no M 8/14/23 @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA at 10aET, 7aPT, 7:30p India Time in your time zone today
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) August 14, 2023
See 8/7 Recording
- For #MITOCW-centric free online #WUaSDegrees in 200 Countries in Languages
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I think I'm getting a house in Canyon 94516, I learned from US-Canada border crossing agent
The US federal officer in the US Canada also asked after I said I was heading to California ... and after giving him my specially ordered MA birth certificate proving citizenship (Thanks Pin Mazumdar? ... And because my identity had been further stolen by criminal Canyon critter tom wylie? ...and could these thefts including federal US passports have even been found by law enforcement in wylie's possession, and seen by Ed Smyth MD and Pin etc?) ... and something like "You are heading to California" And "you're all set" ... Wow from this 'due process' from a federal employee and as the federal govt and CA govts get their acts together re Canyon 94516 too , Scott
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Texting with my mother, Janie Macleod, August 2023 -
Saturday · 12:20 PM
Hi Ma, How are you doing today? I am here at the Joggins Fossil Cliffs on north western Nova Scotia beaches ... "coal age Galapagos" abundance of life emerged 300 million years ago ... Interesting on a realistic virtual earth for geology and everything. Love, abolition, thanks for your call, ❤️, Scott
Ma, the Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO WHS was great ... and was good to talk with the docent Wejlin Smith at some length too and about World Univ & Sch THERE especially (Is Janis Ramey a 'slaver' tragically re both CMU and Chatham Univs too and John Zimmerman and Jessie Ramey and possibly sanctioning with her kids putting people and women esp into a kind of bondage ? Love, ABOLITIONALLY, talk with you and see you soon, ❤️, Scott
My head cold may be plateauing but the laryngitis is still there, and am still a bit sick! Love, Scott Love, Scott
Good morning Ma, after a long night in bed resting and sleeping, from 730 p to 6 am, I am a bit headachey but slowly on the mend. DIFFERENT bugs /bacterias/viruses from different places countries, which my immune system hasn't healed yet. May head to the Halifax Quaker Silent Meeting this week 1 1/2 hours away, then possibly Kejimkujik National Park another 1.5 hours away then 3 hours back to youth hostel for probably 7 hours of driving (which may be too much being sick). Thanks for your 'babe' word when you called on Friday. ..... .... .. or someone I connect with wondrously otherwise or ? Nova Scotia is quite wedgies culturally as is Eastern Canada ... Wondering about the big sign on the truck I saw as I drove into Nova Scotia on Thu 8/3/23 - 'On the road to end human trafficking' (slavery) - - and am wondering about sharing about this in the unprogrammed Quaker Meeting this morning in Halifax, as well as about Friendly informed MIT OCW wiki World Univ & Sch. Love, abolitionally, warmly, ❤️, Scott
Not heading to Meeting this (re the attack by a minor on me around 2017 in the SF Quaker Meeting by the daughter of a treasurer there with 2 Dartmouth College degrees ... and the SF Quaker Meeting's involvement potentially in human or child trafficking questions tragically ) ... Retweeted SF Chris Mohr's retweet instead & with some aging reversal Therapies' questions ... Targeting A $2 dose #AgingReversalTherapy for Everyone - Dr George Church Video Interview Clips In what ways can #FriendlyInformed @WorldUnivAndSch
help, not only in PA with #WUaSToyotaAmbulanceVans but potentially with the FDA - ... Abolitionally (another word for love?), Love, ❤️, Scott (Glad you're speaking your truth per your 'shared reality' per Desiderata as am I per some kind of communication process with language, Ma! Love, Scott (❤️
Hi Ma, How are you and how was your weekend? Any places you'd suggest visiting Chadbourne-wise on Machias, Old Berwick or Dennysville Maine tomorrow? Am hoping things go smoothly with the border crossing from Canada to the USA, and re calling for abolition and growing a WUaS abolition movement to protect people, all 7.9 billion people on planet, am appreciating the Desiderata too - Love, Scott ❤️ (🙂
Janie -
Hi Scott, There may be a museum in Machias - or Dennysville. Also, the old Chadbourne home in Machias that I once visited; may bea museum at this point, no idea where it's located. Hope our laryngitis is clearing up. Love, Ma
Hi Ma - just found your message. Thanks! Am at the US border crossing, with a wait, after a nearly 4 hour drive so far - and without internet I think too. Thanks for your good suggestions! There may possibly be an opportunity to inquire about who came before Humphrey and William Chadbourne, and whomever married Sarah Bolles, whose ancestor may be traceable back to Edward I "Longshanks" - as goes the story I think I've heard, and am curious about! Appreciate your thoughts! Thank you! (Car's 5000 mile maintenance sign per sticker should show soon ... May get car maintenance done in Maine or SE Massachusetts, even tomorrow morning in Machias possibly since I've been driving it a lot a lot, and am seeking to head out west pretty directly from Cuttyhunk. Love, Scott
The border is called Calais over the St Croix rover next in line to go through
Back in the USA - they took the tangerines as citrus, they asked for proof of citizenship like a passport which I think was stolen in Canyon 94516 by t wylie with the landlord's key. I asylum in PA had gotten a new birth certificate from Massachusetts which worked Good to be back in USA Ma! ❤️Scott
Drove in on a long pretty road from the Canadian border to E Machias almost on empty re gas ... 2miles 'Cruising Range' car said when I initially read about 425 miles Cruising Range ... And a low 1 bar out of 8 bars ... Glad to find a gas station 3.89 / gallon, 32$ ... about 8 gallons ... "Where's the Chadbourne place?" I asked the nice Maine lady at the desk ... Fon't know ... Jack over in the cafe area kept his back turned when she asked him She went on to say Chadbourne ?... Chapman ? which was the Youth hostel warden's last name ... Ask at the Town Clerk 's office ... ❤️, Scott
Ma, could it be a different ancestor's name from Machias Maine than Chadbourne?
