Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Falco eleonorae: Yogini Angela & Yogi Victor {Yogis, all} ~ some Yoga philosophy questions - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html * For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work? * * * NEW Bangladesh World University and School website Tu Sep 17, 2024 - in Bangla? - Greetings, and how are you? I'd like to introduce you Bangladeshis to one another here: Mahedi (Hasan, Dhaka, Bangladesh), and JP Morgan Chase banker Sazzad Anam and General Shafiuddin Ahmed, president of the Bangladesh Olympics' Association, both in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bangladesh World University and School in Bangla emerging online for all 171 million Bangladeshis + * * * Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23 How please could Chase bank help WUaS Corp code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and in all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and to end poverty worldwide - and with Pi Cryptocurrency (as their KYC - Know Your Customer- process seems to be, or could be, possibly running aground even - since they're extending a related KYC 'grace period' for people to identity themselves in the Pi Network information technology yet again), and regarding ~200 federal governments and in ~200 countries in the world (per the Olympics) - Mine Pi cryptocurrency invite - some Tweets . . .


Yogini Angela & Yogi Victor {Yogis, all} ~ some Yoga philosophy questions - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html * * * 

Dear Victor and Angela, Harvard Geneticists' Donna and George (Church), Peter (Norvig, Google AI Director), Bill (Gates), Janie (my mother), Pin (Mazumdar HHS), Ed (Smyth MD), All,  

Greetings, Victor and Angela, all ... How are you doing? Thanks again for your email, Victor. FYI, I (and possibly Donna) won't be attending your 2 week A & V Yoga course on Lesvos Greece beginning M 10/7/24 unfortunately (partly because my US federal passport was stolen in Canyon 94516 I posit, and partly because in seeking US federal protection for my mother, brother and myself not long ago, I'm not sure how this would work in Greece and on Lesvos, and in MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch growing a worldwide abolition movement to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs and violence industries internationally, and their latent networks of violence ...) Maybe next year ... or maybe not ... and regarding WUaS growing a world wide abolition movement to protect people. 


and regarding 'higher faster stronger athletics' and suppleness and #YogaGenetics, per - 

For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work?


... and regarding Victor, your A& V Yoga  'focus on reality : our natural and real and into understanding our physical body-mind being born from LIFE ENERGY' 

am seeking and exploring into my inner belly meditatively to turn on gene expression of 'lower, slower, weaker, & tightening musculo-skeletal body-mind' and 'higher faster stronger & more supple' (or something like this) genetic expression of Yoga pose asana and inner body breathing releasing action - like growing out the roots and branches of a tree (but not sure how to do so to live to 123 years old, NATURALLY, older than the oldest documented living person, Jeanne Calment, compared with most men living to an average 75 years old in the USA, and women to 80 years of age). - 

Harvard and MIT professor of Genetics' Dr. George Church 60 Minutes' 66 seconds' interview with Scott Pelley 
How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?

4 a 
and regarding adding copies of genes back in to aging body-minds to reverse aging

4 b
And further regarding - 
George Church's Rejuvenation Bio company focuses on the  
"expression of genes, turning them “on” or “off.” "

How did 'Buddha Al' at Harbin Hot Springs come to look like the iconic 'laughing smiling Buddha' ? >>> Could it have been partly through his meditation somehow on turning on his own gene expression even ? How does this work Yoga meditation wise?? 

And are gastroenterologists like Donna above geneticists too? - 

I asked  Gemini AI conversational generative artificial intelligence this - 
'Do gastroenterologists study the genetics of the digestive system and IBD?'

Gemini AI Q&A - 
Do gastroenterologists study the genetics of the digestive system and IBD ?
And learned this - 

Yes ... And gastroenterologists seem to scientifically study everything related to the digestive tract from the (guzzle to the zatch) mouth-input to the perineal area output of this computer-like system ... "of the bodymind/brain for we language-using human primates" (http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html)

and regarding also your A & V Yoga  'focus on reality : our natural and real and into understanding our physical body-mind being born from LIFE ENERGY' 

6 a 
And could Geneticists be helping to code Gemini AI  conversational generative artificial intelligence too with what they publish scientifically online - which might help with aging reversal genetics and extreme longevity genetics too ... and in a "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI" + sense -  https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 ? 

I also asked Gemini AI also about your Yoga Victor and Angela, and the Gemini AI responses, while great and seemingly apropos in my experience of your in person Yoga courses - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/06/cyclamen-graecum-yogaplayalienationange.html - are so far from your Angela and Victor Yoga  'focus on reality : our natural and real and into understanding our physical body-mind being born from LIFE ENERGY' - . . . 


Angela and Victor Yoga "principles' per Gemini conversational generative AI questions I asked? 

(see too - 

Monday, June 10, 2024



Hi Gemini AI Yoga Qs - How do Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten approach their teaching of Yoga

A #QuakerYogaMacFlower 
How do #AngelaFarmer & #VictorVanKooten approach their teaching of #Yoga?

Inner body awareness

Breath connection

Focus on small details

The importance of the back body

#YogaWorldUniv ~


2nd related search, and found - 

Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten are known for their unique approach to yoga that emphasizes:

  • Inner exploration: They guide students to connect with their inner world and body sensations rather than focusing solely on achieving perfect postures. YouTube
  • Feminine energy: Farmer, particularly, incorporates a focus on the feminine, free-flowing aspect of yoga, creating a more intuitive practice.
  • Moving away from lineages: They don't strictly adhere to a specific yoga lineage but rather draw on various influences.
  • Playfulness and freedom: Their teaching style is less rigid and encourages exploration and joy in movement.
  • Healing and self-discovery: They view yoga as a tool for healing, self-discovery, and reconnecting with your body.

Here are some resources to learn more about their approach:

Pittsburgh, PA, USA  •  Update location


BUT, my critique - 
they create their own Yoga in very innovative ways - 

Angela and Victor's Yoga :)

Through their yoga, Angela and Victor are extraordinary guides to the world of the inner body. Through movement and yoga they dive deep and unbury many 'energies' of life, including its light and playful sides, as well as some shadowy ones, to come to a kind of inner body flow. Their explorations can help you come in contact with your inner body, exploring many aspects of life as energy through movement. For the people who enjoy their courses, this exploration of the inner body can be profound and healing. What's the inner body? How to experience it? Let's explore.




Inner Body


In general, their yoga is sattvic - loosely meaning illuminating, calming, and easing - and, in my experience, moves toward a kind of grace. Angela and Victor's exploration of energy, and their use of language and, particularly, imagery from nature in relation to the body, are unique, subtle and liberating, as well. Their work is insightful, deep and pleasurably opening. If, when practicing, you come upon emotions like aggression, anger, loneliness, frustration, or other 'negative' ones, it's not the yoga they teach. Be present. Try to relax a little, explore what comes up, visit with a friend, laugh and start again with releasing and moving exploratorily.


Partner Work


Shadow Side

Your experiences in their courses may be very different from anything conveyed here on the web or through other media or texts. Their humor, interactiveness and the social, aural and visual experiences they shape in their courses make the learning unique. (The remarkable and unique-to-the-individual physical adjustments/changes in movement and in poses, which they share in class, are difficult to convey through this media, and thus a serious deficit here). They teach a kind of spontaneous movement welling up from insight, from their own unique and often sublime views. Finding your own unique ways with yoga and movement is part of what they teach.


