Saturday, November 30, 2013

Kokako - Callaeas cinerea: Convener of the Clearness Committee, Friendly leading concerning Quaker-informed, MIT OCW-centric World University and School, and the possibility of exploring collaboration with SFFS in accrediting and getting up and running, with organizational infrastructure, Friendly-informed, online WUaS at the high school and college levels as WUaS births

Dear C,

As head of school at SFFS, I'm writing to you from SFFM as convener of the Clearness Committee for SM (WUaS's founder, president and head clerk) at SFFM in relation to his Friendly leading concerning Quaker-informed, MIT OCW-centric World University and School, and the possibility of exploring collaboration with SFFS in accrediting and getting up and running, with organizational infrastructure, Friendly-informed, online WUaS at the high school and college levels, and thereby growing SFFS and extending its Mission of being "dedicated to educating, inspiring, and nurturing children in the Quaker school tradition."

I'd like to explore inquiring whether the SF Friends' School could provide organizational infrastructure as WUaS births, - so, administrative staffing as WUaS grows, including possibly a head of the high school, and a head of The College at WUaS (, and eventually possibly hiring online instructors (e.g. MIT graduate students and meeting, for example, in Google+ Hangouts) for the Quaker-informed, MIT OCW-centric, online, International Baccalaureate diploma., Creative Commons' licensed, free, WUaS high school, in English, (and U.S.-centric, to start, e.g. we may explore accrediting for British "A" Levels at some point, not too long from now, as well, if possible). In terms of administrative staffing, Quaker-informed WUaS would especially like to explore collaboration by coming into conversation with the SFFS accreditation staff who've already accredited with CAIS, for example, to accredit with BPPE and then with WASC senior, and then with other accrediting organizations after this (with financial assessments from governments in countries around the world - e.g. as a percentage of the cost of a MIT undergraduate education, for example). And WUaS would like to come into conversation with the SFFS fundraising department and people, as we grow, as well.

Convener of said SFFM Clearness Committee


Friday, November 29, 2013

Lion-tailed Macaque: Raga Magic, far-reaching, raga web site, 'Raag Bhairavi ,Ustad Vilayat khan ,Re,NiSaGaMaPaDhPA Best of Indian Classical,' 'Ravi Shankar & Anoushka Shankar Live: Raag Khamaj (1997),' Raga brings to me to neural cascades of pleasure, neurophysiologically, Such an old form of music, predating other moving music, such as the Grateful Dead and Mozart, What is it particularly moving about raga, Openly share, teach and learn about music in India (and all kinds of music, literally) online via Classical Indian Music, Learning from raga for Piobaireachd, for example

Found recently this far-reaching, raga web site  - Raga Magic -


And found this beautiful raga there, for example ...

'Raag Bhairavi ,Ustad Vilayat khan ,Re,NiSaGaMaPaDhPA Best of Indian Classical'


And here's another ...

Ravi Shankar & Anoushka Shankar Live: Raag Khamaj (1997)

Raga brings to me to neural cascades of pleasure, neurophysiologically (and sometimes to a kind of loving bliss and meditative place), and perhaps moves many, many people, as well. It's also such an old form of music, predating other moving music (for me, and possibly many people), such as the Grateful Dead and Mozart.

What is it particularly moving about raga, Indian Classical Music and Carnatic music, which is so moving for many?

Openly share, teach and learn about music in India (and all kinds of music, literally) online via

Classical Indian Music

Links at Classical_Indian_Music at WUaS


In what ways might one learn playing other far-reaching forms of music, such as Piobaireachd on the Great Highland Bagpipe ( vis-a-vis raga, Indian Classical Music and Carnatic music?


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Flocks of birds: Writing from a perspective of seeing the beauty and potential of Wikidata and SMW vis-a-vis C.C. WUaS fit-wise, - and having been developing WUaS since 2007, in two different wikis thus far, WUaS (was Re: [Wikitech-l] Google Code-in update (WE NEED MORE TASKS!)), Overview of where WUaS is heading, MIT OCW Translated Courses, and WUaS in Spanish and Persian

Writing from a perspective of seeing the beauty and potential of Wikidata and SMW vis-a-vis C.C. WUaS fit-wise ...

