Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Kolleru Lake, Andhra Pradesh, India: What is #InternetEcologyKarma re #KarmaWUaS? What are #BestYogaBooks? "#YogaSutrasOfPatanjali" "#BhagavadGita" "explores themes of #dharma, #karma, and the #NatureOfTheSoul through the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna" per ~ ~ * * * Searched out of curiosity for law and Yoga * * * * * * Am an appreciator of Angela and Victor's Yoga and their vision, language and artistry in all of this ~ and see, for example, this video: "Angela Farmer : Living Fully In Our Bodies (Full Class)" * Appreciating Angela and Victor's Yoga (as partners and in a marriage, albeit without kids between them - and now accessible online in some ways), as well as - - and regarding ~ #InternetEcologyKarma ~ re #KarmaWUaS ...


Twitter too ~ What are some of the best Yoga books? & what is #Internet Ecology Karma (as a riff on karma)?)

What is #InternetEcologyKarma re #KarmaWUaS?
"#BhagavadGita" "explores themes of #dharma, #karma, and the #NatureOfTheSoul through the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna" per

Concept of karma from Gemini AI - 

Concept of dharma too from Gemini AI - 

Yoga books and literature per Gemini AI machine learning too - 

What is #InternetEcologyKarma re #KarmaWUaS? What are #YogasBestBooks?
"Yoga Sutras of Patanjali"
"Bhagavad Gita" "explores themes of dharma, karma, and the nature of the soul through the dialogue..." per ~ ~

What is #InternetEcologyKarma re #KarmaWUaS? What are #BestYogaBooks?
"Yoga Sutras of Patanjali"
"Bhagavad Gita" "explores themes of dharma, karma, and the nature of the soul through the dialogue..." per ~ ~


And what is #InternetEcologyKarma re #KarmaWUaS?

What are some of the best books or short stories of yoga literature and the literature of yoga?
Essential Yoga Literature: Books and Short Stories
"Yoga Sutras of Patanjali"
"Bhagavad Gita" explores themes of dharma, karma, and the nature of the soul through the dialogue ~ ~

What are some of the best books or short stories of yoga literature and the literature of yoga?

Essential Yoga Literature: Books and Short Stories
Here are some highly recommended books and short stories that delve into the philosophy, history, and practice of yoga:
Classic Texts:
 * Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: This ancient text provides a foundational framework for yoga philosophy, outlining the eight limbs of yoga and the path to liberation.
 * Bhagavad Gita: This Hindu scripture, part of the Mahabharata epic, explores themes of dharma, karma, and the nature of the soul through the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna.
Modern Classics:
 * Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda: A spiritual autobiography that recounts the author's experiences with yoga and meditation.
 * Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar: A comprehensive guide to yoga poses, including detailed instructions and alignment cues.
 * Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit by Donna Farhi: A philosophical exploration of yoga that emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness.
Contemporary Works:
 * The Yoga of Awakening by Sharon Salzberg: This book combines mindfulness meditation and yoga practices to cultivate inner peace and well-being.
 * Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving Through Stillness by Erich Schiffmann: A comprehensive guide to yoga that explores the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the practice.
 * The Lost Teachings of Yoga by Georg Feuerstein: This book delves into the history and philosophy of yoga, emphasizing the spiritual and transformative aspects of the practice.
Short Stories:
 * The Yoga of the Breath by Swami Sivananda: A collection of short stories that explore the spiritual significance of breath control in yoga.
 * The Yoga of the Heart by Swami Sivananda: Another collection of short stories that focus on the importance of love, compassion, and devotion in yoga.
These are just a few examples of the rich and diverse literature on yoga. Whether you're interested in the history, philosophy, or practice of yoga, there's something for everyone.
Would you like me to recommend a book based on a specific aspect of yoga, such as philosophy, asana practice, or meditation?


How does the Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita conceive of karma ?

