Sunday, August 31, 2014

Complex root systems: MIT Technology Review - "Evidence Grows That Online Social Networks Have Insidious Negative Effects," Comparably or comparatively to TV watching, say pre-GUI internet in the 1980s, or even with book reading? Free open "Information Technology and the Network Society" course a free open course online this autumn PROBLEMATIZING the development of wiki MIT OCW-centric WUAS in the second half on Harvard's virtual island in SL and in Google + group video Hangouts

P and AoIR friends,

Thanks for this:

"Social Networks Diminish Personal Well-Being, Researchers Say"

Here's the actual MIT Technology Review article about this study referred to in the above article:

"Evidence Grows That Online Social Networks Have Insidious Negative Effects: A study of 50,000 people in Italy concludes that online social networks have a significant negative impact on individual welfare."

In its comments' section in the MIT Technology Review, I asked:

Are there any comparable or comparative studies asking similar questions concerning TV watching, say pre-Graphical User Interface (GUI) internet in the 1980s, or even concerning book reading, on subjective well being, both of which might be similarly isolating? ...  It seems like any hypothetical comparative studies might examine and emphasize the increase in the sociality in Italy thanks to social media relative to TV watching or book reading. And now with emergent Google + group video Hangouts and Adobe Connect, etc. and face-to-face sociality will re-emerge in new ways, generating data for important studies ahead. Professor Manuel Castells ("The Rise of the Network Society") casts these questions in different contexts, sociologically, and concludes from the sociological studies of the internet on alienation and sociality from the 1990s that, in the aggregate, social media increased sociality, - but he didn't examine rigorous sociological studies of self-reported well being. Thanks for this study.



I'm planning to teach - "Information Technology and the Network Society" - on Harvard's virtual island in SL and in Google + group video Hangouts a free open course online this autumn, which in the first half will examine, among many questions about how the information technology revolution came about, a) the related sociological literature that precedes the study above, and in the second half b) problematize the development of wiki MIT OCW-centric World University and School, which is planning free CC online accrediting university in large languages (and I.B. degrees in UN languages), and wiki schools in all 7,106 languages among much else:

Come join the conversation in the course.




Saturday, August 30, 2014

Octopus: Athletics on the Internet?, What would this look like? Mouse clicking duels ...?, Tourism Studies Working Group at UC Berkeley organizational meeting with Professors Nelson Graburn and Dean MacCannell, ISO Galician language codes in Wikipedia (in English), Apply/Give REDCOIN to musicians at the WUaS Music School, Added Redcoin paper to "Music School," "Internet Studies," "Academic Press," and "Banking and Money," Could WUaS engage IBM's Artificial Intelligence to develop an Universal Translator

Athletics on the Internet?

What would this look like?
Mouse clicking duels ? ...
Typing competitions ?

Sports are big at so many universities, but MIT OCW-centric WUaS is planning to be all online ... {and in 7,106 plus languages, building on - - but as wiki schools in all, especially}.

"Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation" wiki subject at WUaS to which I've added this blog post ...,_Physical_Education_and_Recreation


Nice picture, Maria (from Galicia)!

Tourism Studies Working Group at UC Berkeley organizational meeting with Professors Nelson Graburn and Dean MacCannell and TSWG co-founder Stephanie Hom (whom you can't see; I'm in the back right corner).

Check out MIT OCW-centric World University and School - - planned for all 7,106 languages and 242 countries, and with Tourism Studies wiki subjects/departments planned for many languages -


Check out too the ISO Galician language codes, for example, here in Wikipedia (in English) - (is this in the Gallego language itself?) ... haven't begun the Galician language World University and School, and in the Gallego language itself yet ... ... which will potentially grow into 100s and 1,000s and 10,000s of MIT OCW-centric wiki university pages as well as for open teaching and learning.

("ISO 639 is a set of standards by the International Organization for Standardization that is concerned with representation of names for language and language groups").


Great idea ... Apply/Give REDCOIN to musicians as well at the WUaS Music School ... ...

and added this paper -

Ren, Larry. 2014. Proof of Stake Velocity: Building the Social Currency of the Digital Age.

also - -

to Internet Studies - - and Academic Press - - and -
Banking and Money (may expand the name of this page to include "currencies") - - wiki subjects at WUaS ...


Could WUaS engage IBM's Artificial Intelligence to develop a Universal Translator 

"A common method of processing and extracting meaning from natural language is through semantic indexing." 