Searched on Scott Macleod machias maine genealogy and the name Holway came up in Wikitree ... Which I recall you mentioning Ma ... :) ❤️, Scott
(Sending now with wifi - "Hi Ma! ... I should be heading back to the USA tomorrow in the morning, and to Machias, Maine even, 4:32 hours away, and potentially to visit the Chadbourne sites if I might somehow find them and regarding - https://www.chadbourne.organd - Thoughts about where and what to visit? Love, Scott" Love, Scott
Found these two Holway ancestors who may have roots in Machias, and who came before you - Harriet O'Brien Holway (1830 - 1874) -
John O'Brien Holway (1786 - abt. 1865) - - and I have a recollection of another family story ... of the first naval shot fired in the Revolutionary war by a possible Jeremy O'Brien as he jumped off a ship ... possibly a related ancestor and from Machias? Love, Scott
On my way to Waterville Maine Toyota which said I could just pull in and see if they have capacity 2 1/2 hours away, I will plan to arrive early in the morning rather than late afternoon! Love, Scott
The US federal officer at the US Canada also asked after I said I was heading to California ... and after giving him my specially ordered MA birth certificate proving citizenship (Thanks Pin Mazumdar? ... And because my identity had been further stolen by criminal Canyon critter tom wylie? ...and could these thefts including federal US passport have even been found by law enforcement in wylie's possession, and seen by Ed Smyth MD and Pin etc?) ... and something like "You are heading to California" And "you're all set" ... Wow from this 'due process' from a federal employee and as the federal govt and CA govts get their acts together re Canyon 94516 too ❤️, Scott
Hi Ma ... Nice to talk ... Would be a great reality check if I could know I'm signing ownership papers for a newly safe house, open too, in Canyon 94516 ... and could begin to seek Work World Univ & Sch renters even and to earn some money ... Love, Scott (Hoping the car maintenance tomorrow goes well and smoothly - and glad I'm not bringing it to the 2 Pgh places ... although for WUaS robotics they are good contacts ) ... Love, abolitionally, thank you! ❤️, Scott
Good morning, and how did you sleep? Greetings from the Toyota Central Maine Waterville ... Am appreciating Toyota engineering greatly, Ma! They are working on the 2016 Prius C re it Maintenance Required Soon sign ... slept not badly, by a slow river in some woods in a quiet place near Colby College .... May try to get to New Bedford today even by 3pm or 4pm to update my Elm Street parking garage thingy on my key chain for easy access in the morning ... via Kittery Maine and Berwick Maine and may seek to visit the Counting House Museum
2 Liberty Street • South Berwick, Maine 03908 (per which also has a link to the Chadbourne family association web site - ) Love, Scott ( ) Waterville Maine has echoes of New Haven CT for me a little ... Am wondering too whether both the Counting House Museum in South Berwick here in Google Street View -,-70.8109618,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipN_2Bzio4CTrkJKL9KszZAL_VOWCrvxefqLjXRs!2e10!3e12!!7i4032!8i3024!4m7!3m6!1s0x89e2a2a7440c876f:0xd1ce86e6b13e0c4c!8m2!3d43.2272305!4d-70.8109222!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11h04nrhz3?entry=ttu - and associated with the Chadbourne association, as well as this YELLOW possible Jeremiah O'Brien house in Machias Maine - (aka known as the Burnham Tavern - ???) - possibly relating to our possible relative the Jeremiah O'Brien who may have fired the first naval shot of the Revolutionary War as he jumped off a ship (per great Aunt Marf Martha Holway Brown Briscoe? 🙂 and Granny Brown) ... could be places you have visited, Ma? And could the yellow house in the Wikitree photo have been the place in Machias Maine you might have visited with your family as a child?:). Lastly, a 1999 "Report on Humphrey Chadbourne Homesite Dig" - ... Love, Scott (All inquiries unfolding from an historical perspective ... )
old Humphrey or William Chadbourne home museum Maine
Report on Humphrey Chadbourne Homesite Dig
The Archaeology of 1690: Status and Material Life on New England’s Northern Frontier
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Humphrey Chadbourne is 10 Degrees from Scott GK MacLeod MacLeod
Humphrey Chadbourne
→Humphrey Chadbourne
(his son)→William Chadbourne
(his son)→Benjamin Chadbourne
(his son)→Jonathan Chadbourne
(his son)→Ichabod Chadbourne
(his son)→Alexander Chadbourne
(his son)→Martha Holway Chadbourne
(his daughter)→Alexander Brown
(her son)→Jane Brown
(his daughter)→Scott GK MacLeod MacLeod
(her son)
Report on Humphrey Chadbourne Homesite Dig
The Archaeology of 1690: Status and Material Life on New England’s Northern Frontier
How best could #MITOCW -centric @WorldUnivAndSch focus & create its #UNESCOWorldHeritageSite #WUaSUnivs on all 1,157 sites
Amazing #JogginsFossilCliffs #UNESCOWHS A ~300M yo #FossilizedRainforest moves w #PlateTectonics from Equatorial Rainforest in #PANGEA
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