(How does the Hindu scripture the back of the Gita conceive of karma ... what does this mis NLP transcribing of my question and these words mean from gemini ai? )

Karma in the Bhagavad Gita: A Divine Perspective
The Bhagavad Gita offers a profound and nuanced understanding of karma. While it's often simplified as a system of cause and effect, the Gita delves into deeper philosophical and spiritual dimensions.
Here are some key aspects of the Gita's perspective on karma:
 * Karma as Action: At its core, karma means action. Every action, whether physical, mental, or verbal, creates a ripple effect in the universe.
 * Law of Cause and Effect: The Gita affirms the principle that every action has a consequence. However, it emphasizes that these consequences are not always immediate or directly visible.
 * The Cycle of Samsara: Karma is intimately tied to the concept of samsara, the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Our past actions determine our present circumstances, and our present actions shape our future.
 * Detaching from Results: The Gita encourages us to perform our duties without attachment to the results. This detachment helps us to transcend the cycle of karma and attain liberation (moksha).
 * Karma Yoga: A path of spiritual practice, karma yoga, teaches us to perform our actions as a selfless offering to the divine. By doing so, we can purify our karma and attain spiritual enlightenment.
 * The Divine Will: The Gita acknowledges that while karma is a powerful force, it ultimately operates within the framework of the divine will. God is the ultimate source and controller of all actions.
In essence, the Bhagavad Gita views karma as a divine law that governs the universe, but it also offers a path to transcend its limitations. By understanding and practicing the principles of karma yoga, we can break free from the cycle of suffering and attain spiritual liberation.
Would you like to know more about specific verses or concepts related to karma in the Bhagavad Gita?


* * 
What is ecology ?

Ecology: The Study of Living Systems
Ecology is the scientific study of the relationships between living organisms and their physical environment. It's essentially the investigation of how living things interact with each other and their surroundings. Ecologists examine a wide range of topics, from the behavior of individual organisms to the dynamics of entire ecosystems.
Key aspects of ecology include:
 * Organisms: The study of individual living beings and their adaptations to their environment.
 * Populations: The examination of groups of individuals of the same species and how they interact within a given area.
 * Communities: The investigation of multiple species living together in a particular habitat and their interactions.
 * Ecosystems: The study of the interconnectedness of living organisms and their physical environment, including energy flow and nutrient cycling.
 * Biosphere: The analysis of the global ecosystem, encompassing all living organisms and their interactions with the Earth's atmosphere, land, and oceans.
In essence, ecology seeks to understand the complex web of life on Earth and how it is influenced by various factors, such as climate, resources, and human activities.

* *


The Internet and the Web are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing.
 * The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers and devices that communicate using a common set of rules (protocols). It's like a vast highway system connecting billions of devices worldwide.
 * The World Wide Web (or simply the Web) is a system of interconnected documents and resources that are accessed through the Internet using web browsers. It's like the specific websites, images, videos, and other content you see when you use the Internet.
Think of it this way: The Internet is the highway, and the Web is the collection of websites, articles, and other content you find along the way.


TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the foundation of the Internet. It's a suite of protocols that governs how data is transmitted and received across the network.
Here's a breakdown of how TCP/IP works:
 * TCP (Transmission Control Protocol):
   * Ensures reliable data delivery by breaking data into packets and sending them in order.
   * Resends lost packets to ensure complete transmission.
   * Establishes a connection between two devices before data is sent.
 * IP (Internet Protocol):
   * Handles the addressing of packets and routing them to their destination.
   * Each device on the Internet has a unique IP address.
   * IP routers determine the best path for packets to travel.
Together, TCP and IP provide the framework for communication on the Internet:
 * TCP ensures that data is transmitted reliably and in the correct order.
 * IP ensures that data packets reach their intended destination.
Think of it like sending a letter: TCP is responsible for packaging the letter correctly and making sure it arrives at the right address, while IP is responsible for finding the best route to the destination.

* Z 

What is the concept of Dharma in the classic Hindu book The Bhagavad Gita ?