WUaS Universal Translator wiki subject page -



Friday, August 29, 2014

Banded broadbill (Eurylaimus javanicus): Were there marginal, druggy, unmatriculated Stanford hippies, who were very, very far "out there"?, WUaS as industry standard and in all languages? CC MIT OCW is amazing, Glad to say WUaS has use of meeting space in downtown San Francisco at the Quaker Meeting/AFSC offices near Civic Center/UN Plaza 2 mornings a week, "Naked, Virtual Harbin"


Were there marginal, druggy, unmatriculated Stanford hippies, who were very, very far "out there"? ... not you, of course ... What do the Stanford film archives hold from these days in particular I wonder? ... could be a particularly interesting exploration in a variety of ways ...

Ah, California, and northern California, in particular ... but hippies were all over ... so many in the British Isles, for example, I would add ... O, the 1960s and '70s ... There's certain freedom in life explorations to the whole hippy trip  ...

Hippies are not necessarily easy to define or thingify ... or categorize ... certain questioning of all that as well as freedom in explorations in all kinds of being ... and QMeeting frees things up in this regard, reality-wise {a de facto relaxation response meditation, ... and, in these regards, everybody is on their own trip anyway, - I've heard it said at Harbin}, as well as categorizing-wise ... Harbin warm pool too ...

Hope to be heading to Stanford in the autumn for Anthro and Law and Philosophy talks and music ... as well as vis-a-vis Friendly informed CC MIT OCW-centric accrediting World University and School ... :)


WUaS as industry standard and in all languages?

CC MIT OCW is amazing …


I'm glad to say WUaS has use of meeting space in downtown San Francisco at the Quaker Meeting/AFSC offices near Civic Center/UN Plaza 2 days a week, generally in the mornings from 8:30 - noon on Mondays and Thursdays, but sometimes in the afternoons on those days as well as a start, at least through September, and probably through the New Year, as a work and meeting space for startup Friendly-informed World University and School.

I'd like this to grow into the beginnings of a flourishing physical meeting space for interns etc. with time, with other interns all around the world, as WUaS gradually grows.


Naked, Virtual Harbin: An Anthropology of Erotisme and the Touristic Imaginaire, Abstract, Public Talk at UC Berkeley about this on Friday, 11/2/12, from 5-7 in the Anthropology Department

Titan Arum: Complete UC Berkeley Tourism Studies' talk in the Anthropology Department - "Naked, Virtual Harbin," The abstract for the talk is in a 6 minute separate video, Both are accessible at my YouTube video channel here -, Upcoming actual / virtual Harbin Ethnographic book information to appear here - (not yet posted)



Thursday, August 28, 2014

Agriculture, species and global warming: Yale Forestry, Yale OYC?, and WUaS conversation, Global Warming and mass Plantings of broad-leafed plants, Forests and Soybeans(?) ...


It was great to talk with you today, thank you, and greetings from San Francisco.

JM, an old friend, and Harvard College and Stanford Law graduate, who has been in touch with you at the Yale School of Forestry about carbon control, I think, suggested I contact you initially. 

I'm currently developing wiki MIT OCW-centric World University and School, with planned online accrediting-on-MIT-OCW university degrees in many large languages (based on MIT OCW video courses, for example -, and in most 242 countries, as one wing. And WUaS is planning open wiki schools in all 7,106 languages as its other wing, - where anyone can begin a subject e.g. or edit or add to one, for example, by teaching to their web camera (think Sal Khan, for example, teaching to his young cousin via web camera). Here's WUaS's beginning Business Plan - - which you mentioned an interest in seeing.

After talking with JM, whom I’m copying in this email, my initial impetus to contact you was with an interest, for example, in how planting flora en masse, such as forests - - or broad-leafed soybeans even, might be able to absorb CO2 significantly and thus limit and even reverse global warming. Here, for example, is WUaS's "Ocean and Climate Management Plan" wiki page (currently only in English) - - and which shares links with the Forestry wiki subject, and where such knowledge generation on both pages can grow. Could you possibly please point me to a scientific literature about this, or to a faculty member, or to a Yale Forestry course with some open resources, by any chance, which I might then add to the Forestry wiki subject at WUaS?

