Dear Klaus, (and Lydia, Hilary and Michael),
Very nice to meet and hear you at the Stanford Library talk on 'Content in Context: The Bavarian State Library in the Digital World, a Conversation with Klaus Ceynowa' in April 2017 - (and with, if I recall correctly, Michael Keller there. Did you introduce this Michael?) I'd also like to introduce you here to Hilary Thorsen, chair of the Stanford/Harvard/Cornell Wikidata Affinity Group, and a Stanford librarian.
Glad to know that, time permitting, I may be making a brief presentation about World University and School's Library Resources - (planned in each of all ~300 languages in Wikidata / Wikipedia, and indeed in each of all 7,111 known living languages as wiki pages for open teaching and learning) with Wikidata / Wikibase as a "back end" structured knowledge database, for 5 minutes at the end of this on Tuesday's June 18th meeting at 9 am Pacific Time, which Stanford Wikidata Affinity Group is one hour long. (This video conference should be video recorded too).
Elena Aleynikova and Jens Ohlig of Wikimedia Deutschland have graciously offered to share a presentation about their work with the German National Library using Wikibase, as Hilary writes.
Call Details:
Klaus and All, I've included below some of our correspondence from spring of 2017 for further related conversation.
All the best, Scott
From April 19, 2017 ...
Dear Dr. Elisabeth Niggermann,
Having met Dr. Klaus Ceynowa at a fantastic Stanford Library talk on "Content in Context: The Bavarian State Library in the Digital World, a Conversation with Klaus Ceynowa" - - I'm writing to you at his suggestion to inquire how World University and School might best collaborate with the German National Library (GNL). I'm writing in particular concerning exploring how the German National Library might orchestrate creating online libraries in all ~200 countries official languages with each country's national library + , which would develop out of the Bavarian National Library's great organizational approach (and potentially the GNL's especially) and which I learned about from Dr. Ceynowa's Stanford talk. (I'm including our email correspondence thus far below). Of course, this might include planning to develop online libraries in all 7,099 living languages in Ethnologue / 8,044 language entries in Glottolog - where linguists and academics would, in a parallel way, develop the WUaS wiki schools for this, again in all 7097 known living languages. (See, too, the ~12 main areas of focus for CC WUaS here - ... which is like CC Wikipedia (in 358 languages) with CC MIT OpenCourseWare (in 7 languages) and CC Yale OYC - which will all become integrated in Wikidata/Wikibase, to which WUaS donated itself in October 2015, and probably also with Google Education, which WUaS has).
Best greetings from the San Francisco Bay Area,
Dear Klaus,
Thank you for your fabulous, wonderful and truly exemplar talk yesterday at Stanford - .
I asked about your and the Bavarian state library's guidelines for working with other Bundeslaendern, other countries and, for example, Europeana, because I greatly appreciated the organizational focus you are bringing to Bayern's libraries as a system. You are making real what other library systems might seek to do, but haven't successfully done yet - you have a much broader overview in these regards than I do, however - as I see it. I also appreciated your response concerning openness as a guideline for you.
I also asked because CC World University and School, which is like CC Wikipedia (in 300 languages) with CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare (in its 5 languages) and CC Yale OYC would like to create both libraries (and museums) in all 8,496 entries in languages (per Glottolog) / and in all 7,111 living languages (per Ethnologue) - each a wiki subject page to begin. This would emerge from this beginning "Library Resources"' wiki subject page - - into all 7097 languages, after WUaS moves to a new wiki, emerging from Wikidata, Wikpedia's database in 300 languages. Perhaps a good way for you to visualize this is here - - where one could, in a realistic virtual earth, such as conceptually in Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER, go virtually into this pretty Swiss library and pick a digital book from its shelf, from any time in history (with time slider). From a structured data perspective - such as the one Wikidata (which is mostly based in Berlin and somewhat in San Francisco with the Wikimedia Foundation) is developing - each book in any library in any of the ~200 countries in the world at present could have something like a Q-item number (Wikidata's basic unit) or similar.
(World University and School would like our matriculating students in our developing online major CC MIT OCW-centric universities, in all ~200 countries' official languages - and studying for online free CC OpenCourseWare Bachelor, Ph.D., law and medicine degrees, as well as I.B. (International Baccalaureate) high school diplomas - to have access to greatest online university academic libraries, perhaps different from the public libraries, for example, in the U.S.)
WUaS would also like to develop an WUaS Universal Translator, perhaps building on Google Neural Machine Translation / GNMT /Google Translate, such that an anthropologist or linguist or librarian could go into any physical library in the world and hold their smartphone up to a document in any language and read it translated into their own language - and also photograph the document (observing copyright law, etc.). (You'll find the beginning WUaS Universal Translator link in my blog entry above).