Energy Work




From the late 1960s through the early 1980s, they studied with B.K.S. Iyengar and others, but have since created their own approach. While both worked for many years with Iyengar, Victor, in particular, worked very closely with him, and makes fascinating, personal, physical adjustments. With remarkable vision and language, Angela explores fluidity, using, for example, water or wind as metaphor for the inner body, to open so many ways of coming in touch with it. Similarly, she also explores ways to come in touch with one's own inner teacher. Angela and a group of women interested in her teaching have met almost every year, for many years, in a women-only retreat at Harbin Hot Springs. The opportunity there to explore Angela's far-reaching interest in the feminine, without men, has made for some flourishing gatherings. In their courses, they explore an amazingly wide variety of movements, energies, meanings, and ideas - what comes up - including exploring creativity itself, in relation to yoga.



Some Guided Explorations

In exploring their 'play' through this web site, deemphasize these texts, photos and videos, to some degree. Through the 'physical' body, Angela & Victor explore movement and energy in their teachings: some asana (yoga position)-related movement, many subtle, breath-related movements, and - using imagery from the natural world, wonderful metaphors and language - welcome, mindful, inner releases and energetic flows; dead and inanimate things don't move, so they don't seek to hold poses rigidly, inside or outside. For them yoga isn't "the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind" (Patañjali) but rather coming in touch with, and exploring your inner body and teacher with awareness and movement, and finding a kind of flow, which might include, however, a profound and welcome easing of the mind. And while one of them teaches, the other is often exploring things in his or her own body, resting and/or listening, and modeling this as well. Their deep questioning of authority and tradition opens horizons. How to find your own freedom and creative exploration with yoga is what they teach.

Yoga Philosophy

A & V Media Index

A & V Bibliography

From my perspective, they offer a kind of development in yoga, and certainly their own view of it. From this perspective, they teach a profound, imaginative and beneficial releasing, easing and 'energy-related' opening of the bodymind. By energy, they mean your own experiences, thoughts, feelings, motivations, subtle leanings, and imaginings, among other things, which guide people, - experienced in your own bodymind. Please don't systemize this, - they don't, and they encourage people not to, as well; it's probably impossible. In their view, yoga as a kind of core life experience isn't systemizable; doing so kills the life of it. Instead, experience and play with this inner movement and awareness. Bring impressions, observations and meanings from the world around you into your bodymind, and explore them in your inner body, sometimes in poses, learning from them. Yoga becomes an ongoing, artistic discovery. In their courses, this is often done with friends, and with Angela & Victor as guides. Yoga with them can sometimes be as enjoyable as going to the beach with friends, or to a very fun party, and lead to so much. In my experience their approach is very social, supportive and loving. It can also lead to cathartic, emotional releases. In many of the following texts, photos and videos, A & V teach a specific movement / action, and/or awareness. They encourage people taking their classes to move when they want. The movements and positions depicted here offer ways to explore the freeing up of energy. This can often lead to experiences of personal freedom, bringing you alive.

So what's new or different with their yoga? New principles, new concepts, new awarenesses? Compared with what? Angela & Victor offer an imaginative approach to exploring inwardly with your awareness through movement, energy-work and a far-reaching knowledge of the body (including its musculo-skeletal-physiological-neural, etc., 'mechanics' informed by asana) in positions and movement, as well as ways to experience the inner body as delightfully and fascinatingly interconnected, through relatively unstructured classes. Their stories help you experience this. In so doing, they have shaped and discovered their own unique, unfolding approaches. They question the idea of needing a teacher at all to explore one's own inner body, yet they are skillful guides, often by intuiting and understanding where individuals in their classes are 'coming from' and what they want - often through movement - and then opening ways to realize this, - seemingly quite mysteriously. They also create a space for you to listen to your own intuition, and act on this.

Teaching together, they offer two distinct perspectives, which they weave together into a conversation and a (usually:) shared vision of the inner body/teacher. They are partners in so many ways, unusual in the world of yoga, and its long traditions, long conceiving of their teaching together as a yoga marriage. And while also long skeptical of the institution of marriage, they are marrying in the autumn of 2008 in Eftalou, Lesvos, Greece.

In some ways, Angela & Victor teach ways for you to find your own freeing, creative and happy way, partly through yoga, but especially through coming in touch with your inner body. They're innovative. They might explore, for example, what bliss is, in class, - how one might experience this. They aren't interested in starting something called Angela & Victor Yoga. They're bohemian, free-spirited, iconoclastic, alternative, maverick, independent and creative. Beginning, perhaps in part, as hippie yogis in the 1960s, they draw from counterculture, to teach a kind of underground yoga, with very unique skills. As yogis, teachers and artists, they create anew and shape a kind of free-spiritedness through yoga. If their language, vision, images, approaches to movement, as well as their energy-exploration, work for you to facilitate release, integration, creative exploration, and help to heal your wounds, as well as allow you to experience new vistas on being, - enjoy!

I first took a course with them in 1984. I see this web site as an opportunity to share my experience of, to translate and find the right language for, the way they teach subtle awarenesses leading to inward releases, through engaging yoga, - so that you might experience it. And in the context of yoga exploration and practice, to relate how you might bring your awareness pleasurably inwardly while practicing to find new, beneficial approaches to life, on your own, at home or with friends.

Angela & Victor often teach in beautiful places. They've recently built their 'Eftalou Yoga Hall,' in Eftalou near Molivos, on the island of Lesvos, in Greece. After their classes, people in their courses often go to natural hot springs and the ocean to bathe or share a meal with friends. It's not a yoga you're probably familiar with yet. They explore a kind of interconnectedness, as many yoga practitioners do, but Angela and Victor's teachings and style are unique, and through them you may soar. Angela and Victor's yoga is fun and respects your experience, so keep your common sense as you explore what they teach. And while I have selected certain themes which they often re-visit in their teaching, their yoga can lead in many to-be-created directions. Moving from the inside, they eschew/avoid the limitations of tradition, religion, authority, etc., to seek and find the freedom of the inner body/teacher, thus teaching ways to continue to move out of/ away from 'boxes,' (including any boxes/themes/ideas shaped by a web site about their teaching). Angela & Victor thus would encourage people to keep exploring, to stay out of the boxes that people continue to make, and to find your own freedom. Perhaps this web site can be a helpful starting place for this.

I'd like to dedicate this web site to Victor & Angela and people touched by their yoga.

Scott MacLeod

Print Angela & Victor's Yoga (.doc)

* * 

Victor (and Angela), and regarding your use of email and websites and Youtube video (https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Bangladesh) ... What would you say you teach further ? 

In a book I began about Angela and Victor's Yoga in 2007 in Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece, - http://www.scottmacleod.com/AVGreetings.htm - I wrote about these key "themes or "principles" too - 

and see especially - 

Thanks so much for the Yoga conversation YOGA, Victor (and Angela), - AND ITS DEPARTURE FROM IYENGAR YOGA eg as (NON-AUTHORITARIAN) CONVERSATION -  and all ... which YOGA I'm seeking to explore inwardly regarding gene expression and even possibly aging reversal and longevity questions at the cellular and molecular biological levels. 