The concept of Dharma in the Bhagavad Gita is central to the text and the Hindu philosophy it embodies. Dharma, often translated as "righteousness" or "duty," encompasses a wide range of meanings and responsibilities. Here are some key aspects of Dharma as presented in the Bhagavad Gita:
1. Duty and Obligation: Dharma is primarily understood as one's duty or obligation. It is the specific course of action that is right and proper for an individual based on their social status, caste, and life stage.
2. Cosmic Order: Dharma also represents the cosmic order or law that governs the universe. It is the underlying principle that sustains the creation and maintains balance.
3. Righteousness and Virtue: Dharma is associated with righteousness, virtue, and moral conduct. It is the path that leads to spiritual enlightenment and liberation.
4. Individual Duty and Universal Law: While Dharma is often seen as individual duty, it is also connected to the universal law or cosmic order. Following one's Dharma contributes to the harmonious functioning of the universe.
5. Four Purusharthas: Dharma is one of the four Purusharthas (goals of human life) in Hindu philosophy. The other three are Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure), and Moksha (liberation).
6. The Path to Liberation: The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes that following one's Dharma is essential for achieving liberation from the cycle of birth and death (samsara). By fulfilling one's duties with devotion and selflessness, one can attain spiritual enlightenment.
7. The Dilemma of Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita presents the dilemma of Arjuna, who is torn between his duty to fight and his desire to avoid bloodshed. Krishna, the divine charioteer and Arjuna's guide, counsels him to fulfill his duty as a warrior, emphasizing that true Dharma lies in performing one's actions without attachment to the fruits of those actions.
In summary, the concept of Dharma in the Bhagavad Gita is multifaceted and encompasses various aspects of human existence. It is the guiding principle that helps individuals navigate their lives, fulfill their obligations, and ultimately achieve spiritual liberation.

* * * 

Searched out of curiosity for 

law and Yoga

law and Yoga - US supreme court too ?

Exercising Our Rights Through Yoga: Don’t Say “Namaste” to Me

"Is the practice of yoga a form of exercise or the exercise of religion?"

Tucker Ellis LLP

yoga and the First amendment:

2, 2013 — But a 2008 Missouri. Supreme Court decision had already ruled that fees paid for per- sonal training services at a gym are a taxable event,

...2, 2013 — But a 2008 Missouri. Supreme Court decision had already ruled that fees paid for per- sonal training services at a gym are a taxable event,

FindLaw Caselaw
SEDLOCK v. Yes! Yoga for Encinitas Students, Intervener and Respondent. ...

SEDLOCK v. Yes! Yoga for Encinitas Students, Intervener and Respondent. (2015)

Court of Appeal, Fourth District, Division 1, California.

Stephen SEDLOCK et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. Timothy BAIRD et al., Defendants and Respondents; Yes! Yoga for Encinitas Students, Intervener and Respondent.


Decided: April 03, 2015

Bikram's Yoga College v. Evolation Yoga

Bikram's Yoga College v. Evolation Yoga, No. 13-55763 (9th Cir. 2015)

Court Description: Copyright. Affirming the district court’s grant of partial summary judgment, the panel held that a sequence of yoga poses and breathing exercises was not entitled to copyright protection. The panel held that under 17 U.S.C. § 102(b), the “Sequence,” developed by Bikram Choudhury and described in his 1979 book, Bikram’s Beginning Yoga Class, was not a proper subject of copyright protection because it was an idea, process, or system designed to improve health, rather than an expression of an idea. Because the Sequence was an unprotectible idea, it was also ineligible for copyright protection as a compilation or choreographic work.


Yoga in Public Schools, American and Indian

Mark Movsesian Mark Movsesian
11 years ago
Indian Schoolchildren Doing Yoga (NYT)

Last summer, I wrote about a constitutional challenge to yoga classes in California public schools. When a school district near San Diego added yoga to its elementary-school gym program, some parents complained. Yoga, they said, is a Hindu discipline, and including it in a compulsory gym class violates the Establishment Clause. A state trial court disagreed, holding that the school district had removed all religious references, so that what remained was simply a stretching class for kids.

