1/21/23 Agenda and News for open World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting Sat MBM AND WUaS Minutes from 12/17/22 - A
Bovell, Nyasha <nyashabovell@seas.harvard.edu> |
| Jan 20, 2023, 10:08 AM (5 days ago)
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Good morning Scott,
I am no longer with the Philosophy department. While they are working on hiring my replacement, please send future announcements like these to Emily Ware at eware@fas.harvard.edu.
Nyasha B.
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> |
| Sat, Jan 21, 10:03 AM (4 days ago)
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Thanks so much for your email, and your suggestion to add
eware@fas.harvard.edu to the WUaS emailings.
abolitionally, best regards, thank you,
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Just shared this email with Ghanaian Wikimedia Communication Director, Mohammed Sadat in Berlin, Germany - and would welcome your suggestions, Nyasha, of possible people to help grow - and teach at - MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch in Africa and the US and internationally - and from Harvard especially! Thank you!
HI Mohammed, Lydia, Sidd (best friend from high school in Pgh PA, where I'm in asylum from CA),
Ghana World University and School -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ghana - like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, and planning free online university and high school degrees potentially in all 11 main Ghanaian languages (and see the some of the language links below - from the previous Wikia wiki for WUaS), if helpful - will begin to look around for another possible head who might know either Wikipedia or MIT OCW or the Google Education ecosystem well.
Mwende Evanda, from Cameroon, west Africa, not too far south of Ghana, just got back in communication with WUaS since about May 2022, having completed 'CS First With Google at WUaS" programming course then, to be able to matriculate into WUaS for a free 4 year Bachelor degree - as we get the 1st year of these WUaS-Google-MIT OCW courses up and running.
While I'll remove you from this and these open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting emailings, per your request, - and with an invitation to meet today in Zoom video conferencing in about 2 hours ...
... could you possibly please recommend a Ghanaian head of Ghana World Univ & Sch to begin to help Wiki Ghana WUaS grow and with WUaS having donated itself to Wikidata in 2015 for c-development - and just as WUaS begins to license and accredit newly in PA (rather than California)?
Such a person as you might recommend could become the head of all ~55 African country major online World Univ & Schs that are MIT OpenCourseWare-centric and Wiki.
Thank you, abolitionally, best wishes, Scott
Hi Scot,
Can you please not bcc me i these updates anymore? I don’t see how they’re related to my work.
Thank you
--Mohammed Sadat
Community Communications Manager, WikidataWikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 577 116 2466
Dear Larry (WUaS abolition auditor?), Ed, Ma, Pin, All,
Welcome back from Missouri if you went to your sister-in-laws' memorial! How are you doing? How is the 'dust settling' per your mentioning this on the phone last week?
Agenda item 1 -
Regarding Agenda item 1, and WUaS licensure in PA, I just found
"Applying for Licensure or Registration. In accordance with the Private Licensed Schools Act, 24 P.S. § 6502, a Private Licensed School is a school or ..."
AND this:
which again seems to be paradoxical regarding WUaS seeking licensure in PA or CA -
The following WUaS agenda items would also benefit from some discussion (especially Agenda item 3 ... regarding the elusive 199N e-post card in the past ... and having to file a 199 instead for exempt state of CA legal entity World Univ & Sch, I think, and the CA FTB cashing the WUaS check for $65 in taxes and fees in July 2022 ) ...
Would you like to come over in the next few days to talk further about all these relevant agenda items, or similar (meet at a cafe, etc.)? Will call you this evening to inquire further. (Wednesday and Thursday afternoons for me are already somewhat fully scheduled - but Wednesday or Thursday mornings could work, or sometime on Friday).
Sincerely, abolition-ally, best wishes, Scott
Dear Larry, Ed, Ma, Pin,
I just filed the federal 990 on Tu Jan 24, 2023 with -
https://app.file990.org/app/dashboard - using the WUaS PO Box 442, Canyon CA 94516 address, and should hear back within 24 hours if the filing has been accepted. I didn't fill in the optional street address field, and I didn't use a possible new WUaS PA address, ... and this latter item could have implications for WUaS PA licensing ... with that not-yet-doable WUaS state of PA licensure web page (which suggests the need for a physical address out of state in a certain situation) which I just shared with you.
Also the federal USPS Post Office 4 forwarding cards mailed to the Viehlands after my whirlwind trip to CA in later September (and at great cost - but it could have saved my life, and am impoverished in an ongoing way) ... didn't seem to be changeable after late March 2023 in the USPS IT system. And while I have changed one of the four USPS forwarding addresses to 210 East End Avenue, Pgh PA 15221, I still haven't received any information from the USPS on paper or otherwise about this. And now that the Viehlands seem to be moving out of 1401 N. Negley and possibly to Longwood Retirement Community, or possibly not ... what address to forward Canyon 94516 email in Pennsylvania to, and how to forward mail from the WUaS Canyon 94516 USPS PO Box 442 after March to Pennsylvania (if the USPS system doesn't allow this) ... and all while the federal government may be seeking to abolish the illegal sex industry and its latent networks of violence regarding the United States' Postal Service too ... regarding possible corruption for example there in the SF Bay Area?
Also the US form 592 which was sent surprisingly by Google on January 15, and to be filed by January 15th possibly is confusing. ... And former Harvard University Philosophy department administrator Nyasha Bovell - working at Harvard in a new capacity - replied, in this thread, seemingly in response to the form 592 to add a new Harvard University Philosophy department administrator to the WUaS emailings. Am not sure what this possible response to the form 592 might signify and even regarding WUaS abolitionally.
(Am very very concerned about the possible criminal psychopath and broken frederic khayat, who lives in the room across from my abode at 210 East End Avenue, Pgh PA 15221 ... and regarding the possible illegal sex industry internationally and their latent networks of violence, of which he may be intimately familiar, as a foreign national perpetrator, offender, mentally ill purveyor).
Talk to you later.
Seeking for the state of PA and the state of CA and the US federal government law and law enforcement systems to work effectively together.
Staying alive, abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, living in asylum from CA in PA, Scott
Dear Larry (WUaS abolition auditor, potentially), Ed, Ma, Pin,
the cost of filing the 990 card is $54.99 on my personal credit card -
We would like to thank you for your payment of $54.99 on January 24, 2023. Below is a confirmation of your payment.