Hello Q and A!

Great, greetings and thanks! WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed, like both Wikipedia (with its 285 languages and as wiki) and MIT OCW, as you'll see at the bottom of each of the 632 WUaS pages so far, almost all in English.

Here's one, main, possible project, - and most important for MIT OCW-centric WUaS in beginning to reach out to high school applicants this autumn 2013 to matriculate online next autumn 2014, in English, - as I see it:

The first project would be to begin to develop 8-10 wiki pages of inter-lingual WUaS in Wikidata / MediaWiki / SMW, say,  -

1) WUaS's front page - -

2) WUaS's SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - (and possibly Language and Nation State page templates) -

3) the main, WUaS Subjects' page - -

4) and a corresponding, main, Subjects' page in Spanish - (with parallels, as examples to these: 5) ... and ... 6) (which was this - - but which no longer is working) -

7) the main WUaS Languages' wiki page planned for all 7,105 + languages, each of which will become a school or university - -

8) the main WUaS Nation States' wiki page planned for all 242 + countries, each a school or university, and many university-accredited in these countries - -

... and articulating them, if possible, in a beginning way, with related Wikidata's repositories, languages and countries, and with MediaWiki / Wikimedia tech bugfixes or improvements.

As an overview of where WUaS is heading, you'll find the 10, main, WUaS areas here, - 1) Courses & Schools, 2) Subjects, 3) Languages (All), 4) Nation States (All), 5) You at WUaS, 6) Research, 7) Educational Software, 8) Library Resources, 9) Museums, 10) Hardware Resource Possibilities  -  planned for large languages and many countries - - of which the above 'Subjects,' 'Languages, and 'Nation States' are there. (WUaS plans that each WUaS country page and main language wiki pages, will become their own, beginning, online, accredited universities).

Would it be possible to articulate this with MediaWiki / Wikimedia tech bugfixes or improvements in creative ways?

Knowing only HTML, but not Wikidata or SQL, I think the above item 1 could take only 2-3 hours to do.

What would be involved to 'move' these 632 WUaS Wikia wiki pages into Wikidata / MediaWiki, SMW, information technologically?


Here are the MIT OCW resources World University and School is planning to build upon, as well as partially accredit upon, for free, C.C., WUaS, MIT OCW-centric university degrees -

MIT OCW audio-video courses

MIT OCW translated-courses

J (who lives in Spain), above, may also be able to help with developing the Spanish WUaS in Spanish.

Best regards and thanks,


Hi Q and A,

Thanks for your email.

I initially wrote to you in reply to the following two items in your email, Qui, which seemed to suggest openness to new or somewhat relevant projects, - and WUaS would also welcome Google Code-In's engagement, especially vis-a-vis G+ Profiles and the main 'You at World University' wiki page - - for example -

"Google Code-in update (WE NEED MORE TASKS!))"

"Being your case related to a non-Wikimedia project, it would be good
that the tasks themselves are related to MediaWiki / Wikimedia tech
bugfixes or improvements. If not, we are still open to your suggestions.

A. and me are tho two GCI org admins for Wikimedia, and we dislike
equally unnecessary process cruft.  :)  If you convinces us you are in!"

WUaS would like to articulate with the Wikidata database repository, and inter-lingually, if at all possible ... WUaS plans for becoming wiki schools in all 7,105 + languages, is a kind of growth story for Wikimedia's / Wikipedia's 285 languages, and thus potentially a way for improvement in coding vis-a-vis the Google Code-In, and especially through growth of Wikidata.

In seeking to become a major research university (WUaS would like to become the Harvard / MIT of the internet, and in all languages and countries, and accredited in larger ones), WUaS would also like to develop as a semantic wiki, - since 'Semantic wikis provide the ability to capture or identify information about the data within pages, and the relationships between pages, in ways that can be queried or exported like a database' - and thus potentially improve and grow SMW into other languages, in terms of inter-lingual research in all MIT OCW disciplines and departments - . (For examples of two databases that WUaS would like to query, see the Bagpipe Tunes and Yoga Pose examples at the bottom of the blog entry - - and, in addition, WUaS is planning Library Resources pages for all languages - - and all instrument and languages' Music School, - - with lots of further querying ahead).