As we spoke about on the phone, while there may be multiple Yale Forestry / WUaS Forestry collaborative possibilities, WUaS's Creative Commons' licensing focus leads us to look first to open CC licensed resources such as at Yale OYC - - at which I haven't found any forestry courses yet. If, for example, the Yale School of Forestry might eventually decide to contribute courseware to Yale OYC, WUaS could see remarkable opportunities for collaboration, - and WUaS would also get the word out about Yale Forestry in a new way on the WUaS site, for example. While WUaS's' undergraduate and graduate school majors will probably center on these courses and majors - - for planning purposes, there are a great many other collaborative possibilities which could be great for Yale Forestry / WUaS Forestry to remain in conversation about over the years. For example, there are rapid planting planning possibilities that WUaS could dovetail with our plans to be in all 7,106 languages and 242 countries online, with related databases, in a way that might address solutions to human-produced CO2 generation that Yale Forestry might not focus on. 

Thank you again and nice to be in communication. 



Here are some related articles:

Three Reasons Why Soybean Planting Date Matters


There are three ways in which the Greenhouse Effect may be important for agriculture. First, increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations can have a direct effect on the growth rate of crop plants and weeds. Secondly, CO2-induced changes of climate may alter levels of temperature, rainfall and sunshine that can influence plant and animal productivity. Finally, rises in sea level may lead to loss of farmland by inundation and to increasing salinity of groundwater in coastal areas. These three types of impact will be considered in turn.

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- 415 480 4577
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization, both effective April 2010.)



Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Waves: Exciting - MIT OCW has [just] made available the first five MIT undergraduate physics courses with full video lectures, "The world has never seen so much physics!," And WUaS has added these CC MIT OCW to the following two wiki subject pages: Physics and Quantum Physics, As WUaS accredits, these will be remarkable opportunities for matriculated students at WUaS, and eventually in many large languages, and for WUaS to study how students learn physics interlingually even

MIT OCW has [just] made available the first five MIT undergraduate physics courses with full video lectures:
The world has never seen so much physics!

MIT OCW August 2014 newsletter:

And World University and School has added these CC MIT OCW to the following tow wiki subject pages:


Quantum Physics:


As WUaS accredits, these will be remarkable opportunities for matriculated students at WUaS, and eventually in many large languages, and for WUaS to study how students learn physics inter-lingually even.


While the above just released Physics' courses in video are only in English, the first course "Physics I: Classical Mechanics" from 2006 was released with a translation into Turkish.


And I think MIT OCW will continue to release great courses all in video.



Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Potentilla and saxifrage: Play music 3 nights a week for 2 hours each in different musical groups for bliss generation and for growing fun explicitly as a fascinating form of communication with the other 3-4 nights a week dancing for health and connecting benefits, Productive time in this 'meeting space' yesterday at the new WUaS 'hive' at SFFM, Volunteers at WUaS and To Do List ... Now to successfully generate monies with this "meeting space" process, as well as create good academic jobs worldwide


As I was walking to BART yesterday morning before 8 thru the beautiful Claremont part of Berkeley to 'meet' at the new World University and School 'hive' at SFFM, it occurred to me that I'd love to play music 3 nights a week for 2 hours each in different musical groups for bliss generation and for growing fun explicitly as a fascinating form of communication {in what ways will become possible in online music playing spaces in real, real time from home - e.g. and although I'd prefer doing this in person}, and the other 3-4 nights a week dancing for health and connecting benefits, ... but then I didn't play/practice the piano the evening before (old issues with practicing for me? ... while recognizing I'll get good by enjoyably playing at home for extended periods of time regularly), but did play the bagpipe (as I am daily). I appreciate much our meeting on Saturday for related musical explorations, as well as our listening to one another in a variety of ways.

Had a fairly productive time in this 'meeting space'  yesterday at the new WUaS 'hive' at SFFM in Room 5, which is already a school in many ways as a kids space on Sundays.

Updated a lot of WUaS wiki pages and links relating to

Volunteers at WUaS ...


To Do List ...


Now to successfully generate monies with this "meeting space" process, as well as create good academic jobs worldwide ...


By the way, on 9/2 Radhika Rao is giving a talk ( at our neighboring University (UC Hastings Law School). She was in Obama's Harvard Law class, she's great (has vision and is a good speaker), and there's also a free lunch, if you'd like to attend after meeting at SFFM for a bit.



Monday, August 25, 2014

Cetoine: Hive ... at San Francisco Friends Meeting (Quakers) ... World University and School ... this Monday, 8/25, and Thursday, 8/28, from 8:40 to noon as first experiments, New WUaS Google + Organization URL -

Hi Ffriends,

I'm emailing you to reach out about exploring / creating a kind of Friendly-informed World University and School hive at San Francisco Friends Meeting as a meeting space during the week, and seek to generate a community of Ffriends interested in creating an online free CC Friendly-informed MIT OCW-centric World University and School fellowship and organization, which could turn into many volunteer and paid jobs eventually ...