All the best, 


As a kind of Friendly Yogic leading or inspiration, I began Yoga-meditation teaching online again about 3 weeks ago  - 

'Can we bring some consciousness to doing Yoga meditation? - YogaMacFlower@gmail.com @Q_YogaMacFlower' 



and see too - 
'Can we bring some consciousness to doing Yoga meditation? - YogaMacFlower@gmail.com @Q_YogaMacFlower' - 

Yogically, Scott

On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 8:43 PM Scott Yoga Mac Flower MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Victor and Angela, Harvard Geneticists' Donna and George (Church), Peter (Norvig, Google AI Director), Bill (Gates), Janie (my mother), Pin (Mazumdar HHS), Ed (Smyth MD), All,  

Greetings! While not a Yoga philosophy question - 

I Google searched on 

"What is the fastest one can get a US passport? ... 

and learned - 

Routine 6 to 8 weeks
Expedited 2 to 3 weeks
Urgent Must make an appointment and have international travel within 14 calendar days 
Emergency is possible too 

Donna, might you like to head to Greece to an Angela and Victor Yoga course in Eftalou on Lesvos another time - possibly in 2025 even, and for A&V Yoga explorations of the 

'natural and real and into understanding our physical body-mind being born from LIFE ENERGY' per Victor this morning -  

as well as regarding genetics and vaccines' philosophy ethics' questions (re a bit of philosophy riffing as well - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html), too ? 

With my last US federal passport, I think, stolen from me in Canyon 94516 by the previous landlord there, criminal? murderer? offender? tom wylie, with a spare key I posit, (and after I asked him to change the locks twice I think) ... and as I seek to move the World Univ & Sch Academic Medical Center with virtual Harbin Hot Springs' cure (even in the shop there and as a Google Street View 'smart Yoga studio' - "How to view Google Street View in a smart meeting room." - https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4
(AND GOOGLE SEARCH ON something like 'how to view Google street view in a smart office' - Igloo vision - Shropshire England to find this again) ... and potentially for interactive Yoga teachers in the wall panels, and even eventually potentially as holograms and similar), with physical-digital WUaS  Longevity Genetics' Institute forward into a newly safe 670 Ridgecrest Road, WUaS PO Box 442, Canyon 94516 in 2024 ... it doesn't seem as If I will be able to join you Angela and Victor in Eftalou, Lesvos, Greece from M October 7, 2024 to Saturday Oct 19, 2024 ... alas ... 

Ed, in particular, could "... priority bills, including a formal, bipartisan apology for the state’s role in slavery ..." regarding the state of California's legislature - 

 potentially facilitate my and the Physical-Digital World Univ & Sch Academic Medical Center (at the GCell, GGene and GMolecule levels and think in Google Street View with time slider, especially) moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516  in 2024? 


On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 4:10 PM Scott Yoga Mac Flower MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Victor and Angela, Harvard Geneticists' Donna and George (Church), Peter (Norvig Google AI) Bill (Gates), Janie (my mother), Pin (Mazumdar HHS), Ed (Smyth MD), All,  

Flight https://angela-victor.com/content/schedule to Athens leaving this Friday 10/04 or next Saturday 10/5?

I haven't flown in a very long time but am beginning to search for flights from Pittsburgh to Athens (and then planning to fly too to Mytillini, Lesvos, and then to drive about an hour across Lesvos to near the town of Molyvos) on Friday Oct 4, or Sat Oct 5 (which is also my brother Sandy's BIRTHDAY) in 

Might there be even any US federal government flights somehow in these regards possibly? (Might anyone here know?)

Victor, or Patricia (Schneider, in Yellow Springs, Ohio, or?), if there's a daily flight (or 2) from Athens to Mytillini in October, when does it depart Athens, please? Or would a ship be better even (Greece having a zillion islands and a very old ship culture:)?

Donna, would you like to travel to a 2 week Yoga course with Angela and Victor in Eftalou on Lesvos - https://angela-victor.com/content/schedule - leaving SF possibly this Saturday, October 5th or similar, and returning on around Sunday October 20th? 

Thoughts about air travel opportunities, and even rendezvousing in Frankfurt or Athens (or London or New York) even, and traveling together - out of the blue? :)

Anyone else interested in traveling to a Yoga course with Angela and Victor near the beautiful town of Molyvos on the far side of the island of Lesvos? 

Yogically, warm regards, Namaste, 

I realize your not interested Victor, but I found this fascinating, and regarding Peter Norvig's INCREDIBLE#ToolifyAIWUaS article - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - about language diversity and MIT OCW-centric wiki World University IN School, and building a realistic virtual earth and studying bliss at a virtual Harbin Hot Springs, and so much more - 

PS a

Wow, a Googler #PeterNorvig? has been building out #RealisticVirtualHarbin in #GStreetView w #GTimeSlider in
2007 - w #VintageFireEngine (TURN LEFT) -
& NEW: 2024 - a #vintageRV

Wow, a Googler #PeterNorvig? has been building out #RealisticVirtualHarbin in #GStreetView w #GTimeSlider
2012 - #HarbinGateHouse - https://www.google.com/maps/@38.7859853,-122.6519065,3a,75y,325.28h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sLfmN0oKo630So4zhcCDShA!2e0!5s20120601T000000!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fcb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26pitch%3D0%26panoid%3DLfmN0oKo630So4zhcCDShA%26yaw%3D325.28!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&coh=205410&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkyNS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

2007 - w #VintageFireEngine (turn left) -

& NEW: 2024 - a vintage #RecreationalVehicleRV & ??? w Porch, where the #HarbinVintageFireEngine was after the ValleyFire of 2015 -

On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 1:55 PM Scott Yoga Mac Flower MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Victor and Angela, Harvard Geneticists' George and Donna, Bill (Gates), Janie (my mother), Pin (Mazumdar HHS), Ed (Smyth MD), All,  

Greetings and glad to receive your email, Victor - 


Victor Van Kooten

4:16 AM (9 hours ago)
to Angelame
Please dear Scott, 
stop your questions from this virtual world with virtual language we hardly understand since we do focus on reality : our natural and real and into understanding our physical body-mind being born from LIFE ENERGY.    We tend to avoid technical inventions beyond telephones and emails ….
The dependence on technology only sends people away from the chances to turn inside where our “real”power lives as it asks us to receive its pure magic.

We do not answer any questions coming indirectly from the intellect.
With my best wishes, victor 

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 27, 2024, at 9:57 PM, Scott Yoga Mac Flower MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:"
... with my reply here too - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/09/wrangel-island-russia-wooly-mammoth.html?m=0 . . . at the bottom (and regarding my being in asylum in the eastern seaboard of the USA from the SF Bay Area +) ...