For pedagogical reasons, and numerous other reasons, (and because WUaS is planning to accredit on MIT OCW to offer online, C.C. bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees in many languages and countries), our project doesn't have anything to do with Wikiversity.

Beyond the Google Code-In's 'WE NEED MORE TASKS!',  - where I think these beginnings of WUaS in Wikidata and SemanticWiki would indeed improve them - what might you suggest to further explore such possibilities with Wikidata and SMW?

WUaS, in short, can offer 285+ multi-language development, and significant growth potential ... with related technical improvements.

Thanks and cheers,

Hi Scott,

I'm still struggling to find a specific description of potential GCI
tasks in your emails.

Imagine I'm a 13-17 years old student with no idea about your project
but some developing skills. Describe a task that will take me some hours
to complete, and do it in a way that I can see the starting point and
the desired end result.

All I could find is this:

> WUaS would like to articulate with the Wikidata database repository, and
> inter-lingually, if at all possible ...


> WUaS would also like to develop as a semantic wiki

This is not enough to define a GCI task. We can't ask GCI students to
define this on your behalf.

What is more important, GCI tasks must come with GCI mentors able to
support and assess the students' tasks. Can you provide this support?

I hope you understand now the point where we are stuck.


Hi Q and A,

Thanks very much for your prompt reply. Please remember that I'm writing from a perspective of seeing the beauty and potential of Wikidata and SMW vis-a-vis C.C. WUaS fit-wise, - and having been developing WUaS since 2007, in two different wikis thus far.

In terms of GCI tasks, I'll come back to the initial 2-3 hour task of moving WUaS from Wikia to Wikidata/SMW (posted below), which I think a 13-17 year old could do with good mentorship, but which isn't necessarily in your or Wikimedia's bailiwick. From this initial technical improvement, with an all-languages' WUaS now hypothetically in Wikidata/Wikimedia/SMW, and with skillful mentorship, there are an amazing number of 2-3 hour GCI tasks that could emerge from this, but at present, I don't think WUaS has such mentoring capabilities to lay out a GCI task road map for this.

I'm including in this email RS, in Pennsylvania, who knows SQL, and has explicitly said he'd like to help develop WUaS technically, but may also be engaged full time with his own professional database work and family. R, could you help mentor such hypothetically 13-17 year old Google Code-In coders, and/or also be a contact person for such? Juan might also have some good ideas here. While I think Wikidata core-developer MK would also be an extraordinary mentor for the first steps of the growth project for Wikipedia/Wikidata, I suspect he has databases flowering around him, and may be a wee bit busy for such GCI mentoring, or road map building.

So, thank you, and let's hear perhaps what J (in Spain) and R (in Penna) might further have to say about possible 2-3 hour  tasks for Google Code-In coders, and technical fixes and improvements, - and vis-a-vis WUaS, Wikidata and SMW!

Thanks and cheers,

Hello Amir (in Iran!),

Would you have the SQL, Wikidata (and SemanticWiki) knowledge and skills to mentor from afar some Google Code-In coders, many of whom may be near Stanford University, in 2-3 hour projects, and vis-a-vis World University and School, with our plans for a MIT OCW-centric, accredited, CC university in Iran and Persian?

Persian language - -

MIT OCW in Persian - -

Iran (Islamic Republic of) World University and School Links -

Best regards,

(I'm copying this email to some other SF Bay Area friends from Iran and the Middle East).


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Rail-babbler - Eupetes macrocerus: "Lectures Didn't Work in 1350—and They Still Don't Work Today," "Don't Give Up on the Lecture," Together these blogposts embody good ideas about MIT OCW-centric, C.C., World University and School's approaches to learning, particularly for the degree side.

Hi D and G and Universitians, 

I blogged today about the article you sent you sent yesterday, D, in relation to the article G emailed, with a blogpost about it too -

Volgelkop Bowerbird - Amblyornis inornatus ... "Lectures Didn't Work in 1350—and They Still Don't Work Today" 

White-crested Helmetshrike - Prionops plumatus: Added the article "Don't Give Up on the Lecture"

Together these blogposts embody good ideas about MIT OCW-centric, C.C., World University and School's approaches to learning, particularly for the degree side. 