Confirmation Number: F990192527868FBE3675299482ITEM | AMOUNT |
2022 990N | $54.99 | Total Payment Amount: $54.99 Regards, File990.org |
... and I'll transfer this from the WUaS WF non profit x5238 account to my personal checking account soon, and after the filing is accepted by this time tomorrow.
Sincerely, abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, Scott
Dear Larry (WUaS abolition auditor, potentially), Ed, Ma, Pin,
The 990N was accepted by the federal govt well ahead of the 24 hours they mentioned, but slow in internet time.
Still, deeply traumatized by pastor kim viehland's question about "where are you going to get the whores from?" re the pgh jcc (where she plays the cello in the Edgewood symphony too) ... and re potentially Chatham Univ, where you were both employed ... and with you no longer as WUaS CFO or treasurer (or chair of the Board), Larry, but possibly WUaS abolition auditor, and with your name still on some WUaS checking accounts ... and wondering how deeply "caught on the other line" - both subculture and profitability-wise - you both may be ... and regarding the illegal sex and drug industries and their latent networks of violence ... and their again profitability, and how much WUaS could deeply DEPRECATE the illegal sex drug and violence industries in WUaS calling nonviolently for their abolition (say 3 estimates, by a few 100 million dollars, a billion or a trillion dollars annually ... with your sharp pencil ... and regarding abolishing organized crime in all 200 countries, for example) ... And with a possible criminal broken psychopath Lebanese hood frederic khayat across hall who may have been involved in the murder of another housemate Jackson Shannon NYC here at 210 East End Avenue, Pgh PA 15221 with the owners/ managers of the house too, - so has f k 'lost one' at least, i.e. was he complicit in this death? ... and how much he could get paid possibly for such criminal sick psychopathic acts (eg from insecurity cults like craven maga from hidden Swiss bank accounts etc?)? ... Could he get paid in lower room rent, or seeing mentally ill broken prostitutes ? ... and how to possibly get him on an airplane handcuffed next to a federal marshal if he went through an American legal and justice system process as a foreign national and it was found that his heading back to Lebanon was the safest for Americans and Swiss too? ... would hate for him to be a hired gun just having gotten his feet wet in the usa with a first 'hit' (murder?) for a couple of 1000 dollars ... Very Very Speculatively ... Evidence needed ... What happened to Jackson Shannon - and re the legal system and psychiatry and social justice?
So am not sure what to do about the licensing, accreditation and other tax form questions, PA or CA ... Maybe will call tge state of PA's department of education, and say MSCHE called WUaS and ask them how to proceed.
Hoping to talk with Ken Thompson MD about the traumatization re kim's question ... and protecting people, all 7.9 billion people each a Wikidata PIN #, ... and while not forgetting my father's subdural hematomas, one in Belize on Dec 30 2004.
The dust still hasn't settled from kim's question Larry ... with many grave implications for WUaS coding ...
Probably won't call you this evening ...
May not be able to get the tax forms done by their due dates - Monday the 30th or Tuesday the 31st? ... however ... What to do to protect people at WUaS, in seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people?
All a little discouraging ... especially the tax stuff ... In my impoverishment, and living in asylum from CA in PA.
Hoping you had a good memorial service in Missouri, if you went, Larry.
Abolitionally, Friendly greetings, with conscientious objections, Scott
Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted salamander): 1/21/23 Recording of open World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on 3rd Saturdays @ noon ET
Dear Larry (WUaS abolition auditor, potentially), Ed, Ma, Pin, Shawn, All,
Thanks for saying 2 WUaS Monthly Business Meetings ago that you've got to go and for Kim to have said twice recently in your home that Larry should not be treasurer (and by extension CFO and Chair) ... possibly for conflict of interest reasons I hypothesize ... And when she then said, that same time at your house, I think, "where are you going to get the prostitutes from?" re the jcc in pgh and possibly re Chatham Univ and all the colleges and universities as well, I was traumatized ... but how will WUaS get complex tax forms done potentially like request number 2 I think from the CA FTB for a 199N ... or 199 ... For tax year 2020 ... That Kim's mother's mother may have been a prostitute in WV - which she told us recently - with implications for ger being open to you seeing prostitutes too further traumatizes me. How to protect all 7.9 billion people, kids especially, from profit oriented organized crime ... and prevent organized crime from being coded into the software and financial systems of WUaS ? ... In a Friendly Quaker, am not clear how to proceed ... and perhaps your not coming to WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Saturday because of your sister in law's memorial in Missouri ... is a way opening for WUaS ... but how to do the complex WUaS tax forms ... Just as they may be increasing in number and complexity?
Friendly greetings, abolitionally, Minding the Light, sincerely, a bit traumatized too, and seeking ways for WUaS to deeply deprecate the illegal sex and drug industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, best, Scott
Dear Larry (WUaS abolition auditor, potentially), Ed, Ma, Pin, Shawn, All,
Good morning. Found out that the CA tax form 592 about resident and nonresident withholding in CA (re my asylum journey from CA to PA beginning renting in PA on Sept 2 2022) that I was notified curiously from Google about is something TurboTax will handle and not apparently WUaS related. (Why former Harvard Philosophy dept admin Nyasha Bovell's email asking me to add Harvard Phil dept admin Emily Ware to WuAS emailings seemed to refer to this CA form 592 is maybe a question for Google gmail).
Seeking to protect Work MIT OCW-centric World Univ and Sch from the ISSIP organization, MIT alum too Jim Spohrer's brainchild ... If it KILLS people ... and to completely get out of ISSIP's databases too (how would this work brainstorming if there were organizations killing its membership?) ... if it could be a front for the illegal sex industry internationally and their latent networks of violence - AS A companies and univetsities' business association - with the following email to Jim Spohrer last night ... and partly regsrding the sick broken murderers? potentially slavers of Cal law inst bill kell and anthro & tourism studies' prof nelson graburn's potential deeply unethical wrongdoing and their criminality
Jim Spohrer:
Again, please remove my and World Univ & Sch's membership from ISSIP too - International Society of Service Innovation Professionals - including the WUaS Excellence award - and Eventbrite and ISSIP databases. I would like to have nothing to do with your ISSIP Organization - to protect WUaS. If your ISSIP organization unethically kills in the background, unbeknownst to you too even - eg the companies and universities including Cal that pay you - and a Pres Terri Griffith (UC Berkeley Cal AND CMU alumna, now a business prof in BC Canada at SFU) could contact a hired gun in Pittsburgh who could kill for a few grand ... say on a call from a sick and criminal uc berkeley law instructor w kell - who may be at the center of the illegal sex and drug industries in the sf bay area, and a deeply sick and broken man, and who I posit sought to frame me in Canyon 94516 (him having attempted with Cal law students to incorporate the WUaS Corporation around 2016 or '17 meeting in his office for 2 semesters ... but not knowing how to do it, I think - and he thus sort of failed in the task) to keep the profitability and the subculture of the criminal organizations he may hack law for and their violence going ... say, for example, to the possibly criminal psychopath frederic khayat across the hall in this asylum place of PA from CA at 210 East End Avenue Pgh PA 15221 ... I and MIT OCW-centric wiki Work World Univ and Sch want to be as far from ISSIP as possible with increasing distance. Am deeply concerned about your possible threat this morning regarding the assassinated president JFK and your strange language of ISSIP chauvinism with not a hint of service from ISSIP to grow WUaS.