Just shared this with my mother returning again tomorrow from Maine from seeing her first grandchild, Ed, and Pin, 

"Hi Ma, (Ed, Pin), see you in around 24.75 hours Ma at the Pgh airport (ok ok, - about 25 hours rounding up:) ... Athens, Greece in 8 days inviting Donna too for a 2 week Yoga course with Angela & Victor on the isle of Lesvos ? ... Seems improbable ... I think my US federal passport was stolen in Canyon 94516 some years ago  ... and am not sure how seeking US federal protection works overseas as well ... Much more here about some of this in Th Sep 26, 2024 Wrangel Island Russia Wooly Mammoth blog post - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/09/wrangel-island-russia-wooly-mammoth.html?m=0 :)💕,;) Scott"

Donna, may I invite you or would you like to travel to a 2 week Yoga course on Lesvos in Greece beginning on M Oct 7,2024 in Eftalou, near beautiful Molyvos, on the far side of the island of Lesvos from the main city of Mytilini ... ?

Warm greetings, abolitionally, Friendly best regards, Yogically, 

On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 2:57 PM Scott Yoga Mac Flower MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Victor and Angela, Harvard Geneticists' George and Donna, Bill (Gates), All, 

How are you? How to de-extinct the wooly mammoth (a project Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church is heralding, and potentially, as I understand a facet of this enterprise, by taking very decayed genetic material from wooly mammoth bones and remains, from 4000 years ago when it went extinct, adding it to Asian elephants (eg from India and which evolved in warm climes) ... in Alaska ... and adding genetic information for traits, for example, that make this Asian elephant living pachyderm frost and freezing resistant ... all by 2026) and see some pictures here of extinct Wooly Mammoth remains, Wrangel Island in Russia, and where the last wooly mammoths around 4000 years ago may have gone extinct   - 

And how to build a de-extinction machine in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForDeextinction, #ForAgingReversal too, & #ForExtremeLongevity eg in Google Street View with TIME SLIDER (and how to build an #AgingReversalMachine as well +? ) ... 

AND HERE'S one beginning of this IDEA possibly in  

"How to view Google Street View in a smart meeting room."
(AND GOOGLE SEARCH ON something like 'how to view Google street view in a smart office igloo vision - Igloo vision - Shropshire England to find this again)

AND interestingly, this Shropshire, England 'Igloo vision' smart meeting room in Street View has received Microsoft funding 

... AND HOW could MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch turn it into WUaS Aging Reversal and De-extinction Hospital Rooms (and WUaS Multimedia Barns in the shop in Canyon 94516 even, and into #WUaSMultimediaRooms and #WUaSMultimediaHouses (for language learning too even)) ... and for many many university hospitals + in many countries to build out WUaS Aging Reversal and De-extinction Hospital Rooms in innovative ways (and could we even de-extinct my father GKM MD, who came back from a Semester at Sea trip in Belize where he received a first subdural hematoma on 12/30/04 ... from which I think he died on 11/25/07 ... and from my and my brother Sandy's genes, as well as our cousins ?) ... and to connect potentially the time slider in Google Street View also to our individual artificial intelligence and ML-coded #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords ... and even, somehow to our molecules, genes and cells, computer science-wise ... and so we could time slide back our aging cells .... potentially by making adding vaccines with the right material in them part of this aging reversal genetic drug therapies' medical electronic health care records' process (where we might even be able to see the potential changes in avatars of us, compiled from all the medical imaging and photographs and videos etc that might inform such a new development in electronic health records, as avatar agent electronic health records) ... AND for medical aging reversal in hospitals to start (brainstorming-wise)? 


re #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords (on Twitter as #Hashtag for more)

Virtual? Angela & Victor's Yoga in Eftalou Lesvos Greece 2007?
https://photos.app.goo.gl/PcKx5xpbaJcoLg9Y9 Growing a @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSAbolition movement to protect people as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on Planet & w #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords #WUaSMachineLearning ~

No pic 

#YogaMeditation? Love it first thing upon rising~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2008/09/arc-steps-to-elicit-relaxation-response.html How best to explore #AngelaAndVictorsYoga #AngelaAndVictorInspired #YogaExplorations? #meditationOnBack? from home (#Desiderata too - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html) Resources: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga @WordUnivAndSch ~

On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 10:05 AM Scott Yoga Mac Flower MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Victor, Angela and Maaike, All, 

So sorry that our friend (my acquaintance from Greece) Joep (Veeger) passed away at age 90 in April of 2021 (I read here - https://cityyoga.nl/) - Maaike (regarding both of your 'City Yoga Amsterdam' Yoga Center), and regarding your Yoga student, Joep, Victor, and all.

Dear Victor and Angela, Bill Gates, All, 

How are you all? 

Thanks for your blog post, Bill (Gates), that came into this my Yoga Mac Flower @gmail .com email address - and after emailing all of you in this thread (see the PS). 

Bill (Gates) - what's your thinking about genetic drug therapies and for extreme longevity, aging reversal ... and even regarding "'higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS?'" - and especially vaccines for this - 

For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work?

For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work?


Appreciating your thinking, Bill in this first paragraph - 

So, when I am deciding how to spend my time these days, I usually ask myself three questions: Will I have fun? Will I make a difference? And will I learn something?

(In seeking to grow MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - and regarding the Yoga wiki subject, and inspired by Angela and Victor's Yoga and art and creativity, am doing so as a Friendly Quaker leading or calling or inspiration ... and in WUaS seeking to facilitating a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal and other genetic drug therapies or similar).


Warmly, Yogically, Friendly regards, 

* * *

NEW World University and School website Tu Sep 17, 2024 - in Bangla? - Greetings, and how are you? I'd like to introduce you Bangladeshis to one another here:  Mahedi (Hasan, Dhaka, Bangladesh), and JP Morgan Chase banker Sazzad Anam and General Shafiuddin Ahmed, president of the Bangladesh Olympics' Association, both in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Bangladesh World University and School in Bangla emerging online for all 171 million Bangladeshis +  

Dear Mahedi (Hasan, Dhaka, Bangladesh), JP Morgan Chase banker Sazzad Anam, and General Shafiuddin Ahmed, president of the Bangladesh Olympics' Association, both in Dhaka Bangladesh too, JP Morgan, Chase Bank CEO Jamie Dimon, World Universtians (re MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School), All, 

Greetings, and how are you? I'd like to introduce you Bangladeshis to one another here:  Mahedi (Hasan, Dhaka, Bangladesh), and JP Morgan Chase banker Sazzad Anam and General Shafiuddin Ahmed, president of the Bangladesh Olympics' Association, both in Dhaka, Bangladesh. As free MIT OCW-centric World University and School grows, could you please explore possibly becoming the WUaS Bangladesh World University and School organizing committee or similar? 

Thanks, Mahedi, for the new Bangladesh World Univ & Sch in the Bangla language last week - https://sites.google.com/view/bdworlduniversityandschool/ - developed FROM http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ and potentially INTO https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home (and regarding too Bangladesh Wiki WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Bangladesh PLANNED in the Bangla language from and in  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Bengali_/_Bangla_language ) - and potentially for all 171.2 million Bangladeshi's for free universal education, people-to-people, and highest quality online MIT OCW-centric wiki WUaS degrees from home for Bangladeshis. 