Education Week
California State Appellate Court Upholds Public School Yoga Program

Apr 6, 2015 — So the court analyzed the yoga program under the so-called Lemon test, from the 1971 U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Lemon v. Kurtzman . Under ..

A California school district’s use of yoga in its physical education classes does not impermissibly advance religion, despite yoga’s roots in Hinduism, a state appellate court has ruled.


* * * 

And what is #InternetEcologyKarma re #KarmaWUaS further? See too - 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

* * 

What is or could be  "internet ecology karma" ?

what I'm calling "internet ecology karma" - where karma can be construed, in the west here, very broadly as the sum of all our good actions with the sum or all our bad actions playing out in an individual's life - is Yogic-ally how actions play out in an individual's life interoperating with the internet, and within an ecological and evolutionary biologically-informed web of living processes .. 

* * * 

Am an appreciator of Angela and Victor's Yoga and their vision, language and artistry in all of this  ...

Angela Farmer : Living Fully In Our Bodies (Full Class)

I also asked Gemini AI also about your Yoga Victor and Angela, and the Gemini AI responses, while great and seemingly apropos in my experience of your in person Yoga courses - - are so far from your Angela and Victor Yoga  'focus on reality : our natural and real and into understanding our physical body-mind being born from LIFE ENERGY' - 

* * * 

Angela and Victor Yoga "principles' per Gemini conversational generative AI questions I asked? 

(see too - 

Monday, June 10, 2024


Hi Gemini AI Yoga Qs - How do Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten approach their teaching of Yoga

A #QuakerYogaMacFlower 
How do #AngelaFarmer & #VictorVanKooten approach their teaching of #Yoga?

Inner body awareness

Breath connection

Focus on small details

The importance of the back body

#YogaWorldUniv ~


2nd related search, and found - 

Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten are known for their unique approach to yoga that emphasizes:

  • Inner exploration: They guide students to connect with their inner world and body sensations rather than focusing solely on achieving perfect postures. YouTube
  • Feminine energy: Farmer, particularly, incorporates a focus on the feminine, free-flowing aspect of yoga, creating a more intuitive practice.
  • Moving away from lineages: They don't strictly adhere to a specific yoga lineage but rather draw on various influences.
  • Playfulness and freedom: Their teaching style is less rigid and encourages exploration and joy in movement.
  • Healing and self-discovery: They view yoga as a tool for healing, self-discovery, and reconnecting with your body.

Here are some resources to learn more about their approach:

Pittsburgh, PA, USA  •  Update location


BUT, my critique - 
they create their own Yoga in very innovative ways - 

Angela and Victor's Yoga :)

Through their yoga, Angela and Victor are extraordinary guides to the world of the inner body. Through movement and yoga they dive deep and unbury many 'energies' of life, including its light and playful sides, as well as some shadowy ones, to come to a kind of inner body flow. Their explorations can help you come in contact with your inner body, exploring many aspects of life as energy through movement. For the people who enjoy their courses, this exploration of the inner body can be profound and healing. What's the inner body? How to experience it? Let's explore.




Inner Body


In general, their yoga is sattvic - loosely meaning illuminating, calming, and easing - and, in my experience, moves toward a kind of grace. Angela and Victor's exploration of energy, and their use of language and, particularly, imagery from nature in relation to the body, are unique, subtle and liberating, as well. Their work is insightful, deep and pleasurably opening. If, when practicing, you come upon emotions like aggression, anger, loneliness, frustration, or other 'negative' ones, it's not the yoga they teach. Be present. Try to relax a little, explore what comes up, visit with a friend, laugh and start again with releasing and moving exploratorily.


Partner Work


Shadow Side

Your experiences in their courses may be very different from anything conveyed here on the web or through other media or texts. Their humor, interactiveness and the social, aural and visual experiences they shape in their courses make the learning unique. (The remarkable and unique-to-the-individual physical adjustments/changes in movement and in poses, which they share in class, are difficult to convey through this media, and thus a serious deficit here). They teach a kind of spontaneous movement welling up from insight, from their own unique and often sublime views. Finding your own unique ways with yoga and movement is part of what they teach.