Thanks, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, staying alive, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
SO, how also to navigate the craven frederic khayat possible criminal and CMU Bachelor degree student ... as a foreign national who may have been complicit in the murder of Jackson Shannon NYC ... also a resident in this 210 East End Avenue Pgh PA 15221 house where I'm in asylum. (Also Harold Tyler's 3-4 week pile of mail was removed about yesterday from under the mail holder on the first floor ... could he be back from the deep south speculatively ? ... or could he have been possibly murdered too, illegally and unjustly ? And could owners / managers this house be somehow killing residents who have left, tragically, wrongly, criminally, unjustly?
So what to about the other crazy making (for me) tax forms, since there may be no TurboTax for WUaS's complexities and re this asylum journey too? ... Seeking to call the state of PA education department re beginning licensure of WUaS in PA, then accreditation.
And how to begin to grow a WUaS professional organizational structure in 2023 (since ISSIP could conceivably be killing people ... and hasn't been able to help WUaS with organizational structure for many years, despite its service orientation and its mission ... federal and state scrutiny of Jim Spohrer may be in order to protect people ... in the name of abolition esp.)
Abolitionally, peace, please stay safe (my mother didn't seem to be concerned on Monday at her place at all about the curious "She Dies" language - a death threat? - in the Carnegie Library Main branch which I heard and which could have been for library surveillance camera purposes too), Friendly regards, Scott
Dear Larry (WUaS abolition auditor, potentially), Ed, Ma, Pin, Shawn, All,
Good morning further ... abolitionally, whatever did happen to David Matchett of the SF Quaker Meeting when I was whistle-blowing loudly - and whose brother Stephen Matchett (both birthright quakers) DIED a few years ago, and speculatively related to the wrongful sex and drug industries' internationally ... and when chris mohr was the clerk of SF Friends Meeting in the mid 2010s. David Matchett, a Stanford alum, and former friend ... was a bookkeeper for many SF organizations, with Intuit products I think too. What if the SF Quaker Meeting could still be dealing in prostituting kids tragically? And possibly regarding feminazi and predator and possibly a prostitute and pedophile alice sowaal ... am not sure if she's been fired from sf state univ as phil inst eitehr .... Is David Matchett staying alive - under threat of death - from the sex industries' violence cult ... a craven maga connection even ... to a country around jordan in the middle east
How would you audit such books as David Matchett's organizations, Larry, if you were to become WUaS Abolition Auditor? ... and WUaS could code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # and the WUaS Corporation could 1) partner with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency to end poverty, and 2) list the WUaS Corp on the new Silicon Valley Long-term Stock Exchange ... and with the Stanford Mine PI Know Your Customer approaches, as well as possibly 7.9 billion avatar bot electronic medical records - to protect people too, identify perpetrators, purveyors, sex offenders, prostitutes, criminals etc ... with parallels to KP and UPMC electronic medical records ... in order to protect people ...with machine learning, AI, law, law enforcement, and the above.
chris mohr, whose ethics I'm beginning to question, married to Robin Mohr, originally from Sacramento, CA I think ... just tweeted this picture -
https://twitter.com/chrismsf/status/1617726994174869504 - of him wearing a possibly once radical radio station T-shirt where he may have spun records as a Princeton student in engineering related subject decades ago. And chris and robin mohr (whose ethics I'm also beginning to question ... may have stayed in touch with possibly criminal deeply unwell alice sowaal ... where robin travels internationally to Quaker organizations on behalf of FWCC - Friends World Committee for Consultation - and regarding possibly the illegal sex industry internationally among Quakers and tragically with kids etc.) ... and could this Tweet picture of chris, who may be involved with Germantown Friends' Meeting in Philadelphia, or Green St Quaker Meeting, and is a director at Friends' House, or Friends Center in Philadelphia, which rents to a lot of non-profits for one ... have been suggested by even alice sowaal ... who may, again, have jewish amish roots in Ohio, and was in a PhD program in new jersey at rutgers too ... Could chris and robin have moved to Philadelphia to become professional quakers and so their 2 sons could go to Quaker schools - to also flee from the SF Quaker Meeting illegal sex industry internationally with kids etc ... and might the related craziness legally and sub-culturally be subsiding a bit now ... with no justice for the possibly dead children and other victims?
So, Larry, how would WUaS abolition audits - abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people - inform FUTURE DIRECTIONS of PROTECTING PEOPLE ... if the law and law enforcement questions, at the 1 state, 2 federal and 3 internationally levels (re SF Quaker Meetings' sandra schwarz going to switzerland ... and upstairs' AFSC renter freak dailt from laersi, whose name I told to Tym Lenderking in around 2017 at his place in DC on Wyoming Ave ... is she dead?) ... ALL BEGAN TO WORK TOGETHER EFFECTIVELY, WITH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, and navigating questions of criminality, criminals, and scofflaws, and navigating too the history of the illegal sex and drug industries in specific locales, both economically, and subcultural-perpetuation-wise ... and work (re the reduction of the mafia for example)? How could WUAS abolition audits help end contemporary organized crime ... and protect people?
Partly law and law enforcement and the internet questions, partly protecting people questions, partly economic and subcultural questions ... in calling for abolition (since 1832 in the Britain, and 1860s with the Emancipation proclamation in the USA)
Friendly greetings, abolition-ally, Minding the Light, sincerely, a bit traumatized too, and seeking ways for WUaS to deeply deprecate the illegal sex and drug industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, best, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Dear WUaS abolition auditor, Larry, potentially, Ed, David B, Ken, Ma, Pin, Shawn, All, World Univ & Sch Monthly Business Meeting on 1/21/23 as this email thread,
I called the PA department of education, left an extended message seeking to begin licensure, and WUaS now awaits a response either by phone or email. MOMENTOUS ...
