To a global, virtual, free, open, {future degree- & credit-granting}, multilingual University & School for the developing world and everyone, as well as loving bliss ~
How does #GeminiAI #ConversationalGenerative #ArtificialIntelligence add new data sets?
How does #GeminiAI #ConversationalGenerative #ArtificialIntelligence add new data sets? How could @WorldUnivAndSch add datasets to #Gemini, say, to #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook as #STEMFieldSiteWUaS & #UnivScientists > #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?
* How does #GeminiAI #ConversationalGenerative #ArtificialIntelligence add new data sets? How could @WorldUnivAndSch add datasets to Gemini say to #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings as #EthnographicFieldSite & scientists to #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?
Do this in the Telugu language areas in India initially -
Play with #WUaSRoboticsAI in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics IN #RecentlyClosed ~ ..
Play with #WUaSRoboticsAI in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics IN #RecentlyClosedWalmart #PghPA in ANY of 7,164 languages in #WUaSBookstore #WUaSEducationalServicesStores @WUaSPress for #WUaSLegoRobotics #WUaSHomeRobotics on shelves for #MITOCW-centric wiki #WUaSfreeDegrees?
Challenge your students to remix the “Goal!” model into a new tabletop game with point-recording methods and sensors: #STEM #HandsOnLearning
Dear European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL-EBI, Aleena (Mushtaq Stolworthy), Anna (Swan), Ewan (Birney, EMBL Director), MIT Media Lab HTGAA faculty lead David (Sun Kong), Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George (Church), Peter (Norvig, Google AI Director), All, Greetings,
Dear #AleenaMushtaq @emblebi
Thanks for #EnsemblGenomeBrowser2025 talk 1/29/25 How might the time aspect of changing genomes inform a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenomics How to dev with MIT #HTGAA course
Dear European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL-EBI, Aleena (Mushtaq Stolworthy), Anna (Swan), Ewan (Birney, EMBL Director), MIT Media Lab HTGAA faculty lead David (Sun Kong), Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George (Church), Peter (Norvig, Google AI Director), All,
Greetings, and thanks for the great Ensembl Genome Browser (2025) presentation yesterday Th 1/29/25 from near Cambridge England -
Where might the time function of a changing genome over the life of an organism become part of the ENSEMBL browser? (At MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch we are seeking to create a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenomics (in 1 iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth and see Peter Norvig's INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article mentioning a realistic virtual earth for the first time other than WUaS's facilitating this - - "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: #WorldUniversityInSchool ) - thinking Google Street View with time slider, #GCellView, #GMoleculeView, #GMaps with #TensorFlowAI and potentially with Pegman in G Street View becoming #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords not only for humans but for many species, and individuals - with a focus on coding for the time aspect of genome changes, and regarding the phenotype, and even for aging reversal genomics' emerging gene drug therapies in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharma … Asked and found “AI Overview Yes, the genomes of species change with age. These changes include DNA methylation, mutations, and changes in gene expression”)
And how to bring together, potentially, the developing EMBL Ensembl Genome Browser with the 2025 edition of ‘How To Grow (Almost) Anything’ (HTGAA) synthetic biology course (from MIT and Harvard for registered students, as well as #GlobalListeners like myself), beginning Tu 2/4/25?
And in doing so, how to create a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenomics, a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal and even an #AgingReversalMachine (eg in a Physical-Digital #WUaSHospitalRoom eg view #GStreetViewRoom - and with EMBL at the molecular level)?
Summary: This session introduces core biology concepts, from the central dogma to emerging applications such as phage therapy and genetic circuits. Participants will gain a solid foundation in DNA/RNA structure and function, genome engineering, and circuit design.
Summary: The second session focuses on the scientific method, experiment design, and essential laboratory techniques. Participants will learn about literature research, molecular biology tools, and best practices for conducting and documenting experiments.