Energy Work




From the late 1960s through the early 1980s, they studied with B.K.S. Iyengar and others, but have since created their own approach. While both worked for many years with Iyengar, Victor, in particular, worked very closely with him, and makes fascinating, personal, physical adjustments. With remarkable vision and language, Angela explores fluidity, using, for example, water or wind as metaphor for the inner body, to open so many ways of coming in touch with it. Similarly, she also explores ways to come in touch with one's own inner teacher. Angela and a group of women interested in her teaching have met almost every year, for many years, in a women-only retreat at Harbin Hot Springs. The opportunity there to explore Angela's far-reaching interest in the feminine, without men, has made for some flourishing gatherings. In their courses, they explore an amazingly wide variety of movements, energies, meanings, and ideas - what comes up - including exploring creativity itself, in relation to yoga.



Some Guided Explorations

In exploring their 'play' through this web site, deemphasize these texts, photos and videos, to some degree. Through the 'physical' body, Angela & Victor explore movement and energy in their teachings: some asana (yoga position)-related movement, many subtle, breath-related movements, and - using imagery from the natural world, wonderful metaphors and language - welcome, mindful, inner releases and energetic flows; dead and inanimate things don't move, so they don't seek to hold poses rigidly, inside or outside. For them yoga isn't "the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind" (Patañjali) but rather coming in touch with, and exploring your inner body and teacher with awareness and movement, and finding a kind of flow, which might include, however, a profound and welcome easing of the mind. And while one of them teaches, the other is often exploring things in his or her own body, resting and/or listening, and modeling this as well. Their deep questioning of authority and tradition opens horizons. How to find your own freedom and creative exploration with yoga is what they teach.

Yoga Philosophy

A & V Media Index

A & V Bibliography

From my perspective, they offer a kind of development in yoga, and certainly their own view of it. From this perspective, they teach a profound, imaginative and beneficial releasing, easing and 'energy-related' opening of the bodymind. By energy, they mean your own experiences, thoughts, feelings, motivations, subtle leanings, and imaginings, among other things, which guide people, - experienced in your own bodymind. Please don't systemize this, - they don't, and they encourage people not to, as well; it's probably impossible. In their view, yoga as a kind of core life experience isn't systemizable; doing so kills the life of it. Instead, experience and play with this inner movement and awareness. Bring impressions, observations and meanings from the world around you into your bodymind, and explore them in your inner body, sometimes in poses, learning from them. Yoga becomes an ongoing, artistic discovery. In their courses, this is often done with friends, and with Angela & Victor as guides. Yoga with them can sometimes be as enjoyable as going to the beach with friends, or to a very fun party, and lead to so much. In my experience their approach is very social, supportive and loving. It can also lead to cathartic, emotional releases. In many of the following texts, photos and videos, A & V teach a specific movement / action, and/or awareness. They encourage people taking their classes to move when they want. The movements and positions depicted here offer ways to explore the freeing up of energy. This can often lead to experiences of personal freedom, bringing you alive.

So what's new or different with their yoga? New principles, new concepts, new awarenesses? Compared with what? Angela & Victor offer an imaginative approach to exploring inwardly with your awareness through movement, energy-work and a far-reaching knowledge of the body (including its musculo-skeletal-physiological-neural, etc., 'mechanics' informed by asana) in positions and movement, as well as ways to experience the inner body as delightfully and fascinatingly interconnected, through relatively unstructured classes. Their stories help you experience this. In so doing, they have shaped and discovered their own unique, unfolding approaches. They question the idea of needing a teacher at all to explore one's own inner body, yet they are skillful guides, often by intuiting and understanding where individuals in their classes are 'coming from' and what they want - often through movement - and then opening ways to realize this, - seemingly quite mysteriously. They also create a space for you to listen to your own intuition, and act on this.