Could Jim Spohrer (MIT BS, and Yale CS AI PhD) teach a "computer science of expungement" course - legally too - at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch in the future, to be translated into all 200 countries' main languages, as he seeks to remove every trace of World Univ & Sch and me, from ISSIP links in both the ISSIP platform, and the EventBrite platform - so as to protect people if ISSIP is killing for example, and on behalf of companies and universities? Here's my email in reply to him earlier :
Thanks, Jim, ... is this the "computer science of expungement" - legally too - of WUaS data to protect it from unethical organizations like ISSIP, if it for example, kills, knowingly, by you? (your "I do that" in a video conference 1-2 years ago while turning bright red), or unknowingly, e.g. by the organizations that pay into ISSIP, possibly IBM, Cisco, UC Berkeley, CMU too? Thanks, Scott
(Am not currently yet planning to remove ISSIP and your references from WUaS and my blogs ... ) Abolitionally, growing an abolition movement in companies and universities too, Friendly greetings, Scott (Seeking to get a great WUaS Chair of the Board, active Board Members, and great organizational structure ... Why couldn't ISSIP have helped all these years, I wonder? Best wishes, Scott)
Wow, The guest membership card that my mother got for me for the 4 Carnegie Museums in Pgh ... dated Nov 25., on the envelope ... the official replacement which still hasn't been sent to me ... may come in a week or so ... Methinks or me-hypothesizes the Carnegie Museums are navigating legal - state and federal - questions of organized crime ???
Abolitionally, Scott
* *
Semi-Annual Progress Call with ISSIP Board of Directors & World Univ & Sch?
Hi Jim & Terri @ISSIP, Universitians, All,
Thank you for this upcoming Semi-Annual Progress Call with ISSIP Board of Directors on Thursday -
for which I just registered.
(I as President and Founder of MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School have been an individual member of ISSIP FOR years now).
With Larry Viehland no longer WUaS Chair of Board, CFO or treasurer (he may be becoming WUaS abolition auditor) and having said "He's got to go" two WUaS Monthly Business Meeting's ago, and having just a phone call from Middle States Commision on Higher Education in PA with the green light to license WUaS with the state of PA's department of education as we begin the MSCHE accreditation process, am writing to inquire if I could invite ISSIP to become much more involved with WUaS in WUaS's need for professional organization - and even for an active Board of Directors, Executives, a treasurer, managers and funding, as well. Might it be possible for me or you, Jim Spohrer, to ask these questions of ISSIP please on Thursday at the meeting? Thank you.
Best regards, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Many thanks for registering Scott - appreciate your support.
Regarding tech scouting for WUaS vision - check out this:
BiblioB2023 Bri (2023) 5 SECRET Ways to Become a Speed Learner With ChatGPT. @notionwithbri Via Twitter. URL:
https://youtu.be/VeXKByjBMXw Quotes: "36,948 views Jan 9, 2023
In today's video, I'm going to show you 5 ways ChatGPT can boost your learning with its personalized feedback, research capabilities, and its deep understanding of various topics. ChatGPT's AI is the future of education. Learning how to use it now will help you learn much, much more quickly than traditional education ever could.
0:00 - Intro
0:44 - Personal tutor
1:41 - Study Buddy
2:17 - Create Tests/Exams
3:11 - Language Learning
4:00 - Summarize information
5:06 - Outro
Follow for more AI content:
https://www.instagram.com/notionwithbri/What are your best ChatGTP prompts? Let me know in the comments below.";
Hi Jim, All,
Thanks too to your prompt response just now and regarding further Tech Scouting for MIT OCW centric Work World Univ and Sch with this how to use ChatGPT AI info - and for the ISSIP Excellence Award to WUaS in May 2021 here -
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/05/baobab-tree.html. Appreciating that ISSIP has its organizational process, that your and WUaS roles have changed and developed over the years, and that you influence ISSIP process considerably. In addition to the following questions again, would you, Jim Spohrer, consider please becoming Chair of the WUaS Board? (I've asked this of you before, but am inquiring again after some recent deeply 'traumatizing' Viehland developments). Thank you. -
Jim & Terri @ISSIP, Universitians, All,
Thank you for this upcoming Semi-Annual Progress Call with ISSIP Board of Directors on Thursday -
for which I just registered.
(I as President and Founder of MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School have been an individual member of ISSIP FOR years now).
With Larry Viehland no longer WUaS Chair of Board, CFO or treasurer (he may be becoming WUaS abolition auditor) and having said "He's got to go" two WUaS Monthly Business Meeting's ago, and having just received a phone call from Middle States Commision on Higher Education in PA with the green light to license WUaS with the state of PA's department of education as we begin the MSCHE accreditation process, am writing to inquire if I could invite ISSIP to become much more involved with WUaS in WUaS's need for professional organization - and even for an active Board of Directors, Executives, a treasurer, managers and funding, as well. Might it be possible for me or you, Jim Spohrer, to ask these questions of ISSIP please on Thursday at the meeting? Thank you.
Best regards, Scott
Thank you, Jim! You being a MIT alumnus as Chair of the WUaS Board and a Head at ISSIP would be enormously valuable - or if impossibly busy, could you, Jim, please recommend a WUaS Chair of the Board, and Board itself + out of ISSIP's ranks? Thank you!
All the best, Scott
Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted salamander): 1/21/23 Recording of open World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on 3rd Saturdays @ noon ET
Hi Scott, Thanks for your note - I am a 1-1 email kind-of-guy as you know. I am buried in emails and other communications, so I apologize that I cannot respond to all emails - but I do make an extra effort on 1-1 emails. Buried at the moment doing some work on AI and service science for the National Academy of Engineering.
Thank-you again for the kind offer to be WUaS Chair of Board, CFO, or treasurer - but I regret I have to decline the honor because I am too busy. When I have a chance, I will send you an update on my priorities.
Very happy to remain a "WUaS Tech Scout" and send you and item or two the strikes me as helpful to achieving your WUaS vision around 2028 to 2032 - that is when the glimmer of the full vision will be possible in a limited way - the full vision of course will take longer - will be great when anyone can learn anything in any language (including native languages, disappearing languages, etc.) with the help of their smartphone and 100 AI digital workers helping them to give and get better win-win service.
