Friday, January 31, 2020

Flame angelfish (Centropyge loricula): A new Harvard / MIT mandate or remit to edX re CC-4 MIT OCW? * * * bagpiping tunes for 'Honey in the Bag' album * * * Tempos for Tunes - bagpiping tunes * * * Schoolab SF International Evening - Let's keep in touch about Thailand, Denmark, Japan and France World University and Schools in your countries' official / main languages

Hi Jim,

Happy Friday too! I'll seek to wait patiently to hear from edX. Am glad the Chairman of WUaS (Larry) recently said that $5000 is now available for CA BPPE licensing for WUaS, but licensing will be potentially a further challenge now, since partnership with edX doesn't seem possible at this time, and BPPE would likely readily license MIT OCW > MITx courses for example, with platform & grades etc (as they said they would a Google platform or similar).

So getting BPPE licensing going for WUaS before considering heading back to Cambridge for this position would be important (and there's another BPPE workshop in mid-March in Sacramento) which would be valuable to go to with draft document in hand, having gone to a first CA BPPE licensing day-long workshop on 2/20/19 in San Jose. Were I to get this "Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition" edX position, possibly construed in a slightly different way (for example, with a mandate from the edX Board to edX to engage MIT OCW, -since the edX head of business development says there's no relationship whatsoever now between MIT OCW and MITx, for example - yet he's also said there are 205 course in this regard), it would be an amazing opportunity to grow edX into all ~200 countries' official languages, and with existing certificate edX courses possibly buildable into CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees that would be reimburse-able by departments of education in all 200 countries' languages too. Having just seen in a Tweet from edX CEO Anant Agarwal (in my 4-page cover letter too) that Stanford is becoming a member in edX, and having communicated with Stanford Medicine and Law about online medical schools and online law schools in ~200 countries' languages (Harrington MD and Vogl) over some years now, I see a possible opportunity for WUaS to explore additionally developing online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric PhDs and Bachelor's degrees through Stanford edX too. I think though the edX Board's mandate to develop MIT OCW > edX is the more likely candidate for Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees, - and I think too that edX could potentially seek reimbursement from all ~200 countries' departments of education at the rate of what tuition costs at MIT or Stanford ($55,000 per year), prorated per country by GDP or similar.

I hope online academia will be able to generate ever-unfolding research and teaching "to keep their digital" academic faculty and staff in all ~200 countries' languages busy, Jim, - and would like for World Univ & Sch to be able to help here especially (and on both our 501 c 3 wing, and our for profit general stock company wing - both in ~200 countries' languages as world class universities, and in 7111 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning+).

Have a great trip to Portugal, and I hope it's very regenerative for you especially. Thanks again for your great service science, management and engineering thinking, and your communications here especially regarding edX and this great 'Head of Content Strategy ... ' position I continue to be very interested in. Looking forward to emailing with you when you get back potentially, and thanks so much again for your thinking, suggestions and communications. I'll continue to wait patiently for a call back from edx, with the hopes of hearing about scheduling an interview for this "Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition" position. Thank you, Jim, and bon voyage!

Sincerely, Scott

- -

* * *

bagpiping tunes for my upcoming 'Honey in the Bag' Scottish small pipes' album, newly arranged ...

6/8 Marches

Duncan McGillivray
Seamus MacNeill
The River Creed
Cameron MacFadyen

2/4 Marches

Hugh Alexander Low of Tiree
P/M Tom MacAllister / Links of Forth 6 pt
The Hills of Perth
Johnny Cope


Cabar Feidh

The Fiddler

Captain Horne

The Cameronian Rant


Helen Gladden’s Reel
Loch Carron

Willie Cumming’s Rant

John MacLean, Johnny Red-Rory (Washabuck, Cape Breton)

John Morrison, Assynt House 6 pt

Dolina MacKay

Cabar Feidh

Poisoned Dwarf
Twisted Fingers

The Charms of Whisky
Dancing Feet
The Ale is Dear
Malcolm the Taylor
Muddah Rudh


The Scotsaire Hornpipe
The Jolly Beggarman
The Man From Skye
Angus John’s Fancy -