Here is some of your contact information - 

Sazzad Anam at sazzad.anam@jpmchase.com
Cell : +880 1713037892

General Shafiuddin AHMED, SBP, OSP, ndu, psc, PhD
Election Date: 22/12/2021


Phone: +880 2 956 0369

Fax: +880 2 956 3304

Website: http://www.nocban.org

Address: Rajuk Avenue Outer Stadium, Purana Paltan Dhaka 1000 BANGLADESH

MD Mahedi Hasan (above)
Dhaka Bangladesh

 +880 1610379974

JP Morgan Chase bankers' Sazzad Anam, & CEO Jamie Dimon, how could WUaS (World Univ & Sch) best explore getting JP Morgan Chase bank loans, and with which to begin to pay Mahedi Hasan in Bangladesh to further develop and market - https://sites.google.com/view/bdworlduniversityandschool/ - to all 171 million people in Bangladesh in Bangla and the speakers of other languages in B - as a first question? 

Thanks, abolition ally, all the best, 
Scott GK MacLeod 

MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School -
WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Books, Computers, Robotics, Groceries +
Business Plan for a Startup Business - 2024


- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
wiki https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects,
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org
(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com

https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod (all 7,164 known living languages at WUaS)





Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming) 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * * 

Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23

How please could Chase bank help WUaS Corp code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and in all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and to end poverty worldwide - and with Pi Cryptocurrency (as their KYC - Know Your Customer-  process seems to be, or could be, possibly running aground even - since they're extending a related KYC 'grace period' for people to identity themselves in the Pi Network information technology yet again), and regarding ~200 federal governments and in ~200 countries in the world (per the Olympics)  - 

Mine Pi cryptocurrency invite - some Tweets . . . 

Dear JP Morgan Chase bank Head of IT, and CEO Jamie Dimon, Peter (Norvig, Google AI director), Shauna McNally VP Chase bank Shadyside, Pgh PA, Jenny Ling (Curated Coaching TAP), Chase bank employees, US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All, 

Greetings, and as a follow up - 

How please could Chase bank help WUaS Corp code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and in all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and to end poverty worldwide - and with Pi Cryptocurrency (as their KYC - Know Your Customer-  process seems to be, or could be, possibly running aground even - since they're extending a related KYC 'grace period' for people to identity themselves in the Pi Network information technology yet again), and regarding ~200 federal governments and in ~200 countries in the world (per the Olympics)  - 

Mine Pi cryptocurrency invite - some Tweets

Would you like #PiCryptocurrency #FreeMoneyDaily & to #EndPovertyWorldwide @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress : https://minepi.com/sgkmac - for all 7.9 billion people as WUaS grows a #WorldWideAbolitionMovement to protect people? How will ~200 Countries' govts regulate #MinePiKYC process?




Best wishes, staying alive (e.g. from international organized crime ... re e.g. not becoming a 'target' internationally re machine learning and ai and video camera surveillance per the Target store episode below (and with the manager coming out with the "Gordon" name tag, which is my name, and my father's GKM MD name ... whom I'm exploring seeking to de-extinct ... like the Wooly Mammoth de-extinction project per Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church in some years ) near the criminal??? trader j's where I learned on 2/28/24 my Chase credit card was closed, and close to Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221, all on or close to Penn Avenue, Pgh PA), Aboltionally, Friendly Quaker greetings, see you soon Jenny L on Thursday, and thanks, 

Scott GK MacLeod

On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 10:21 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear JP Morgan Chase bank Head of IT, and CEO Jamie Dimon, Shauna McNally VP Chase bank Shadyside, Pgh PA, Jenny Ling (Curated Coaching TAP), Chase bank employees, US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All, 

Greetings, and how are you?

I just created a new Outreach WUaS email address (which I've had to do to give the Curated Coaching web form a new email address) 
worldunivandschoutreachcomittee@worlduniversityandschool.org to sign up for the next Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP session on -

(... and WUaS will seek to add new emails to sign up for new Curated Coaching sessions in the future informed by unprogrammed Quaker - Religious Society of Friends - Friendly Monthly Business Meeting process eg from - https://quaker.org/legacy/pghpamm/committees.html) ...

Building Your Brand Strategy:

  1. Case study - Discover how one small business owner evaluated the strength of her brand.
  2. Pre-Work - Prepare for your coaching session by answering questions to guide the conversation with your business consultant.
  3. Action plan - Apply best practices to evaluate your brand’s strength and implement new strategies to position your business for growth.
with a Jenny L (is this you Jenny Ling?) ... on 

Date: Thursday, October 3, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM (America/New_York)
Coach: Jenny L
Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/mhp-cjia-tsp
Topic: Building Your Brand Strategy

Also with regards to the emails below in this Chase bank Shadyside email thread since 2023, and my closed Chase credit card for 6 1/2 months, I just texted this to my mother - 

"Hi Ma, how are you doing today? ...

I went to the Chase bank Fox Chapel after using the internet at the Fox Chapel public library, and having gotten an email in the morning of Sep 30, 2024 saying my Chase credit card score had gone DOWN - to 702 out of 800 when I checked in the Chase web site - and having written a PNC bank check for $425.70 to pay off my first half a month's new Chase credit card's bill - I went to this Chase bank atm and put my new Chase credit card in,

 (for the first time since I learned from a grocery store chain (tjs on Penn Avenue too in Pgh PA) on Feb 28, 2024 that my Chase credit card account of 27 years with excellent credit card score - WAS CLOSED ...)

...the Chase ATM sign on the screen said my credit card score had gone up to 720 ... but when I checked in my new open Chase bank website account later, it said my Chase credit score was still 702 ...  what to do?

Also in trying to pay off my initial new Chase Freedom Flex x4767 credit card bill yesterday, I tried to get cash out of all 3 of the nearby PNC Banks ATM machines in the Waterworks mall Aspinwall, Pgh, PA in order to get a receipt (since I couldn't get a receipt from the 1st 2 broken or non correctly functioning atms) - probably creating an interesting record even in Google Maps of my circling the bank 3x & parking getting out to use the standup atm and backing up once ... AND then when I went back to Chase bank Fox Chapel a few blocks away and paid the $425.70 in cash by Sep 30 2024 at midnight ... I paid $426 in bills since Chase atms don't give physical change in coins back - so I donated or gave in a sense .30 cents to this huge Chase bank corporate entity ... But possibly avoiding $9.40 in pending Chase charges (I had seen in my Chase account) ... Oh -  the developing accounting systems with info tech platforms and their limitations ... Not sure after the 3 spurious Chase letters due to EGREGIOUS MISCONDUCT I posit / post by criminal?? Chase bank employee jenifer weber at Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 saying stay off Chase property - and Chase bank VP Shauna McNally saying the 'murder' at the close of our conversation in Chase bank Shadyside, AND getting the 14 subpoenaed Chase bank statements for my 2 recently opened Chase bank accounts at Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 - how all these I.T. communications' systems will self-correct - and IN MY SEEKING TO STAY ALIVE (and from organized crime internationally in cahoots possibly with some Chase bank branches??? Like Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221???) - but perhaps my seeking a US Federal investigation into various Chase banks will help me stay alive in some of the above bank regards - and as I make a written record of this too ... And grow a worldwide MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement to protect people... 💕, Abolition-ally, welcome back to deeply unwell Pittsburgh (culturally) 🥰, see you soon, Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/meditation - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Yoga - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Quakers ) ❣️

See you Thursday morning Jenny L if this is indeed might be you Jenny Ling for the next WUaS curated coaching Chase bank TAP session on "Building Your Brand Strategy" and regarding this new WUaS "worldunivandsch outreach committee" email address (and please note the misspelling in the email address) - worldunivandschoutreachcomittee@worlduniversityandschool.org

Abolitionally, in asylum in PA from CA, staying alive, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, 

WUaS Monthly Business Meeting took an unexpected but welcome turn on Saturday Sep 21, 2024, so here are the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting's agenda and news from  
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Erythrina sandwicensis: Sat 9/21/24 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting, with Zoom URL

(more later about this)

And ... 

MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is continuing to grow a WUaS abolition movement worldwide, and seeking to create the first flagship Physical-Digital WUaS Educational Services' Store for books, robotics, computers, retail, mini-department store on Walnut street in Pgh ... and with Chase bank loans potentially ... Having registered and attended nearly around 10 Curated Coaching TAP sessions, I haven't received any further invitations and after the last WUaS Curated Coaching TAP session with Nateva P ... and I RECEIVED, CONTRARY TO WHAT I HAD READ, A new JP Morgan Chase bank credit card 6.5 MONTHS after a grocery store company let me know my "Account is Closed", not Chase credit card ( and am now continuing a 27 year great credit card history with Chase with an excellent credit rating still) ... and all a bit traumatizing ... potentially regarding international organized crime too ... and the 'murder' word mentioned by Shauna McNally VP at Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA mentioned to me at the close of our conversation in early 2024  ... and the 3 letters I received from Chase saying my 3 Chase accounts were summarily and arbitrarily closed (credit card and 2 bank accounts)  ... and potentially due to the EGREGIOUS MISCONDUCT I posit of Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 and criminal??? jenifer weber (and with george nicolai &???) ... and in cahoots with coders at trader joe's also on Penn Avenue, and Target nearby too ... and even international organized crime??? ... What to do? 

In a different vein, I'm also newly in communication with Mahedi H, a coder and marketer and website builder, in Dhaka, Bangladesh ... and regarding building out the new MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch website - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home (emerging from http://worlduniversityandschool.org/) - in English and in the Bangla language ... and he's asking to get paid, but WUaS has no money to speak of whatsoever ... and Chase bank has had operations in Bangladesh since it became independent in 1971, and a representative or office there since 2010 ... Could Chase bank loans to WUaS help pay him I wonder? 

And how, please, to begin to get Chase bank loans further to begin to build out the flagship WUaS bookstore / Robotics' store on Walnut street Pgh PA?

Glad I've sought US federal protection for my mother, my brother in Maine, and myself ... and for these potential US federal investigations to be continuing into the organizations above I think ... they seem to be working ...potentially with the US secret service as part of US federal agencies, I posit.

Are you the best person to continue to seek to communicate with in these regards, JP Morgan Chase bank CEO Jamie Dimon or Shauna McNally VP at Chase bank Shadyside, or? 

Abolitionally, best, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, staying alive, kindly, 
Scott GK MacLeod 

In a related vein to possibly international organized crime involvement re my father's 1st #subduralhematoma on #UnivPitt's #SemesterAtSea in Belize on 12/30/04 -

How did my father #GordonKMacLeodMD get his 1st #subduralhematoma on #UnivPitt's #SemesterAtSea in Belize on 12/30/04 ? ...

(Dec 1 2023) 
In developing #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress for #WUaSFreeDegrees & to grow ~200 #WUaSUnivs, how did my father #GordonKMacLeodMD get his 1st #subduralhematoma on #UnivPitt's #SemesterAtSea in Belize on 12/30/04 https://www.utimes.pitt.edu/archives/?p=5353 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_K._MacLeod#:~:text=MacLeod%20was%20elected%20President%20of,financing%20of%20health%20care%20services ?

Just shared this with 

Webpage builder Mahedi Hasan in Dhaka Bangladesh and some of you - 

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

12:18 PM (2 hours ago)
to Lydiahelp.sbfoiPetersoleilbrandingessentialsSmallSmallStephenJennywarrenMartiMahedimahedihasan31122004ScottSidmazumdarp
Mahedi, All, 

Greetings, and as further followup regarding Bangladesh World University and School in Bangla, English + ... 

As Bangladesh MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School grows in Bangla, English and ALL of the other languages in Bangladesh (as wiki schools for open teaching and learning) WUaS seeks to hire and employ worldwide around 2.5 million people (slightly bigger than Walmart which is in only 19 of ~200 countries) over the next 50-75 years, and so possibly more than 10,000 people in Bangladesh ... and besides on the Academic wing, also in the WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Robotics / Books / Computers / Groceries / Retail / eg as Department stores and the Academic Press at WUaS with machine translation between all 7164 known living languages. Here are some organizations and plans WUaS is interested in working with further in some of these regards, and in the following ways - so in Bangladesh in Bangla and other languages there:

Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency free money daily in Bangladesh for all Bangladeshis and to end poverty too with Universal Basic Income experiments - https://minepi.com/sgkmac? WUaS has a partnering email from the Mine Pi organization (and please download the app and use my invitation code to begin to mine Pi every 24 hours pressing two buttons, taking less than 5 seconds). In this process, WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Pin # from here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and to end poverty worldwide too. 

Toyota minivans (and HUMANOID ROBOTICS such as the #THR3) in Bangladesh - https://toyota.com.bd/company/about-us/ - and WUaS seeks to possibly develop with these as Studio Apartments even as well as #WUaSFacultyHomes, #WUaSStaffHomes, and even possibly #WUaSStudentHomes - and for field work and STEM field sites especially, for example (and see Twitter for these Hashtags ...)

WIth Google and for learning coding too - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home ...  with WUAS Lego Robotics' kits, of which WUaS is an authorized reseller of 3 Robotics kits (http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - which is the 2nd WING of WUaS), so, again - 
WUaS Educational Services stores in Bangladesh and Dhaka - for #WUaSLegoRobotics #WUaSHomeRobotics - with which to matriculate into WUaS for free degrees, by learning coding too with the Scratch Visual programming language - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home ... 

JP Morgan Chase bank in Bangladesh ... has had an official representative beginning in 2010 in Dhaka I read - https://www.jpmorgan.com/BD/en/about-us - and began in Bangladesh since the birth of the country in 1971 ... with which bank ,which has operations in about 100 out of ~200 countries (per the Olympics) and with which WUaS is in communication.

Siemens Industrial Automation company - and potentially to help design and develop our Physical-Digital WUaS Educational Services' Stores and in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForBookstores #ForLegoRobotics + and see Peter Norvig's INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - fruther regarding a #RealisticVirtualEarth +

Thanks again for helping me make the NEW World University and School website in Google Sites yesterday - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home - in English - and potentially in the Bangla language too, bilingually. And much of the above will emerge from this web site I think.