Part II Topics & Agenda
Scientific Method & Experimental Design (30 min)
Speaker: Rana Said
Subtopics: Defining a problem, designing experiments, establishing controls, laboratory notebooks
Literature Research (15 min)
Speaker: Dominika Wawrzyniak
Subtopics: Effective literature searching, PubMed, Google Scholar
Tools for Molecular Biology (30 min)
Speakers: Adrian Filips & Rana Said
Subtopics: Online databases, DNA synthesis, metabolic engineering tools
Wet Lab Methods (90 min)
Speakers: Jieming Chu, Adrian Filips, Martina Armas, Benjamin Arias
Biosafety and sterile techniques
Culturing microorganisms
DNA extraction and sequence analysis
DNA cloning/assembly: PCR, restriction-ligation, Gibson assembly, gel electrophoresis, cell transformation
Scientific Figures (15 min)
Speaker: Dominika Wawrzyniak
Subtopics: Creating clear and accurate scientific images
Summary: The third session dives into coding and software tools for bioinformatics. Participants will practice Python fundamentals, explore Google Colab for biological data analysis, and learn how to perform in silico cloning using Benchling.
Part III Topics & Agenda
Python Fundamentals & Colab (60 min)
Speaker: Paul Kao
Subtopics: Fundamentals of Python, Basic Syntax, Setting up Colab
Colab Examples and AI Tools (45 min)
Speaker: Suvin Sundararajan
Subtopics: From Code to Lab: Practical Applications with CoLab & Opentrons
Benchling Basics (60 min)
Speaker: Cholpisit (Ice) Kiattisewee
Subtopics: Reading DNA sequences, in silico cloning by scenario, essential Benchling features
Accessible Biolabs (15 min)
Speaker: Adrian Filips
Subtopics: Setting up labs with limited resources, accessible protocols for external students
David Sun Kong, Ph.D. @davidsunkong · Jan 7 I’m thrilled to announce that the application for the 2025 edition of our @medialab and global synthetic biology course, “How to Grow (Almost) Anything” is now open! Application link in thread
I’m thrilled to announce that the application for the 2025 edition of our @medialab and global synthetic biology course, “How to Grow (Almost) Anything” is now open! Application link in thread 👇
Apply to be a #GlobalListener or student in this #MITHarvard course @GihanJaya ? How best to grow a #WetLab & #VirtualDrosophila in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth & in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics (& esp in #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook eg for #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy)?
David Sun Kong, Ph.D. @davidsunkong · Jan 7 I’m thrilled to announce that the application for the 2025 edition of our @medialab and global synthetic biology course, “How to Grow (Almost) Anything” is now open! Application link in thread
In what ways could ByronHannMD build an #NDimensional #WUaSHospitalRoom in #Canyon94516
In what ways could #ReedCollege friend #ByronHannMD "float" or "fly" a #PrincetonUniv #FlywireConnectome #DrosophilaFlyBrain in middle of #WUaSMultimediaRoom ...?
In what ways could #ReedCollege friend #ByronHannMD "float" or "fly" a #PrincetonUniv #FlywireConnectome #DrosophilaFlyBrain in middle of #WUaSMultimediaRoom after building a #NDimensional #WUaSHospitalRoom in #Canyon94516 and at the molecular level -for aging reversal
Dr Anna Swan Senior Scientific Training Officer - Digital Learning Pronouns: her/she European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK | @EBItraining
Scott's an anthropologist of physical-digital Harbin Hot Springs, as ethnographic field site - - who also finds fascinating the internet, ideas, poetry, sociology, art, science, genetics of aging reversal and extreme longevity, philosophy, history, music, love and life ~ as well as the anthropology of information technology & counterculture :) - ... Am also the president or head of, and professor at, MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch (& Academic @WUaSPress, planned in 7,164 living languages with machine translation, aka the WUaS Corp) planning free online degrees in ~200 countries & in their main languages, where you can wiki-teach, or wiki-learn, or wiki-create - (see too: in exploring questions of Yoga & wisdom). Identity-wise, a Nontheist Friendly Quaker - a NtF or NtQ - with Unitarian Universalist sympathies as well, and an academic