Calum Beag
Zeto the Bubbleman
The Pumpkin’s Fancy
The Streaker


Honey in the Bag
Cabar Feidh
Archie MacNab

Skyeman’s Jig
Cutting Bracken
James MacLellan’s Favourite

The Banjo Breakdown ?
The Whistling Postman
Out of the Air
Calm Before the Storm

Slow Airs

From Babylon to the Bay

Gaelic Airs

Morag of Dunvegan
The Mermaid’s Song
Tiree Bridal Song
Chi Mi’n Toman


The Black Watch Polka
The Queen’s Own Highlander’s Polka

Amazing Grace in 5 parts (dubbed over?)


Tempos for Tunes - bagpiping tunes

Here are my off-the-cuff suggestions for a beginning soloist for these tune types. Keep in mind that bands and more advanced soloists will often play these faster - especially the marches.

Slow Marches, airs & waltzes ........... 45-60 bpm
2/4 marches .................................. 58-68 (maybe up to 74 if not competing)
6/8 marches .................................. 55-68
4/4 marches .................................. 74-80
Reels ........................................... 74-80
Strathspeys .................................. 108-120
Jigs ............................................. 108-120
Hornpipes ..................................... 74-82

Hope that helps.

--Bruce Wright

* * *

Hi Toffy, Cian, Harold, Torsten (and hoping to see you Soren soon-ish) and Mathieu (and Florence and Jean-Claude as well), 

Nice to meet, see, and talk with you this evening at the Schoolab San Francisco International evening.

The five online degrees WUaS seeks to offer in each of all ~200 countries are free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, Medicine, as well as I.B. high schools. 

Another fun part of World Univ & Sch are the wiki subjects - - for open teaching and leanning and planned not only in Wikidata's ~300 languages, but also potentially in all 7,111 known living languages. 

I'm also writing to wish you a happy new year, and including my New Year's letter - - with its 5 initial reasons WUaS seeks to code, brainstorming-wise, for all 7.5 billion people on the planet, and much more.  

With best regards, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Thursday, January 30, 2020

McKay Creek National Wildlife Refuge (Oregon): Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS? MIT-inspiring - but into Lego? * * * 'New Games' movement from the 1960s in ONLINE #LegoRobotics' #NewGames from HOME with #ScratchProgrammingLanguage? * * * Online Psychoanalysis? (Lacanian-informed?), Psychiatry? Psychotherapy?

Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) - -  -  >#ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?  ~


Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS?
MIT-inspiring - but into Lego?
- … -  -  #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?  @WUaSPress ~

Would love to ...
Collaborate with some MIT Scratch programmers to develop online #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #NewGames or #Tournaments with #HomeLegoRoboticsWithScratch in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegos re #scratchinpractice #mitscratch #creativelearning in #workshop ?


Collaborate with some #MITScratchProgrammers to develop online #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #NewGames or #Tournaments with #HomeLegoRoboticsWithScratch in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegos re #scratchinpractice #mitscratch #creativelearning in #workshop ?

#educators if you're doing fun and creative work with @scratch I encourage you to share your work at this year's #ScratchConference2020 at #MIT in Cambridge, by submitting a #workshop or session. #scratchinpractice #mitscratch #creativelearning

Rupal Jain
 There is still time to submit a proposal for this year's Scratch Conference at MIT! Have an idea for a workshop, panel, poster, or ignite talk? We'd love to hear your ideas:

* * * 

'New Games' movement from the 1960s in ONLINE #LegoRobotics' #NewGames from HOME with #ScratchProgrammingLanguage? 

'New Games' movement from the 1960s? in ONLINE Lego Robotics' #NEWGAMES from HOME with Scratch programming language? @WorldUnivAndSch #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ~


New Games movement

The New Games Book


The History of the New Games Foundation

Why Study New Games?
NEW GAMES movement from the 1960s? in ONLINE #LegoRobotics' #NewGames from HOME with #ScratchProgrammingLanguage?


