Sunday, August 3, 2014

Anax imperator (dragonfly): Angela's blog post, Love, Harbin, Loving bliss


Did you see Angela's blog post? ... ... 

I'm enjoying Angela and Victor's occasional blog posts. Would love to go often to Greece to their courses when my money situation improves and World University and School begins to grow internationally, and for MIT OCW -centric degrees.

Just back from Cuttyhunk :) So glad to have visited ... (would like to make a documentary film there next summer -, and glad to be back in the Bay Area, - and for music-making (bagpiping and piano - lots of Scottish music interestingly) and Harbin travel especially.

On with my second Harbin book - and virtual Harbin building in something like the Oculus Rift with interactive movie realism with avatars (as ethnographic field site for actual / virtual comparisons and as part of a virtual earth) - as I await photo permissions for my first 415 page actual/virtual ethnographic Harbin manuscript which I emailed Harbin at their request about 2 months ago.

How are you?



... Sounds enjoyable and very loving too, Lin ... heading for eliciting the neurophysiology of loving bliss here, and the Harbin warm pool especially is wondrous for such explorations ... love at Harbin is fascinating to explore as well, but mostly with Heartsong have I seen/experienced it interestingly ... (what's love for you? ... Check out my Dalton friends letter with where I head with love in some ways ... ... How about you with love and p?

Looks like Angela is going to be online for free here, too, from 8/4-8/6 ...




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