Thanks, -Jim
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> |
| Tue, Jan 24, 8:15 AM (1 day ago)
| | |
Hi Jim, Thanks again for your prompt response. Will seek to keep emails 1-1 with you. Could I possibly please ask the ISSIP Board the questions I've been asking about on Thursday as an ISSIP member? Is ISSIP open to such questions from membership, process-wise? What would be the process for this please? Thanks, Scott
Terri (a president at ISSIP, with a CMU PhD), All,
Just heard back again from Jim Spohrer helpfully. Here's my reply:
Hi Jim, Thanks again for your prompt response. Will seek to keep emails 1-1 with you. Could I possibly please ask the ISSIP Board the questions I've been asking about on Thursday as an ISSIP member? Is ISSIP open to such questions from membership, process-wise? What would be the process for this please? Thanks, Scott
Terri, how would you suggest I reach out to the ISSIP Board with these MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School questions please?
Thanks so so much!
Hi Scott,
You can certainly ask the question in the zoom chat for the meeting.
May I suggest a more direct phrasing of the question - see below.
Your phrasing (vague): "ISSIP to become much more involved with WUaS in WUaS's need for professional organization"
My phrasing (specific): "I am Scott MacLeod, the founder of WUaS - World University and School. There are a lot of exciting things happening at WUaS, and we need volunteers to help us. If anyone in the ISSIP community would like to learn more, please let me know. We especially need volunteer leaders to help run the organization professionally and well."
The answer sadly is probably not, because ISSIP is just a group of individual people - a small group of volunteers doing specific tasks, each helping a little in their own way.
To paraphrase John F. Kennedy "Ask not what ISSIP can do for you, ask what you can do for ISSIP."
I know this is not the answer you are looking for - but it is the best short answer that I have got.
If there is someone on the call who wants to help WUaS more than me being a "Tech Scout" - they can certainly volunteer to help WUaS.
So yes, ask your question, but unless some individual steps forward and volunteers to help, there is nothing that ISSIP can do beyond it's existing processes.
Checklist of how ISSIP might help WUaS:
1. Excellence award - done in the past (this can only happen once, and it has)
2. Speaker series - I could invite you to give a talk on WUaS - happy to do so.
3. BEP book - if you have a short book about WUaS, I can try to get it published in the ISSIP BEP series. See my book attached.
4. Maybe there are other ISSIP programs that can help????
If you are asking, does anyone at ISSIP want to have a leadership role (Chairman of Board, CFO, Treasurer) and handle a lot of WUaS paperwork, processes, etc. - I suspect the answer will be "no one has the time to volunteer to help WUaS in a leadership role and to do the heavy-lifting on paperwork and processes."
ISSIP cannot run another non-profit - we have a hard enough time just keeping ISSIP going (big smile - because it is true, and hard). I know you understand it takes a lot of work and lot of paperwork to keep a non-profit going. We are overwhelmed just getting our house in order.
Let me know if you have any other 1-1 questions - and I will do my best to answer them. I hope the answer above is helpful. I do try to be helpful in all my interactions, especially with a person such as yourself, committed to a great vision for the world - I love the WUaS vision - and find it inspiring. It will take time for the technology to catch up with the vision though - from about 5-10 years, is my estimate.
Thanks, -Jim
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the information about ISSIP process. I asked related questions to ISSIP President Terri Griffith.
I just reread the ISSIP mission -
"is a 501 (C) (3) professional association co-founded by IBM, Cisco, HP and several Universities with a mission to promote Service Innovation for our interconnected world. Our purpose is to help institutions and individuals to grow and be successful in our global service economy
... AND ...
ISSIP promotes the professional development, education, research, practice, and policy work of its member individuals and institutions working hard to improve our world's diverse, interconnected, complex service systems"
In WUaS and my calling for abolition of the illegal sex and drug industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, - and in living in asylum in PA from CA (fleeing for my life in whistle blowing about ethical wrongdoing and criminality) - to protect potentially all 7.9 billon people on the planet at WUaS, speakers of all 7151 living languages, and wiki teachers and learners for free universal education, each a Wikidata PIN #, and in reaching out to you at ISSIP, a service organization, regarding ISSIP's mission
"to help institutions and individuals to grow and be successful in our global service economy"
... regarding a WUaS Chair of the Board, Board members, Executives ...
again about growing MIT OCW-centric Wiki Work World Univ & Sch questions, I have the sense that not much will come of being of WUaS being of service to ISSIP, given the impoverishment of WUaS since 2014, and this history of WUaS-ISSIP and lack of growth since 2014 or before. Could it be because
"IBM, Cisco, HP and several Universities" as ISSIP founders are deeply involved in the illegal sex, drug and violence industries, which WUaS is seeking to abolish? I think both of Terri Griffiths alma maters, UC Berkeley and CMU may be, for example, among these).
Won't be attending the Board call out of protest, after all.
Glad ISSIP is going well for you.
Best wishes, abolitionally, thanks,
Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Terri, All,
As president of ISSIP
- and regarding the following email to you and Jim, further thoughts on how WUaS might find a Chair of rhe Board, an active Board of Directors, professional organizational structures, and ways to grow with ISSIP please?
Thanks, abolitionally, best regards, Scott
Hi Terri, Happy New Year,
Just shared this with you, and ...
Thanks for the information about ISSIP process. I asked related questions to ISSIP President Terri Griffith.
I just reread the ISSIP mission -
"is a 501 (C) (3) professional association co-founded by IBM, Cisco, HP and several Universities with a mission to promote Service Innovation for our interconnected world. Our purpose is to help institutions and individuals to grow and be successful in our global service economy
... AND ...
ISSIP promotes the professional development, education, research, practice, and policy work of its member individuals and institutions working hard to improve our world's diverse, interconnected, complex service systems"
In WUaS and my calling for abolition of the illegal sex and drug industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, - and in living in asylum in PA from CA (fleeing for my life in whistle blowing about ethical wrongdoing and criminality) - to protect potentially all 7.9 billon people on the planet at WUaS, speakers of all 7151 living languages, and wiki teachers and learners for free universal education, each a Wikidata PIN #, and in reaching out to you at ISSIP, a service organization, regarding ISSIP's mission
"to help institutions and individuals to grow and be successful in our global service economy"
... regarding a WUaS Chair of the Board, Board members, Executives ...
again about growing MIT OCW-centric Wiki Work World Univ & Sch questions, I have the sense that not much will come of being of WUaS being of service to ISSIP, given the impoverishment of WUaS since 2014, and this history of WUaS-ISSIP and lack of growth since 2014 or before. Could it be because
"IBM, Cisco, HP and several Universities" as ISSIP founders are deeply involved in the illegal sex, drug and violence industries, which WUaS is seeking to abolish? I think both of Terri Griffiths alma maters, UC Berkeley and CMU may be, for example, among these).