1st wing - 
MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - 
for free WUaS degrees from home in ~200 countries and in their main languages - 

Academic Press at WUaS + WUaS Educational Services Stores in all 200 countries and for speakers of all 7,164 known living languages


In growing a #WUaSabolition @WorldUnivAndSch movement worldwide to abolish wrongful buying & selling of people in #IllegalSexDrugsViolenceIndustries +, how @thomashundal is this #CanadaLawOfficial "#2025ToyotaSienna...Is Officially Now A Studio Apartment" https://www.theautopian.com/the-2025-toyota-sienna-gets-a-vacuum-and-a-fridge-is-officially-now-a-studio-apartment-embargo-900-a-m-sept-17/? (The 2025 Toyota Sienna Gets A Vacuum And A Fridge, Is Officially Now A Studio Apartment)

Hi Mehdi, 

Further, and thanks for replying in this thread: Might you add EVERYTHING or NEARLY all the information (and colors / design approaches / logos) on this World Univ & Sch home page - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - to this new MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch home page in Google Sites - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home - and with appropriate sub-pages and links (with parallels to this Sonar Bangla Foundation Office??? Institute SBFOI webpage - https://sbfoi.com/) to them ... AND in English AND in Bangla - and to market free MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees to Bangladeshi 18-22 year olds free WUaS 2 year AA/AS and 4 year Bachelor degrees from home, first in English and in Bangla ... learning initially from https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home and https://ocw.mit.edu/ ? 

And, Mehdi, how long might this project take for you and your team to add -  http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - this to the new WUaS Google Sites' World Univ & Sch page  - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home in Bangla and English ... so that I can get an idea of a kind of SBFOI approach to pricing? 

Are you wanting admin permissions to - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home - which data would be saved in the GDocs' Drive for sgkmacleod@ worlduniversityandschool.org ?

Thanks, best regards, Namaste, Yogically, Friendly greetings, 
Scott GK MacLeod

These Tue Sep 19 2024 blog posts about our communications are developing - 

NEW World University and School website Tu Sep 17, 2024 - in Bangla? - Here's the beginning and NEW World University and School website - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home ... Can you begin to develop this in the Bangla language, and for prospective Bangladeshi students?


Indian pied myna (Gracupica contra): NEW World University and School website Tu Sep 17, 2024 - in Bangla? - Here's the beginning and NEW World University and School website - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home ... Can you begin to develop this in the Bangla language, and for prospective Bangladeshi students?


1st wing - 
MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - 
for free WUaS degrees from home in ~200 countries and in their main languages - 


How to form a Board for the WUaS corporation ? Michael Foster as Chairman of this? 

On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 2:30 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear JP Morgan Chase bank CEO Jamie Dimon, Shauna McNally VP Chase bank Shadyside, Jenny Ling (Curated Coaching TAP), Chase bank employees, US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All,  

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. How are you? A few recent developments: I received a new Chase Freedom Flex credit card on  Sat Sep 14, 2024 and activated it on Sunday 9/15/24. I made my first purchase with it in the East End food Co-op in Pittsburgh, PA, and another 2 purchases with it yesterday at a WM, and then at the grocery store (traders) where I first learned that my "account is closed" on 2/28/24. 6.5 months later, I appear to have a functioning Chase credit card. How are the US federal investigations going into Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 and Chase bank Moraga 94556 and possibly Chase bank Shadyside even (regarding the possible prostitute??? coming down from the univ pitt med center??? above Chase bank Shadyside that I met in passing on the ground floor while sitting on the bench in that side entrance way from Walnut Street into the Chase ATM machine ... and regarding my father's GKM MD's first subdural hematoma on univ of pitt managed at the time semester at sea in the country of Belize on 12/30/04 ... and regarding the murderous run through attempt of me sadly - after univ pitt med center 'resolve crisis' folks with city of pittsburgh police came illegally without a warrant into the first asylum house I was living in in Pgh at 210 East End avenue Pgh 15221 - and where one of the lurking policeman could possibly have installed a video surveillance camera in the 3rd floor kitchen as I talked with 2 of the univ pitt med ctr resolve crisis folks and 1 city of Pgh policeman ... AND after which craven, psychopath??? murderer (of dwarf Jackson Shannon and African American Harold Tyler??) Swiss or Lebanese soldier ??? with other soldiers from the middle east even? receiving eventually US federal Social Security Administration financial paper checks  frederic khayat did his murderous run through attempt at me at the kitchen sink ... AND which might have been video recorded even by the lurking policeman's installed camera??? ...  AND is frederic khayat still at large and a risk to me and my family, or possibly back in French-speaking Switzerland at EPFL, or in Lebanon or in a nearby countries' armed uniformed services even as an officer???...)? And is Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 employee jenifer weber locked up in prison now ... leading to my getting this new Chase credit card safely ... and AND all re international organized crime with trader joe's, JP Morgan Chase bank (in 100 out of 200 countries), univ pitt med ctr, city of pgh police, lobox management Bryant street rentals, and even tragically the pittsburgh quaker meeting and other organizations? 

MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is continuing to grow a WUaS abolition movement worldwide, and seeking to create the first flagship Physical-Digital WUaS Educational Services' Store for books, robotics, computers, retail, mini-department store on Walnut street in Pgh ... and with Chase bank loans potentially ... Having registered and attended nearly around 10 Curated Coaching TAP sessions, I haven't received any further invitations and after the last WUaS Curated Coaching TAP session with Nateva P ... and getting the new JP Morgan Chase bank credit card (continuing a 27 year great credit card history with Chase with an excellent credit rating still) ... and all a bit traumatized ... potentially regarding international organized crime ... and the 'murder' word mentioned by Shauna McNally VP at Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA ... and the 3 letters I received from Chase saying my 3 Chase accounts were closed (credit card and 2 bank accounts) ... and not to come on any Chase property ...  I didn't read anything in the paperwork that came with the new Chase credit card ... about how ... having paid off my credit card in cash nearly every time ... how to pay off my credit card anew if I still can't go on Chase property ... and due to the EGREGIOUS MISCONDUCT I posit of Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 and criminal??? jenifer weber (and with george nicolai???) ... and in cahoots with coders at trader joe's also on Penn Avenue, and Target nearby too ... What to do? 

I'm also newly in communication with Md Mahedi Hasan, a coder and marketer and website builder, in Dhaka, Bangladesh ... and regarding building out the new MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch website - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home (emerging from http://worlduniversityandschool.org/) - in English and in the Bangla language ... and he's asking to get paid, but WUaS has no money to speak of whatsoever ... and Chase bank has had operations in Bangladesh since it became independent in 1971, and a representative or office there since 2010 ... Could Chase bank loans to WUaS help pay him I wonder? 

And how, please, to begin to get Chase bank loans further to begin to build out the flagship WUaS bookstore / Robotics' store on Walnut street Pgh PA?

Glad I've sought US federal protection for my mother, my brother in Maine, and myself ... and for these potential US federal investigations to be continuing into the organizations above I think ... they seem to be working ...potentially with the US secret service as part of US federal agencies, I posit.

Are you the best person to continue to seek to communicate with in these regards, JP Morgan Chase bank CEO Jamie Dimon or ? 

Abolitionally, best, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, staying alive, kindly, 
Scott GK MacLeod 

How did my father #GordonKMacLeodMD get his 1st #subduralhematoma on #UnivPitt's #SemesterAtSea in Belize on 12/30/04 ? ...

