Thursday, November 12, 2020

Scarlet trumpet (Ipomopsis aggregata): $140 per month for 600 million people in China is a basic income? ... This is a number I learned of in the above video ... How would a universal basic income work in these regards, and facilitated by World Univ & Sch? ... Stanford conversation - "Democracy and Authoritarianism" - How to explore a strategy with China (not at their cost) with UBI experiments to DISTRIBUTE a single cryptocurrency backed by their central bank (and possibly with online education for leaders from Sudan, for example, in their languages, and other MIT OCW-centric free degrees in many Chinese languages), each Chinese person a Wikidata Q item # ( in Wikipedia's ~300 languages, and out of a Chinese-informed IT ecosystem ... * * * FDA Grand Rounds: November 12, 2020 - Masks in a realistic virtual earth for STEM -

Democracy and Authoritarianism


$140 per month for 600 million people in China is a basic income? ... This is a number I learned of in the above video ... 

How would a universal basic income work in these regards, and facilitated by World Univ & Sch? 


Dear Liz and Larry (and Hongbin),

Thank you both for this masterful conversation - - just now. Brainstorming-wise, Liz, you mentioned early on Chinese grass roots projects to alleviate poverty. In what ways could the distributed-ness grass roots' aspect of information technologies help?  How to explore a strategy with China (not at their cost) with UBI experiments to DISTRIBUTE a single cryptocurrency backed by their central bank (and possibly with online education for leaders from Sudan, for example, in their languages, and other MIT OCW-centric free degrees in many Chinese languages), each Chinese person a Wikidata Q item # ( in Wikipedia's ~300 languages, and out of a Chinese-informed IT ecosystem re its authoritarianism and again its central bank (re Stanford's Hong Bin Li - - ? 

Best regards, Scott 

( )

MIT OCW-centric  China World University and School - - for free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D, Law, MD and IB high school online degrees in Mandarin

Mandarin_language_(Chinese) wiki subject - - planned in Mandarin

China Law School at WUaS:

CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School


Democracy and Authoritarianism

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Hoover Institution

The Hoover Institution presents an online virtual speaker series based on the scholarly research and commentary written by Hoover fellows participating in the Human Prosperity Project on Socialism and Free-Market Capitalism. This project objectively investigates the historical record to assess the consequences for human welfare, individual liberty, and interactions between nations of various economic systems ranging from pure socialism to free-market capitalism. Each session will include thoughtful and informed analysis from our top scholars.

Democracy and Authoritarianism

Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 11:00 am PT.


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School


- 415 480 4577


- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * 

May 2019

Dear Liz, 

Thank you, Liz, for ! What’s the ‘global stage’ for Xi Jinping? In what ways does it include versions of all ~200 countries (per recent Olympics) as nation states - and regarding the internet especially? How could Xi Jinping advance China’s grandeur better regarding both ~200 countries and re the internet?

Did you grow up as a Quaker, since you went to Swarthmore, and are on its Board -

In developing MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, WUaS seeks to create online major universities in each of all ~200 countries 
and to offer online free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, and Medicine, as well as IB high school degrees 
 - and in their official or main languages - (not yet in Mandarin or Cantonese, etc.). 

And since it can be a very small world, do you happen to know Elizabeth Cutter Evert, or Henry Cutter (both in NYC), or Lillian Thomas? They are all friends from high school in Pgh PA.

Thanks for sharing your amazing knowledge of China!

Friendly regards, 


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Friday, November 12, 2020

Dear Liz, 

Thanks for your great Stanford conversation yesterday with Larry Diamond - - about which I emailed you yesterday. I'm following up here on an email after your Stanford talk last year. 

In re-visiting your talk from last year too - Elizabeth Economy: COVID-19 and China | Hoover Virtual Policy Briefing - - - I'm curious about your thoughts about an e-economy, and particularly about China e-culturally too (which are interests of my own)? (I teach a course on the Society and Information Technology, which is Castellian, as in Manuel Castells' "Rise of the Network Society" in orientation -

And since you're on the Board of Swarthmore College, and are an alumna too - 
are you active with Quakers in other ways ( And do you happen to know MIT Anthropology Professor, and Haverford, and Stanford alum Heather Paxson, too? (Am a Quaker, but active with nontheist Friends these days online).

While you were at Stanford, did you by any chance visit Harbin Hot Springs? It's my actual-virtual ethnographic field site, with more about it in my blog -

Would love to communicate further about my email yesterday, as well as 

MIT OCW-centric  China World University and School - - for free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D, Law, MD and IB high school online degrees in Mandarin

Mandarin_language_(Chinese) wiki subject - - planned in Mandarin

China Law School at WUaS:

CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School

Thank you.

Friendly regards, Scott

Scott MacLeod -  
World Univ and Sch Twitter -  
Languages - World Univ -  
WUaS Press -  
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -  
OpenBand (Berkeley) -

* * * 

FDA Grand Rounds: November 12, 2020

Drs. Hariharan, and All, 

Thank you for this interesting presentation. What role do you see a realistic virtual earth for STEM - in something like Google Street View with avatar bots - with realistic face simulations (am thinking Samsung Neons aka artificial humans, conceptually) and realistic masks, at the cell and atomic levels playing in subsequent research (  Thanks, Scott MacLeod (

Notes:FDA Grand Rounds: Facial Coverings During the COVID-19 Pandemic: How well do they flatten the curve?

Thursday, November 12, 2020

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. EST

Webcast Only

Presented by:

Prasanna Hariharan, PhD

Assistant Director (Acting)

Mechanical Engineer

Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories, CDRH, FDA

Suvajyoti Guha, PhD

Mechanical Engineer (Staff Fellow)

Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories, CDRH, FDA

Matthew Myers, PhD

Research Physicist

Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories, CDRH, FDA

About the Presentation:

This presentation provides an overview of the FDA’s research to evaluate the ability of facial coverings to reduce the spread of infection and how the FDA is developing a comprehensive risk-assessment tool to predict the probability of infection with individuals wearing a non-surgical face mask or cloth face covering; given the characteristics of non-surgical face masks, the population, and the pathogen. This presentation discusses how the filtration and leakage performance of cloth face coverings, using both experimental and computational methods, input into a risk assessment model that the FDA recently developed and is currently calibrating for COVID-19.

Rokhsareh Shahidzadeh




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