ONLINE Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) HOW? Special WeDo 2.0 + Scratch Project BOXER #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ~

* *

MIT Lego Robot Competition 1999
- -
Collab. with #MITScratchProgrammers #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #NewGames or #Tournaments #HomeLegoRoboticsWithScratch in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegos re #mitscratch in #ScratchInPractice ~

MIT Lego Robot Competition 1999
- -
Collab? #MITScratchProgrammers #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #NewGames or #Tournaments #HomeLegoRoboticsWithScratch in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegos re #mitscratch in ?

* * *

Online Psychoanalysis? (Lacanian-informed?) Psychiatry? Psychotherapy?

Am glad my mother, Jane MacLeod, is home safely from San Miguel (re my email in this thread prior to her heading there). 

And greetings, Juliet Flower MacCannell (Professor Emerita at UCI), who recently shared with me a Lacanian Journal- (a): the journal of culture and the unconscious - of which she was the editor for nearly 2 decades. 

This Cornell University psychoanalysis conference on "The Act" (is this the "speech act," the happening and practice of psychoanalysis itself, the sexual act perhaps too - about which the speech act may yclept the unconscious?) in 2013 was the basis of the last issue of the journal she edited for nearly 20 years - - Dean MacCannell author of the seminal book The Tourist" (1976) has been receiving emails from this thread.

And how best to develop Lacanian psychoanalysis online - - I wonder, and with excellent analysts or perhaps new developments emerging from the Web (avatar bots in 20 years even)? And what's the current status of psychoanalysis in major cities in the US, I wonder? And how do psychiatry departments in highest achieving universities think about this practice of psychoanalysis? And theoretically what are the benefits of such long term talk therapy re the unconscious and the brain/mind? 

I recently attended an online Stanford Law CodeX Thursday session, where a lawyer, also a psychoanalyst, presented about its intersection - in Brazil. Country and culture and language inform greatly psychoanalysis' practice. In what ways could we even study this at WUaS - ( (And in what ways could Yoga - and - even be brought into conversation with psychoanalysis and psychiatry newly?)

All the best, Scott

Here too is the blog entry I mentioned from Friday 24 Jan 2020 - 
Owl: Online Psychoanalysis? Psychiatry? Psychotherapy? * Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst) * Dear Juliette, Ed (a KP MD), and Marie, Am appreciating the diversity of the therapists on the web site, Marie's articles - "Depression is not a choice," AND "Talking Out Your Problems with a Psychologist vs. a Psychiatrist Who you’re revealing your mental health issues to matters"


Owl: Online Psychoanalysis? Psychiatry? Psychotherapy? * Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst) * Dear Juliette, Ed (a KP MD), and Marie, Am appreciating the diversity of the therapists on the web site, Marie's articles - "Depression is not a choice," AND "Talking Out Your Problems with a Psychologist vs. a Psychiatrist Who you’re revealing your mental health issues to matters" -



Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Ligers, and Tiligers and Panthera leo x Panthera tigris and Tigons (and Leopons too): In communicating with edX recently about possible World Univ & Sch membership with edX, we've put the conversation about cryptocurrencies on hold * * * "Pi" digital currency heads' up, and the "Mine Pi" app information * * Am glad though the 'Mine Pi' App is 'off the shelf' (eg in Google Play Store) and nearly 'there' and has the lightning button coded in, so one can mine this digital cryptocurrency. Am seeking at WUaS to explore UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a new kind of Wikidata PIN# in its ~300 languages) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation) and coming after the dollar and the euro (in 19 out of 28 EU countries) currencies

In communicating with edX recently about possible World Univ & Sch membership with edX, we've put the conversation about the Pi digital currency and cryptocurrencies in general on hold for the foreseeable future.

* * *

Scott MacLeod
6:28 AM (1 hour ago)
to Tanya, Larry

Hi Tanya (and Larry),

Thanks again for the "Pi" digital currency heads' up, and the "Mine Pi" app information.

It still doesn't work on my Android smart phone fully, but last night the "Mine Pi" App newly opened on its own on my smart phone with one or two message indicators with Chinese or Asian names, but then the App couldn't open the next web link (which has happened before when I've tried 'driving' the App). Perhaps it's the welcome security architecture on Android.

