated Dazzle and related file formats:).

A different photo of just the SF Bay sans moi (no Hair is getting longer and re my new Google Pixel 3a smartphone seems to have broadened face here), but the morning was pretty first thing.

How are you doing? How are the coronavirus pandemic genes -

 playing out in your part of the world (in this media frenzy of covid-19 memes (replicating cultural units) right out of the '60s (as a social change agent) that seem to be changing the world, since, who knows, but perhaps an aging reversal drug will emerge from all this thanks to the newly focused genetic researchers - see /Longevity label in blog too, and re George Church) - or in your world especially ?

Warm regards, Scott

* * 

Nice to hike yesterday, Ed!

Called the CA Franchise Tax Board, and got the physical address in Sacramento to send in the 3 years of WUaS Corp tax returns, so WUaS has the green light in proceeding! Wow (and thanks for printing the tax forms).


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * 

Hello Scott,
So nice to hear from you. 
I still have vivid memories of that day you enacted MacBeth...all the world is a stage and men and women merely the players...

What happened to your house in the woods? Did the fire finally chase you out?
Here Tanja and I have also moved from the hills to a nice place in the vineyards of Lutry.

Here we are living through this stage time of covid, where human relationships seem to stiffen and loose physical warmth. A vaccine may be in sight, as the for the anti-aging pill I wouldn’t bet my life on it.

This morning we are going to the market to get some fresh groceries... food and oxygen are the only true medication that seem to have some hold against the siege of time.
Warm regards 

Hi Marc,

So nice to get your email as well.

Lutry and its Lavaux UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE sound lovely - Sounds nice too to be living with family (and re heirs as nephews/nieces too) in a vineyard area! 

Lutry is old and re Christianity esp -

"Lutry is first mentioned in 908 as in Lustraco villam. In 1124 it was mentioned as monasterium Sancti Martini cum villa quae dicitur Lustriacus and in 1147 it was Lustriey.[3]"

from the - Love & links' - page - 

Appreciating you wisdom, and profound skepticism about genetically engineered aging reversal, and as an immunologist, geneticist, and cell biologist (would you say? Or molecular biologist?) who has made your career in the pharmaceutical industry ( Am appreciating too (Lacanian) realism, yet who would have thought people would land on the moon in '69 (and I think we both may have seen this on TV).

THESE 3 George Church videos as a start at least get me thinking about the potential for reversing aging - (mentions 2-10% increase on lifespan in nonhuman organisms)

- and if such a drug were FDA approved in 25 years, I might consider taking it. Covid-19 may be the catalyst which focuses geneticists in every University - a mass mobilization - in most of 200 countries in the world to advance our knowledge rapidly in these regards. 

See #WUaSAgingReversal #Hashtag (brainstorming-wise) -

Is Covid-19 also an (1960's) agent of social change and potentially making the world a better place (Pangloss-wise possibly too)? (My interpretation from yesterday:) Is it doing so in ways that no individuals or activists (eg MLK jr) in the 60s or 70s, envisioning a better world via social change, could? 

Am missing too the warmth of human relations, and finding myself a bit too isolated these coronavirus pandemic says (but also wonder whether this could be due to my response to the fires and bad behaviors  and mental illness in CA) ... but I'm also seeking a partner to begin a family and ... connecting with someone else would change my experiences of CA in covid-19 and before, I think.

Could Covid-19 'cleaning up' illegal 'Mafia' type behavior in many countries around the world - and in Canyon 94516? Was my calling the Moraga police to report 3 illegal break-ins, entries as well as thefts over the years an entree for federal authorities to get involved? (I'm a whistle blower with a conscience in recent years, Marc). Canyon and CA may have old 'fire cultures,' but the Mafia no longer seem to be a concern on the international stage :)

Got the Green light yesterday with a physical mailing address in Sacramento for sending in the first 3 WUaS Corp tax returns :)

How to create warm human relations and community in this world filled with plague fears, these days? My hypothesis (pour moi in CA) - pairbond, socialize (troop Bond?), and begin to create a great family, abide in a great place (like Lutry), use language, and navigate 'foredoomance' :)) ... Ideas related to John Money's Concepts of Determinism (and see too for succinctness - :)

Warm regards, 


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