Won't be attending the Board call out of protest, after all.
Glad ISSIP is going well for you.
Best wishes, abolitionally, thanks,
Hi Jim,
I couldn't see how to cancel my ISSIP Board Call registration - and in protest. Could you please help me cancel this - in seeking to protect MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch from affiliation with ISSIP ? Thank you!
If ISSIP, or its companies or universities, are involved in the illegal sex, drug and violence industries, and internationally too, - the modern slavery business tragically - I would seek to withdraw my membership from ISSIP immediately as well.
Am curious about ongoing WUaS abolition audits if you will in all 200 countries to protect people further ... And perhaps out of our planned 200 law schools in 200 countries and in their main languages - and regarding all 7.9 billion people as WUaS Wiki Universitians. Am thinking too about US State Department reports in these regards, but something quite different as well with information technology, AI, machine learning, electronic medical records, a realistic virtual earth for history and languages and genetics +, and Stanford Mine Pi's Know Your Customer approaches (applied to all 7.9 billion people as well (see below), and protecting people (college age women and men from becoming prostitutes, as well as protecting kids)
Won't be attending the ISSIP Board call in protest on Thursday (what could ISSIP do to abolish the illegal sex, drug and violence industries at UC Berkeley, all of the University of Californias, Carnegie Mellon University? ... and similar, I ask as a Friend, and a conscientious objector, and in WUaS calling for abolition). Seeking to grow World Univ & Sch soon, and not be strung along .... and potentially with the WUaS Corporation collaborating with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency, and in the WUaS Corp listing on the Silicon Valley Long-term Stock Exchange ... as all 3 legal entities develop their relationship further with the state of California's Franchise Tax Board ... as the CA FTB gets their house in order (and regarding protecting people from the illegal sex and drug industries internationally, and their latent networks of violence - living in PA from CA as I am).
Abolitinally, living in asylum in PA from CA (having fled for my life from CA), Thanks, Scott
Staying safe, please be careful, Jim, abolitionally, Scott
Terri, Alden, Janie, John, Ed (WUaS CMO),
Just shared the following with Jim Spohrer, and am emailing you to try to get help in canceling my registration to the ISSIP Board meeting to protect World Univ & Sch from ISSIP, if it's involved in the illegal sex and drug industries internationally - the wrongful buying and selling of people - and their latent networks of violence - and to protect potentially all Wiki Universitians as well.
Abolitionally, best wishes, Scott
Terri, Alden, Janie, John, Ed (WUaS CMO), Lydia, Pin,
After receiving a potentially threatening email from Jim Spohrer this morning, I've recently sent him the following -
Hi Jim,
Am a bit concerned about your paraphrasing the assassinated President John F Kennedy in your recent 'service to ISSIP' email to me, - is that or could that be a threat, Jim? (and are you not doing well, psychology - in a sea change from many of your previous messages) - eg since WUaS has already offered to be of service to ISSIP literally numerous times ... and WUaS just seems to get strung along by ISSIP in a chronic state of impoverishment;
... and you probably won't like my writing to you in calling for abolition, nonviolently, of the illegal sex and drug and violence industries internationally at ISSIP potentially, as well - and regarding UC Berkeley law school and Cal, too especially, for example, which is one of ISSIP President Terri Griffiths' alma maters - and in nonviolent protest to ISSIP in some of these regards. And in the interest of keeping CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch safe and distanced from ISSIP, as a possible criminal organization, or supporter of or front for criminal organizations, and database-wise, could you please help me cancel my EventBrite registration to the ISSIP Board Call (and WUaS out of the Eventbrite database of any association with ISSIP), and remove my name and WUaS from ISSIP membership too, and related databases. (Found it curious some years ago too about your curious stance on my marital status ... ??? Sorry if things might not have been going well for you in some of these regards at the time either). Hoping ISSIP and you can join - with MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch - a growing abolition movement to protect women, kids, men, from modern forms of slavery, with AI, machine learning, law, law enforcement, electronic medical records, and potentially newly with Stanford Mine Pi's KYC - Know Your Customer - approaches - as MIT OCW-centric WUaS seeks to create free universal education, potentially by coding for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # - and to protect them in the process.
Sorry that reaching out to you for help in growing World Univ & Sch hasn't worked out in all these years.
Hoping things get better for you, Jim, soon!
Thanks, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, (in asylum in PA from CA having whistle-blown and called law enforcement about UC Berkeley, Stanford, Canyon, Harbin, Reed College, as WUaS seeks for federal and state legal processes to work more effectively together), staying safe and alive, best, Scott
Show quoted text
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Abolitionally, Friendly greetings, best, Scott
Again, please remove my and World Univ & Sch's membership from ISSIP too, including the award - and Eventbrite and ISSIP databases . I would like to have nothing to do with your ISSIP Organization - to protect WUaS. If your ISSIP organization unethically kills in the background, unbeknownst to you too even - eg the companies and universities including Cal that pay you - and a Ores Terri Griffith could contact a hired gun in Pittsburgh who could kill for a few grand ... say on a call from a sick and criminal uc berkeley law instructor w kell - who may be at the center of the illegal sex and drug industries in the sf bay area, and a deeply sick and broken man, and who I posit sought to frame me to keep the profitability and the subculture of the criminal organizations he may hack law for and their violence going ... Say, for example, to the possibly criminal psychopath frederic khayat across the hall in this asylum place of PA from CA ... I and MIT OCW-centric wiki Work World Univ and Sch want to be as far from ISSIP as possible with increasing distance. Am deeply concerned about your possible threat this morning regarding the assassinated president JFK and your strange language of ISSIP chauvinism with not a hint of service from ISSIP to grow WUaS.
