Princeton researchers capture an image of an iron-carbon bond at the moment of rupture. “It's an incredible image — being able to actually see a single small molecule on a surface with another one bonded to it is amazing,” says Craig Arnold. @PrincetonChem
— Princeton Engineering (@EPrinceton) October 4, 2021
Online Chemistry @WorldUnivAndSch in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForChemistry in ONE iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth for EVERYTHING (Think #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider, Maps, Earth, #TensorFlowAI at molecular & atomic levels esp.),_Cellular_and_Developmental_Biology /Chemistry @MITOCW ~
Online Chemistry @WorldUnivAndSch in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForChemistry in ONE iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth for EVERYTHING (Think #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider, Maps, Earth, #TensorFlowAI at molecular & atomic levels esp.) /Chemistry @MITOCW ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) October 7, 2021
* * *
Magic of MIT OCW +
Dear Yvonne (Yvonne Ng <>),
Thanks so much for the "Magic behind MIT OCW" panel that just took place.
While this is the question I asked in registration (and only heard a bit about today) -
What's the current relationship between CC-4 MIT OCW and MITx, in terms of World Univ & Sch even beginning to build?
Thanks for holding this panel - (and see -
here are the questions I asked in the Q & A today -
Sharon, All, thank you. What planning might go on at MIT OCW for translation into other languages, say Traditional Chinese -
Cathleen, MIT OpenCourseWare 10:17 AM
Sometimes we partner with other institutions and other times people may translate specific courses under our Creative Commons license. It really varies based on the situation.
Brent, All, At MIT OCW or MIT itself, - and regarding video courses - is there any planning for a single realistic virtual earth at the molecular, cellular and atomic levels too (and regarding this amazing Princeton Chem image, for example -
And further, with regards to a single #RealisticVirtualEarth and MIT even, here’s a Scott Greenwald (recent MIT Media Lab PhD) Tweet in an early possible form of this -
How about extending it into all ~200 countries and in their official and main languages (such that World Univ & Sch could offer online degrees with it - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, and even IB high school / sim)? Thanks, Scott (
Thank you all so much, MIT OCW - Appreciating your sharing your ongoing process!
Thanks again for hosting this so much, Yvonne!
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School - http://
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://
(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Hi Scott GK MacLeod,
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* * *
Stuart Liddell piping - Oct 6 2021 (2021-10-06 at 09:00 GMT-7)
Scott MacLeod <>
Wed, Oct 6, 11:57 AM (1 day ago)
to stuart
Dear Stuart,
Thanks so so much, and very nice to meet (and learn from) you again.
Here's the video recording from today - - some transcription ahead.
I've already added it to this Hibiscus genevii blog post from today - - and as the citation below to - ...
Best regards,
Liddell, Stuart (with Scott MacLeod). 2021 [ Hibiscus genevii Scottish Small Pipes' bagpiping lesson with PM Stuart Liddell in Scotland, W October 6, 2021]. (see too: SF Bay Area, CA:
It occurs to me further to explore even a 4 year (CC-4 MIT OCW-centric somehow) Bachelor's degree in Bagpiping, say in, - in the Music School World Univ and Sch - - with you as the faculty member to start, so on the degree side of WUaS (in contrast to the wiki side). WUaS would need students (experienced high school pipers from Fettes?) to somehow commit to 4 years studying from home for these free-to-students' degrees (from all over the world), and piping could also be a 'minor' or a 2nd major, for example. (That is an undergraduate student could major in Computer Science, and minor in Bagpiping). WUaS would work out the number of credits needed, and the distribution requirements, with time, if WUaS could move ahead with this. :) WUaS would also seek to develop a faculty job description for associate professor of, or lecturer in, Bagpiping, with possible creative directions for you to move forward with. I'm seeking for WUaS to have inspiring, caring, connecting and excellent professors (along the lines that Harvard (even with its Celtic roots / depth), MIT, Stanford, Cambridge, Oxford have developed as cultures, all for over a century now) ... and to create a somehow out-of-the-box flourishing learning and teaching environment online (which the Google platform will help with esp. in part). - and am thinking too much like MIT with Wikipedia, and even some Quaker colleges (like Haverford and Swarthmore, in the Philadelphia area which attract highest achieving many US students, who have some orientation to Friends' or Quaker envisioning and SPICES caring, yet are in the modern world, post 1960s too:) ... all brainstorming-wise ... (Explore developing or or coming into conversation curriculum from Carnegie Mellon University or the The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow? )
How to move this forward and for WUaS to begin to hire faculty, - with WUaS matriculating students, say even as early as January, - will depend on further communication with Fettes College in Edinburgh in one scenario, potentially, - and am not sure exactly how to do this. OUR WUaS CC-4 MIT OCW STEAM degrees are a priority, and you can see some of our WUaS Bachelor and PhD majors here - - but if Fettes were to help organize these free-to-students' undergraduate Bachelor degrees for Fettes and Scottish students among Scotland's ~5 million people (and later PhD degrees) further in the Google Workspace for Education, then perhaps we in conversation could pick just a few majors from and re the Google Platform too (WUaS was thinking in terms of offering 6 majors until not too long ago).
Looking forward to communicating further about this.
Thanks again, and Cheers, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School -
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -
(o) 415 480 4577 -
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Nice tune - :)
The MacFarlanes' Gathering - Piobaireachd
William McCallum
Cheers, Scott
searched on - 'bluest water in Scotland'
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