Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Atanga - African pear: WUaS developing a first year undergraduate course of study in all 3 of WUaS's pilot languages of English, Spanish and Chinese - say of 10 courses in each language, but no CC MIT OCW-into-MITx mineshaft this year ... :), Geology of gold deposits: If CC MIT OCW is the gold mine or motherlode ...

Dear Enrique, Cecilia, Anant and Larry,

Thanks so much for our conversation today, Enrique. As a recap, the sub-licensing language of MITx which Cecilia had mentioned in passing recently for MITx-out-of-CC-MIT-OCW isn't currently possible, but might be possible in the future if WUaS were able to generate a successful pilot project this upcoming year, for example. And this might include, for example, WUaS developing a first year undergraduate course of study (potentially in all 3 of WUaS's pilot languages of English, Spanish and Chinese - say of 10 courses in each language ... toward free CC MIT OCW-centric and CC Yale OYC-centric undergraduate WUaS Bachelor degrees. If WUaS is able to accomplish this, WUaS might be able to re-examine sub-licensing the free CC4 MIT OCW-into-MITx courses here - - for both Bachelor's and Ph.D. degrees, and potentially in many languages.

As for funding language, Cecilia's and my previous correspondence and the CC4 licensing of MIT OpenCourseWare license CC World University and School to seek donations by fundraising from governments (e.g. Ministries of Education) in all ~200 countries official languages, - re reimbursement if asked, potentially using Yale's $51,400 per student/year per GDP as a benchmark, for example. And this is language that meets the CC MIT OCW licensing attributes, as I understand it from our conversation.

Per Cecilia, we are including the following in all our web page development:

"MIT OCW Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications:

a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, World University and School b) MIT does not offer credit to WUaS students, and c) All MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through"

Re further clarification, at this point WUaS can begin to develop, share and adapt the CC MIT OCW in multiple languages in Wikidata/MediaWiki  and with regard, for example, to the MIT OCW information in World University and School's course catalog - (accessible here

Thank you.

Sincerely, Scott

April 27, 2017

Hello Scott,

As I’ve said before, we encourage innovative uses of MIT OCW materials by educational initiatives such as yours as long as you comply with the MIT OCW terms and conditions (see including a) our Creative Commons license (attribution-noncommercial-sharealike) and b) the restrictions on Use of MIT Name. 

We also request that you add language to the WUaS web site and related materials to make it totally clear to prospective students that a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, the World University, b) that MIT does not offer credit to WAuS students, and c) that all MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through

Incorporating OCW URLs in a course catalog to point to OCW courses and incorporating OCW materials in a wiki, as long as this is done in a way that is consistent with MIT OCW terms and conditions, and as long as it is clear to the students that MIT is not affiliated with WUaS, should be okay.

It is not okay under the non-commercial restriction of the OCW Creative Commons license to package OCW materials and sell these as books or as courses or to sell access to these materials online to your students.
As for MITx on edX online courses (MOOCS), if you wish to use these in your curriculum, I suggest you reach out to the Head of Strategic Relationships within the MIT Office of Digital Learning. He can talk to you about your requirements for sublicensing MITx courses for use in your curriculum.  It is important to note that the MITx courses on edX are NOT licensed with a Creative Commons license so reuse by institutions requires a specific license from MIT. He can talk to you about options and pricing.

Here is his contact information
Enrique Shadah



Betsy: What an extraordinary offering Scott! I'm not sure what the connection is with the Astanga but I use to love eating them in Gabon where I served with the Peace Corps!

Scott: Thanks for your thought, Betsy ... been beginning my daily blog post with something natural for years now, sometimes there's a connection with a post, sometimes a disjunction ... natural artistic moments all (and MIT OCW is low hanging fruit   ... see, too ... but no CC MIT OCW-into-MITx mineshaft this year ... :)


Geology of gold deposits: If CC MIT OCW is the gold mine or motherlode, MIT OCW into MITx is the mineshaft ... re CC World University and School - - and its 14 WUaS Planned Revenue Streams - - in all ~200 nation states and ~8044 languages ... On the emergent for profit side of WUaS ... and as a potential unicorn ... how to value in all ~200 countries' stock markets World University and School ... ? Begin with the most successful Academic Press in each countries' language as a basis ... ... and expand this to 8,444 languages?



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