Thanks, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, staying alive, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Thanks, Jim, ... is this the "computer science of expungement" - legally too - of WUaS data to protect it from unethical organizations like ISSIP, if it for example, kills, knowingly, by you? (your "I do that" in a video conference 1-2 years ago while turning bright red), or unknowingly, e.g. by the organizations that pay into ISSIP, possibly IBM, Cisco, UC Berkeley, CMU too? Thanks, Scott
(Am not currently yet planning to remove ISSIP and your references from WUaS and my blogs ... ) Abolitionally, growing an abolition movement in companies and universities too, Friendly greetings, Scott (Seeking to get a great WUaS Chair of the Board, active Board Members, and great organizational structure ... why couldn't ISSIP have helped all these years, I wonder? Best wishes, Scott)
* *
Order Confirmation for 2nd Half 2022 Progress Update with ISSIP Board of Directors
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> |
| Tue, Jan 24, 3:58 PM (1 day ago)
| | |
Hi Jim,
Am a bit concerned about your paraphrasing the assassinated President John F Kennedy in your recent 'service to ISSIP' email to me, - is that or could that be a threat, Jim? (and are you not doing well, psychology - in a sea change from many of your previous messages) - eg since WUaS has already offered to be of service to ISSIP literally numerous times ... and WUaS just seems to get strung along by ISSIP in a chronic state of impoverishment;
... and you probably won't like my writing to you in calling for abolition, nonviolently, of the illegal sex and drug and violence industries internationally at ISSIP potentially, as well - and regarding UC Berkeley law school and Cal, too especially, for example, which is one of ISSIP President Terri Griffiths' alma maters - and in nonviolent protest to ISSIP in some of these regards. And in the interest of keeping CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch safe and distanced from ISSIP, as a possible criminal organization, or supporter of or front for criminal organizations, and database-wise, could you please help me cancel my EventBrite registration to the ISSIP Board Call (and WUaS out of the Eventbrite database of any association with ISSIP), and remove my name and WUaS from ISSIP membership too, and related databases. (Found it curious some years ago too about your curious stance on my marital status ... ??? Sorry if things might not have been going well for you in some of these regards at the time either). Hoping ISSIP and you can join - with MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch - a growing abolition movement to protect women, kids, men, from modern forms of slavery, with AI, machine learning, law, law enforcement, electronic medical records, and potentially newly with Stanford Mine Pi's KYC - Know Your Customer - approaches - as MIT OCW-centric WUaS seeks to create free universal education, potentially by coding for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # - and to protect them in the process.
Sorry that reaching out to you for help in growing World Univ & Sch hasn't worked out in all these years.
Hoping things get better for you, Jim, soon!
Thanks, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, (in asylum in PA from CA having whistle-blown and called law enforcement about UC Berkeley, Stanford, Canyon, Harbin, Reed College, as WUaS seeks for federal and state legal processes to work more effectively together), staying safe and alive, best, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
| Tue, Jan 24, 6:14 PM (1 day ago)
| | |
Hi Scott,
Per your request, I tried to cancel your Eventbrite registration.
Not sure I understand your other points.
Please stay safe and be well.
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> |
| Jan 24, 2023, 6:20 PM (1 day ago)
| | |
Thanks, abolitionally, Scott
* * * *
Did the Scratch editor in "CS First with Google at WUaS" and at scratch.mit.edu develop beyond the instructions in "CS First with Google"?
Hi Brendan, Karen and Peter (Norvig),
Am seeking to give a live class in "CS First with Google at WUaS" tomorrow with Tilak Rana Magar in Nepal (per his request), and Mwende Evande in Cameroon, from Pennsylvania (from an asylum place in PA from CA), but am wondering if the CSFirst with Google course -
https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home (as a student) is broken - since I can't
"Do this: Click and drag each of your sprites on the stage so that the letters of your name are where you want them"
Created a Tweet about this -
Did the Scratch editor in "CS First with Google at WUaS" and at
scratch.mit.edu develop beyond the instructions in "CS First with Google"?
Thoughts, questions, suggestions?
Thanks, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Am resending with Brendan's Gmail address from - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendanchan/ - since he's know a doctoral student in HGSE, and including Mwende and Tilak:
Hi Brendan, Karen and Peter (Norvig),
Am seeking to give a live class in "CS First with Google at WUaS" tomorrow with Tilak Rana Magar in Nepal (per his request), and Mwende Evande in Cameroon, from Pennsylvania (from an asylum place in PA from CA), but am wondering if the CSFirst with Google course -
https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home (as a student) is broken - since I can't
"Do this: Click and drag each of your sprites on the stage so that the letters of your name are where you want them"
Created a Tweet about this -
Did the Scratch editor in "CS First with Google at WUaS" and at
scratch.mit.edu develop beyond the instructions in "CS First with Google"?
Thoughts, questions, suggestions?
Thanks, Scott
See you, Tilak, and Mwende, tomorrow at 10 am Eastern USA Time -
Hi Scott,
Thanks for reaching out. As you noted, I no longer work at Google so I don't want to speak on behalf of the CS First team. I think the best course of action is to contact the team via
their Help Center.
Best of luck,
Hi, Brendan, All (am sending them a related email leaving your email out),
Thanks so much for your email just now Brendan, and glad some among you may be in communication with the CC-4 licensed "CS First With Google at WUAS" course CS First Help Center too.
How are things going in your Harvard Doctoral program in the Education School HGSE? What foci are emerging? What might your dissertation be about?
Abolitionally, best regards, thanks, Scott
Thanks so much, Scott! Best of luck with your work at WUAS.
Things are going well! No dissertation required -- it's more of an Ed.D.-type program and not a Ph.D.-program :). I'm only a few months into the 3 year program so I'm just exploring and staying open at the moment!
Hi, Karen, Peter, All,
Thanks so much to former Googler Brendan Chan for his email just now to me - with this CS First help center link via their Help Center (and regarding both the Scratch editor and within CS First with Google possibly not working) - and glad some among you may also be in communication with them too :), and regarding the CC-4 licensed "CS First With Google at WUaS" programming course - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home.
How are things going for Brendan in his Harvard Doctoral program in the Education School HGSE? What foci are emerging?
Hoping to solve the issue, so that Tilak in Nepal, and possibly Mwende in Cameroon Africa, can have a first live CS First with Google at WUaS course next Monday at 10 am ET ... that really also 'rock and rolls' :) Might CS First be open to 'dialoguing' about some of this, and also developing in tandem with WUaS Home Robotics and for WUAS 3 Lego Robotics' kits, as an official carrier of this?
Abolition-ally, best regards, thanks, Scott
WUaS Twitter and LinkedIn feeds -
Sounds great, Brendan! Just shared this also in these regards with Karen, Peter and 2 WUaS matriculating students
+ ...
Hi, Karen, Peter, All,
Thanks so much to former Googler Brendan Chan for his email just now to me - with this CS First help center link via their Help Center (and regarding both the Scratch editor and within CS First with Google possibly not working) - and glad some among you may also be in communication with them too :), and regarding the CC-4 licensed "CS First With Google at WUaS" programming course - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home.