I'm glad though the 'Mine Pi' App is 'off the shelf' (eg in Google Play Store) and nearly 'there' and has the lightning button coded in, so one can mine this digital cryptocurrency with algorithms. Am seeking at WUaS to explore UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a new kind of Wikidata PIN# in its ~300 languages) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation) and coming after the dollar and the euro (in 19 out of 28 EU countries) currencies.

Tanya, as you may have noticed in the WUaS Agenda and Minutes, WUaS is seeking to collaborate with edX for MIT OCW into MITx on EdX courses, so am hoping doable 'Finance Theory' and '6 Sigma ..." toolkit courses will appear in the autumn in new format. Perhaps with the completion these, we can begin to think through how your graduation will work for a free-to-student's WUaS Bachelor's degree in Business (even as WUaS develops with licensing and potentially accreditation).

Will keep you posted with this Friendly progress ...


Pi Network
4.63K subscribers
The Story Of Pi - The First Digital Currency You Can Mine On Your Phone.

* *
December 13, 2019

Hi Tanya, (Anant and Larry - greetings, Anant!)

Thanks for your email and with regards to your "If we are in need of me finishing for accreditation I need Finance Theory and Introduction To Lean Six Sigma" at MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch, for a free-to-students' online Bachelor's degree as an undergraduate Business major per our Course Catalog - from .  

Anant, Tanya, is in World Univ & Sch's very first matriculating undergraduate class (albeit not yet licensing, or accrediting), and she is seeking to finish 2 courses for her degree. The MIT OCW for one of these courses didn't work out for her. So I'm including you in this email, as WUaS seeks to begin first licensing with the state of California's BPPE (and then potentially to accredit with WASC senior). How might WUaS and edX explore collaboration? 

Tanya: I just found on this MIT OCW into MITx page - - the following 

"15.415.1x Foundations of Modern Finance I" 

Then, not finding any MIT OCW / MITx Intro to Lean Six Sigma COURSES, I found in edX this:

"Six Sigma and Lean: Quantitative Tools for Quality and Productivity"

Am not sure about what you might need to know beforehand (15.415 says it's advanced, and Six Sigma doesn't list any pre-reqs, but the course lasts for 6 months)

Then I found in MIT OCW: 

Finance Theory I

Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods

So, let me communicate with Larry, and look into 

A) collaborating with edX for MIT OCW > MITx  ... and with regards, too, to 

B i) WUaS licensing with CA's BPPE, then 
B ii) accreditation (with WASC senior?) ... 

C) finding some further possible edX MIT OCW courses relating to the 2 courses for you to graduate with, possibly after WUaS begins accreditation ... (which would increase the value of your Bachelor's degree significantly). 

It could be the autumn when you begin classes again, re the above ... or you might be able (and WUaS is still seeking the initial ~5,000 dollars to begin licensing, as well as annual licensing and accreditation fees after this).  

Please let me/us know what you think about these possibilities, Tanya, and how you might like to proceed (in conversation, if that's helpful). 

(Anant, how might we best communicate about some of this as well? WUaS is seeking to matriculate our 2nd undergraduate class in English in the autumn of 2020, and for students from all ~200 countries, for a 4 year degree - and hopefully with very high retention rates. WUaS is seeking 500-2000 students, as WUaS begins the licensing and accreditation process from California. In what ways could WUaS collaborate with edX in these regards as well. Larry Viehland, above, is the chair of the WUaS Board, and MIT alumnus too!).

Thank you! And looking forward to communicating further about all of this. 

Best, Scott

September 23, 2019 
Hi Tanya (and Larry), 

I just went through a number of steps of downloading and installing "Pi Network" to see how the CryptoCurrency 'Pi' works - which you can 'mine' - but after giving the App my phone number and getting a verification code, which I then entered, I received a "Webpage not available" page/message, with the htttps:// ..long_code_follows.... URL and no further ability to do anything with mining Pi, although the Application is open in my Samsung Galaxy S3 Android smartphone. 

I may contact the 3 people here  - - with this information too, adding World Univ & Sch's plans for coding for 7.5 billion people each a Wikidata Q-item number, for Universal Basic Income UBI EXPERIMENTS, and to explore distributing a SINGLE cryptocurrency with blockchain, backed somehow by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, (am thinking the 19 out of 28 Eurozone countries in the EU, as one example) ... so post-Euro, (post other currencies), and post US dollar, which is already the de facto international currency as I understand this.