... and with a 10 minute Quaker Meeting to precede the WUaS meeting space day, perhaps at 8:40 or 8:45 am.

This Monday, 8/25, and Thursday, 8/28, from 8:40 to noon as first experiments, I'll be at the House at SFFM (65 Ninth Street, between Market St. and Mission) working on developing WUaS and welcoming Friends who wish to stop in and explore what's happening, volunteer, help organize and grow Quaker-influenced WUaS. Students often love going to Quaker schools, such as San Francisco Friends School, and we can create such a milieu with WUaS online.

Come to Meeting, come check out the creative academic and school-building projects ahead, come help grow this Friendly wiki MIT OCW-centric accrediting World University and School.

Looking forward to seeing you this Monday or Thursday at the Meeting House as beehive.

Friendly regards,


I am confused. Hive? Is this about bees?


Metaphorically ... Friendly bees generating lots of honey in the form of free Quaker-informed MIT-centric accredited university and high school and open wiki education online ...


New World University and School Google + Organization URL ... ... Yay!

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Head Clerk
- 415 480 4577
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization, both effective April 2010.



Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cocoon: CHANGING REALITY - Just as Yo yo Ma and Jerry Garcia do this with music, for example, In what ways can we change reality, and both in the milieu of our friends (and as a kind of culture) with what we say, and also sitting in silence or meditation {and especially for goodness}?, Tones the Grateful Dead generate, and their improvisations, that actually change objective reality (i.e. the sound waves they produce change the measurable world) but do they also change the reality of the world of meaning and beauty and joy and loving bliss for the listeners?

In what ways can we change reality, and both in the milieu of our friends (and our friends as a kind of culture) with what we say, for example, and in the milieu of Ffriends (including especially nontheist friends) - and also sitting in silence or meditation in a Quaker Meeting {and especially for goodness}?

Just as Yo-yo Ma {e.g. playing J.S. Bach} and Jerry Garcia, and the Grateful Dead, remarkably change physical reality through the series and length, or note duration, of tones they generate, and their improvisations, that actually change objective reality (i.e. the sound waves they produce change in the measurable physical world) and also the sociocultural reality / world of meaning and beauty and joy and loving bliss for the listeners who are moved by and love their music. This changing of reality neurophysiologically is most fascinating especially.

In what ways can, and does, the generation of language similarly generate reality changes in new and novel ways? And among Friends?

Such reality changing has a long history (e.g. there's much beautiful music in history), as do the effects of language in changing reality; once understood as such, how is it possible to creatively change reality in new and far reaching ways, and even in exploratory ways (and post 1960s' envisionings too)?

It seems we can change reality in many ways ... and especially with music for happiness, for example.

I think World University and School - - will help people do this in new and novel wiki ways, and in all languages, as well.

World University Music School at WUaS ...



Saturday, August 23, 2014

Red milking Devon cows: How might one ENTER INTO ANY FILM in a 3D interactive movie realistic VIRTUAL WORLD?, MATLAB, a) first MAP any film into an avatar script in a 3D virtual world, b) then add one’s own avatar into the mapped 3D virtual world film, c) then develop avatar agency for avatars from film … so like historical re-enactors, at Plimoth Plantation, MA, d) much like Second Life avatars can be scripted to dance, e) See related Richard Rorty and avatar agency in virtual worlds' blog posts

… wonder how I or one might ENTER INTO ANY FILM in a 3D interactive movie realistic VIRTUAL WORLD way in the Oculus Rift digital goggles or similar, for example, and via a developing Minecraft/WoW/OpenSim/SL/Google Earth … 

Some ideas for this: 

- first MAP any film into an avatar script in a 3D virtual world

- then add one’s own avatar into the mapped 3D virtual world film and let friends do so too … 

- then develop avatar agency for avatars from film … so like historical re-enactors, at Plimoth Plantation ( - which story has now evolved to tell the stories of both the Colonial English and Native culturesin Massachusetts, acting out the 17th century, for example, the film's avatars could speak within the parameters of the film, and its context … much like Second Life avatars can be scripted to dance; so explore parallel scripting for dialogue

- See my related Richard Rorty and avatar agency in virtual worlds' blog posts in this blog

... using tools such as Render Toolbox 3 MATLAB and related ...

"RenderToolbox3: MATLAB tools that facilitate physically basedstimulus rendering for vision research"

Virtual Worlds at WUaS ... 

Film at WUaS ...
(may add this blog entry above)