I also added the two article URLs you emailed to the 'Education' and a few other wiki subjects (such as Virtual Worlds) at WUaS -

Reese, Hope. 2013. [ Lectures Didn't Work in 1350—and They Still Don't Work Today: A conversation with David Thornburg about designing a better classroom]. November 15.

Walthausen, Abigail. 2013. [ Don't Give Up on the Lecture: Teachers who stand in front of their classes and deliver instruction are not "out-of-touch experts"—they're role models]. November 22.

Cheers and thanks, 

rail babbler's territorial display 


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Volgelkop Bowerbird - Amblyornis inornatus: This article looks interesting, too "Lectures Didn't Work in 1350—and They Still Don't Work Today" (and in conversation with G's article yesterday, and related blog post), WUaS's focus on MIT OCW with conference method may include generating a kind of learning play space in Hangouts and virtual worlds on the degree side; And then there's the Media Lab at WUaS planned for all 7,100 languages, 'WUaS Media Arts and Sciences,' wiki page with courses planned for the WUaS degree side. And, on the other wing, there's, for example, the OLPC wiki page at WUaS, as just one example, where OLPC is about giving laptops to the 1 billion poorest kids in developing world and letting them play, but which has evolved, and this page facilitates open idea sharing about OLPC

Hi D,

This article looks interesting, too, (and in conversation with G's article yesterday, and related blog post) -

"Lectures Didn't Work in 1350—and They Still Don't Work Today: A conversation with David Thornburg about designing a better classroom" -

and thanks for the focusing.

WUaS's focus on MIT OCW with conference method may include generating a kind of learning play-space in G+ Hangouts and virtual worlds on the degree side. And then there's the Media Lab at WUaS planned for all 7,100 languages ... ... and the 'Media Arts and Sciences'' department at MIT, now in MIT OCW - - came out of the Media Lab at MIT in part, I think. Here's the 'WUaS Media Arts and Sciences,' - - wiki page with courses planned for the WUaS degree side.

And, on the other wing, there's, for example, the OLPC wiki page at WUaS, -$100_Laptop_-_MIT - as just one example, where OLPC is about giving laptops to the 1 billion poorest kids in developing world and letting them play, but which has evolved, and this page facilitates open idea sharing about OLPC.

WUaS's open teaching and learning focus on wiki in all 7,105 languages and 242 countries is also about playing with sharing ideas as a kind of conversation ...

Cheers and thanks,


will look to add this article to WUaS:

Reese, Hope. 2013. [ Lectures Didn't Work in 1350—and They Still Don't Work Today: A conversation with David Thornburg about designing a better classroom]. November 15.


Monday, November 25, 2013

White-crested Helmetshrike - Prionops plumatus: Added the article "Don't Give Up on the Lecture" to the 'Conference Method of Teaching and Learning' wiki, subject page at WUaS, In Reed College's Hum 110, a kind of model for even teaching the conference method for all four years' courses at Reed (and at WUaS as an upcoming, required, first year course), all-student lectures occurred year-long MWF, Stanford Philosophy graduate students to be the first, online, WUaS, Hum 101 instructors?, The other, required, first year course, in science with a programming aspect, for next years' planned, matriculating, WUaS, online, undergraduate class will also seek to engage (and teach) the conference method with lecture and conference sections with a MIT OCW biology course, Online, video lectures by MIT Professor of Mathematics Gilbert Strang, and MIT and Harvard Professor of Biology Eric Lander

Hi G, 

Thanks. I've added the article you sent - 

"Don't Give Up on the Lecture: Teachers who stand in front of their classes and deliver instruction are not "out-of-touch experts"—they're role models" ...

to the 'Conference Method of Teaching and Learning' wiki, subject page at WUaS - In Reed College's Hum 110, a kind of model for even teaching the conference method for all four years' courses at Reed (and at WUaS as an upcoming, required, first year course), all-student lectures occurred on MWF at 9 am for a full year, as we may recall, and then we talked about them around the conference table in sections with Reed College Professors focusing the conversation. 