Dec 1 2023 

In developing #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress for #WUaSFreeDegrees & to grow ~200 #WUaSUnivs, how did my father #GordonKMacLeodMD get his 1st #subduralhematoma on #UnivPitt's #SemesterAtSea in Belize on 12/30/04 https://www.utimes.pitt.edu/archives/?p=5353 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_K._MacLeod#:~:text=MacLeod%20was%20elected%20President%20of,financing%20of%20health%20care%20services ?

Just shared this with 

Webpage builder Mahedi Hasan in Dhaka Bangladesh and some of you - 

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

12:18 PM (2 hours ago)
to Lydiahelp.sbfoiPetersoleilbrandingessentialsSmallSmallStephenJennywarrenMartiMahedimahedihasan31122004ScottSidmazumdarp
Mahedi, All, 

Greetings, and as further followup regarding Bangladesh World University and School in Bangla, English + ... 

As Bangladesh MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School grows in Bangla, English and ALL of the other languages in Bangladesh (as wiki schools for open teaching and learning) WUaS seeks to hire and employ worldwide around 2.5 million people (slightly bigger than Walmart which is in only 19 of ~200 countries) over the next 50-75 years, and so possibly more than 10,000 people in Bangladesh ... and besides on the Academic wing, also in the WUaS Educational Services' Stores for Robotics / Books / Computers / Groceries / Retail / eg as Department stores and the Academic Press at WUaS with machine translation between all 7164 known living languages. Here are some organizations and plans WUaS is interested in working with further in some of these regards, and in the following ways - so in Bangladesh in Bangla and other languages there:

Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency free money daily in Bangladesh for all Bangladeshis and to end poverty too with Universal Basic Income experiments - https://minepi.com/sgkmac? WUaS has a partnering email from the Mine Pi organization (and please download the app and use my invitation code to begin to mine Pi every 24 hours pressing two buttons, taking less than 5 seconds). In this process, WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Pin # from here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and to end poverty worldwide too. 

Toyota minivans (and HUMANOID ROBOTICS such as the #THR3) in Bangladesh - https://toyota.com.bd/company/about-us/ - and WUaS seeks to possibly develop with these as Studio Apartments even as well as #WUaSFacultyHomes, #WUaSStaffHomes, and even possibly #WUaSStudentHomes - and for field work and STEM field sites especially, for example (and see Twitter for these Hashtags ...)

WIth Google and for learning coding too - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home ...  with WUAS Lego Robotics' kits, of which WUaS is an authorized reseller of 3 Robotics kits (http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - which is the 2nd WING of WUaS), so, again - 
WUaS Educational Services stores in Bangladesh and Dhaka - for #WUaSLegoRobotics #WUaSHomeRobotics - with which to matriculate into WUaS for free degrees, by learning coding too with the Scratch Visual programming language - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home ... 

JP Morgan Chase bank in Bangladesh ... has had an official representative beginning in 2010 in Dhaka I read - https://www.jpmorgan.com/BD/en/about-us - and began in Bangladesh since the birth of the country in 1971 ... with which bank ,which has operations in about 100 out of ~200 countries (per the Olympics) and with which WUaS is in communication.

Siemens Industrial Automation company - and potentially to help design and develop our Physical-Digital WUaS Educational Services' Stores and in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForBookstores #ForLegoRobotics + and see Peter Norvig's INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - fruther regarding a #RealisticVirtualEarth +

Thanks again for helping me make the NEW World University and School website in Google Sites yesterday - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home - in English - and potentially in the Bangla language too, bilingually. And much of the above will emerge from this web site I think.

1st wing - 
MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - 
for free WUaS degrees from home in ~200 countries and in their main languages - 

Academic Press at WUaS + WUaS Educational Services Stores in all 200 countries and for speakers of all 7,164 known living languages


In growing a #WUaSabolition @WorldUnivAndSch movement worldwide to abolish wrongful buying & selling of people in #IllegalSexDrugsViolenceIndustries +, how @thomashundal is this #CanadaLawOfficial "#2025ToyotaSienna...Is Officially Now A Studio Apartment" https://www.theautopian.com/the-2025-toyota-sienna-gets-a-vacuum-and-a-fridge-is-officially-now-a-studio-apartment-embargo-900-a-m-sept-17/? (The 2025 Toyota Sienna Gets A Vacuum And A Fridge, Is Officially Now A Studio Apartment)

Hi Mehdi, 

Further, and thanks for replying in this thread: Might you add EVERYTHING or NEARLY all the information (and colors / design approaches / logos) on this World Univ & Sch home page - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - to this new MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch home page in Google Sites - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home - and with appropriate sub-pages and links (with parallels to this Sonar Bangla Foundation Office??? Institute SBFOI webpage - https://sbfoi.com/) to them ... AND in English AND in Bangla - and to market free MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees to Bangladeshi 18-22 year olds free WUaS 2 year AA/AS and 4 year Bachelor degrees from home, first in English and in Bangla ... learning initially from https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home and https://ocw.mit.edu/ ? 

And, Mehdi, how long might this project take for you and your team to add -  http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - this to the new WUaS Google Sites' World Univ & Sch page  - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home in Bangla and English ... so that I can get an idea of a kind of SBFOI approach to pricing? 

Are you wanting admin permissions to - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home - which data would be saved in the GDocs' Drive for sgkmacleod@ worlduniversityandschool.org ?

Thanks, best regards, Namaste, Yogically, Friendly greetings, 
Scott GK MacLeod

These Tue Sep 19 2024 blog posts about our communications are developing - 

NEW World University and School website Tu Sep 17, 2024 - in Bangla? - Here's the beginning and NEW World University and School website - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home ... Can you begin to develop this in the Bangla language, and for prospective Bangladeshi students?


Indian pied myna (Gracupica contra): NEW World University and School website Tu Sep 17, 2024 - in Bangla? - Here's the beginning and NEW World University and School website - https://sites.google.com/worlduniversityandschool.org/world-university-and-school/home ... Can you begin to develop this in the Bangla language, and for prospective Bangladeshi students?


1st wing - 
MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - 
for free WUaS degrees from home in ~200 countries and in their main languages - 


How to form a board for the WUaS corporation ? Michael Foster as Chairman of this? 
On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 2:20 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Shauna McNally (Chase bank Shadyside VP Pgh PA), US Senator and former Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren, Clarice in the Chase bank executive office (Central Time US), Chase bank with Curated Coaching TAP WUaS first consultants' Jenny Ling, Kelly Hodulik, Samantha Garbus (via an initial invitation to WUaS from Stanford LBAN), Roland Vogl (Stanford Law CodeX), AND NEW most recent Curated Coaching consultant Nateva P, Shawn Flaherty, SSA alumnus, and lawyer Pgh PA with offices close to Chase bank Shadyside, JPMorgan Chase bank Shadyside's Michael Foster (SSA alumnus, and Harvard alum too, and please forward this email again to Michael Foster), MacArthur President John Palfrey (and Harvard alumnus too, as well as former Harvard Law professor), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon (Harvard alumnus), All,

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. Glad to have recently gotten this new Google email address - president@worlduniversityandschool.org ... and that WUaS seems to be onboarding with Google (and see PPPS). 








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