Teaching together, they offer two distinct perspectives, which they weave together into a conversation and a (usually:) shared vision of the inner body/teacher. They are partners in so many ways, unusual in the world of yoga, and its long traditions, long conceiving of their teaching together as a yoga marriage. And while also long skeptical of the institution of marriage, they are marrying in the autumn of 2008 in Eftalou, Lesvos, Greece.

In some ways, Angela & Victor teach ways for you to find your own freeing, creative and happy way, partly through yoga, but especially through coming in touch with your inner body. They're innovative. They might explore, for example, what bliss is, in class, - how one might experience this. They aren't interested in starting something called Angela & Victor Yoga. They're bohemian, free-spirited, iconoclastic, alternative, maverick, independent and creative. Beginning, perhaps in part, as hippie yogis in the 1960s, they draw from counterculture, to teach a kind of underground yoga, with very unique skills. As yogis, teachers and artists, they create anew and shape a kind of free-spiritedness through yoga. If their language, vision, images, approaches to movement, as well as their energy-exploration, work for you to facilitate release, integration, creative exploration, and help to heal your wounds, as well as allow you to experience new vistas on being, - enjoy!

I first took a course with them in 1984. I see this web site as an opportunity to share my experience of, to translate and find the right language for, the way they teach subtle awarenesses leading to inward releases, through engaging yoga, - so that you might experience it. And in the context of yoga exploration and practice, to relate how you might bring your awareness pleasurably inwardly while practicing to find new, beneficial approaches to life, on your own, at home or with friends.

Angela & Victor often teach in beautiful places. They've recently built their 'Eftalou Yoga Hall,' in Eftalou near Molivos, on the island of Lesvos, in Greece. After their classes, people in their courses often go to natural hot springs and the ocean to bathe or share a meal with friends. It's not a yoga you're probably familiar with yet. They explore a kind of interconnectedness, as many yoga practitioners do, but Angela and Victor's teachings and style are unique, and through them you may soar. Angela and Victor's yoga is fun and respects your experience, so keep your common sense as you explore what they teach. And while I have selected certain themes which they often re-visit in their teaching, their yoga can lead in many to-be-created directions. Moving from the inside, they eschew/avoid the limitations of tradition, religion, authority, etc., to seek and find the freedom of the inner body/teacher, thus teaching ways to continue to move out of/ away from 'boxes,' (including any boxes/themes/ideas shaped by a web site about their teaching). Angela & Victor thus would encourage people to keep exploring, to stay out of the boxes that people continue to make, and to find your own freedom. Perhaps this web site can be a helpful starting place for this.

I'd like to dedicate this web site to Victor & Angela and people touched by their yoga.

Scott MacLeod

Print Angela & Victor's Yoga (.doc)

* * 

Victor (and Angela), and regarding your use of email and websites and Youtube video ( ... What would you say you teach further ? 

In a book I began about Angela and Victor's Yoga in 2007 in Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece, - - I wrote about these key "themes or "principles" too - 

and see especially - 

Thanks so much for the Yoga conversation YOGA, Victor (and Angela), - AND ITS DEPARTURE FROM IYENGAR YOGA eg as (NON-AUTHORITARIAN) CONVERSATION -  and all ... which YOGA I'm seeking to explore inwardly regarding gene expression and even possibly aging reversal and longevity questions at the cellular and molecular biological levels. 

All the best, 


As a kind of Friendly Yogic leading or inspiration, I began Yoga-meditation teaching online again about 3 weeks ago  - 

'Can we bring some consciousness to doing Yoga meditation? - @Q_YogaMacFlower'

and see too - 
'Can we bring some consciousness to doing Yoga meditation? - @Q_YogaMacFlower' - 

Yogically, Scott

Appreciating Angela and Victor's Yoga (as partners and in a marriage, albeit without kids between them - and now accessible online in some ways), as well as - - and regarding ~ 
#InternetEcologyKarma ~ re #KarmaWUaS ... 


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