How might we further communicate and collaborate about much of this? Would the Bavarian State Library be available to orchestrate creating online libraries in all ~200 countries official languages with their national libraries, which would develop out of the BSL's great organizational approach? Of course, this might include planning to develop online libraries in all 7,111 living languages - where linguists and academics would, in a parallel way, develop the WUaS wiki schools for this, again in all 7097 known living languages. (See, too, the ~12 main areas of focus for WUaS here - - which will all become integrated in Wikidata/Wikibase and probably also with Google Education, which WUaS has).
Thank you for your inspiring and great talk, Klaus. It makes me want to return to Munich and visit your library, as well as my friends, and Quakers, Eckhard and Liesl Krueger (who no longer live in Garching, however) and their two sons, as well as other possible friends from the 13 months I spent in Munich in 1981-82 in the Reed College program, as well as at LMU.
Best regards,
Dear Scott,
the Mail-Adress seems ok, the name of the Director General is Dr. Elisabeth Niggemann.
I think your mail will then be distributed to her via their internal system.
All best, Klaus
Dr. Klaus Ceynowa
Director General
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Ludwigstrasse 16, D-80539 München
Mobile +49 170 7937463
Phone +49 89 28638 2201
Dr. Klaus Ceynowa
Director General
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Ludwigstrasse 16, D-80539 München
Mobile +49 170 7937463
Phone +49 89 28638 2201
e-mail: ceynowa@bsb-muenchen.
Dear Klaus,
Thank you for your email. And I continue to be impressed with the realization of the Bavarian State Library system now in the information age.
I wonder how the Bavarian State Library might benefit from a relationship with the German National Library concerning the all-libraries in all 7097 languages' World University and School online project I mentioned. And could you possibly please suggest the proper contact person, or refer me to a colleague you know at Frankfurt or Leipzig. Who is the Director General, in your role, at the German National Library? I found this email address - - here - but am not sure that sending an email to the Director General of the General Nation Library would get through.
Also, I'm glad to say my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' book ~ ~ is in the following libraries: UC Berkeley, Princeton University's and the University of Alberta in Canada, and per WorldCat here - . I would also be happy to mail one to you myself at the wholesale cost (~US$39,00) plus shipping.
Best greetings from the SF Bay Area,
Dear Klaus,
I received an email from Gmail saying that there is a temporary problem with this email - - and that they will try to deliver it within the next 48 hours. ...
Might I also put you in contact with Lydia Pintscher in Berlin, who is Wikidata's Product Manager? (CC-4 MIT OCW-centric in its 5 languages - - wiki World University and School donated itself to CC Wikidata in October 2015, and will therefore emerge in the next while from CC Wikipedia's database in its 358 languages, and eventually into all 7,111 living languages). Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Dear Scott,
this is ok, the mail has been sent to the central distribution station of the DNB ("Postfach"), and will be forwarded to the Boss-level of the library - just a little bit patience.
All best Klaus
Dr. Klaus Ceynowa
Director General
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Ludwigstrasse 16, D-80539 München
Mobile +49 170 7937463
Phone +49 89 28638 2201
Dr. Klaus Ceynowa
Director General
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Ludwigstrasse 16, D-80539 München
Mobile +49 170 7937463
Phone +49 89 28638 2201
e-mail: ceynowa@bsb-muenchen.
Dear Klaus,
Thanks again for your email. I just yesterday received an email saying my "Message Not Delivered" to at the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library). ... How best would you suggest getting in touch with the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek to explore moving forward this great potential for collaboration, and creation of online wiki libraries in all 7,099 languages (Ethnologue), and indeed, in all 8,044 entries in languages (in Glottolog) - and re Wikidata (in 358 languages) with the BNL and especially the GNL's great systems?
Thank you.
Best greetings from the SF Bay Area,
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
* * *
And re the other wing of WUaS, the for profit general stock company, the WUaS Press / WUaS Corp ...In what ways could the … planned in ~200 countries' and 7,111 known living languages with machine translation best collaborate with the @stanfordpress #SupportSUP re … ? … (@HarbinBook > Visit Harbin Gate here - ~
In what ways could the planned in ~200 countries' and 7,111 known living languages with machine translation best collaborate with the @stanfordpress #SupportSUP re ? (@HarbinBook > ~— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) June 14, 2019
The march to Faculty Senate on June 13th #SupportSUP
— Ge Wang (@gewang) June 15, 2019
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