I'd like to invite Stanford Philosophy graduate students to be the first, online, WUaS, Hum 101 instructors, perhaps facilitated by Zen Culver, a philosopher and post doc instructor at Stanford, if he were available, and after we become further financially operational. 

The other, required, first year course, in science with a programming aspect, for next years' planned, matriculating, WUaS, online, undergraduate class will also seek to engage (and teach) the conference method with lecture and conference sections with a MIT OCW biology course - something like ... - partly taught in video lectures by Eric Lander (a full Professor at both MIT and Harvard). See also Eric Lander's video lectures here ... - and MIT Professor Gilbert Strang's video lectures here - - and here -

The Internet facilitates lectures and such knowledge sharing, as well as the conference method, in new ways, in Google + group video Hangouts and virtual worlds, for example. 

Thanks for this article, 


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Brown-headed parrot: Yoga for an inner ear condition?, Western Medicine and Insurance, What's the solution?, Databases in wiki World University and School for yoga poses and bagpipe tunes, for example

Yoga asana (poses) for an inner ear condition? Make the bodymind all-around healthier via asana (via practicing poses, as movement and exercises, with their far-reaching effects on what I call the 'ecology/biology' of the bodymind), which might then effect, and improve, a biological condition in my inner, right ear? How best to think about this rationally, vis-a-vis western medicine, but without access to a medical doctor's diagnosis or western medicine's current interventions presently, - and vis-a-vis yoga? Which yoga poses to do, in particular, if any, and why? What's actually going on inside my ear biologically, that I could assess, and then show, with clinical trials even, that yoga poses would benefit? How to complement yoga and western allopathic medicine?
(Yoga - and
Medicine - I'm glad this ear condition is inviting me to extend my already daily yoga practice with more yoga, - particularly inverted poses, rotated karnapidasana - from plow pose, bringing knees to either side of my head on the floor, which affects the whole biology of the head, neck and upper chest, - as well as breathing practices. (See ear related poses on the WUaS Yoga, wiki page below).


Dear Cyd MD and Byr MD,

Thanks so much for looking at my ear some months ago, Cyd.

What I'm (possibly) calling my Otitis externa or Otitis media or Eustachian tube dysfunction or 'Middle Ear Effusion (OME) with Bubbling Air' or swimmer's ear issue - which is it, I wonder - comes and goes. Now it's active again. Is there a little bubble in there, I wonder, like that photo I showed you in Youtube here -
'Middle Ear Effusion (OME) with Bubbling Air' (this video is accessible here - at WUaS's beginning, online Medical School -


Clogged Ears & What Happens When They Do or Don't Pop Open (Eustachian Tube)

As I wrote to a MD friend, who sent me the above video and web site:

"I would hazard per the 2:40 minute mark in Dr. Chang's video, that my right Eustachian tube is swollen shut, which is why I can't pop open my right ear, holding my nose, but it feels like I can't pop open my left ear either, which feels relatively normal. I suspect I need to work with the therapies suggested between 2:40 and 3 minutes, and preferably under the guidance of a physician, and potentially also to avoid surgery hinted at in the video. I wonder too whether popping the ear drums is something everyone can do, and is defining, as his video suggests of a normal ear's Eustachian tube. I've never consciously been able to pop my ear drums in 5 decades." (I'm actually a little skeptical of ear drum popping as a diagnostic approach, having recently seen an allopathic MD who didn't suggest this).


I'm curious about what you think about trying ear drops with alcohol to dry them, or with an antibiotic in them, to eliminate the possibility of a bacterial infection which some web sites suggest to be a possibility. (Remember, I've had an off-again on-again 'swimmer's ear' even since the late 1960s in the Yale swimming program, with many years of 'off'). I don't see my anthropological field site of the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool going away, so I just would like both to solve the issue, and with ongoing exposure to water, if possible. If the issue isn't partly bacterial (or fungal), would you eventually think that a primary care physician would suggest seeing an ENT (with Covered California / Affordable Care / Obamacare - which begins January 1, 2014; I'm also thinking through how to find the best primary care physician, possibly in the teaching hospital of Stanford Medical School, or in the best close hospital ... Stanford, HYP, Ivy League, MIT as undergraduate?) or similar?