How are things going for Brendan in his Harvard Doctoral program in the Education School HGSE? What foci are emerging?
Hoping to solve the issue, so that Tilak in Nepal, and possibly Mwende in Cameroon Africa, can have a first live CS First with Google at WUaS course next Monday at 10 am ET ... that really also 'rock and rolls' :) Might CS First be open to 'dialoguing' about some of this, and also developing in tandem with WUaS Home Robotics and for WUAS 3 Lego Robotics' kits, as an official carrier of this?
Abolition-ally, best regards, thanks, Scott
WUaS Twitter and LinkedIn feeds -
* * *
Appreciating "#SeismographyOfStruggle 2022: Toward a Global History of Critical & Cultural Journals" by #ZahiaRahmani in #CarnegieMuseumOfArt #58thInternationale #PghPA video & sound installation: 1817 oldest material evidence is #LAbeilleHaytienne expressing desire for #Freedom~
Video - Chavez 1927
Pic 1 ... 3-sided multimedia display
Pic 2 ... Seismography museum sign
* * *
Trek Bicycle Verona - and inquiring about a superlight 18 speed touring bike with front and back pannier possibilities, and to add a DIY electric motor to
Hi Leah,
Nice to meet you and your bicycle technician, too, on Monday 1/23/23 at Trek Bicycle Verona - and in inquiring about a super light 18 speed touring bike with front and back pannier possibilities, and to add a DIY electric motor to, for a class 2 electric bike with a throttle.
Will add you to CC4-licensed MIT OCW-centric Wiki World Univ & Sch's emailings - for free online univ degrees, and wiki schools in all 7151 living languages ... and with its WUaS Educational Services' Stores ... with electric bicycles planned too.
Thanks, and best regards,
more about the ZAP electric bicycle DIY motor I had in SF from mid-1990s to around 2000, with a heavy lead acid battery, that only worked for 2-3 miles, here -
Zap Electric Motor on bicycle had a throttle, in the 1990s, riding up Market St in SF with the battery running out of power half way up the hill -
May be able to get some ZAP parts here (in Scotts Valley near Santa Cruz too, where there's a Blix dealer too) ... ZAP electric bike motor parts as replacements for -
https://electricscooterparts.com/zapdxbicyclekitparts.htmlHere's a blog post from 2015 about my old ZAP motor on my Schwinn Voyager 18 speed touring bicycle -
Flowering kudzu: Electric bicycles with an 100 mile range?, Liked the Juiced, Kalkhoff electric bicycles without an 100 mile range, Would like to see these electric bicycles rated in Consumer Reports or similar, Riding an electric bicycle from the east bay hills of the SF Bay area over Skyline Drive and into SF and back, Friendly/Quakerly concern about reversing climate change, To Electric_and_Hybrid_Vehicles (
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Electric_and_Hybrid_Vehicles from
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects) at World University and School
http://www.electricscooterparts.com/images1/zapkitdx200.jpghttp://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/11/flowering-kudzu-electric-bicycles-with.html?m=0HERE >
Best Electric Bikes From Consumer Reports' Tests: A little bit of help from an electric motor is attracting more people to e-bikes and bicycling (11/24/22)
This idea with throttle tops my list:
CLASS 2 - WITH throttle, 20 miles per hour top speed
81 / 100 top rating
Blix - Aveny Skyline
(with a super light back hub motor - made by NASA or similar - for removal of tire, and putting bicycle on car roof, for example, and a super light battery to, with a 500 mile range between charges, all weighing less than 20 pounds:)
CR Recommended
CLASS 1 - no throttle, 20 miles per hour top speed
84 / 100 top rating
Retroglide Royale 2.0 iE Step Over
83 / 100 top rating
Vektron D8 Folding
81 / 100 top rating
Adventure Neo 4
CLASS 2 - WITH throttle, 20 miles per hour top speed
81 / 100 top rating
Aveny Skyline
This Blix bicycle is the CR top of list - class 2 - with THROTTLE
May be able to get some ZAP parts here (in Scotts Valley near Santa Cruz too, where there's a Blix dealer too) ... ZAP electric bike motor parts as replacements for -
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
* * *
For '#BrainwaveResearch' re "record for communicating via a brain implant: 62 words per minute" -in #HarbinHotSprings' #WarmPool, #PhysicalDigital #WUaSHarbinEthnography RESEARCH will wait for #NonInvasiveApproach yielding similar remarkable results & w #RealisticVirtualHarbin ~
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
* * *
#Nepal @WorldUnivAndSch student #TilakRanaMagar creating #NepalWUaS as #ComputerScience Project & Degree, 1 TRANSLATE '#CSFirst #withGoogle #atWUaS', & 2 Scratch >Nepali, 3a MAKE #HumanoidRobots w #WUaSLegoRobotKits @WUaSPress, 3b #ToyotaTHR3 w #MasterManeuveringSystem 3c #Miko3~
#Nepal @WorldUnivAndSch student #TilakRanaMagar creating #NepalWUaS as #ComputerScience Project & Degree, 1 TRANSLATE '#CSFirst #withGoogle #atWUaS', & 2 Scratch >Nepali, 3a MAKE #HumanoidRobots w #WUaSLegoRobotKits @WUaSPress, 3b #ToyotaTHR3 w #MasterManeuveringSystem 3c #Miko3~
Bundle up for this Arctic Ride #SPIKEessential lesson! Your students will work together to build Leo his snowmobile and program the journey home.

Get started!
#STEAM #PurposefulPlay #JoyInLearning
* * *
Nepal World Univ & Sch student Tilak Rana Magar & 'CS First with Google at WUaS' Scratch programming course * WUaS Home Robotics
* *
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
* * *
'What I wanted then
Was a #PoemOfUtterEvening:
The 13th century, weird midnight sun
Setting at eye-level with #SnorriSturluson,
Who has come out to #BatheInAHotSpring
And #SitThroughTheStillness #AfterMilkingTime,
Laved & ensconced in the throne-room of his mind' #SeamusHeaney
'What I wanted then
Was a poem of utter evening:
The 13th century, weird midnight sun
Setting at eye-level with Snorri Sturluson,
Who has come out to bathe in a hot spring
And sit through the stillness after milking time,
Laved and ensconced in the throne-room of his mind.'
Seamus Heaney, "Seeing Things," (FSG 1991)
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