Found this online about the Pi currency. And it probably isn't easy to get on this list - - and Pi is not on it either. 
Were you successful in installing the 'Pi Network' and hitting the 'lightning' button to mine Pi, Tanya? Do you own a bit of Pi now? :)

Thanks again for letting me know about Pi ... brainstorming-wise ... :)

Cheers, Scott

So the Pi application works somewhat up to a certain stage ... and it may have first come out in March 2019 . Just shared this email with the Pi people: 

Dear Nicolas, Chengdiao, and Vincent (, 

A student, 'TanyaTomato', in CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School's first undergraduate class just shared "Mine Pi" with me, which I tried unsuccessfully to get operational. I'm writing to come into conversation with you about exploring planning with the Pi Network for Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS to distribute a SINGLE cryptocurrency to people in some number of ~200 countries, and in their languages.

I just went through a number of steps of downloading and installing "Pi Network" to see how the CryptoCurrency 'Pi' works - which you can 'mine' - but after giving the App my phone number and getting a verification code, which I then entered, I received a "Webpage not available" page/message, with the htttps:// ..long_code_follows.... URL and no further ability to do anything with mining Pi, although the Application is open in my Samsung Galaxy S3 Android smartphone.
I'm contacting you - - with this information, in order to add World Univ & Sch's plans for coding for 7.5 billion people each a Wikidata Q-item number, for Universal Basic Income UBI EXPERIMENTS, and to explore distributing a SINGLE cryptocurrency with blockchain with Pi, backed somehow by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, (am thinking the 19 out of 28 Eurozone countries in the EU, as one example) ... so post-Euro, (post other currencies), and post US dollar, which is already the de facto international currency as I understand this.

Found this online about the Pi currency. And it probably isn't easy to get on this list - - and Pi is not on it either.
Thanks to Tanya for letting me know about Pi, and your remarkable development ... brainstorming-wise ... :) More about exploring distributing a single cryptocurrency via UBI experiments to all 7.5 billion people conceptually here - - and re each person a Wikidata Q-item.

Cheers, Scott -
Cheers, Scott

Friday, September 30, 2019 

Hi Tanya,

Thanks so much for your Mine Pi invitation to me - . And how are you? And where are you with World University and School coursework toward your Bachelor degree? As you may have noticed in the WUaS Agenda & News, WUaS is seeking funding for CA's BPPE for licensing. It would be great to explore doing this through a cryptocurrency even, but I don't think either the state of California's BPPE or WUaS is ready for this. And how did you learn of Mine Pi?

That said, and per WUaS Agenda and News re WUaS seeking to facilitate a single digital currency via UBI experiments, this Mine Pi cryptocurrency is interesting with its Stanford PhD and California origins, and re (UBI catalyst systems . org) which I just learned of too - for infrastructure and as idea re distribution of single cryptocurrency via UBI.
I'd like to learn more about MINE Pi. Brainstorming-wise, building on the state of California's Stockton Basic Income experiment ($500/month over 18 months to 130 adults - with studying academically its effects) - & (picture of bank card re distribution), in what ways could WUaS collaborate with Mine Pi and the state of California to make this become a single cryptocurrency in a large number or percentage of 200 countries' languages (backed by their central banks, a little like the 19/28 Eurozone countries & their central banks in Brussels) and through universal basic income experiments?

Would Stockton UBI experiment recipients be able to 'mine' a cryptocurrency on their smartphone like MAKING A WITHDRAWAL from a bank? Am curious what mining entails in Mine Pi - and also for computer scientists' algorithm-wise. And what it could mean for Stockton residents - IF they had smart phones, and could get their CA basic income from the state of CA in Sacramento (legally too - like central bank approval / authority) that way.
I may explore teaching about both this Mine Pi as example of cryptocurrency, as well as Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning newly in my "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" - - next year. 

I'll seek to bring up Mine Pi per the WUaS Agenda tomorrow -

Thanks so much, Tanya, and will check it out further with your name code,





(Panthera leo x Panthera tigris) x Panthera tigris (3)