Besides ear plugs (for water which I don't wear, and for bagpiping, which I do wear, but which 'messes' with the 'ecology' or 'breathabilitiy' of my right ear, as I subjectively see it), both of which don't suit me, do you think there's a solution for what ever is going on in there, physically / physiologically (which is my hypothesis), which an ENT could help with, or should I just live with the occasional slightly impacted feeling, in which I can create a kind of clicking sound sometimes, inside my right inner ear? (I'd like for there to be a resolution :) . I think this ear condition is a complex case, complicated by bagpiping with foam ear plugs, or now with ETY (with a filter in them) ear plug protection devices, baths and showers, Harbin warm pool field work in water, and a history of an ear condition that goes back decades. ETY ear plugs, which have a filter, and which many musicians use, seem better than foam ones.

Best regards and thank you,


Yoga Closing Postures: Karnapidasana

Headless Headstand


Yoga at World University and School - 


Databases in wiki World University and School for yoga poses and bagpipe tunes, for example -

I'm excited for the time when we will get a database (in wiki WUaS, as one logical web url) with the name of a yoga pose, e.g. Headless Headstand - - corresponding with 10 Youtube videos, or parts thereof, with great and good versions showing how to do it, and where we can teach to such a pose name, for example.

(Similarly with bagpiping, I'm excited for the time when we will get a database (in wiki WUaS, as one logical web url) with the name of a piping tune, e.g. Scottish Power's playing of the march "Carradale Bay" - - corresponding with 125 Youtube videos, or parts thereof, with great and good versions showing how to do it, and where we can teach to such a tune name to our web camera, for example; I've been piping a little with this recording of Scottish Power's playing of "Carradale Bay"- accessible here - It's actually very helpful, and hope this will occur at WUaS, - in addition to real, real time jamming opportunities :)


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Tarpan / Eurasian wild horse: Read in Global Voices Online - (Ghazi, Sahar Habib. GV Face: Students Occupy Bulgaria's Future, Cambridge, MA:, with video, about challenges that students there were having with university in Bulgaria, so here are some new WUaS, Bulgarian, MIT OCW-centric, university pages, Beginning to add MIT OCW and MIT OCW Translated Courses to country and languages WUaS pages, Some other, recent, new, wiki Subjects at WUaS ... European languages, Ballet, Estonia, Phillipines

Read in 'Global Voices Online' - (Ghazi, Sahar Habib. 2013. [ GV Face: Students Occupy Bulgaria's Future]. November 22. Cambridge, MA:, with video, about challenges that students there are having with university in Bulgaria, so here are some new Bulgarian pages.

Bulgaria -

Bulgarian language (and eventually in Bulgarian itself) -


Beginning to add MIT OCW and MIT OCW Translated Courses to country and languages WUaS pages.


MIT OCW Translated Courses


Some other, recent, new, wiki Subjects at World University and School ...

European languages -

Ballet -

Estonia -

Poland -

Philippines -


Each of the accredited universities in these countries, and in their main languages, may have 1,000s, 10s of 1,000s or 100s of 1,000s+ of wiki pages, as these online, MIT OCW-centric universities grow and grow, with communities of people-to-people learning, and faculty teaching, in G+ group video Hangouts, and so much more.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Bengal Florican: Thanks to Harvard Professor Stuart Shieber for this ... "Thoughts on founding open-access journals" ... will add to some of the 'Academic Press' subjects and 'Open Access' pages at WUaS ... and under one umbrella especially and highest quality academic ones in other of WUaS's languages, This will especially help many non-English speakers and academics, You can already openly publish your academic papers at and in many languages ... see the above pages

Thanks to Harvard Professor Stuart Shieber for this ...

"Thoughts on founding open-access journals"

… will add to some of the Academic Press subjects and Open Access pages at WUAS ... ... and under one umbrella especially …

... and highest quality academic ones in other of WUaS's languages ... ...  this will especially help many non-English speakers and academics ...


Added this -

Shieber, Stuart. 2013. [ Thoughts on founding open-access journals]. November 21. Brookline, MA: ...

to ...

Academic Press at World University and School - -

Academic Journals at WUaS - -

Open Access Resources -


You can already openly publish your academic papers at and in many languages ... see the above pages.
